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The inner seed coat of seeds of Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Ohlsens Enke Köks was used to study the development of protochlorophyll-containing plastids with an abnormal ultrastructural composition. The pumpkins were harvested at different stages during fruit development and they thus contained seeds with different developmental stages. The dry weight of seeds of the developmental stages used varied from 0.04 g to 0.3 g. Such a series of seeds with decreasing water content indicating increasing maturity contained different amounts of protochlorophyll, from 0.20 μg/g fresh weight to 500 μg/g fresh weight. The ultrastructure of the protochlorophyll containing plastids changed greatly during development. In young seeds with a low content of protochlorophyll, regular prolamellar bodies were found and starch grains filled most of the plastids. During development the starch content decreased and the prolamellar bodies increased in size and lost their regularity. During maturation the plastids accumulated plastoglobuli, probably containing protochlorophyll, and finally the internal structure of the prolamellar body tubular complex was lost.  相似文献   
Epiphyton-feeding snails are often a conspicuous feature ofthe invertebrate fauna associated with submerged freshwatermacrophytes. In this paper I review the different interactionstaking place between snails, epiphyton and macrophytes. Studies on grazing by freshwater snails show that snails havea great impact on the biomass, productivity and species compositionof epiphytic communities. Direct effects of grazing on livingmacrophytes are probably of minor importance, but snails havea significant indirect effect on macrophytes by reducing thedetrimental impact of epiphyton (e.g. shading and competitionfor nutrients). Predators of snails can have a mediating effecton snail-epiphyton-macrophyte interactions, both through a directpredatorprey relationship (reducing the density of snails) andby inducing a habitat displacement of the snails. In a studyon the effects of predation by the pumpkinseed sunfish (a specializedsnail predator) it was found that predation indirectly affectsthe biomass and species composition of epiphytic algae by regulatingthe density of snails.  相似文献   
A new oligochaete family, Randiellidae, is established for R. multitheca sp.n. (from the continental shelf off the east coast of the U.S.A.), R. litoralis sp.n. (from Oregon, U.S.A.), R. caribaea sp.n. and R. minuta sp.n. (both from Guadeloupe and Martinique), all members of a new marine genus Randiella. The species are characterized by small single-pointed and somewhat sigmoid somatic setae, slender (generally hair-like) modified genital setae in segment X, sperm funnels in X (if one pair), or in X and XI (if two pairs), very simple male ducts lacking atria, clitellum over XII-XIII, and multiple spermathecae in VII and/or VIII.  相似文献   
The Compartmentation of 14CO2 fixation and concomitant metabolism of l4C-iabelled products in a recombined system, composed of isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasls and a ‘cytoplasm’ fraction, has been studied. Addition of ‘cytoplasm’ to chloroplasts fixing 14CO2 increased the label in hexoae monophosphates outside the chloroplasts at the expense of excreted dihydroxyacetone phosphate. The label in ammo acids was increased both inside and outside the chloroplasts. The results support the view that chloroplasls are not able to make 2-oxoacids for amino acid synthesis directly from fixed CO2, but have to co-operate with the cytoplasm and other organelles. The results also show that recombined systems can be useful for studies on the compartmen tation of carbon metabolism in pholosynthesizing plant tissues.  相似文献   
Inanidrilus bulbosus gen. et sp.n. is described from subtidal sands near Miami, Florida. The species lacks alimentary canal, but it possesses highly modified penial setae and an unpaired dorsal spermatheca. It appears closely related to Phallodrilus Pierantoni, but since it is devoid of anterior prostate glands, which are attached to the ental ends of the atria in Phallodrilus , a new monotypic genus, Inanidrilus gen.n., is established.  相似文献   
Parakaketio longiprostatus sp.n. is described from shallow marine water in S.E. Florida. The male ducts of the new genus Parakaketio resemble those of Kaketio Righi & Kanner, 1979, but do not end as voluminous, eversible pseudopenes, rather as simple tubes opening directly to the exterior through simple pores.  相似文献   
Combining pheromone trapping and genetic analyses can be useful when trying to resolve complexes of closely related insect taxa that are difficult to distinguish based on morphological characters. Nearctic and Palearctic populations of the spruce seed moth, Cydia strobilella L., have been considered taxonomically synonymous since 1983, but more recent work revealing distinct sex pheromones for Canadian and Swedish moths suggest that populations in the two regions belong to different species. In order to test this hypothesis, we performed field trapping using different pheromone lures at ten sites in North America, Europe and Asia, and reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among trapped moths using mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) and nuclear (elongation factor 1 alpha) DNA sequence data. Trapping data and tree topologies for both genes revealed distinct pherotypes in North America and Eurasia. A genetically distinct population from China was investigated further with respect to its sex pheromone. Electrophysiological data indicated that Chinese females produce a deviant ratio of the sex pheromone components (dienic acetates) compared to Swedish females. However, trapping experiments in both areas revealed a similar broad response profile in males to a wide range of acetate ratios, and these populations should be considered taxonomically synonymous. A previous suggestion of an agonistic effect on the attraction of C. strobilella males in Sweden when adding the corresponding alcohols to the binary acetate blend was also tested in Sweden as well as in China, with no observed effect on attraction of males. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the great potential of using pheromone trapping as a tool for identification and delimitation of taxa within cryptic species complexes. Based on our data, Nearctic and Palearctic populations of C. strobilella should be considered different species, and C. youngana Kearfott stat. rev. is resurrected here as valid name for North American populations, which was the case before the revision in 1983.  相似文献   
Invertebrate colonization of a new, man-made stream in southern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The invertebrate colonization of a man-made stream, Flugströmmen, in southern Sweden was monitored for 18 months in 1988 and 1989. Benthic samples were taken on twelve occasions from three sites (upstream, middle and downstream) and community structure was compared with that at ten natural, permanent reference sites nearby.
  • 2 The number of species colonizing increased rapidly during the first 3 months. The increase was most rapid upstream but levelled off during the second year at this site, while numbers continued to increase downstream.
  • 3 Simuliid species were the earliest colonizers and reached high densities at upstream and middle sites during the first year. Ephemeropteran and plecopteran species also occurred early on, whereas Coleoptera, Odonata and Trichoptera were, on average, slower to colonize. Blackfly densities decreased upstream after the first year and hydropsychids became numerically dominant.
  • 4 The colonization order of functional feeding groups was as predicted: filter feeders first, grazers/collectors intermediate, predators and shredders last.
  • 5 After a year, the community structure in Flugströmmen closely resembled that in lake-outlet streams situated in the area, although communities at the three sites within the stream were most similar to one another.
  • 6 The possible role of competitive and predatory processes in determining the observed successional patterns are discussed.
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