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Host–symbiont associations play an important role in insects. In aphids, facultative symbionts affect host plant use and increase thermal tolerance and resistance to natural enemies. In spite of these beneficial effects on aphid fitness, the frequency of facultative symbionts in aphids ranges from low to intermediate. Tradeoffs induced by symbionts could prevent the fixation of symbionts in aphid populations. Therefore, we studied the life history traits and correlations between them in 21 clones of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae, seven of which were infected with the facultative endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa. We found that clones harbouring H. defensa exhibited significantly higher body mass at maturity and offspring production, and a marginally higher intrinsic rate of increase. However, development time and offspring body size did not differ between symbiont‐free and infected clones. In addition, body mass at maturity was positively correlated with offspring production, offspring body size and intrinsic rate of increase, whereas development time was negatively correlated with body mass at maturity, offspring production and offspring body size. Excluding infected clones had little effect on these correlations; only correlations between body mass at maturity and offspring production, and between development time and offspring body size, became nonsignificant. Therefore, we did not find any evidence for tradeoffs between life history traits induced by symbiont infection. In fact, infected clones had higher overall fitness than symbiont‐free clones under the conditions of our experiment, suggesting that symbionts do not impose costs on aphids harbouring them. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 237–247.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that CO2 supersaturation along the aquatic conduit over Sweden can be explained by processes other than aquatic respiration. A first generalized‐additive model (GAM) analysis evaluating the relationships between single water chemistry variables and pCO2 in lakes and streams revealed that water chemistry variables typical for groundwater input, e.g., dissolved silicate (DSi) and Mg2+ had explanatory power similar to total organic carbon (TOC). Further GAM analyses on various lake size classes and stream orders corroborated the slightly higher explanatory power for DSi in lakes and Mg2+ for streams compared with TOC. Both DSi and TOC explained 22–46% of the pCO2 variability in various lake classes (0.01–>100 km2) and Mg2+ and TOC explained 11–41% of the pCO2 variability in the various stream orders. This suggests that aquatic pCO2 has a strong groundwater signature. Terrestrial respiration is a significant source of the observed supersaturation and we may assume that both terrestrial respiration and aquatic respiration contributed equally to pCO2 efflux. pCO2 and TOC concentrations decreased with lake size suggesting that the longer water residence time allow greater equilibration of CO2 with the atmosphere and in‐lake mineralization of TOC. For streams, we observed a decreasing trend in pCO2 with stream orders between 3 and 6. We calculated the total CO2 efflux from all Swedish lakes and streams to be 2.58 Tg C yr?1. Our analyses also demonstrated that 0.70 Tg C yr?1 are exported to the ocean by Swedish watersheds as HCO3? and CO32? of which about 0.56 Tg C yr?1 is also a residual from terrestrial respiration and constitute a long‐term sink for atmospheric CO2. Taking all dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes along the aquatic conduit into account will lower the estimated net ecosystem C exchange (NEE) by 2.02 Tg C yr?1, which corresponds to 10% of the NEE in Sweden.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted on components of resistance to sorghum midge on four resistant (DJ 6514, AF 28, TAM 2566 and IS 15107) and two susceptible cultivars (CSH 1 and Swarna). Data were recorded on the numbers of eggs, larvae, emerged adults and grain damage in panicles of different genotypes infested with 60 midge females/panicle under no-choice conditions. The size of floral parts (glume, lemma, palea, lodicule, stigma, style, ovary and anther), rate of grain development and tannin content of grain were measured. The lengths of glume gl and 82, lemma L1 and L2, palea, lodicule, anther, style and stigma were positively associated with susceptibility to sorghum midge. Rate of grain development (between 3rd and 7th day after anthesis) was negatively associated with susceptibility to sorghum. Tannin content of grain was also negatively correlated with midge susceptibility, although there were distinct exceptions (e.g. DJ 6514 is highly resistant bur has a low tannin content).  相似文献   
1. We investigated the effects of local disturbance history and habitat parameters (abiotic and biotic) on the microdistribution of benthic invertebrates during several floods in two streams, the Schmiedlaine in Germany (four events) and the Kye Burn in New Zealand (two events). 2. Bed movement patterns were quantified using metal‐link scour chains. Before and after each flood, quantitative invertebrate samples were taken from replicate bed patches that had experienced sediment scour, fill or remained stable. 3. Patterns of invertebrate density in the different bed stability types (i.e. scour, fill, stable) varied between floods, sampling dates and streams, but invertebrate density was highest in stable patches in >50% of all the patch type effects detected and lowest in fill patches in 75% of all detected effects. Stable bed patches acted as a refugium for Liponeura spp. and Leuctra spp. in the Schmiedlaine and for Hydracarina and Deleatidium spp. in the Kye Burn. 4. Averaged across both streams, only near‐bed current velocity was correlated with invertebrate distribution on the streambed more often than disturbance history. In the Kye Burn, disturbance history and water depth were the most influential habitat parameters. 5. Our results suggest that a thorough understanding of the microdistribution of benthic invertebrates requires knowledge of disturbance history, as well as more readily measured habitat parameters such as current velocity or water depth.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. A mother's environment frequently affects her offspring's phenotype. Such maternal effects may be adaptive, in particular with respect to pathogens or parasites, for example if maternal exposure increases offspring resistance.
