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Seabird associations in Pacific equatorial waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seabirds were counted along the same cruise tracks in the eastern tropical Pacific (10°øN-10°øS and 140°ø-90°øW) each spring and autumn for 8 years, 1984–1991. During spring, three species groups were apparent among eight species seen in five or more years: (1) Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa and Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel Oceanodroma tethys , which feed on neuston by surface seizing; (2) Black-winged Petrel Pterodroma nigripennis and White-winged Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera , which feed on neuston and micronekton by surface seizing; (3) Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma externa , Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus and Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata , which feed on micronekton driven to the surface by foraging tuna. During autumn, only one group was identified from the seven species seen in five or more years: Leach's Storm-petrel associated with either Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel or Juan Fernandez Petrel and/or White-winged Petrel. Annual variability in assemblage composition was more extreme in the autumn and thus was similar to variation in physical and biological factors linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation cycle.  相似文献   
Abstract: The OcruranusEohalobia group, whose members were variously considered to be brachiopods, bivalves, chitons, tommotiids and coeloscleritophorans, are difficult to classify because of lack of morphological detail and evidence for skeletal reconstruction. New specimens from South China reveal more information about OcruranusEohalobia and allow progress towards deciphering the skeletal reconstruction and phylogenetic affinity of this enigmatic group. Many specimens have a phosphatic inner and outer coat (mould) with empty space in between that resulted from dissolution of the original shell. Moreover, many of the internal moulds show a previously unknown type of shell microstructure that consisted of stacked layers of highly organized, acicular crystallites that radiated from the apex of the shell towards the aperture. The dissolved shell and needle‐like crystals suggest an original calcareous, probably aragonitic, shell mineralogy. A few specimens also show a polygonal texture in regions that suggests the shell had a thin, prismatic inner shell microstructure. Ocruranus and Eohalobia belong to the same skeleton, and we herein synonymize Eohalobia with the older Ocruranus. Moreover, new specimens from Meishucun reveal a third type of shell plate, similar in form and inferred placement to intermediate valves of chitons. Ocruranus is likely a mollusc, and possibly a member of the chiton stem lineage. If so, then the beginning of the known record of chitons would be extended back from late Cambrian (Saukia Zone; Furongian) to early Cambrian (Meishucunian; Series 1).  相似文献   
Hawaiian endemic tree Acacia koa is a model for heteroblasty with bipinnately compound leaves and phyllodes. Previous studies suggested three hypotheses for their functional differentiation: an advantage of leaves for early growth or shade tolerance, and an advantage of phyllodes for drought tolerance. We tested the ability of these hypotheses to explain differences between leaf types for potted plants in 104 physiological and morphological traits, including gas exchange, structure and composition, hydraulic conductance, and responses to varying light, intercellular CO2, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and drought. Leaf types were similar in numerous traits including stomatal pore area per leaf area, leaf area‐based gas exchange rates and cuticular conductance. Each hypothesis was directly supported by key differences in function. Leaves had higher mass‐based gas exchange rates, while the water storage tissue in phyllodes contributed to greater capacitance per area; phyllodes also showed stronger stomatal closure at high VPD, and higher maximum hydraulic conductance per area, with stronger decline during desiccation and recovery with rehydration. While no single hypothesis completely explained the differences between leaf types, together the three hypotheses explained 91% of differences. These findings indicate that the heteroblasty confers multiple benefits, realized across different developmental stages and environmental contexts.  相似文献   
Release of sporozoites from the oocysts of Cryptosporidium baileyi is described from Nomarski interference-contrast microscopy. Just prior to excystation, the four sporozoites became motile and rearranged themselves within the oocyst. The sporozoites were then rapidly expelled through an opening that formed in the oocyst wall, and the residuum was either released or retained within the oocyst. Excysted sporozoites were crescent shaped and measured 5.0–9.0 μm × 1.0–1.6 μm (x?= 6.8 × 1.1 μm). Excystation occurred when sodium taurocholate or a mixture of trypsin and sodium taurocholate was present in the incubation medium. High levels of excystation occurred at 37° or 40°C, but excystation did not occur at 4°C. The ability of biles from two avian and two mammalian hosts to produce excystation of C. baileyi was also studied. After a 2-h incubation at 40°C, the percentages of excystation were 69.5% in goat bile, 45.0% in pig bile, 33.0% in chicken bile, and 34.5% in turkey bile.  相似文献   
Current models of leaf water enrichment predict that the differences between isotopic enrichment of water at the site of evaporation (Δe) and mean lamina leaf water enrichment (ΔL) depend on transpiration rates ( E ), modulated by the scaled effective length ( L ) of water isotope movement in the leaf. However, variations in leaf parameters in response to changing environmental conditions might cause changes in the water path and thus L . We measured the diel course of ΔL for 18O and 2H in beech seedlings under well-watered and water-limited conditions. We applied evaporative enrichment models of increasing complexity to predict Δe and ΔL, and estimated L from model fits. Water-limited plants showed moderate drought stress, with lower stomatal conductance, E and stem water potential than the control. Despite having double E , the divergence between Δe and ΔL was lower in well-watered than in water-limited plants, and thus, L should have changed to counteract differences in E . Indeed, L was about threefold higher in water-limited plants, regardless of the models used. We conclude that L changes with plant water status far beyond the variations explained by water content and other measured variables, thus limiting the use of current evaporative models under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Since 1998, Haliotis tuberculata mass mortalities have been occurring regularly in wild abalone populations in France during their reproductive period and in conjunction with seawater summer temperature maxima and Vibrio harveyi presence. To confirm the importance of bacterial exposure, temperature and reproductive status on abalone susceptibility, experimental infections via bath exposure were performed using abalone ranging from immature to reproductively mature. Ripe abalone were more susceptible to the bacterium than immature specimens ( P <0.001), and a difference of only 1 °C in temperature had a highly significant impact on the mortalities ( P <0.001). The natural mortalities that were surveyed during summer 2007 confirmed that recent epidemic losses of European abalone appeared in conjunction with host reproductive stress, elevated temperatures and presence of the pathogen V. harveyi . In view of the elevation of the mean summer temperatures observed in Brittany and Normandy over the last 25 years, this temperature-dependent vibriosis represents a new case of emerging disease associated with global warming.  相似文献   
Abstract: State wildlife agencies often use input obtained through public meetings to develop management policies. Because public meetings can be dominated by single stakeholder groups, these policies may not reflect the attitudes of new wildlife stakeholders. In 2000 the Utah Wildlife Board, after a series of public meetings, adopted a statewide policy for winter-feeding mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). The policy was implemented by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources from 2001 to 2007 in Cache County of northern Utah, USA. In 2007, we surveyed Utah households representing metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, and Cache County residents (n = 1,800) to evaluate whether the winter-feeding policy reflected the attitudes of all wildlife stakeholders. Survey respondents, regardless of residence strata, believed winterfeeding programs were essential for managing mule deer in Utah (χ26 = 7.02, P = 0.32). However, most respondents were reluctant to support feeding programs at the expense of habitat restoration projects (χ26 = 11.64, P = 0.07). Our results suggest that the winter-feeding policy represented the attitudes of the Utah residents surveyed, though few had participated in its development. Respondents' strong utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife (e.g., strong support for hunting and feeding) influenced those respondents' perceptions of the policy. Given the effects of increased urbanization on utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife in many parts of the United States, coupled with decreasing numbers of traditional wildlife stakeholders, state wildlife agencies should continually reevaluate their public involvement processes to ensure new wildlife stakeholders' attitudes and concerns are represented.  相似文献   
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