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Abstract:  The Carnian (Late Triassic) flora of Lunz in Lower Austria is famous for an abundance of well-preserved bennettitalean and cycadalean foliage and reproductive structures. However, only the fertile remains have been studied in detail to date. Recently completed systematic macromorphological and cuticular analyses of leaf fossils from Lunz revealed that several forms previously accommodated in the genus Macrotaeniopteris do not represent ferns but rather Bennettitales assignable to the genus Nilssoniopteris . We describe three species of Nilssoniopteris , which represent the first records for this genus from Lunz, and one of the earliest accounts of Nilssoniopteris in the Northern Hemisphere. The following new combinations are introduced: Nilssoniopteris haidingeri (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov., N. angustior (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. and N. lunzensis (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. The discovery of Nilssoniopteris further substantiates the significance of the Lunz flora as one of the richest and most diverse early Late Triassic floras from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
The role of migratory birds in the movement of the highly pathogenic (HP) avian influenza H5N1 remains a subject of debate. Testing hypotheses regarding intercontinental movement of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses will help evaluate the potential that wild birds could carry Asian-origin strains of HP avian influenza to North America during migration. Previous North American assessments of LPAI genetic variation have found few Asian reassortment events. Here, we present results from whole-genome analyses of LPAI isolates collected in Alaska from the northern pintail (Anas acuta), a species that migrates between North America and Asia. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the genetic divergence between Asian and North American strains of LPAI, but also suggested inter-continental virus exchange and at a higher frequency than previously documented. In 38 isolates from Alaska, nearly half (44.7%) had at least one gene segment more closely related to Asian than to North American strains of LPAI. Additionally, sequences of several Asian LPAI isolates from GenBank clustered more closely with North American northern pintail isolates than with other Asian origin viruses. Our data support the role of wild birds in the intercontinental transfer of influenza viruses, and reveal a higher degree of transfer in Alaska than elsewhere in North America.  相似文献   
Multiple Forms of the Constitutive Wheat Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) isoenzymes were separatedfrom etiolated wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) and examinedby native gel electrophoresis. Two of these enzymes (CAD-1 andCAD-2) were purified to apparent homogeneity. They exhibiteda marked difference in substrate affinity. On sodium dodecylsulphate-acrylamide gel the isolated isoenzymes showed onlyone protein band each with an Mr 45000 and 40000 daltons, respectively,whereas on native gel two bands were identified for each protein.Isoenzymes from a variety of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploidwheats were compared. The results indicated that the CAD polymorphismcould be genetically determined. Key words: Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, lignin, Triticum aestivum L  相似文献   
RÉSUMÉ. Une nouvelle microsporidie, Ormieresia carcini gen. n., sp. n., est trouvée dans Carcinus mediterraneus Czerniavsky, 1884. Son évolution et ses ultrastructures sont étudiees.
Le cycle débute par un méronte limité par une membrane unitaire et possédant un diplocaryon. Toute la sporogonie se déroule dans la musculature de l'höte. Les stades sporogoniaux sont enveloppés dans une membrane pansporoblastique persistante. Dans chaque pansporoblaste, la sporoblastogenése (donnant naissance à 8 sporoblastes) est particulière; un plasmode sporogonial octonucléé manque. Au cours des divisions schizogoniques et sporogoniques, chaque centre cinétique est formé de 2 plaques, une incluse dans l'enveloppe nucléaire, l'autre occupant une position extranucléaire. Les sporontes en division et les sporoblastes sécrètent des substances métaboliques (granules, tubes) qui sont déposées dans l'espace pansporoblastique.
La spore uninucléée est longue et cylindrique (19,1 × 2,4 μm). Un manubrium rectiligne traverse la spore. Son extrémité postérieure se rétrécit brusquement en un filament polaire décrlvant 4 ou 5 tours de spire. L'extrémité antérieure du manubrium est attachée au capuchon polaire lui-même comprimé par un double anneau. La partie antérieure du manubrium est entourée par un polaroplaste formé d'une zone spongieuse et d'une zone lamellaire.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is currently considered a candidate for protection under the Endangered Species Act. To identify potential limiting factors for lesser prairie-chicken populations, we developed an age-based matrix model of lesser prairie-chicken population dynamics to compare the relative importance of components of reproduction and survival, and determine if various management alternatives stabilize or increase rates of population change. We based our analyses on an intensive 6-year population study from which demographic rates were estimated for each age class in Kansas. We used deterministic models and elasticity values to identify parameters predicted to have the greatest effect on the rate of population change (λ) at 2 study sites. Last, we used life-stage simulation analysis to simulate various management alternatives. Lambda was <1 for both populations (site 1: λ = 0.54, site 2: λ = 0.74). However, we found differences in sensitivity to nest success and chick survival between populations. The results of the simulated management scenarios complemented the lower-level elasticity analysis and indicated the relative importance of female survival during the breeding season compared with winter. If management practices are only capable of targeting a single demographic rate, changes to either nest success or chick survival had the greatest impact on λ at site 1 and 2, respectively. Management that simultaneously manipulated both nest success and chick survival was predicted to have a greater effect on λ than changes in survival of adult females. In practice, our demographic analyses indicate that effective management should be based on habitat conservation measures to increase components of fecundity.  相似文献   
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