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X-chromosome inactivation, which was discovered by Mary Lyon in 1961 results in random silencing of one X chromosome in female mammals. This review is dedicated to Mary Lyon, who passed away last year. She predicted many of the features of X inactivation, for e.g., the existence of an X inactivation center, the role of L1 elements in spreading of silencing and the existence of genes that escape X inactivation. Starting from her published work here we summarize advances in the field.  相似文献   
How soil carbon balance will be affected by plant–mycorrhizal interactions under future climate scenarios remains a significant unknown in our ability to forecast ecosystem carbon storage and fluxes. We examined the effects of soil temperature (14, 20, 26 °C) on the structure and extent of a multispecies community of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi associated with Plantago lanceolata. To isolate fungi from roots, we used a mesh‐divided pot system with separate hyphal compartments near and away from the plant. A 13C pulse label was then used to trace the flow of recently fixed photosynthate from plants into belowground pools and respiration. Temperature significantly altered the structure and allocation of the AM hyphal network, with a switch from more vesicles (storage) in cooled soils to more extensive extraradical hyphal networks (growth) in warmed soils. As soil temperature increased, we also observed an increase in the speed at which plant photosynthate was transferred to and respired by roots and AM fungi coupled with an increase in the amount of carbon respired per unit hyphal length. These differences were largely independent of plant size and rates of photosynthesis. In a warmer world, we would therefore expect more carbon losses to the atmosphere from AM fungal respiration, which are unlikely to be balanced by increased growth of AM fungal hyphae.  相似文献   
Although active oxygen species are produced at high rates inboth the chloroplasts and peroxisomes of the leaves of C3 plants,most attention has focused on the potentially damaging consequencesof enhanced chloroplastic production in stress conditions suchas drought. This article attempts to provide quantitative estimatesof the relative contributions of the chloroplast electron transportchain and the glycolate oxidase reaction to the oxidative loadplaced on the photosynthetic leaf cell. Rates of photorespiratoryH2O2 production were obtained from photosynthetic and photorespiratoryflux rates, derived from steady-state leaf gas exchange measurementsat varying irradiance and ambient CO2. Assuming a 10 % allocationof photosynthetic electron flow to the Mehler reaction, photorespiratoryH2O2 production would account for about 70 % of total H2O2 formedat all irradiances measured. When chloroplastic CO2 concentrationrates are decreased, photorespiration becomes even more predominantin H2O2 generation. At the increased flux through photorespirationobserved at lower ambient CO2, the Mehler reaction would haveto account for more than 35 % of the total photosynthetic electronflow in order to match the rate of peroxisomal H2O2 production.The potential signalling role of H2O2 produced in the peroxisomesis emphasized, and it is demonstrated that photorespiratoryH2O2 can perturb the redox states of leaf antioxidant pools.We discuss the interactions between oxidants, antioxidants andredox changes leading to modified gene expression, particularlyin relation to drought, and call attention to the potentialsignificance of photorespiratory H2O2 in signalling and acclimation.  相似文献   
The therevoid clade represents a group of four families (Apsilocephalidae, Evocoidae, Scenopinidae and Therevidae) of lower brachyceran Diptera in the superfamily Asiloidea. The largest of these families is that of the stiletto flies (Therevidae). A large‐scale (i.e. supermatrix) phylogeny of Therevidae is presented based on DNA sequence data from seven genetic loci (16S, 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA and four protein‐encoding genes: elongation factor 1‐alpha, triose phosphate isomerase, short‐wavelength rhodopsin and the CPSase region of carbamoyl‐phosphate synthase‐aspartate transcarbamoylase‐dihydroorotase). Results are presented from Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of approximately 8.7 kb of sequence data for 204 taxa representing all subfamilies and genus groups of Therevidae. Our results strongly support the sister‐group relationship between Therevidae and Scenopinidae, with Apsilocephalidae as sister to Evocoidae. Previous estimates of stiletto fly phylogeny based on morphology or DNA sequence data, or supertree analysis, have failed to find significant support for relationships among subfamilies. We report for the first time strong support for the placement of the subfamily Phycinae as sister to the remaining Therevidae, originating during the Mid Cretaceous. As in previous studies, the sister‐group relationship between the species‐rich subfamilies Agapophytinae and Therevinae is strongly supported. Agapophytinae are recovered as monophyletic, inclusive of the Taenogera group. Therevinae comprise the bulk of the species richness in the family and appear to be a relatively recent and rapid radiation originating in the southern hemisphere (Australia + Antarctica + South America) during the Late Cretaceous. Genus groups are defined for all subfamilies based on these results.  相似文献   
The display of the two distinct intermediate filament proteins, desmin and vimentin, in rat vascular smooth muscle tissue was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy on frozen sections of aorta and other blood vessels. Vascular smooth muscle cells present in these vessels always appeared rich in vimentin. However, staining of sections covering six distinct but contiguous parts of the aorta showed that the number of desmin containing cells was low distal to the truncus brachiocephalicus, but increases until in distal parts of the aorta and in the arteria iliaca communis almost all cells appear positive for desmin. Thus blood vessels show heterogeneity of intermediate filament expression not only in cross-section but can also display heterogeneity along their length. Muscular arteries such as the renal artery and the arteria femoralis, as well as arterioles and veins including the vena jugularis and the vena cava also contain desmin. Thus it may be that low numbers of desmin-positive cells are typical of elastic arteries, while muscular arteries and other blood vessels are characterized by large numbers of desmin-positive cells. We discuss whether desmin-positive and desmin-negative vascular smooth muscle cells may perform different functions and raise the possibility that desmin expression may coincide with the turn on of a specially regulated contractility program.  相似文献   
