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Abstract.Sensitivities to β‐hydrastine, strychnine and picrotoxinin were compared between two populations of western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), differing in their susceptibility to cyclodiene insecticides. The antifeedants are antagonists of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuroreceptors that may mediate gustation and, in the case of picrotoxinin, interact directly with the target site for cyclodiene insecticides. In combination with cucurbitacin B, a specific Diabroticite phagostimulant, cyclodiene‐resistant beetles were two‐ to four‐fold less sensitive to hydrastine and strychnine. The discrimination threshold for picrotoxinin was higher for resistant beetles; however, overall dose–response profiles were similar. Beetles were more sensitive to hydrastine and strychnine in combination with L‐alanine, a general phagostimulant of less potency than cucurbitacin B. Dose–response slopes for the alkaloid‐alanine combinations were double those of respective cucurbitacin B slopes, which indicates that phagostimulatory input from l ‐alanine was more negatively affected by the alkaloidal antifeedants than the respective cucurbitacin B treatments. Picrotoxinin sensitivity was similar in mixtures with either phagostimulant. Comparison of chemosensillum responses to strychnine was inconclusive. Results are discussed in context of GABA receptor pharmacology.  相似文献   
Previous work in the Colorado alpine ecosystem has shown that amino acids are a potentially important N source for the sedge, Kobresia myosuroides . This plant is the only known sedge to harbour associations with ectomycorrhizal fungi. The aim of the present work was to test the hypothesis that these ectomycorrhizas transfer N from amino acids in the soil solution to the host plant, and thereby have an important role in the N nutrition of this species. We used a two-chamber system (rhizoboxes) in which K. myosuroides plants were separated from a soil chamber by nylon mesh that allowed fungal hyphae, but not plant roots, to cross it. Injections of [15N, 2-13C]glycine were made into the soil chamber. The hyphal crossings on half of the rhizoboxes were regularly disrupted to control for leakage of label across the barrier. Plants in the intact rhizoboxes showed significantly higher 15N enrichment than those in controls, and mycorrhizal root tips were significantly more enriched than bulk roots. The mycorrhizas transferred an average of 1.3% of the added 15N label to plants, a figure comparable to those obtained in previous studies in which plant roots were directly exposed to label. We conclude that fungal associations have an important role in the N nutrition of K. myosuroides by transferring N from amino acids to their hosts.  相似文献   
The quantification of greenhouse gas sources and sinks is important to understanding the impact of climate change. Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas, which, on a global scale, is released largely as a product of anaerobic microbial decomposition and predominantly from wetlands. A zone of intense CH4 production just below the water table is thought to contribute significantly to the overall flux from peat bogs. We describe the use of membrane inlet quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) to confirm the existence of bubbles, their gaseous concentrations and their localization at a fine spatial resolution within intact peat cores. We use the distribution of the noble gas argon (Ar) and the distinct QMS responses to dissolved and gaseous (bubble) phases to identify trapped bubbles with a resolution of 0.6 mm. Bubbles with CH4 concentrations of up to 20 kPa were widely distributed in the upper 300 mm of the cores with ~11% of all profiles comprising bubbles. The dissolved concentrations responsible for the bubbles were on average 83±80 μm , indicating lower concentrations relative to other QMS studies. We suggest that if the distinction between dissolved and gaseous phases is not made in studies of CH4 within peat profiles then the prominence of bubbles is likely to result in overestimates of dissolved CH4 concentrations. Fluxes of CH4 from peat as a result of drawdown or other perturbation are likely to be large, rapid and short lived because of bubble burst, and also larger than from peat without bubbles. We suggest that the dynamics of fluxes need to be modelled taking into account both gaseous and dissolved phases. Estimates of potential fluxes that assume CH4 is dissolved are likely to overestimate fluxes if the gaseous phase has not been taken into account.  相似文献   
  • 1 Twenty‐five pairs of North American beavers Castor canadensis Kuhl were introduced to Tierra del Fuego Island in 1946. The population has expanded across the archipelago, arriving at the Chilean mainland by the mid‐1990s. Densities range principally between 0.5–2.05 colonies/km. They have an impact on between 30–50% of stream length and occupy 2–15% of landscape area with impoundments and meadows. Beaver impacts constitute the largest landscape‐level alteration in subantarctic forests since the last ice age.
  • 2 The colonization pattern, colony densities and impacted area indicate that habitat in the austral archipelago is optimal for beaver invasion, due to low predator pressure and suitable food resources. Nothofagus pumilio forests are particularly appropriate habitat, but a more recent invasion is occurring in adjacent steppe ecosystems. Nonetheless, Nothofagus reproductive strategies are not well adapted to sustain high beaver population levels.
  • 3 Our assessment shows that at the patch‐scale in stream and riparian ecosystems, the direction and magnitude of exotic beaver impacts are predictable from expectations derived from North American studies, relating ecosystem engineering with underlying ecological mechanisms such as the relationships of habitat heterogeneity and productivity on species richness and ecosystem function.
