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Plasmolytic disruption of plasmodesmata interconnecting metaphloemsieve element-companion cell complexes with small and largephloem parenchyma cells in the elongating region of internode2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL. seedlings did not affect accumulationof phloem-imported14C-photosynthates and86rubidium. The membrane-impermeantdye, 5(6) carboxyfluorescein, loaded into leaf phloem as themembrane-permeant diacetate ester, was found not to move radiallyout of the importing sieve elements in the internode elongationregion. In contrast, the apoplasmic tracer, Calcuofluor White,rapidly moved laterally throughout all tissues of the elongationzone. Hexoses, sucrose and potassium were identified as themain osmotica in internode apoplasmic sap. Label asymmetry in[14C](fructosyl)sucrose was retained on accumulation by excisedstem segments. Uptake of [14C]sucrose and86rubidium by stemsegments exhibited saturation kinetics. Sucrose uptake was inhibitedby the slowly penetrating sulphydryl reagent, para-chloromercuribenzenesulphonicacid.In vitrorates of sucrose uptake, at apoplasmic concentrations,corresponded to its predictedin vivorate of delivery to thestem ground tissues from mature sieve elements when respiratorylosses were assumed to be confined to the stem phloem. For potassium,the total delivery rate could be accounted for by itsin vitrorateof uptake. Overall, it was concluded that radial transport,in the elongation zone of internode 2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL.seedlings, follows an apoplasmic route from mature sieve elementsto stem ground tissues.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company PhaseoluLes vulgaris, apoplasm, elongating stem, French bean, photosynthates, potassium, radial transfer, symplasm.  相似文献   
The effect of flight on reproduction in an outbreaking forest lepidopteran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post‐flight reproductive investment by female insects may be limited as a result of a trade‐off in resource allocation between flight and reproduction. Outbreaking forest pests reduce their habitat quality as a result of severe defoliation when population densities are high. Female relocation to better‐quality habitats can increase offspring survival but reduce their reproductive fitness through flight. In the present study, the effect of flight on the capacity of female Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to mate and produce eggs is examined. Females are flown on flight mills, and the subsequent reproductive capacity of each moth is assessed through measures of mating success and egg production. There is no effect of flight on commencement or the duration of mating. Although flight does not affect egg production directly, energy expenditure as a result of flight (as measured by weight loss) shows a negative correlation to potential fecundity, possibly indicating the resorption of eggs in some females. The effect of female size on fecundity is dependent on mating status, suggesting that energy allocated to reproduction is not dependent on flight treatment. Female moth longevity also has a significant effect on egg production but is dependent on flight and mating treatments. There is a relationship between energy expenditure to flight and reproduction in C. conflictana. Females that fly away from dense populations may produce fewer offspring, although this cost may be mitigated by improved offspring survivorship in less defoliated habitats.  相似文献   
Leaves of Passerina are inversely ericoid. Adaxial epidermal cells are relatively small; abaxial ones are large and tanniniferous. Mucilaginous epidermal cells are usually present in many Thymelaeaceae, including Passerina , mainly in the abaxial epidermis. They are unequally divided by a periclinal wall-like septum into two separate compartments: (1) the outer, adjacent to the cuticle, containing mostly tanniniferous substances and (2) the inner, containing mucilage. This type of epidermis has often been incorrecdy described as uni-, bi- or multiseriate. Transmission electron microscopy revealed mucilage, characterized by microfibrils, embedded between die innermost wall-like septum and outermost layers of the inner periclinal cell wall. As accumulation of mucilage increases, the innermost (adjacent to the cell contents) layer of the original periclinal cell wall is pressed against the cytoplasm, thus forming a clearly demarcated cellulose periclinal wall which divides the epidermis cell into two compartments, the inner wiuh mucilage and the outer comprising the cell lumen. Existing controversy is critically discussed. Our observations confirm the authenticity of mucilagination in epidermal cell walls.  相似文献   
Crinoid holdfasts occur throughout the Silurian sequence of Gotland, with a marked concentration to reefs and immediate reef surroundings. Four morphological groups are recognized: (1) Discoid holdfasts. (2) Cirriferous holdfasts, represented by (a) Rhizocrinus -like holdfasts, (b) large radices with stout, often branching cirri, and (c) rhizoid holdfasts, formed by a complicated net of pseudocirri. (3) Creeping stems attached to the substrate by thin strands of stereome. (4) Coiling stems. Discoid attachments, cirriferous holdfasts (types b and c) and coiling stems show little preference to substrate and adapt morphologically to conditions at hand. Rhizoid holdfasts display the greatest variation and apparently occur within many different groups of crinoids. Rhizocrinusttke holdfasts have been found only in quiet-water deposits, while creeping stems were concentrated to more turbulent environments. Coiling stems were epizoic, attached to rugose corals, bryozoans, crinoid stems and similar supports. Growth, mode of life (attached or free), settling and fixation of larvae, and relation to substrate and other organisms ate discussed.  相似文献   
Zoospores of Phytophthora palmivora were motile for 84 h indistilled water at the optimum temperature, 17 °C. Motilitytime was markedly reduced by high zoospore density, by CaCl2,MgSO4.7H2O, glutamine, glucose, by buffer solutions and by frequentcontact of zoospores with solid surfaces. The zoospores encystedinstantly and disintegrated at pH 2.2–5.0 and in 1.0 mMCuSO4 and FeCl2 and 1.0 per cent (w/v) peptone solutions. Velocityof movement increased as the temperature rose from 8 to 33 °C. The zoospores responded chemotactically to an extract of cocoapod but not to the exudate. Amino acids of the extract as wellas other amino acids and sugars individually attracted the zoospores.Attracted zoospores quickly encysted and germinated; the germtubes were uniformly directed towards source of stimulus.  相似文献   
The graphoglyptid ichnogenus Paleodictyon has been alternatively interpreted as a foraging or farming trace; as a subsurface burrow for the habitation of one or more unknown organisms; the remains of a xenophyophore; and as the result of modular growth of an unknown organism. Graph theory and analysis of the geometry of the regular ichnospecies suggests that if the elements of Paleodictyon are interpreted as tunnels, then they are of extraordinary length relative to the size of any likely solitary tracemaker. In addition, because each vertex of the mesh is of degree three, any possible path through mesh requires revisiting in order to travel through the entire network; this makes the minimum path length even longer. These results suggest that it is unlikely that Paleodictyon is the result of subsurface burrowing.  相似文献   
Evolution of the secretoglobins: a genomic and proteomic view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) is a member of the newly erected secretoglobin family, no member of which has yet been assigned an indisputable function. We have suggested a role for ABP in mate selection behaviour and sexual isolation. Although this has been a particularly attractive hypothesis given the evidence for strong positive selection on its alpha subunit gene, Abpa , we have held out the possibility that there might be an as-yet-undiscovered primary function for ABP. This is particularly important in light of its membership in the secretoglobin family, and we are pursuing the broader issue of shared functions of the secretoglobins with genomic and bioinformatic studies. Here we present as complete a comparison as possible of the secretoglobins in the genomes of three species of mammals: mouse, rat and human, and we compare the protein sequences and their potential evolutionary relationships. We suggest that the secretoglobins can be divided into at least five families. In rodent and human genomes, these gene families are found in two main clusters that are syntenic between rat and mouse. Humans have only the three families that are found within the uteroglobin/clara cluster, because no ABP-containing secretoglobin cluster has yet been identified.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 493–501.  相似文献   
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