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Presumptive coliform counts and the distribution of Escherichia coli O-serotypes were investigated in chicken rectal contents (175) abdominal cavities (152) and on the carcasses of 44 which had been commercially raised, slaughtered and prepared for sale. Large numbers of E. coli resistant to at least one antibacterial agent were found at each site; comparison of the O-serotypes suggested heavy contamination of the carcass with strains from the gut. The range of O-serotypes was similar to that found in man and some public health implications of cross-infection particularly by handling uncooked birds in the kitchen, are discussed.  相似文献   
A. DAROLOVà  H. HOI  B. SCHLEICHER 《Ibis》1997,139(1):115-120
In this study we investigated the importance of ectoparasite load in the nest on the breed-ing system of the Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus, examining the effect of mite abundance in the nest on mate choice, reproductive success and parental effort. The two most common ectoparasites were the Northern Fowl Mite Dermanyssus hirundinis and the Northern Feather Mite Ornithonyssus sylviarum. The results show that mite load is important in mate choice but has no adverse effect on reproductive success. The results also indicate that infestation level is related to the quality of the male (mask-width). Parental feeding rate was negatively related to mite load. This relationship indicated that Penduline Tits did not compensate for higher parasite loads by increasing feeding but rather reflected the con dition of the parent and its investment in self-maintenance behaviour.  相似文献   
Why the leaves of cold temperate deciduous and moisture-loving angiosperms are so often toothed has long puzzled biologists because the functional consequences of teeth remain poorly understood. Here we provide functional and structural evidence that marginal leaf teeth of Chloranthus japonicus, an understory herb, enable the release of guttation sap during root pressure. When guttation from teeth hydathodes was experimentally blocked, we found that the leaf intercellular airspaces became flooded. Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence revealed that internal flooding resulted in an inhibition of photosynthesis, most likely through the formation of a film of water within the leaf that reduced CO2 diffusion. Comparing a developmental series of leaves with and without teeth experimentally covered with wax, we found that teeth did not affect overall leaf stomatal conductance and CO2 uptake. However, maximal and effective light-saturation PSII quantum yields of teeth were found to be lower or equal to the surrounding lamina throughout leaf ontogeny. Collectively, our results suggest hydathodes and their development on teeth apices enable the avoidance of mesophyll flooding by root pressure. We discuss how these new findings bear on the potential physiological interpretations of models that apply leaf marginal traits to infer ancient climates.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Threespine stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ) and Chaoborus ( C. punctipennis and C. trivittatus ) planktivore populations were sampled from several oligotrophic lakes on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, Canada. Pelagic zooplankton communities in these lakes consist of Daphnia catawba, Holopedium gibberum, Eubosmina longispina, Leptodiaptorma minutus, Epischura nordenskioldi, Cyclops scutifer and rotifers ( Conochilus unicornis, Keratella and Kellicottia spp.).
2. Comparison of gut contents of G. aculeatus and crop contents of later instar Chaoborus larvae with lake zooplankton communities indicated that the vertebrate and invertebrate plank tivores show contrasting species and size selectivities in their choice of zooplankton prey. Prey selectivities were quantified by means of the selectivity index α.
3. G. aculeatus showed positive selectivity for larger zooplankton (greater than 0.76 mm in length), typically the cladoceran D. catawba , while Chaoborus larvae showed positive selectivity for smaller zooplankton (less than 0.50 mm in length), typically the cladoceran E. longispina . While rotifers never featured in the diet of the sticklebacks, these zooplankters were a common component of the chaoborid diet. H. gibberum , with its gelatinous sheath, was rarely found in the gut contents of G. aculeatus and was never found in the crop contents of Chaoborus larvae.
4. Selective predation by these planklivores in the relatively shallow and well-mixed oligotrophic Avalon lakes may influence species composition and size structure of the pelagic zooplankton communities.  相似文献   
The Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor is highly endangered throughout Europe, having declined markedly in abundance and range. Long-term changes in climate and agricultural practices have been identified as the main reasons for its decline. To determine which factors influence short-term changes in breeding success, we examined several aspects of its breeding biology. Our investigation revealed that our study area bears a large and stable population of this species. In 1996 and 1997, we recorded 84 and 77 breeding pairs in an area of 20 km2, with an average of 4.20 and 3.85 pairs/km2 respectively. Data on breeding density, clutch size and fledging success from 1989 to 1997 (excluding 1992) indicate a stable breeding population with a constant high breeding success. Reproductive success declined through the season, mainly through seasonal variation in clutch size rather than chick mortality. However, breeding success was generally high (69% and 79% of the nests produced chicks], with low hatching failure and few nest losses. The main cause of breeding failure was nest predation (at least 50% of nest losses), mainly by magpies (at least 66% of depredated nests). Although in this population the Lesser Grey Shrike tends to aggregate in clusters, breeding density had no obvious effect on breeding success and nest predation.  相似文献   
Prey species and prey diet affect growth of invertebrate predators   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The effects of prey species and leaf age used by prey on performance of two generalist invertebrate predators were studied. The focal plant was Plantago lanceolata , which contains iridoid glycosides.
