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Switchgrass is a large, North American, perennial grass that is being evaluated as a potential energy crop. There is a need to assess genetic diversity in stored accessions and in remaining native stands to assist breeding and conservation efforts. Marker development will also be necessary for genetic linkage mapping. Toward this end, 32 switchgrass genic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellites were identified from expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These microsatellites were used to screen individuals from two different named cultivars. The markers displayed a high level of polymorphism consistent with the tetraploid, allogamous behaviour of the cultivars tested.  相似文献   
Abstract A comparative study of the olfactory responses to pheromone compounds was performed in twenty-four species of Hadeninae. Electroantennograms (EAG) were recorded on male moths in response to thirty compounds and the response profiles of each species were analysed by factorial correspondence analysis. A limited number of molecules were found active and the most effective stimuli were Z9 tetradecenes and Z11 hexadecenes. The species of the Mythimna genus were most sensitive to aldehydes. Tholera decimalis did not respond to any of the molecules tested. The species belonging to the Mamestra and the Orthosia genera responded to a variety of molecules and no simple correlation was found between the genus and the EAG sensibility. Pheromone reception is discussed in relation to the taxonomy and the evolution of olfactory communication in Hadeninae.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Abundant well-preserved jellyfish impressions are described from the Cerin Lagerstätte (Ain, eastern France). The enclosing sediments are lithographic limestones deposited in a Late Kimmeridgian lagoon lying on an emergent reef complex. Two new taxa of Scyphozoa are proposed: Paraurelia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (abundant) and Paraurelia sp. A (rare), and two new taxa of Cubozoa: Bipedalia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (rare) and Paracarybdea lithographica gen. et sp. nov. (very rare). Rapid covering by a microbial mat helped the preservation of the animals. Many specimens of Paraurelia cerinensis are deformed by slippage down the palaeoslope, which characterizes the margin of the lagoon. Their resultant morphology and their orientation clearly indicate the downslope direction. Tentacles of Bipedalia cerinensis and Paracarybdea lithographica are also orientated according to the palaeoslope. The jellyfish were probably dead individuals occasionally introduced into the Cerin lagoon. However, another hypothesis may be considered with reference to the model of the present-day jellyfish lakes in Palau (Caroline Islands, Western Pacific). Jellyfish could have lived in the more oxygenated upper layer of water of the Cerin lagoon that allowed pelagic life. This situation could have corresponded to short periods of easier communication between the open sea and the lagoon. Jellyfish are only found in the lower beds of the lithographic limestones and their distribution illustrates the supposed evolution of the Cerin lagoon. Initially, it was deep, mainly flooded, with possibly autochthonous jellyfish and allochthonous animals indicating clear marine influence. Later, the lagoon shallowed and its sediments often emerged with marginal marine burrows and plants indicating increasing terrestrial influence.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Well-preserved arthropod trackways are described from the laminated limestones of the Crayssac Lagerstätte (south-west France, Lower Tithonian). They occur in sediments deposited in the temporary coastal mudflats of intertidal to supratidal zones. The trackways are referred to Pterichnus isopodicus isp. nov., and are interpreted as the locomotion traces of isopods. Different trackway morphotypes are recognized and clearly resulted from variations in the original consistency of the sediment. Sinuous trackways may correspond to vagrant activity on wet mud whereas numerous straight ones indicate a more rapid crawling on a soft-to-firm substratum (e.g. tidal flat during emersion). The preferred orientation of trackways indicates that isopods were crawling in a direction perpendicular to shoreline as a result of possible taxis induced by sediment wetness and/or by a migratory behaviour controlled by tidal rhythm. Unusually long emergence of the sediments may have favoured the preservation of dense networks of trackways. An isopod identity is supported by the general morphology of the tracks and the association of trackways with isopod body fossils. Archaeoniscus , which occurs abundantly in Late Jurassic deposits of England and France, was probably the trace-maker.  相似文献   
