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The therevoid clade represents a group of four families (Apsilocephalidae, Evocoidae, Scenopinidae and Therevidae) of lower brachyceran Diptera in the superfamily Asiloidea. The largest of these families is that of the stiletto flies (Therevidae). A large‐scale (i.e. supermatrix) phylogeny of Therevidae is presented based on DNA sequence data from seven genetic loci (16S, 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA and four protein‐encoding genes: elongation factor 1‐alpha, triose phosphate isomerase, short‐wavelength rhodopsin and the CPSase region of carbamoyl‐phosphate synthase‐aspartate transcarbamoylase‐dihydroorotase). Results are presented from Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of approximately 8.7 kb of sequence data for 204 taxa representing all subfamilies and genus groups of Therevidae. Our results strongly support the sister‐group relationship between Therevidae and Scenopinidae, with Apsilocephalidae as sister to Evocoidae. Previous estimates of stiletto fly phylogeny based on morphology or DNA sequence data, or supertree analysis, have failed to find significant support for relationships among subfamilies. We report for the first time strong support for the placement of the subfamily Phycinae as sister to the remaining Therevidae, originating during the Mid Cretaceous. As in previous studies, the sister‐group relationship between the species‐rich subfamilies Agapophytinae and Therevinae is strongly supported. Agapophytinae are recovered as monophyletic, inclusive of the Taenogera group. Therevinae comprise the bulk of the species richness in the family and appear to be a relatively recent and rapid radiation originating in the southern hemisphere (Australia + Antarctica + South America) during the Late Cretaceous. Genus groups are defined for all subfamilies based on these results.  相似文献   
Abstract: State wildlife agencies often use input obtained through public meetings to develop management policies. Because public meetings can be dominated by single stakeholder groups, these policies may not reflect the attitudes of new wildlife stakeholders. In 2000 the Utah Wildlife Board, after a series of public meetings, adopted a statewide policy for winter-feeding mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). The policy was implemented by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources from 2001 to 2007 in Cache County of northern Utah, USA. In 2007, we surveyed Utah households representing metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, and Cache County residents (n = 1,800) to evaluate whether the winter-feeding policy reflected the attitudes of all wildlife stakeholders. Survey respondents, regardless of residence strata, believed winterfeeding programs were essential for managing mule deer in Utah (χ26 = 7.02, P = 0.32). However, most respondents were reluctant to support feeding programs at the expense of habitat restoration projects (χ26 = 11.64, P = 0.07). Our results suggest that the winter-feeding policy represented the attitudes of the Utah residents surveyed, though few had participated in its development. Respondents' strong utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife (e.g., strong support for hunting and feeding) influenced those respondents' perceptions of the policy. Given the effects of increased urbanization on utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife in many parts of the United States, coupled with decreasing numbers of traditional wildlife stakeholders, state wildlife agencies should continually reevaluate their public involvement processes to ensure new wildlife stakeholders' attitudes and concerns are represented.  相似文献   
The amino acid composition of the EDTA-induced phloem exudatereaching the fruit and the seed, and of the solutes releasedby the seed coat during fruit development were determined inglasshouse-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Finale) suppliedeither with nitrate-free nutrients (nodulated plants) or withcomplete medium (non-nodulated plants). The EDTA-promoted exudationtechnique was used supposedly to collect phloem sap and theempty seed technique supposedly to collect the solutes secretedby the seed coat to the embryo sac cavity. In young seeds embryosac liquid was sampled directly from the embryo sac. The maincarbohydrate transported and secreted was sucrose. The mainamino acids reaching the fruit were asparagine, glutamine, andhomoserine. Their proportions were steady during a day-nightcycle and throughout fruit development. Amino acid compositionchanges occurred first in the pathway from fruit stalk to seedfunicle, due to the formation of threonine (probably from homoserine)and in the seed coat due to production of glutamine, alanineand valine which, together with threonine were the main secretedamino acids. The temporary nitrogen reserves of the pod walland seed coat were remobilized as asparagine during senescence.Phloem exudate of nodulated plants showed a higher (about twice)proportion of asparagine but lower proportions of homoserineand glutamine than in EDTA-induced phloem exudate of nitrate-fedplants. The two types of nitrogen nutrition also produced somechanges in relative proportions of threonine and homoserinesecreted by the seed coat. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem, amino acids, pod wall, seed coat  相似文献   
