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Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from Neotypus melanocephalus (Gmelin), a parasitoid of the parasitic large blue butterfly Maculinea nausithous. Allelic diversity and heterozygosity were quantified in samples from the Upper Rhine valley in Southwest Germany.  相似文献   
The climate warming of the postglacial has strongly reduced the distribution of cold‐adapted species over most of Central Europe. Such taxa have therefore become extinct over most of the lowlands and shifted to higher altitudes where they have survived to the present day. The lycaenid butterfly Lycaena helle follows this pattern of former widespread distribution and later restriction to mountain areas such as the European middle mountains. We sampled 203 individuals from 10 populations representing six mountain ranges (Pyrenees, Jura, Massif Central, Morvan, Vosges and Ardennes) over the species' western distribution. Allozyme and microsatellite polymorphisms were analysed to study the genetic status of these highly fragmented populations. Both molecular marker systems revealed a strong genetic differentiation among the analysed populations, coinciding with the orographic structure and highly restricted gene flow among them. The large‐scale genetic differentiation is more pronounced in allozymes (FCT: 0.326) than in microsatellites (RCT: 0.113), but microsatellites show a higher resolution on the regional scale (RSC: 0.082) compared with allozymes (FSC: n.s.). For both analytical tools, we found private alleles occurring exclusively in a single mountain area. The highly fragmented and isolated occurrence of populations is supported by the distribution pattern of potentially suitable climate suggested by species distribution models. Model projections under two climate warming scenarios predict a decline of climatically suitable areas, which will result in the extinction of most of the populations showing unique genetic characteristics.  相似文献   
The spermatophore of the cave-spider Telema tenella is elaborated in the vas deferens. It has the shape of a long inverted gutter with two rows of digitations and spermatozoa piled up inside. The spermatozoon possesses a 9 + 3 axoneme, retracted in the cytoplasm to form from 4 to 4.5 peripheral whorls; the elongated nucleus and its acrosomal rod make 1.5 whorl. The spermatozoa keep the main part of their cytoplasm. The spermatophore is inserted in the male palp, then transferred to the female during coition. With the exception of this family, all other male Araneae transfer free spermatozoa during coition.  相似文献   
Abstract: Large collections of Eccentrotheca helenia sp. nov. from the lower Cambrian Wilkawillina and Ajax limestones in the Arrowie Basin, South Australia, contain abundant low, cap‐shaped and high, laterally compressed isolated sclerites in addition to partially articulated tubular specimens. The scleritome of Eccentrotheca helenia sp. nov. is fully described for the first time and shown to be formed by ontogenetic fusion of sclerites into successively stacked sclerite rings, forming a larger, tubular structure. The apical termination of the tube is highly variable, but is primarily constructed by low, cap‐shaped sclerites and characterised by a central aperture of variable inclination. The adapical portion of the tube is predominantly constructed by high, laterally compressed sclerites, but individual sclerite rings can contain both cap‐shaped and laterally compressed sclerites along with sclerites of intermediate morphology. The apical aperture presumably housed organic structures for attachment to a hard substrate, but the scleritome also occasionally preserves small lateral perforations between fused sclerites, which may have served to stabilise the scleritome by providing additional points of anchorage. In the Arrowie Basin, E. helenia is found in association with archaeocyath‐microbial‐spongiomorph‐dominated bioherms and most likely inhabited pendant or cryptic habitats within these bioherms. Eccentrotheca‐like sclerites form an integral part of the scleritomes of many tommotiids which may confuse taxonomic analysis. Sclerites previously assigned to ‘E.guano, consistently occur together with sclerites of Kulparina rostrata in stratigraphic intervals consistently older than strata hosting E. helenia. Rare fused specimens indicate that the sclerites of K. rostrata and ‘E.guano belong to the same scleritome.  相似文献   
Abstract: We tested the effectiveness of electric fences to reduce moose (Alces alces)-vehicle collisions in 2 fenced sectors (5 km and 10 km) using weekly track surveys and Global Positioning System telemetry. Number of moose tracks along highways decreased by approximately 80% following fence installation. Only 30% (16/53) of moose tracks observed on the road side of the fence were left by moose that crossed an operational fence; moose mostly entered the fenced corridor through openings (e.g., secondary roads) or at fence extremities. Electric fences also prevented 78% (7/9) of collared moose from crossing the highway in fenced sectors. Fences were less effective during occasional power failures. We suggest that circuit breakers should be used to prevent power failures and that there should be no opening along the fence line unless anti-ungulate structures are used.  相似文献   
Life-history theory maintains that long-lived species such as hornbills (Bucerotiformes) maximize lifetime fecundity by ensuring adult survival, rather than investing in current reproductive output. Unusually, female Tockus hornbills are sealed into the nest cavity during breeding, placing a large burden on the male who feeds her and the nestlings for up to 9 weeks. Early departure to help feed young may improve nestling survival, but could reduce female survival if moult is incomplete. We investigated whether departure time of the female Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri is more strongly related to measures of female fitness or juvenile condition. Departure was independent of nestling development and growth, instead depending on female state. At departure, variability in condition between females was smaller than at any other stage, implying a strong stabilizing selection on optimal female departure condition. Similarly, moult showed signs of being completed, and variability in the state of moult between females was lowest at departure. Both predictions were met in favour of the hypothesis that Monteiro's Hornbills would base the timing of their departure from the nest on maximizing their own survival. Thus, as predicted, future reproductive potential takes precedence over current reproductive output in a trade-off decision in this species.  相似文献   
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