2. Diet of the herbivorous prey influenced their growth rate.
3. The generalist herbivore ( Vanessa cardui ) and the novel-plant feeder ( Manduca sexta ) contained very low levels of iridoid glycosides in their haemolymph, whereas the specialist ( Junonia coenia ) levels were 50–150-fold higher.
4. Predatory stinkbugs ( Podisus maculiventris ) fed either the novel-plant feeder or the specialist exhibited similar developmental rates. However, stinkbugs ate less of the generalist but grew faster. The growth rate of the stinkbugs was higher when the caterpillar species were raised on the new-leaf powder diet, which contained twice as much protein and iridoid glycosides as the mature-leaf powder diet.
5. Jumping spiders ( Phidippus audax ) ate more mealworms ( Tenebrio molitor ) than specialist J. coenia caterpillars, fed either new- or mature-leaf powder diets, and could not gain weight when fed J. coenia.
6. These results indicate that prey quality was not determined solely by the iridoid glycoside concentration in the diet.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The interaction between the predator, Discophrya collini , and the prey, Tetrahymena pyriformis , was investigated in order to determine what prey factors(s) may be recognized, facilitating the feeding response of the suctorian predator. When viable, deciliated T. pyriformis were offered to starved D. collini , only 12% of the suctoria captured a ciliate compared to 98% when presented with ciliated T. pyriformis . Starved suctoria were also offered three types of tanned sheep erythrocytes used as artificial prey. After exposure to erythrocytes coated with sonicates of T. pyriformis , 16% of the D. collini displayed one or more attached erythrocytes but after incubation with erythrocytes coated with T. pyriformis cilia, 72% of the suctoria had tentacles with attached cells. No untreated, tanned erythrocytes were captured. When T. pyriformis were treated with ciliary antiserum and then offered to starved D. collini , the resulting capture rate was low (13%), but T. pyriformis treated with normal rabbit serum were captured at a rate comparable to controls (92%). These results suggest that the prey's cilia and/or their surface macromolecules may facilitate prey capture.  相似文献   
We report on the development and characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the zebra shark (Stegostoma fasciatum). Five tetranucleotide and nine dinucleotide loci were polymorphic with heterozygosities ranging from 0.400 to 0.967 and from three to 22 alleles per locus. Cross‐species amplification of these zebra shark primers on four other species of orectolobid sharks was not successful.  相似文献   
Abstract: Canada goose (Branta canadensis) harvest management depends on reliable estimates of harvest composition, and established genetic methods provide an alternative to traditional methods. We expanded upon previous genetic studies by comparing the utility of 6 nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region sequences for discriminating among giant (B. c. maxima) and interior (B. c. interior) populations in Ohio (USA) Canada goose harvests at both individual and population levels. Subspecies and populations exhibited greater differentiation in mtDNA (FST = 0.202) than microsatellites (FST = 0.021), as would be expected based on differences in effective population size. Neither microsatellites nor mtDNA alone were sufficient for estimating harvest composition at the subspecies or population level in simulations and empirical blind tests using individuals of known origin; however, a combined microsatellite + mtDNA dataset yielded accurate and precise harvest derivations at the subspecies level. Both population-level mixed stock analysis and individual-level assignment tests provided accurate results, but a large proportion of birds could not be assigned with confidence at the individual level. We applied mixed stock analysis and the combined microsatellite + mtDNA dataset to Ohio's 2003–2004 harvest and found that interior populations accounted for 4.9% (95% CI = 1.7–8.0%) of the statewide early season and 9.3% (95% CI = 6.9–11.6%) of the regular and late-season harvested sample. These results suggest that maximum likelihood harvest derivations are highly dependent on the choice of genetic markers. Studies should only employ markers that exhibit sufficient variation and have been shown through simulations and empirical testing to accurately discriminate among the subspecies or management populations of interest.  相似文献   
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