2. In aphids, maternal effects are likely to occur as a result of their telescoping generations. This study investigated whether maternal effects influence the susceptibility of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), to its parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae).
3. In a first experiment, susceptibility was compared among offspring of aphid mothers that had either no contact to parasitoids, had contact but were not attacked, or were attacked but not mummified. Mothers from the last group had successfully resisted the parasitoid.
4. In a second experiment using two different clones, maternal and progeny environment were manipulated by rearing each generation either on a benign (radish) or a more stressful host plant (silver beet) before progeny exposure to parasitoids.
5. The first experiment revealed no significant effect of the maternal treatment on offspring susceptibility to parasitoids and thus no evidence for trans-generational defence. In the second experiment, maternal environment effects were also weak, yet with a trend towards less susceptible offspring of aphid mothers reared on the more stressful plant. However, there was a significant difference among clones and a strong clone × progeny host plant interaction, illustrating that the outcome of a parasitoid attack may be determined by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors.
6. Overall, the results suggest that there is limited scope for maternal effects in aphid defence against parasitoids.  相似文献   
The microscale variation and spatial genetic structure of the alpine plant species Primula minima L. was analysed using AFLPs. AFLP analysis based on three primer combinations and 123 fragments revealed no identical genotypes among the 86 studied samples from a 300 × 300 cm plot. Variation within the study plot was high: Nei's gene diversity was 0.22, Shannon's information index 0.33 and the percentage of polymorphic bands was 60.9. Cluster analysis revealed four main groups of genetically similar individuals and mapping these individuals resulted in a clear spatial pattern, with samples from the same group often located close together. The observed microscale structure was corroborated using a Mantel test, which revealed significant correlation of genetic and spatial distances, and by the results of a spatial autocorrelation analysis that indicated a high level of similarity between adjacent samples. An analysis of molecular variance revealed clear differentiation (18%) between the spatial groups. Overall gene flow within the plot was 1.11 and ranged from 0.33 between the spatially most distant groups to 2.33 between directly neighbouring groups. The extraordinary level of diversity detected in this study indicates an unexpectedly strong relevance of reproduction by seed for the species P. minima in alpine grasslands. The strong microscale variation suggests, however, that there is limited dispersal of seeds. Clonal reproduction is of subsidiary importance to sexual reproduction and seems to occur only over very small distances.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 549–556.  相似文献   
The monsoon affected mountains of the southern Arabian Peninsula harbour in climatically favoured refugia vegetation elements of palaeo-African origin. To understand better the temporal and spatial differentiation of these refugia, chloroplast variation in Justicia areysiana Deflers (Acanthaceae), a shrub species endemic to the Yemeni and Omani mountains close to the Arabian Sea, was studied using PCR-RFLP and chloroplast microsatellite diversity. Eleven haplotypes were characterized and show a distinct geographical distribution pattern with a deep split between populations from south Yemeni fog oases and those from Hawf Mountains/Dhofar region in east Yemen and south Oman. Very limited haplotype diversity within populations (hS = 0.15) and a high level of population differentiation (GST = 0.81) demonstrate the strong genetic isolation of populations from each other. Past oscillations between humid and arid periods connected with glacial and interglacial episodes in the Pleistocene and Holocene are considered responsible for the observed patterns of genetic variation.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 437–444.  相似文献   
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