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In three separate experiments, the upper leaf surface of the fifth formed leaf of wheat cv. Highbury, the fourth and fifth leaves of barley cv. Julia and the third and fourth leaves of oat cv. Mostyn were inoculated in a spore settling tower with wheat brown rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici), barley brown rust (P. hordei) or oat crown rust (P. coronata f. sp. avenae), respectively. Fewer pustules developed on distal portions of leaves of plants infected with barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) than on similar portions of leaves from virus-free plants. There were no significant differences in the number of pustules on proximal leaf portions. In barley and oats, the number of pustules on distal leaf portions was negatively correlated with the amount of yellowing of the leaf areas scored. In wheat, symptoms of BYDV were mild and leaves were little affected by yellowing. The latent period of rust on wheat and oats was not affected by BYDV. In barley, BYDV reduced the latent period of rust on leaf 5, but not on leaf 4, and reduced it on proximal, but not distal, leaf portions. In other experiments, BYDV reduced the yield of wheat and oats by 44% and 66%, respectively, while BYDV-infected barley was almost sterile. The appropriate rust reduced the yield of wheat, barley and oats by 33%, 13% and 86%, respectively. When infected with both BYDV and rust, yield of wheat and oats was reduced by 63% and 91%, respectively. Neither BYDV nor rust affected the percentage crude protein content of wheat grain, nor did rust affect that of barley. In oats, BYDV and rust each significantly increased crude protein of grain, but rust infection of BYDV-infected plants tended to reduce it.  相似文献   
Reintroductions are commonly employed to preserve intraspecific biodiversity in fragmented landscapes. However, reintroduced populations are frequently smaller and more geographically isolated than native populations. Mixing genetically, divergent sources are often proposed to attenuate potentially low genetic diversity in reintroduced populations that may result from small effective population sizes. However, a possible negative tradeoff for mixing sources is outbreeding depression in hybrid offspring. We examined the consequences of mixed‐source reintroductions on several fitness surrogates at nine slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) reintroduction sites in south‐east Minnesota. We inferred the relative fitness of each crosstype in the reintroduced populations by comparing their growth rate, length, weight, body condition and persistence in reintroduced populations. Pure strain descendents from a single source population persisted in a greater proportion than expected in the reintroduced populations, whereas all other crosstypes occurred in a lesser proportion. Length, weight and growth rate were lower for second‐generation intra‐population hybrid descendents than for pure strain and first‐generation hybrids. In the predominant pure strain, young‐of the‐year size was significantly greater than any other crosstype. Our results suggested that differences in fitness surrogates among crosstypes were consistent with disrupted co‐adapted gene complexes associated with beneficial adaptations in these reintroduced populations. Future reintroductions may be improved by evaluating the potential for local adaptation in source populations or by avoiding the use of mixed sources by default when information on local adaptations or other genetic characteristics is lacking.  相似文献   
In 1931‐2, Henry Balfour, the Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford, decided to create a systematic archive out of the collection of ethnographic photographs that he had actively collected for the Museum over many years. The result was a series of thematically arranged boxes intended to form a cross‐cultural research resource. The archival groupings formed pose a series of questions about the legacy of cultural comparativism in the twentieth century as it emerged from Victorian socio‐cultural evolutionism and typological classification, and how it has been rethought within a shifting intellectual rationale for the ethnographic museum in more recent times. The article both examines the specific genealogy and broader historical contexts for the comparative method within the Pitt Rivers Museum itself, as well placing it within the context of other archival projects of the 1930s. Through a comparison with the photograph collection of the Warburg Institute, which was reorganized along similar lines at a similar period, we understand Balfour's project not simply as a final efflorescence of Victorian museum anthropology, but also as part of a wider universalizing archival movement of the inter‐war period. The article seeks to understand why the archive series Balfour created was not continued by subsequent curators at the Museum, arguing that the postcolonial period brought with it significant challenges to the identity and role of ethnographic museums, and especially the intellectual underpinnings of cultural comparativism, and that these challenges were engaged with by reinterpreting arrangement by type within a general humanist agenda.


