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Ionic Balance of Root-Shoot Nitrate Transfer in Dwarf Bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dijkshoorn-Ben Zioni model about potassium recycling in higher plants proposes a stoichiometric coupling between the upward transport of nitrate and potassium, and therefore a 1:1 ratio of these ions in the xylem sap. Phaseolus vulgaris grown in media with different NO3: K+ ratios, however, only rarely showed equimolar concentrations of the two ions in the bleeding sap. Ratios between 0.2 and 11 were observed and the ratios between concentrations of the ions in the exudate and in the external solution were positively correlated. An analysis of the major inorganic constituents of the exudate revealed an ionic balance that requires negligible amounts of charges from organic molecules.  相似文献   
Hormonal Regulation of Pedicel Abscission in Begonia Flower Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to analyse the hormonal regulation of flower bud shedding in Begonia, levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene were determined in buds and pedicels. The translocation and metabolism of 14C-labeled IAA in pedicel segments were also studied. In a monoecious Begonia fuchsioides hybrid, abscising male flower buds contain about 1% of the IAA present in non-abscising female flowers. In a male Begonia davisii hybrid, the seasonal variation in bud drop coincides with changes in the IAA content of the buds, while also the release of IAA from the bud to the pedicel is hampered. Abscission zones of these pedicels always contain abscission promoting ethylene concentrations. The tissue is prevented from responding with abscission by IAA from the flower buds. The buds also contain ABA but without influencing abscission considerably. Pretreatment with ethylene or ABA does not affect IAA transport in pedicel segments. The rate of this transport is 4–6 mm × h–1:; the capacity increases with the transverse area. In young segments, IAA is decarboxylated and also otherwise metabolized.  相似文献   
Double-bind theory is applied to the concept of hegemony in this paper in order to analyse the dependency of a small community (Bantry Bay in Ireland) upon a multinational corporation (Gulf Oil). The implications for state policy of this relationship are then considered. The argument is that the dispensation of development as patronage in the form of industrial projects provided to needy communities puts such communities in an invidious predicament. The result is that they become ambivalent advocates of the interests of multinationals in the defence of their own.  相似文献   
1. Birds are considered to be the primary selective agents for warning colouration in butterflies, and select for aposematic mimicry by learning to avoid brightly coloured prey after unpleasant experiences. It has long been thought that bright colouration plays an important role in promoting the avoidance of distasteful prey by birds. 2. The hypothesis that warning colouration facilitates memorability and promotes predator avoidance was tested by means of a field experiment using distasteful model butterflies. Artificial butterflies with a Heliconius colour pattern unknown to local birds were generated using bird vision models, either coloured or achromatic, and hung in tree branches in a tropical forest. Two sequential trials were conducted at each site to test avoidance by naïve and experienced predators. 3. There was a significant reduction in predation in the second trial. Also, coloured models were attacked less than achromatic models. Specifically, coloured butterflies were attacked significantly less in the second trial, but there was no significant decrease in predation on achromatic models. 4. The present results imply an important role for colour in enhancing aversion of aposematic butterflies. It has also been demonstrated that previous experience of distasteful prey can lead to enhanced avoidance in subsequent trials, supporting mimicry theory.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of pretreatments (18 h at 5 µmoldm–3) with abscisic acid, the ethylene-releasing substance‘Ethephon’, gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid,kinetin and zeatin on nitrate uptake and in vivo nitrate reductaseactivity (NRA) in roots of nitrogen-depleted Phaseolus vulgarisL. Nitrate uptake showed an apparent induction pattern witha steady state after about 6 h, in all treatments. The nitrateuptake rate after 6 h was unaffected or at most 30% lower aftertreatments with the plant growth regulators. Gibberellic acid, kinetin and zeatin induced substantial NRAin roots in the absence of nitrate, whereas Ethephon enhancedNRA only during nitrate nutrition. Kinetin-induced NRA (Ki-NRA)was maximal after a pretreatment at 1 µmol dm–3,and showed a lag phase of 6–8 h. Ki-NRA was additive tonitrate-induced NRA (NO3-NRA) for at least 24 h, independentof the induction sequence. After full induction, Ki-NRA approximated20% of NO-3-NRA. Abscisic acid counteracted the developmentof Ki-NRA, but not of NO3-NRA. Cycloheximide and tungstatewere equally effective to suppress the development of nitratereductase activity after supply of kinetin or NO3. Our data are consistent with the operation of two independentenzyme fractions (Ki-NRA and NO3-NRA) with apparentlyidentical properties but with separate control mechanisms. Theabsence of major effects of plant growth regulators on the time-courseand rate of nitrate uptake suggests that exogenous regulators,and possibly endogenous phytohormones are of minor importancefor initial nitrate uptake. The differential effect of someregulators on nitrate uptake and root NRA furthermore indicatesthat the processes of uptake and reduction of NO3 arenot obligatory or exclusively coupled to each other.  相似文献   
