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Natural convection from leaves at realistic Grashof numbers   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract. The boundary layer resistance of model leaves was measured in still air, at a range of leaf-to-air temperature differences. The results were compared to those calculated from standard formulae for natural convection. The agreement between observed and calculated was only satisfactory when Grashof numbers exceeded about 105. At the lower Grashof numbers, which often prevail in nature, the observed rates of heat transfer considerably exceeded those calculated.  相似文献   
Comparative ethological studies of closely related species canplace into clear perspective the functions of behavioral traitsas species diverge and adapt to different environments. In thispaper we contrast the reproductive behavior of species withintwo crustacean groups: the mantis shrimps (stomatopods) andthe fiddler crabs (genus Uca). For the stomatopods, we identifyprobable selective relationships between features of species'ecology and their mating systems. Population density, the kindand availability of shelters in which these shrimps live, theintensity of predation and spawning cycles all play importantroles in molding reproductive behavior in this group. Associationsbetween the ecology and mating systems of fiddler crabs havebeen discussed recently elsewhere. Here we focus on a comparativeanalysis of sexual communication in these crabs. A study ofcompetitive courtship signaling and mate choice in the fiddlercrab Uca beebei has shown that certain male courtship signalsare highly attractive probably because they exploit female sensory-responsesystems that have been molded by selection for escape from predators.Interspecific comparison of male courtship displays and theresponses of females to these displays suggest that sensoryexploitation may play an important role in the evolution ofsexual signals in the genus. Comparative studies have advancedour understanding of how natural and sexual selection affectthe reproductive behavior of both stomatopods and fiddler crabs.  相似文献   
Nonparametric tests of the Markov model for survival data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lappeted microconch specimen of the phylloceratid ammonoid Juraphyllites from the Tethyan Jurassic of Anatolia (Turkey) indicates that sexual dimorphism in this group was established as early as in the early Lower Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) and that dimorphism in this genus of the Phylloceratina follows the same pattern as that proven [or many groups of the Ammonitina. This is the earliest record of well-developed lateral lappets in the Mesozoic Ammonoidea  相似文献   
One species of Lagenophrys and two species of Operculigera are described for the first time. Lagenophrys machaerigera n. sp. was discovered on the freshwater crab Gecarcinautes goudoti and varies between two extreme forms in the structure of its lorica aperture. Operculigera carcini n. sp. was also found on G. goudoti and exhibits several characteristics that set it apart from other members of its genus. Some of these characteristics also suggest a phylogenetic link between O. carcini and the genus Lagenophrys. Operculigera madagascarensis n. sp. was discovered on the parastacid crayfish Astacoides granulimanus. The occurrence of O. madagascarensis on a Madagascan parastacid and other species of Operculigera on Chilean parastacids suggests that parastacids are the oldest hosts of the genus Operculigera. Continental drift is the most likely mechanism by which species of Operculigera and parastacids could have been dispersed to distant parts of the southern hemisphere. The absence of Operculigera on Australian parastacids may be due to its replacement by the genus Setonophrys on those hosts.  相似文献   
TWO topics on decapod larval biology are discussed: retentionand recruitment of decapod larvae to the parental populationand the ecological role of decapod larvae in the water column. Most decapods have retained a planktonic larval phase whichis generally interpreted as a mechanism for increased dispersal.Evidence of restricted gene flow and biological/physical interactionresearch have suggested that larvae can be retained and recruitedto the parental population via mesoscale processes. To fullyunderstand recruitment processes improved estimates of mortalityrates for planktonic larval stages will be required. Recentevidence suggests that mortality rates are not constant overthe complete larval developmental period but decrease with time. During some seasons meroplankton including decapod l arvae canconstitute more than 50% of the plankton biomass. The quantityof energy transferred into the water column can be significant.Their role in planktonic ecology may be significant and additionalresearch is required.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Carcinonemertes errans is a nemertean worm, the juvenilesof which are found as epibionts on the Dungeness crab, Cancermagister, in close association with the arthrodial membranesof the crabs. The juvenile nemerteans appear to have no meansof taking in particulate food but survive for many months onthe surface of the host. We show that the juvenile C. erransare capable of removing amino acids from dilute solution insea water, that the water near the arthrodial membranes wherethe worms are found contains high concentrations of primaryamines, and that there is a low resistance pathway for low molecularweight amino acids across the arthrodial membrane examined invitro.  相似文献   
Pisum sativum legumin has been shown to be heterogeneous withrespect to the existence of different molecular forms, the molecularweights of subunit pairs, and the molecular weights and isoelectricpoints of constituent subunits. Disulphide-bonded subunit pairswith mol. wt. 54 000 constitute a major part of total legumin.In addition, subunit pairs varying in mol. wt. from 35 000 to58 000 have been observed which associate in various ways togive rise to at least three distinct molecular forms of leguminseparable on non-dissociating gels. ‘Three-dimensional’gel electro-phoresis has been employed to understand the consitutionof these forms in detail.  相似文献   
The Onset of Germination Ability in Developing Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of primary wheat grains (cv. Sappo) to germinatewas determined at different times from anthesis. Fresh, prematurelyharvested grains germinated best at low temperatures (<10°C). The temperature range over which appreciable germinationtook place broadened and the maximum percentage germinationachieved increased with lengthening time between anthesis andharvest. Chilling and exogenous applications of GA3 each affectedthe rate of germination and the maximum percentage germinationof grains in their own ways. The results are discussed in relationto the identification of ‘dormancy’ in wheat grains.  相似文献   
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