Abstract: Synchrony is an important component of wildlife population dynamics because it describes spatial pattern in temporal population fluctuations. The strength and spatial extent of synchrony can provide information about the extrinsic and intrinsic forces that shape population structure. Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) populations undergo annual fluctuations, possibly due to variation in weather during the reproductive season. To determine if spring weather plays a role in synchronizing wild turkey populations, we used a modified Mantel-type spatial autocorrelation procedure to measure the synchrony in fall wild turkey harvest data collected in 443 townships from 1990 to 1995 and compared this to the pattern of synchrony in spring weather variables (May rainfall and temp) over the same period. We measured correlation using Spearman correlation coefficients between the total fall harvests from 1990 to 1995 for each pair of townships, and sorted pairs into 6 50-km distance intervals. We calculated a mean correlation coefficient for each interval and estimated its P-value using resampling. We found moderately significant synchrony in the fall harvest (rs = 0.12-0.34, P < 0.008) among township pairs <150 km apart, but no significant synchrony beyond this distance. In contrast, both May temperature (r = 0.82-0.90, P < 0.001) and rainfall (r = 0.49-0.76, P < 0.001) were strongly synchronized across all 6 distance intervals. Visual inspection of time series in the wild turkey fall harvest suggests that populations may be synchronized in some years when weather promotes high reproductive success (i.e., a synchronized growth peak) and asynchronous in other years. Knowledge of the spatial dynamics of wild turkey populations will aid wildlife managers in estimating population change, setting harvest quotas, and managing habitat.  相似文献   
X-chromosome inactivation, which was discovered by Mary Lyon in 1961 results in random silencing of one X chromosome in female mammals. This review is dedicated to Mary Lyon, who passed away last year. She predicted many of the features of X inactivation, for e.g., the existence of an X inactivation center, the role of L1 elements in spreading of silencing and the existence of genes that escape X inactivation. Starting from her published work here we summarize advances in the field.  相似文献   
Hawaiian endemic tree Acacia koa is a model for heteroblasty with bipinnately compound leaves and phyllodes. Previous studies suggested three hypotheses for their functional differentiation: an advantage of leaves for early growth or shade tolerance, and an advantage of phyllodes for drought tolerance. We tested the ability of these hypotheses to explain differences between leaf types for potted plants in 104 physiological and morphological traits, including gas exchange, structure and composition, hydraulic conductance, and responses to varying light, intercellular CO2, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and drought. Leaf types were similar in numerous traits including stomatal pore area per leaf area, leaf area‐based gas exchange rates and cuticular conductance. Each hypothesis was directly supported by key differences in function. Leaves had higher mass‐based gas exchange rates, while the water storage tissue in phyllodes contributed to greater capacitance per area; phyllodes also showed stronger stomatal closure at high VPD, and higher maximum hydraulic conductance per area, with stronger decline during desiccation and recovery with rehydration. While no single hypothesis completely explained the differences between leaf types, together the three hypotheses explained 91% of differences. These findings indicate that the heteroblasty confers multiple benefits, realized across different developmental stages and environmental contexts.  相似文献   
A pressure of oxygen of 5 atmospheres has been shown to inhibitmarkedly the carbon-dioxide output of green shelled peas. Accompanyingthis decrease, an accumulation of pyruvic and ‘citric’acid has been noted, whilst a depletion in the concentrationof -ketoglutaric acid and, in some experiments, of malic acidoccurred. The results have been interpreted as indicating thathigh pressures of oxygen interfere with the metabolism of citricacid causing a ‘jamming’ of the tricarboxylic acidcycle; thus, under the conditions prevailing during the oxygentreatment, the tricarboxylic acid cycle is considered to bea major respiratory pathway in peas.  相似文献   
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