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Worldwide ecosystems are modified by human activities and climate change. To be able to predict future changes, it is necessary to understand their respective role on population dynamics. Among the most threatened species are top predators because of their position in the food web. Albatross populations are potentially affected by both human activities, especially longline fisheries, and climatic fluctuations. Based on long‐term data (1985–2006), we conducted through a comparative approach a demographic analysis (adult survival and breeding success) on four albatross species breeding on the Indian Ocean sub‐Antarctic Islands to assess the relative impact of climate and fisheries during and outside the breeding season. The study revealed that adult survival of almost all species was not affected by climate, and therefore probably canalized against climatic variations, but was negatively affected by tuna longlining effort in three species. Breeding success was affected by climate, with contrasted effects between species, with Southern Oscillation Index having an impact on all species but one. Differences in demographic responses depended on the foraging zone and season. In order to predict population trajectories of seabirds such as albatrosses, our results show the importance of assessing the relative influence of fishing and climate impacts on demography.  相似文献   
The worldwide distributed house mouse, Mus musculus, is subdivided into at least three lineages, Mus musculus musculus, Mus musculus domesticus, and Mus musculus castaneus. The subspecies occur parapatrically in a region considered to be the cradle of the species in Southern Asia (‘central region’), as well as in the rest of the world (‘peripheral region’). The morphological evolution of this species in a phylogeographical context is studied using a landmark‐based approach on mandible morphology of different populations of the three lineages. The morphological variation increases from central to peripheral regions at the population and subspecific levels, confirming a centrifugal sub‐speciation within this species. Furthermore, the outgroup comparison with sister species suggests that M. musculus musculus and populations of all subspecies inhabiting the Iranian plateau have retained a more ancestral mandible morphology, suggesting that this region may represent one of the relevant places of the origin of the species. Mus musculus castaneus, both from central and peripheral regions, is morphologically the most variable and divergent subspecies. Finally, the results obtained in the present study suggest that the independent evolution to commensalism in the three lineages is not accompanied by a convergence detectable on jaw morphology. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 635–647.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenies of island organisms provide useful systems for testing hypotheses of convergent or parallel evolution, since selectively neutral molecular characters are likely to be independent of phenotype, and the existence of similar environments on multiple isolated islands provides numerous opportunities for populations to evolve independently under the same constraints. Here we construct a phylogenetic hypothesis for Hypsipetes bulbuls of the western Indian Ocean, and use this to test hypotheses of colonization pattern and phenotypic change among islands of the region. Mitochondrial sequence data were collected from all extant taxa of the region, combined with sequence data from relevant lineages in Asia. Data are consistent with a single Hypsipetes colonization of the western Indian Ocean from Asia within the last 2.6 Myr. The expansion of Hypsipetes appears to have occurred rapidly, with descendants found across the breadth of its western Indian Ocean range. The data suggest that a more recent expansion of Hypsipetes madagascariensis from Madagascar led to the colonization of Aldabra and a secondary colonization of the Comoros. Groupings of western Indian Ocean Hypsipetes according to phenotypic similarities do not correspond to mtDNA lineages, suggesting that these similarities have evolved by convergence or parallelism. The direction of phenotypic change cannot be inferred with confidence, since the primary expansion occurred rapidly relative to the rate of mtDNA substitution, and the colonization sequence remains uncertain. However, evidence from biogeography and comparison of independent colonization events are consistent with the persistence of a small grey continental bulbul in India and Madagascar, and multiple independent origins of large size and green plumage in insular island populations of the Comoros, Mascarenes and Seychelles. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 271–287.  相似文献   
Auxin Induced Lateral Root Formation in Chicory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The supply of auxins [2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4D),indole-3 acetic acid (1AA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)]to excised chicory roots induced the formation of lateral rootmeristems mainly located close to the pre-existing apical rootmeristem. Lateral root growth induced in non-excised roots requiredhigher auxin concentrations. Inhibition of root elongation andconcomittant enlargement of the apices was also observed. SupplyingIAA induced the formation of lateral meristems earlier thanNAA, but subsequently favoured root elongation. Conversely,in the presence of 2,4D, reactivation of pericycle cells wasvery intense, but conversion of primordia to laterals was inhibited.Regardless of the auxin used, the responsive area in which lateralmeristems appeared was located a maximum of 4 mm away from theapical meristem. This region remained devoid of any lateralroot formation under control conditions. Pericycle cells oppositethe xylem poles in the diarch stele regained meristematic activityand divided transversally, giving rise to shorter cells. Thesecells subsequently divided periclinally, forming pairs of cellson the same transverse level. The root primordium extruded throughcortical cells and was surrounded by a lacuna formed to thedetriment of cortical cells.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Auxins,Cichorium intybus, chicory, lateral root, root elongation.  相似文献   
