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Abstract Factors affecting the flight potential of Choristoneura conflictana, an insect that undergoes cyclical changes in population density, are investigated using computer‐linked flight mills. Female and male moths are flown for a 12‐h period and the longest single flight and total flight distance of each moth is recorded. After flight bioassays, moths are subjected to lipid extraction with a soxhlet apparatus to determine the effect of body lipid content on flight. Larger C. conflictana moths fly farther than smaller moths. Female C. conflictana fly farther than male moths but the effects of both mating status and moth age on the distance flown are dependent on sex. Mated females fly farther than virgins and older females fly farther than young females but these relationships do not occur in males. Body lipid content affects the distance flown by both females and males through a significant interaction with sex and age. The factors examined in this study will vary with density in natural populations and are predicted to be important indicators of flight potential and dispersal in this species.  相似文献   
Abstract: Palaeoctopus pelagicus sp. nov. is described from the early Turonian Vallecillo Limestone in north‐eastern Mexico. The species represents the first record of a fossil octopod from the Americas and the second species of the genus Palaeoctopus. The holotype and only known specimen preserves one half of an originally bipartite gladius vestige. Soft parts are not preserved. The gladius vestige is distinguished from P. newboldi from the Santonian Limestone of Lebanon by the arrangement of fields, striation and reinforcements. The new material supports previous ideas suggesting that the paired stylets of modern Octopoda evolved through gradual reduction of a Teudopsis‐like gladius via a transitional stage similar to Palaeoctopus. The origin of Octopoda and Cirroctopoda likely dates back to a period between the Toarcian (180 Ma) and the early Turonian (93 Ma). Palaeoecological conditions in the Vallecillo ocean suggest that P. pelagicus sp. nov. inhabited the pelagic shelf. Hostile low oxygen conditions on the sea floor exclude a benthic mode of life for P. pelagicus sp. nov.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation can have a range of negative demographic and genetic impacts on disturbed populations. Dispersal barriers can be created, reducing gene flow and increasing population differentiation and inbreeding in isolated habitat remnants. Aggregated retention is a form of forestry that retains patches of forests as isolated island or connected edge patches, with the aim of ‘lifeboating’ species and processes, retaining structural features and improving connectivity. Swamp rats (Rattus lutreolus) are a cover‐dependent species that are sensitive to habitat removal. We examined the effects of aggregated retention forestry and forestry roads in native wet Eucalyptus forests on swamp rat gene flow and population genetic structure. We characterized neighbourhood size in unlogged forest to provide a natural state for comparison, and examined population structure at a range of spatial scales, which provided context for our findings. Tests of pairwise relatedness indicated significant differentiation between island and edge populations in aggregated retention sites, and across roads in unlogged sites. Spatial autocorrelation suggested a neighbourhood size of 42–55 m and revealed male‐biased dispersal. We found no genetic isolation by geographical distance at larger (>2.3 km) scales and populations were all significantly differentiated. Our results suggest that removal of mature forest creates barriers for swamp rat dispersal. In particular, roads may have long‐term impacts, while harvesting of native forests is likely to create only short‐term dispersal barriers at the local scale, depending on the rate of regeneration.  相似文献   
Radiating intracolumnal canals are a characteristic feature of large (diameter 10 mm or more) crinoid stems from the Silurian of Gotland. They are found in nodals as well as in internodals where the columnal height exceeds one millimetre. They were formed secondarily in the median and distal portions of crinoid stems with pseudocirriferous holdfasts. Intercolumnal canals are found in the distal parts of stems with true cirri regardless of the size of the stem. It is suggested that these canals played an important role in crinoid physiology. The crinoids are believed to have sustained a large proportion of their tissues through cutaneous digestion and uptake of dissolved substances from the surrounding sea water. The intra- and intercolumnal canals increased the surface of the axial canal in relation to volume. They provided a connection between the axial canal and the surrounding sea water, thus facilitating nutrient transport to the tissues.  相似文献   