1. Parasitoids are a valuable group for conservation biological control. In their role as regulators of aphid pests, it is critical that their lifecycle is synchronised with their hosts in both space and time. This is because a synchronised parasitoid community is more likely to strengthen the overall conservation biological control effect, thus damping aphid numbers and preventing potential outbreaks. One component of this host–parasitoid system was examined, that of migration, and the hypothesis that peak summer parasitoid and host migrations are synchronised in time was tested. 2. Sitobion avenae Fabricius and six associated parasitoids were sampled from 1976 to 2013 using 12.2‐m suction‐traps from two sites in Southern England. The relationship between peak weekly S. avenae counts and their parasitoids was quantified. 3. Simple regression models showed that the response of the peak parasitoids to the host was positive: generally, more parasitoids migrated with increasing numbers of aphids. Further, when averaged over time, the parasitoid migration peak date corresponded with the aphid migration peak. The co‐occurrence of the peaks was between 51% and 64%. However, the summer peak in aphid migration is not steadily shifting forward with time unlike spring first flights of aphids. Cross‐correlation analysis showed that there were no between‐year lagged effects of aphids on parasitoids. 4. These results demonstrate that the peak in migration phenology between host and parasitoid is broadly synchronised within a season. Because the threshold temperature for flight (> 12 °C) was almost always exceeded in summer, the synchronising agent is likely to be crop senescence, not temperature. Studies are needed to assess the effects of climate change on the mismatch potential between parasitoids and their hosts.  相似文献   
Abstract: During severe winters, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) concentrated on ranges in poor condition can experience high mortality. Winter-feeding programs have been implemented to mitigate this mortality. We studied effects on body condition, mortality, fawn production, and migration of mule deer following winter-feeding in the Cache-Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA. Fed deer exhibited 12% higher live body-condition indices both years (main effect feed: F1,7.32 = 5.39, P = 0.052), lower mortality (33% vs. 55%: χ21= 4.58, P < 0.05), and produced more fawns (19 fawns:18 fed F vs. 11 fawns:12 nonfed F; t27.2 = 2.20, P < 0.036) than nonfed deer. Fed deer migrated later in spring 2004 (x̄ = 13 Apr) than nonfed deer (x̄ = 24 Mar; t34= 3.25, P = 0.003). Fed deer spent more time on winter range in 2003-2004 (x̄ = 157 d) than nonfed deer (x̄ = 121 d; t20 = 3.63, P = 0.002), and more time on winter range for both winters combined (fed deer x̄ = 321 d, nonfed deer x̄ = 257 d; t27 = 3.29, P = 0.003). Concomitantly, wildlife managers need to recognize that any possible benefits accrued to mule deer populations in terms of increased nutritional status as a result of winter-feeding programs may be mitigated by altered timing of migration and increased duration of use of seasonal ranges by fed deer.  相似文献   
1. The extent to which individuals are parasitised is a function of exposure to parasites and the immune response, which in ectotherms may be associated with temperature. 2. We test the hypothesis that seasonal variation in ectoparasite burden is driven by temperature using an extensive mark‐release‐recapture study of adult Coenagrion puella (L.) (Zygoptera) as a model system. Mite counts were taken both at capture and on a subset of subsequent recaptures over two entire, consecutive breeding seasons. 3. Emergence date was the most significant factor in determining individual differences in mite burden, and mean counts for individuals emerging on the same days showed strong unimodal relationships with time of season. Subsequent recounting of mites on a subset of individuals showed that patterns of loss of mites were similar between seasons. 4. While temperature did not significantly affect mite burdens within seasons and ectoparasite prevalence was very similar across the two seasons, intensity of infection and rate of mite gain in unparasitised individuals were significantly higher in the cooler season. 5. We demonstrate that, while temperature may modulate the invertebrate immune response, this modulation does not manifest in variations in mite burdens in natural populations.  相似文献   
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