Most studies of fish sounds show that the sounds are species-specific, with unique spectral and timing characteristics. This raises the question as to whether these sounds can be used to understand phyletic relationships between species and which acoustic parameters are subject to variation between species. In the present study, 597 sounds (and 2540 pulses) related to signal jumps of four Dascyllus species ( Dascyllus aruanus , Dascyllus trimaculatus , Dascyllus albisella , and Dascyllus flavicaudus ) from different geographic regions (Madagascar, Moorea, Rangiroa, and Hawaii) were analysed. It was possible to discern species-specific sounds, but also variation in sounds between populations. Large variations in sound length were found between Dascyllus species, whereas differences in interpulse duration were found to be variable between populations. In the regions where species live in sympatry, it appears that they restrict the variability in their sounds. This could comprise evidence of adaptation with character displacement of sonic characteristics where different species co-occur. However, sonic characteristics still overlapped substantially between species, suggesting that females would need to sample more than one sound and potentially use other cues to discriminate between species.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 928–940.  相似文献   
1. The functional feeding group approach has been widely used to describe the community structure of benthic invertebrates in relation to organic matter resources. Based on this functional framework, positive interactions between feeding groups (especially shredders and collector‐gatherers) were postulated in the River Continuum Concept. However, relationships with organic matter have been poorly documented for invertebrates living in the hyporheic zone. 2. We hypothesised that the common subterranean amphipod Niphargus rhenorhodanensis would feed on fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), which is more abundant than coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) in hyporheic habitats, and should be favoured by the occurrence of shredders that produce FPOM from CPOM. 3. We used laboratory experiments to quantify leaf litter processing by N. rhenorhodanensis and a common shredder, the surface amphipod Gammarus roeselii. We estimated rates of feeding and assimilation (using nitrogen stable isotopes) of the two species separately and together to reveal any potential shredder–collector facilitation between them. 4. Measured leaf litter mass loss showed that N. rhenorhodanensis did not act as a shredder, unlike G. roeselii. Organic matter dynamics and 15N/14N ratios in tissues of niphargids indicated that N. rhenorhodanensis was a collector‐gatherer feeding preferentially on FPOM. We also found a positive influence of the gammarid shredders on the assimilation rate of N. rhenorhodanensis, which fed on FPOM produced by the shredders, supporting the hypothesis of a positive interaction between surface shredders and hyporheic collector‐gatherers.  相似文献   
Precise knowledge of seed quality after harvest and during storageis of particular importance for seed producers. We analyseddifferent sunflower seed lots (Helianthus annuusL.) characterizedby extremes of germination ability. We used RNA analysis tostudy possible changes in gene expression in seeds unable togerminate. Total RNA content was very small in dry seeds showinga low germination ability. Capacity for total RNA synthesisat the onset of imbibition was also reduced in these seeds.In addition, correlations were found between these parametersand germination ability at 19 °C. We demonstrated a highcorrelation between the amount of total RNA in the dry seed,the capacity of RNA synthesis at the onset of imbibition andthe seed moisture content at the time of the harvest. The abilityof dry seed mRNAs to be translatedin vitrowas also reduced andseven polypeptides, from stored mRNAs, were characteristic ofthe cotyledons from high germinability seeds. Germination canthus be affected at several levels including membrane, enzymaticand nucleic acid deteriorations. Gene expression; germination ability; Helianthus annuusL.; marker; protein; RNA; seed; sunflower  相似文献   
The 'division-of-labour' hypothesis predicts that males and females perform different roles in parental care and that natural selection acts differently on each sex so as to produce different body size optima suited to their particular roles. Reversed sexual size dimorphism in avian species (females larger than males) may therefore be an adaptive consequence of different roles of males and females in parental care. We investigated patterns of nest attendance, brooding, foraging and provisioning rate in a tropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula , a species showing a reversed sexual size dimorphism. During incubation, females attended the nest more often than males, and spent more time brooding the small chick than did males during daytime. Males and females did not differ in the average duration of their foraging trips. During incubation, there was a positive relationship between nest attendance and the duration of foraging trips in males, but not in females. During the small-chick stage, for the same time spent at the nest, males spent significantly more time than females at sea. On average, females fed the chick more often than did males. In males, there was a significant and positive relationship between the probability of feeding the chick and the duration of the foraging trip, whereas in females, this probability was much less dependent on the duration of the foraging trip. Overall, female Red-footed Boobies achieved slightly, but significantly, more parental commitment than did males. However, these sexual differences in parental participation were small, suggesting a minimal division of labour in the Red-footed Booby. Our results suggest that the division of labour hypothesis is unlikely to explain fully the adult size dimorphism in Red-footed Boobies.  相似文献   
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