Plasmolytic disruption of plasmodesmata interconnecting metaphloemsieve element-companion cell complexes with small and largephloem parenchyma cells in the elongating region of internode2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL. seedlings did not affect accumulationof phloem-imported14C-photosynthates and86rubidium. The membrane-impermeantdye, 5(6) carboxyfluorescein, loaded into leaf phloem as themembrane-permeant diacetate ester, was found not to move radiallyout of the importing sieve elements in the internode elongationregion. In contrast, the apoplasmic tracer, Calcuofluor White,rapidly moved laterally throughout all tissues of the elongationzone. Hexoses, sucrose and potassium were identified as themain osmotica in internode apoplasmic sap. Label asymmetry in[14C](fructosyl)sucrose was retained on accumulation by excisedstem segments. Uptake of [14C]sucrose and86rubidium by stemsegments exhibited saturation kinetics. Sucrose uptake was inhibitedby the slowly penetrating sulphydryl reagent, para-chloromercuribenzenesulphonicacid.In vitrorates of sucrose uptake, at apoplasmic concentrations,corresponded to its predictedin vivorate of delivery to thestem ground tissues from mature sieve elements when respiratorylosses were assumed to be confined to the stem phloem. For potassium,the total delivery rate could be accounted for by itsin vitrorateof uptake. Overall, it was concluded that radial transport,in the elongation zone of internode 2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL.seedlings, follows an apoplasmic route from mature sieve elementsto stem ground tissues.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company PhaseoluLes vulgaris, apoplasm, elongating stem, French bean, photosynthates, potassium, radial transfer, symplasm.  相似文献   
Kin Recognition and Incest Avoidance in Toads   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toads, like many amphibians, display breeding site fidelity.Individuals that return to natal ponds to breed are likely toencounter siblings as potential mates. We examined the geneticstructure of Bufo americanus breeding populations at five localitieswithin a 1 km radius. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes significantlydiffered among the breeding populations, but haplotype distributionsdid not differ from year to year within breeding sites. Natalphilopatry may account for these results. Although incest isthus possible, siblings rarely mate. Comparing haplotypes oftoads captured while mating, we found only 2 of 86 pairs thatcould possibly be siblings. We suggest that toads might recognizeand actively avoid close kin as mates. Advertisement vocalizationsgiven by males serve as potential cues by which females mightrecognize their kin. We recorded calls of males, in the field,and later obtained rank estimates of their relationships toone another by DNA fingerprinting of the nuclear genome. Theresemblance of males' calls was positively correlated with thesimilarity of their fingerprints. Significant differences incall characteristics were also found among breeding populations.Temporal parameters, rather than frequency components, encodekinship information. Recently developed techniques in moleculargenetics facilitate studies of the heritability of behavioraltraits in natural populations.  相似文献   
The effect of flight on reproduction in an outbreaking forest lepidopteran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post‐flight reproductive investment by female insects may be limited as a result of a trade‐off in resource allocation between flight and reproduction. Outbreaking forest pests reduce their habitat quality as a result of severe defoliation when population densities are high. Female relocation to better‐quality habitats can increase offspring survival but reduce their reproductive fitness through flight. In the present study, the effect of flight on the capacity of female Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to mate and produce eggs is examined. Females are flown on flight mills, and the subsequent reproductive capacity of each moth is assessed through measures of mating success and egg production. There is no effect of flight on commencement or the duration of mating. Although flight does not affect egg production directly, energy expenditure as a result of flight (as measured by weight loss) shows a negative correlation to potential fecundity, possibly indicating the resorption of eggs in some females. The effect of female size on fecundity is dependent on mating status, suggesting that energy allocated to reproduction is not dependent on flight treatment. Female moth longevity also has a significant effect on egg production but is dependent on flight and mating treatments. There is a relationship between energy expenditure to flight and reproduction in C. conflictana. Females that fly away from dense populations may produce fewer offspring, although this cost may be mitigated by improved offspring survivorship in less defoliated habitats.  相似文献   
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