1. Unionid mussels are highly threatened, but little is known about genetic structure in populations of these organisms. We used allozyme electrophoresis to examine partitioning of genetic variation in three locally abundant and widely distributed species of mussels from a catchment in Ohio. 2. Within‐population variation was similar to that previously reported for freshwater mussels, but genotype frequencies exhibited heterozygote deficiencies in many instances. All three species exhibited significant among‐population variation. Evidence of isolation‐by‐distance was found in Elliptio dilatata and Ptychobranchus fasciolaris, while Lampsilis siliquoidea showed no geographical pattern of among‐population variation. 3. Our results suggest that the isolating effects of genetic drift were greater in L. siliquoidea than in the other species. Differentiation of populations occurred at a much smaller spatial scale than has previously been found in freshwater mussels. Differences among species may reflect differences in the dispersal abilities of fishes that serve as hosts for the glochidia larvae of mussels. 4. Based on our results, we hypothesise that species of mussels that are common to large rivers exhibit relatively large amounts of within‐population genetic variation and little differentiation over large geographical distances. Conversely, species typical of small streams show lower within‐population genetic variation and populations will be more isolated. If this hypothesis can be supported, it may prove useful in the design of conservation strategies that maintain the genetic structure of target species.  相似文献   
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a hereditary autoinflammatory disorder caused by mutations in the MEFV gene. The disease is especially common among Armenian, Turkish, Jewish and Middle East Arab populations. To identify the frequency and the spectrum of common MEFV mutations in different Iranian populations, we investigated a cohort of 208 unselected asymptomatic individuals and 743 FMF patients. Nine hundred and fifty-one samples were analysed for the presence of 12 MEFV mutations by PCR and reverse-hybridization (FMF StripAssay, ViennaLab, Vienna, Austria). Confirmatory dideoxy sequencing of all MEFV gene exons was performed for 39 patients. Fifty-seven (27.4%) healthy individual carried mutant MEFV alleles. Three hundred and ninety-one (52.6%) FMF patients were found positive for either one (172/743; 23.1%), two or three MEFV mutations. Using dideoxy sequencing, three novel variants, A66P, R202W and H300Q, could be identified. Our analysis revealed an allele frequency and carrier rate of 15.6 and 27.4%, respectively, among healthy Iranians. Still moderate compared to neighbouring Armenia, but higher than in Turkey or Iraq, these data suggest that FMF is remarkably common among Iranian populations. E148Q was most frequent in the group of healthy individuals, whereas M694V was the most common mutation among FMF patients, thereby corroborating previous studies on MEFV mutational spectra in the Middle East. Accordingly, MEFV mutations are frequent in healthy Iranian individuals across different ethnic groups. Based on this finding, the awareness for FMF and the implementation of augmented carrier screening programmes considering the multiethnic nature of the Iranian population should be promoted.  相似文献   
Given the importance of interleukin-1 in both rheumatic diseases and the modulation of cell metabolic activities, we studied the action of this cytokine on the neutral amino acid transport A system on rheumatoid synovial cells. In these cells IL-1 (1ng/ml) induced amino transport stimulation from 5min to 5h. This effect was obtained only after a starvation period. No concentration-related effect was found for IL-1-stimulated MeAIB uptake, and the IL-1-mediated MeAIB uptake stimulation is independent of protein synthesis. Neosynthesis or post-translational maturation of protein transport is a prerequisite for obtaining this effect. In conclusion, rheumatoid synovial cells exhibit a higher sensitivity for IL-1 than osteoarthritic ones, probably related to their intense metabolic activity.  相似文献   
Dehydrin-like proteins have been detected in nuclei and cytoplasmof meristematic root tip cells from pea seedlings subjectedto slow dehydration at 90% relative humidity for 48 h or more.Evidence was gained from Western blotting and immunocytochemicalexperiments using an antibody raised against the conserved domainof dehydrin proteins. Flow cytometer analysis has shown thatcycling cells of root tip meristems from dehydrated seedlingsare mostly arrested in G2 phase. Other stress treatments thoughtto involve water depletion (osmotic stress, cold treatment)or to modulate cell response to water deficit (abscisic acid)gave less clear-cut results with all treatments lowering theproportion of cells entering the S phase, but without a definiteand persistent arrest in any preferential phase of the cycle.Possible interrelationships between G2 arrest and dehydrin productionare discussed. Cell cycle; dehydrins; flow cytometry; nuclei; pea; Pisum sativum L.; water stress  相似文献   
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