1. Bergmann's rule states that organisms inhabiting colder environments show an increase in body size or mass in comparison to their conspecifics living in warmer climates. Although originally proposed for homoeothermic vertebrates, this rule was later extended to ectotherms. In social insects, only a few studies have tested this rule and the results were ambiguous. Here, ‘body size’ can be considered at two different levels (the size of the individual workers or the size of the colony). 2. In this study, data from 53 nests collected along altitudinal gradients in the Alps were used to test the hypotheses that the worker body size and colony size of the ant Leptothorax acervorum increase with increasing altitude and therefore follow Bergmann's rule. 3. The results show that the body size of workers but not the colony size increases with altitude. Whether this pattern is driven by starvation resistance or other mechanisms remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
The amino acid composition of the EDTA-induced phloem exudatereaching the fruit and the seed, and of the solutes releasedby the seed coat during fruit development were determined inglasshouse-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Finale) suppliedeither with nitrate-free nutrients (nodulated plants) or withcomplete medium (non-nodulated plants). The EDTA-promoted exudationtechnique was used supposedly to collect phloem sap and theempty seed technique supposedly to collect the solutes secretedby the seed coat to the embryo sac cavity. In young seeds embryosac liquid was sampled directly from the embryo sac. The maincarbohydrate transported and secreted was sucrose. The mainamino acids reaching the fruit were asparagine, glutamine, andhomoserine. Their proportions were steady during a day-nightcycle and throughout fruit development. Amino acid compositionchanges occurred first in the pathway from fruit stalk to seedfunicle, due to the formation of threonine (probably from homoserine)and in the seed coat due to production of glutamine, alanineand valine which, together with threonine were the main secretedamino acids. The temporary nitrogen reserves of the pod walland seed coat were remobilized as asparagine during senescence.Phloem exudate of nodulated plants showed a higher (about twice)proportion of asparagine but lower proportions of homoserineand glutamine than in EDTA-induced phloem exudate of nitrate-fedplants. The two types of nitrogen nutrition also produced somechanges in relative proportions of threonine and homoserinesecreted by the seed coat. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem, amino acids, pod wall, seed coat  相似文献   
Seabird associations in Pacific equatorial waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seabirds were counted along the same cruise tracks in the eastern tropical Pacific (10°øN-10°øS and 140°ø-90°øW) each spring and autumn for 8 years, 1984–1991. During spring, three species groups were apparent among eight species seen in five or more years: (1) Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa and Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel Oceanodroma tethys , which feed on neuston by surface seizing; (2) Black-winged Petrel Pterodroma nigripennis and White-winged Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera , which feed on neuston and micronekton by surface seizing; (3) Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma externa , Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus and Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata , which feed on micronekton driven to the surface by foraging tuna. During autumn, only one group was identified from the seven species seen in five or more years: Leach's Storm-petrel associated with either Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel or Juan Fernandez Petrel and/or White-winged Petrel. Annual variability in assemblage composition was more extreme in the autumn and thus was similar to variation in physical and biological factors linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation cycle.  相似文献   
Abstract: The OcruranusEohalobia group, whose members were variously considered to be brachiopods, bivalves, chitons, tommotiids and coeloscleritophorans, are difficult to classify because of lack of morphological detail and evidence for skeletal reconstruction. New specimens from South China reveal more information about OcruranusEohalobia and allow progress towards deciphering the skeletal reconstruction and phylogenetic affinity of this enigmatic group. Many specimens have a phosphatic inner and outer coat (mould) with empty space in between that resulted from dissolution of the original shell. Moreover, many of the internal moulds show a previously unknown type of shell microstructure that consisted of stacked layers of highly organized, acicular crystallites that radiated from the apex of the shell towards the aperture. The dissolved shell and needle‐like crystals suggest an original calcareous, probably aragonitic, shell mineralogy. A few specimens also show a polygonal texture in regions that suggests the shell had a thin, prismatic inner shell microstructure. Ocruranus and Eohalobia belong to the same skeleton, and we herein synonymize Eohalobia with the older Ocruranus. Moreover, new specimens from Meishucun reveal a third type of shell plate, similar in form and inferred placement to intermediate valves of chitons. Ocruranus is likely a mollusc, and possibly a member of the chiton stem lineage. If so, then the beginning of the known record of chitons would be extended back from late Cambrian (Saukia Zone; Furongian) to early Cambrian (Meishucunian; Series 1).  相似文献   
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