En 1931‐1932, Henry Balfour, conservateur du Pitt Rivers Museum à l'Université d'Oxford, décida de créer des archives systématiques à partir de la collection de photographies ethnographiques qu'il avait recueillie au fil des années pour son musée. Le résultat tient dans une série de boîtes classées par thèmes, censées constituer une ressource pour les recherches interculturelles. Les regroupements ainsi archivés posent une série de questions sur l'héritage du comparativisme culturel au XXème siècle, tel qu'il est né de l'évolutionnisme socioculturel victorien et de la classification typologique, et la manière dont il a été repensé plus récemment, avec l'évolution du cadre de justification intellectuelle du musée ethnographique. L'article examine spécifiquement la généalogie de la méthode comparative et, plus largement, son contexte historique, au Pitt Rivers Museum lui‐même et dans le contexte d'autres projets d'archivage des années 1930. Une comparaison avec la collection photographique de l'Institut Warburg, réorganisé vers la même époque et selon des principes similaires, fait apparaître le projet de Balfour non plus simplement comme une simple efflorescence de l'anthropologie muséographique victorienne, mais aussi comme un élément d'un mouvement d'archivage plus large, universalisant, pendant l'entre‐deux‐guerres. L'article cherche à comprendre pourquoi la série d'archives créée par Balfour n'a pas été continuée par les conservateurs suivants du musée. Selon l'auteur, la période postcoloniale a fortement remis en question l'identité et le rôle des musées ethnographiques et notamment les fondements intellectuels du comparativisme culturel, et la réponse à cette remise en question a pris la forme d'une réinterprétation de la classification typologique au sein d'un système global humaniste.  相似文献   
1. Determined by landscape structure as well as dispersal‐related traits of species, connectivity influences various key aspects of population biology, ranging from population persistence to genetic structure and diversity. Here, we investigated differences in small‐scale connectivity in terms of gene flow between populations of two ecologically important invertebrates with contrasting dispersal‐related traits: an amphipod (Gammarus fossarum) with a purely aquatic life cycle and a mayfly (Baetis rhodani) with a terrestrial adult stage. 2. We used highly polymorphic markers to estimate genetic differentiation between populations of both species within a Swiss pre‐alpine catchment and compared these results to the broader‐scale genetic structure within the Rhine drainage. Landscape genetic approaches were used to test for correlations of genetic and geographical structures and in‐stream barrier effects. 3. We found overall very weak genetic structure in populations of B. rhodani. In contrast, G. fossarum showed strong genetic differentiation, even at spatial scales of a few kilometres, and a clear pattern of isolation by distance. Genetic diversity decreased from downstream towards upstream populations of G. fossarum, suggesting asymmetric gene flow. Correlation of genetic structure with landscape topography was more pronounced in the amphipod. Our study also indicates that G. fossarum might be capable of dispersing overland in headwater regions and of crossing small in‐stream barriers. 4. We speculate that differences in dispersal capacity but also habitat specialisation and potentially the extent of local adaptation could be responsible for the differences in genetic differentiation found between the two species. These results highlight the importance of taking into account dispersal‐related traits when planning management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Since 1988, there has been, on average, a 91% increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations of UK lakes and streams in the Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN). Similar DOC increases have been observed in surface waters across much of Europe and North America. Much of the debate about the causes of rising DOC has, as in other studies relating to the carbon cycle, focused on factors related to climate change. Data from our peat‐core experiments support an influence of climate on DOC, notably an increase in production with temperature under aerobic, and to a lesser extent anaerobic, conditions. However, we argue that climatic factors may not be the dominant drivers of DOC change. DOC solubility is suppressed by high soil water acidity and ionic strength, both of which have decreased as a result of declining sulphur deposition since the 1980s, augmented during the 1990s in the United Kingdom by a cyclical decline in sea‐salt deposition. Our observational and experimental data demonstrate a clear, inverse and quantitatively important link between DOC and sulphate concentrations in soil solution. Statistical analysis of 11 AWMN lakes suggests that rising temperature, declining sulphur deposition and changing sea‐salt loading can account for the majority of the observed DOC trend. This combination of evidence points to the changing chemical composition of atmospheric deposition, particularly the substantial reduction in anthropogenic sulphur emissions during the last 20 years, as a key cause of rising DOC. The implications of rising DOC export for the carbon cycle will be very different if linked primarily to decreasing acid deposition, rather than to changes in climate, suggesting that these systems may be recovering rather than destabilising.  相似文献   
The Kanosh Shale (Upper Arenig, Lower Ordovician) of west-central Utah. USA. contains abundant carbonate hardgrounds and one of the earliest diverse hardground communities. The hardgrounds were formed through a combination of processes including the development of early digenetic nodules in clay sediments which were exhumed and concentrated as lags by storms. These cobble deposits. together with plentiful biogenic metrical. were cemented by inorganically precipitated calcite on the sea floor. forming intraformational conglomerate hardgrounds. Echinoderms may have -played a critical role in the development of hardground faunas since their disarticulated calcite ossicles were rapidly cemented by syntaxial overgrowths. forming additional cobbles and hardgrounds. The echinoderms thus may have taphonomically facilitated the development of some of the hard substrates they required. A significant portion of the hardground cements may have been derived from the early dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells. Kanosh hardground species include the earliest bryozoans recorded on hardgrounds and large numbers of stemmed echinoderms. primarily rhipidocystid cocrinoids. Bryozoans and echinoderms covered nearly equal areas of the hardground surfaces. and there was a distinct polarization between species which preferred the upper. exposed portions of the hardgrounds and others which were most common on undercut. overhang surfaces. The Kanosh Shale hardground fossils combine elements of Late Cambrian assemblages and Middle Ordovician faunas, thus confirming predicted trends in hardground community evolution. especially the replacement of cocrinoids by bryozoans and. to a lesser extent, by other stemmed echinoderms, especially crinoids. The Kanosh community marks the transition from the Cambrian Fauna to The Paleozoic Fauna in The hardground ecosystem. *Carbonate hardgrounds, aragonite dissolution, calcite cement, Echinodermara, Trepostomata, Nicholsonclla. Dianulites. Porifpra. taphonomic facilitation, Utah. Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale. Ordovician.  相似文献   
1. Spatial patterns at regional and local scales were examined for evidence that species interactions can influence distribution and abundance within a guild of benthic fishes in upland streams of Oklahoma, U.S.A. Three groups of community patterns were examined: the species–area relationship, species–habitat associations, and interspecific associations.
2. The species–area relationship for riffle habitats was compared to a null species–area model based on random placement. The observed species–area curve was steeper resulting in less species per unit area in small streams than predicted by the null model.
3. Small, species-poor streams had summed fish densities at least as high as larger, species-rich streams, suggesting density compensation.
4. Several significant patterns of negative covariation were found among species at the regional scale, before and after statistically accounting for effects due to measured habitat variables.
5. For two of these negatively covarying taxa ( Cottus carolinae and Etheostoma spectabile ), the influence of each species on the distribution of the other was evaluated experimentally in field enclosures varying in depth and current velocity. The sculpin C . carolinae caused a shift in habitat use by the darter E . spectabile , but no reciprocal shift was found.
6. These results indicate an agreement between local and regional patterns of distribution for C . carolinae and E . spectabile and suggest that biotic interactions can influence regional patterns of distribution for species within this guild.  相似文献   
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