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Weather conditions, and how they in turn define and characterize regional climatic conditions, are a primary limit on global species diversity and distribution, and increasing variability in global and regional climates have significant implications for species and habitat conservation. A Capture–Mark–Recapture study revealed that badger (Meles meles) life history parameters interact in complicated ways with annual variability in the seasonality of temperature and rainfall, both in absolute and in phenological terms. A strong predictive relationship was observed between survival and both temperature and late‐summer rainfall. This link at the population dynamics level was related to individual body‐weight increases observed between summer and autumn. In addition, fecundity was correlated with spring rainfall and temperature. We investigated and confirmed that relationships were consistent with observed variation in the intensity of a parasitic infection. Finally, fecundity during any given year correlated with conditions in the preceding autumn. Badger survival also correlated with late winter weather conditions. This period is critical for badgers insofar as it coincides with their peak involvement in road traffic accidents (RTAs). RTA rate during this period was linked strongly to temperature, underlining the intricate ways in which a changing climate might interact with anthropogenic agents to influence species' population processes. Equinoctial conditions produced significant population driver effects. That is, while summers will always be relatively warm compared with winters, spring and autumn weather can be more variable and functionally delimit the ‘productive’ vs. nonproductive period of the year in terms of badger behavioural and physiological cycles. This study highlights how appropriately informed conservation strategies, mindful of trends in climatic conditions, will become ever‐more essential to ensure the survival of many species globally.  相似文献   
The Anolis roquet series of Caribbean lizards provides natural replicates with which to examine the role of historical contingency and ecological determinism in shaping evolutionary patterns. Here, we describe 10 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellites to facilitate studies on population differentiation and gene flow. All loci successfully amplified in several species from this series. Genotyping 96 individuals from two A. roquet populations demonstrated the markers’ suitability as population genetic markers: genetic diversity was high (9–22 alleles per locus); there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium; and, with one exception, all genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations.  相似文献   
Marginal organic soils, abundant in the boreal region, are being increasingly used for bioenergy crop cultivation. Using long‐term field experimental data on greenhouse gas (GHG) balance from a perennial bioenergy crop [reed canary grass (RCG), Phalaris arundinaceae L.] cultivated on a drained organic soil as an example, we show here for the first time that, with a proper cultivation and land‐use practice, environmentally sound bioenergy production is possible on these problematic soil types. We performed a life cycle assessment (LCA) for RCG on this organic soil. We found that, on an average, this system produces 40% less CO2‐equivalents per MWh of energy in comparison with a conventional energy source such as coal. Climatic conditions regulating the RCG carbon exchange processes have a high impact on the benefits from this bioenergy production system. Under appropriate hydrological conditions, this system can even be carbon‐negative. An LCA sensitivity analysis revealed that net ecosystem CO2 exchange and crop yield are the major LCA components, while non‐CO2 GHG emissions and costs associated with crop production are the minor ones. Net bioenergy GHG emissions resulting from restricted net CO2 uptake and low crop yields, due to climatic and moisture stress during dry years, were comparable with coal emissions. However, net bioenergy emissions during wet years with high net uptake and crop yield were only a third of the coal emissions. As long‐term experimental data on GHG balance of bioenergy production are scarce, scientific data stemming from field experiments are needed in shaping renewable energy source policies.  相似文献   
Under natural selection, wing shape is expected to evolve to optimize flight performance. However, other selective factors besides flight performance may influence wing shape. One such factor could be sexual selection in wing sexual ornaments, which may lead to alternative variations in wing shape that are not necessarily related to flight performance. In the present study, we investigated wing shape variations in a calopterygid damselfly along a latitudinal gradient using geometric morphometrics. Both sexes show wing pigmentation, which is a known signal trait at intra‐ and interspecific levels. Wing shape differed between sexes and, within the same sex, the shape of the hind wing differed from the front wing. Latitude and body size explained a high percentage of the variation in wing shape for female front and hind wings, and male front wings. In male hind wings, wing pigmentation explained a high amount of the variation in wing shape. On the other hand, the variation in shape explained by pigmentation was very low in females. We suggest that the conservative morphology of front wings is maintained by natural selection operating on flight performance, whereas the sex‐specific differences in hind wings most likely could be explained by sexual selection. The observed sexual dimorphism in wing shape is likely a result of different sex‐specific behaviours. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 263–274.  相似文献   
In nocturnal treefrogs, mate choice implies the use of acoustic and visual signals. Multimodality is suspected to have evolved for either information redundancy or information complementariness. It is essential to explore multimodality in a natural context to understand the selection pressures operating on the signals. In the present study, we investigated calling and coloration in relation to male biometry and condition in four populations of European treefrog (Hyla arborea) varying in size and genetic isolation. We compared the signal intensity between core and satellite populations to estimate the impact of genetic diversity on male secondary sexual traits. The results obtained show important regional variations in both traits, likely as a result of local adaptations. Call and coloration are weakly correlated within an individual, implying that these traits likely convey different information about the signaller's identity or quality, thus supporting the hypothesis of complementariness of multiple messages. By contrast to the experimental evidence, we find that call and coloration are not related to male condition (as estimated by the residual of mass over size), suggesting that the condition‐dependence of these traits may be mediated by complex mechanisms not accurately reflected by the chosen estimator. Finally, male call and colour phenotypes present no robust pattern of variation with isolation status, probably because of variation in local selective pressures and in history of population dynamics. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 633–647.  相似文献   
Two cDNA probes for the porcine calcium release channel gene (CRC) were used in restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in an attempt to develop genetic markers linked to the malignant hyperthermia (stress susceptibility) gene (HAL). Three TaqI RFLPs, denoted CRC1-CRC3, each composed of two alleles, were detected. RFLPs were also detected with MspI and PvuII, but the MspI RFLP correlated completely with CRC3 in this material and the PvuII RFLP could not be scored reliably due to a minute size difference between the two allelic fragments. The autosomal codominant inheritance of these RFLP loci was confirmed by family analyses. Significant evidence for genetic linkage between the CRC1/CRC3 loci and the A1BG locus in the HAL linkage group confirmed a previous assignment of the CRC gene to chromosome 6 in the pig.  相似文献   
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