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The impact of climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene on the geographic structure of genetic variation in plant populations is well documented, but there is a lack of studies of annual species at the European scale. The present study aimed to infer the history of the widespread European annual Rhinanthus angustifolius C. C. Gmelin (Orobanchaceae). We explored variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in twenty-nine populations covering the entire distribution area of the species. Five AFLP groups were identified, suggesting at least two glacial refugial areas: one area in southwestern Europe and one large eastern area in the Balkan/Caucasus. Recolonization of previously glaciated areas mainly took place from the east of Europe. Despite the difference in life-history traits, the patterns found for the annual R. angustifolius show similarities with those of perennial species in terms of genetic diversity and geographic organization of genetic variation. Although organelle markers have typically been preferred in phylogeographic studies, the cpDNA variation in R. angustifolius did not show any clear geographic structure. The absence of geographic structure in the cpDNA variation may reflect persistence of ancestral polymorphisms or hybridization and introgression with closely-related species.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 1–13.  相似文献   
The Brazilian Cerrado is the most species‐rich tropical savanna in the world. Within this biome, the Campos Rupestres (‘rocky savannas’) constitute a poorly studied and highly threatened ecosystem. To better understand how plants characteristic of this vegetation have evolved and come to occupy the now widely‐separated patches of rocky formations in eastern Brazil, we reconstruct the biogeographical history of the rare orchid genus Hoffmannseggella. We apply parsimony and Bayesian methods to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 40 out of the 41 described species. Absolute divergence times are calculated under penalized likelihood and compared with estimates from a Bayesian relaxed clock. Ancestral ranges are inferred for all nodes of the phylogeny using Fitch optimization and statistical dispersal vicariance analysis. In all analyses, phylogenetic uncertainty is taken into account by the independent analysis of a large tree sample. The results obtained indicate that Hoffmannseggella underwent rapid radiation around the Middle/Late Miocene (approximately 11–14 Mya). The region corresponding today to southern Minas Gerais acted as a main source area for several independent range expansions north‐ and eastwards via episodic corridors. These results provide independent evidence that climate cooling following the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (approximately 15 Mya) led to important vegetational shifts in eastern Brazil, causing an increase in the dominance of open versus closed habitats. Polyploidy following secondary contact of previously isolated populations may have been responsible for the formation of many species, as demonstrated by the high ploidy levels reported in the genus. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 597–607.  相似文献   
In five experiments carried out between 1987 and 1989, crops of winter barley were grown under a range of agronomic treatments to study the way the treatments influenced the patterns of nitrogen uptake, dry matter production, translocation of assimilates and malting quality. Rate and timing of nitrogen fertiliser had large effects. Increased and late applications invariably increased nitrogen concentration in the grain by affecting the partitioning of nitrogen between the vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant. Foliar fungal diseases also affected nitrogen partitioning, apparently by interfering with the transport of stored nitrogen to the developing grain. Seasonal influences, especially rainfall during the grain filling period, were found to have profound effects on the pattern of change in ear and grain nitrogen concentration, and hence malting quality. The ability to predict final grain nitrogen concentration from measurements made earlier in the season is not therefore likely to be feasible.  相似文献   
Vargas, S., Erpenbeck, D., Göcke, C., Hall, K. A., Hooper, J. N. A., Janussen, D. & Wörheide, G. (2012) Molecular phylogeny of Abyssocladia (Cladorhizidae: Poecilosclerida) and Phelloderma (Phellodermidae: Poecilosclerida) suggests a diversification of chelae microscleres in cladorhizid sponges. —Zoologica Scripta, 42, 106–116. The taxonomic placement of Abyssocladia Lévi, 1964 (Poecilosclerida) is controversial, having been assigned at various times to three different families (Mycalidae, Cladorhizidae and Phellodermidae) in two different suborders (Mycalina and Myxillina, respectively), since its inception in 1964. It shares the general body plan with the carnivorous sponge family Cladorhizidae (Mycalina), including the lack of an aquiferous system. Nevertheless, it also has chela spicules apparently identical to those in Phelloderma Ridley & Dendy 1886 (Phellodermidae, Myxillina). The ongoing debate on the position of Abyssocladia ultimately reduces to a discussion on the use of chelae morphology to infer phylogenetic relationships within Poecilosclerida. Here, we infer the phylogenetic relationships of the genera Phelloderma and Abyssocladia using two independent molecular markers (28S rDNA and COI), showing that Abyssocladia is not closely related to Phelloderma and belongs in Cladorhizidae. We suggest that despite their complexity, chelae morphology can evolve independently in different poecilosclerid lineages and as such might be potentially misleading as indicator of the phylogenetic history of the group. We also provide the first phylogenetic analysis of the carnivorous sponge family Cladorhizidae and give first insights into the evolution of this feeding mode in Poecilosclerida and, more generally, in Porifera.  相似文献   
1. In isolation of total ribosomes from Phaseolus leaves thehighest yield was obtained with an extraction medium containingHEPES buffer, low Mg2+-concentration (1 mM) and SH-group protectingagents. 2. Chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomes were obtained in aratio of 1 : 28 after selective isolation. 3. After freezing identical portions of cytoplasmic extractthe amount of ribosomes/ml extract dropped, but later increasedwith freezing time. 4. Ribosomal preparations showed UV-absorption spectra typicalfor RNA. Extinction ratios suggested that preparations werecontaminated with extraneous protein to a certain extent, purityincreasing after selective isolation, especially after freezing. 5. Protein patterns and sedimentation behaviour of cytoplasmicribosomes were identical regardless of addition or omissionof detergent in leaf exeracts. 6. After polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of ribosomal proteins,29 bands of basic protein were found in cytoplasmic ribosomesand 22 in chloroplast ribosomes. Acidic proteins could not bedetected. Patterns in both extracts were different and highlyreproducible, resembling those recently reported. Tests forfive enzymes, highly active in the leaf tissue, gave negativeresults on the isolated ribosomal proteins. 1Present address: Max Planck Institut für ExperimentelleMedizin, Arb.-Gr. Biochemie, D-34 Göttingen, Hermann-Rein-Straße3, West Germany. (Received August 10, 1968; )  相似文献   
Changes in habitat stability may significantly shape evolutionary patterns and processes in ancient lakes. In the present study, we use a hierarchical combination of molecular phylogenetic and coalescent approaches to investigate the evolutionary history of the endemic species of the gastropod genus Bellamya in the African rift‐lake Malawi. By integrating our findings with reported palaeontological and palaeolimnological data, we demonstrate that all but one evolutionary lineage of the Pliocene Bellamya fauna in Lake Malawi became extinct. Coalescent analyses indicate that the modern radiation underwent both a sudden demographic and a spatial expansion after a genetic bottleneck. We argue that a reflooding of the lake after severe Pleistocene low stands offers a straightforward explanation for this pattern and may have triggered speciation processes in the modern endemic Bellamya radiation in Lake Malawi. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 130–143.  相似文献   
Cytological evolution and DNA synthesis activity of the female pronucleus were analyzed in experimentally activated virgin eggs of Pleurodeles. Pricking with a micropipette is a positive treatment for activation comparable to electric shock. As in normally fertilized eggs, the evolution of a female pronucleus is related to normal DNA synthesis. Thus, the fact that the female gametic nucleus does not achieve the first mitotic cycle, at the end of migration, cannot be related to initial failure of DNA synthesis. Normal mitoses of this nucleus are obtained in an activated egg in which development is insured by grafting a somatic nucleus. These results are discussed in terms of activation factors.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We applied a two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis procedure to the genomes of two karyotype variants assigned to two different strains of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi , termed D (strain III) and F (strain II). Data obtained for Bss HII and Mlul restriction fragment length polymorphisms in each chromosome are compiled and compared to the reference strain I variant A. Six Insertion/Deletion (InDels) are found in subterminal position, some of these being characteristic of either D or F. Like in strain I, the terminal fragments extending between each telomere and rDNA locus are conserved in length for each chromosome. They are however smaller than in reference variant. This size reduction is estimated to be 2.5 kbp for the strain III isolate and 3.5 kbp for the strain II isolate. We hypothesize that for the three E. cuniculi strains, all chromosome extremities are prone to a constant process of sequence homogenization through mitolic recombination between conserved regions.  相似文献   
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