  • 4 Based on data from the species' native and exotic range, our ability to predict the effects of beavers is based on: (i) understanding the ecological relationships of its engineering effects on habitat, trophic dynamics and disturbance regimes, and (ii) having an adequate comprehension of the landscape context and natural history of the ecosystem being engineered.
  • 5 We conclude that beaver eradication strategies and subsequent ecosystem restoration efforts, currently being considered in southern Chile and Argentina, should focus on the ecology of native ecosystems rather than the biology of this invasive species per se. Furthermore, given the nature of the subantarctic landscape, streams will probably respond to restoration efforts more quickly than riparian ecosystems.
We present field observations of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) and internal conductance of CO2 ( g i) collected using tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDL). Δ ranged from 12.0 to 27.4‰ over diurnal periods with daily means from 16.3 ± 0.2‰ during drought to 19.0 ± 0.5‰ during monsoon conditions. We observed a large range in g i, with most estimates between 0.04 and 4.0  µ mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1. We tested the comprehensive Farquhar, O'Leary and Berry model of Δ (Δcomp), a simplified form of Δcompsimple) and a recently suggested amendment (Δrevised). Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that varying g i had a substantial effect on Δcomp, resulting in mean differences between observed Δ (Δobs) and Δcomp ranging from 0.04 to 9.6‰. First-order regressions adequately described the relationship between Δ and the ratio of substomatal to atmospheric CO2 partial pressure ( p i/ p a) on all 3 d, but second-order models better described the relationship in July and August. The three tested models each best predicted Δobs on different days. In June, Δsimple outperformed Δcomp and Δrevised, but incorporating g i and all non-photosynthetic fractionations improved model predictions in July and August.  相似文献   
Our research takes advantage of a historical trend in natural reforestation of abandoned tropical pastures to examine changes in soil carbon (C) during 80 years of secondary forest regrowth. We combined a chronosequence approach with differences in the natural abundance of 13C between C3 (forest) and C4 (pasture) plants to estimate turnover times of C in the bulk soil and in density fractions. Overall, gains in secondary forest C were compensated for by the loss of residual pasture-derived soil C, resulting in no net change in bulk soil C stocks down to 1 m depth over the chronosequence. The free light fraction (LF), representing physically unprotected particulate organic matter, was most sensitive to land-use change. Reforestation replenished C in the free LF that had been depleted during conversion to pastures. Turnover times varied with model choice, but in general, soil C cycling rates were rapid for the 0–10 cm depth, with even the heavy fraction (HF) containing C cycling in decadal time scales. Turnover times of C in the free LF from the 0–10 cm depth were shorter than for the occluded and HFs, highlighting the importance of physical location in the soil matrix for residence time in the soil. The majority of the soil C pool (82±21%) was recovered in the mineral-associated density fraction. Carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and differences in natural abundance 15N of soil organic matter (SOM) showed an increasing degree of decomposition across density fractions with increasing mineral association. Our data show that the physical distribution of C in the soil has a large impact on soil C turnover and the ability of soils to maintain SOM stocks during land-use and land-cover change.  相似文献   
We investigated mean residence time (MRT) for soil organic carbon (SOC) sampled from paired hardwood and pine forests located along a 22 °C mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient in North America. We used acid hydrolysis fractionation, radiocarbon analyses, long-term laboratory incubations (525-d), and a three-pool model to describe the size and kinetics of the acid insoluble C (AIC), active and slow SOC fractions in soil. We found that active SOC was 2 ± 0.2% (mean ± SE) of total SOC, with an MRT of 33 ± 6 days that decreased strongly with increasing MAT. In contrast, MRT for slow SOC and AIC (70 ± 6% and 27 ± 6% of total SOC, respectively) ranged from decades to thousands of years, and neither was significantly related to MAT. The accumulation of AIC (as a percent of total SOC) was greater in hardwood than pine stands (36% and 21%, respectively) although the MRT for AIC was longer in pine stands. Based on these results, we suggest that the responsiveness of most SOC decomposition in upland forests to global warming will be less than currently modeled, but any shifts in vegetation from hardwood to pine may alter the size and MRT of SOC fractions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We examined a suite of models in an information theoretic framework to identify factors restricting presence of the endangered Key Largo woodrat (Neotoma floridana smalli) throughout its remaining habitat. Models containing variables related to availability of nest sites and mammalian predator abundances were supported by our data. Abundance of natural (large overstory trees) and artificial (rock and debris piles) nest substrate were the most important predictor variables, followed by indices of feral cat and raccoon (Procyon lotor) abundance. We recommend increasing abundance of nest substrate in the short term through addition of artificial nest substrate and in the long term through continued protection of remaining forest habitat.  相似文献   
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