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Friend spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) codes for a transport-defective envelope glycoprotein designated gp52, which is responsible for the leukemogenic properties of the virus. gp52 is a monotopic integral membrane protein anchored in the membrane by a stretch of hydrophobic amino acid residues located near the carboxy terminus of the molecule. We have constructed a mutant SFFV envelope gene in which the sequences that code for the hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain have been deleted, and we expressed this gene by using recombinant vaccinia virus vectors or retroviral vectors. The mutant SFFV envelope gene was found to encode a truncated glycoprotein (gp52t) which was also transport defective; a majority of gp52t remained cell associated, while a small proportion of the molecules underwent oligosaccharide processing. The processed form of gp52t was secreted from the cells. Retroviral vectors carrying the mutant SFFV envelope gene were found to be nonpathogenic in adult mice. These results indicate that the hydrophobic membrane-spanning region of gp52 is required for pathogenicity of SFFV and suggest that these sequences may play a role in signal transduction. The results also indicate that the transport defect of SFFV gp52 is due to structural features of the ectodomain of the molecule.  相似文献   
目的:比较蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Montreal Cognitive Assessment,MoCA)和简易智能量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)在急性缺血性脑卒中后认知损害筛查中的应用。方法:对65例缺血性脑卒中患者在发病14天内应用简易精神状态检查量表(Mini-mental State Examination,MMSE)和MoCA进行神经心理评估。其中12例患者在发病3-6个月后应用MMSE、MoCA和神经心理成套测验进行神经心理评估。以MMSE〈23分、MoCA〈21为分界值,受教育年限小于12年加1分,文盲加2分。结果:MMSE的平均分值为25.2±4.3,MoCA的平均分值为18.6±5.7。37例患者MoCA评分显示有认知损害,但其中19例患者(29%)MMSE评分显示正常。28例MoCA评估显示认知正常的患者的MMSE评分均显示认知正常。视空间与执行功能、注意和语言重复测试受损最常见,定向和命名受损较少。在3-6个月的随访期内,12例患者中1例诊断为血管性痴呆患者的MoCA的分值上升1分,MMSE分值无变化;5例认知正常患者、3例轻度认知损害无痴呆的患者和3例中度认知损害无痴呆的患者MMSE和MoCA平均分值均有不同程度的上升,视空间与执行功能平均得分值在2次检测中无明显变化。结论:MoCA较MMSE检出血管性认知功能障碍患者敏感性更高,对认知变化更为敏感。  相似文献   
Brucea javanica oil-loaded liposomes (BJOL) were prepared through thin film hydration method and characterized by transmission electron microscope, dynamic light scattering, and differential scanning calorimetry. Acute toxicity of B. javanica oil (BJO) in liposomes was assessed by determining the number of deaths of Kunming mice over intravenous treatment for 2 weeks. The pharmacokinetic behavior of the main active component (oleic acid) was studied in SD rats. The pharmacodynamics of BJOL was investigated using MMC-7721 cell lines and mice with Lewis lung cancer. The commercial emulsion of BJO (BJOE) was used as a reference. The data showed that BJOL had an average diameter of 108.2 nm with a zeta potential of −57.0 mV, drug loading of 3.60%, and entrapment efficiency of 92.40%. The area under curve of BJO in liposomes and emulsions were 2.31 and 1.15 mg min/ml, respectively. Compared with BJOE, mean residence time and elimination half-time (t 1/2) increased 2.8- and 4.0-fold, respectively, and the clearance (CL) decreased 0.5-fold. In the acute toxicity test, the median lethal dose (LD50) of BJOE was 7.35 g/kg. In contrast, all mice treated with liposomes survived even at the highest dosage (12.70 g/kg). The IC50 value of BJOL group was one third of that of BJOE group (p < 0.01), and a less weight loss was observed in the BJOL-treated animals (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the present study suggests that BJOL significantly decreased toxicity of BJO and enhance the antitumor activity. Therefore, liposomes may be a potential effective delivery vehicle for this lipophilic antitumor drug.  相似文献   
增氮对青藏高原东缘高寒草甸土壤甲烷吸收的早期影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究大气氮沉降对青藏高原高寒草甸土壤CH4吸收的影响,对于揭示氮素调节土壤CH4吸收的机制和评价氮沉降增加背景下大气CH4收支平衡至关重要.通过构建多形态、低剂量的增氮控制试验,测定土壤CH4净交换通量和相关土壤理化性质,分析高寒草甸土壤CH4通量变化特征及其主要驱动因子.研究结果表明:自然状态下高寒草甸土壤是大气CH4汇,CH4平均吸收量为(35.40±1.92) μg· m-2· h-1.土壤CH4吸收主要受水分驱动,其次为土壤NH4+-N和NO3-N含量.NH4+-N抑制CH4吸收,NO3--N促进CH4吸收;不同剂量氮素输入对土壤CH4吸收影响也不尽相同,低氮处理促进土壤CH4吸收,而中氮和高氮处理抑制土壤CH4吸收.结果显示青藏高原高寒草甸土壤是重要的大气CH4汇,在未来大气氮沉降加倍的情景下CH4汇功能增强,但当氮沉降量增加两倍以上时CH4汇功能将会减弱.  相似文献   
The developmental changes in morphology and germinability of Jatropha curcas seeds, effects of temperature and light on seed germination , and changes in desiccation tolerance of mature seeds were studied in this paper. The results indicated that J. curcas seeds reached a physiological maturation at 58 days after anthesis, and that seed germination percentage reached a peak at physiological maturation, and then decreased. The optimal germination temperature was 25 to 30℃. J. curcas seeds were insensitive to dehydration at physiological maturation . There was not a notable effect of light on seed germination. Therefore, J. curcas seed was a non-photoblastic and orthodox seeds .  相似文献   
  1. Pomacea canaliculata, a freshwater snail from South America, has rapidly established natural populations from south to north subtropical region in China, since its original introductions in the 1980s. Low temperature in winter is a limiting factor in the geographic expansion and successfully establishment for apple snail populations. There have been some studies on population level of low temperature tolerance for P. canaliculata, yet little is quantified about its life‐history traits in responses to cold temperatures. Whether these responses vary with the acclimation location is also unclear. We investigated the survivorship and longevity of P. canaliculata in responses to cold temperatures and examine whether these responses vary with the location and snail size. We hypothesized that survival of the snails depends on their shell height and the level of low temperature, and P. canaliculata population from the mid-subtropical zone may exhibit the highest viability over the cold thermal range.
  2. We sampled P. canaliculata populations from five latitude and longitude ranges of subtropical China: Guangzhou population in southernmost (SM‐GZ), three populations of Yingtan (MR‐YT), Ningbo (MR‐NB), Ya'an (MR‐YA) in midrange, and Huanggang population in northernmost (NM‐HG) subtropical zone. For each P. canaliculata population, survival and longevity at six cold acclimation temperature levels (12, 9, 6, 3, 0, and ?3°C) were quantified, and the effects of location and shell height were examined.
  3. The MR‐YA population from mid-subtropical zone of China exhibited the highest survival rate and prolonged survival time regardless of the temperature acclimation treatments, whereas the SM‐GZ population from southern subtropical was the most sensitive to cold temperatures, particular temperatures below 9°C. No individuals of the SM‐GZ population could survive after stressed for 30 days (3°C), 5 days (0°C) and 2 days (?3°C), respectively. For each experimental P. canaliculata population held at 3, 0, and ?3°C, individuals with intermediate shell height of 15.0–25.0 mm had significantly higher survivals.
  4. The results highlight a request of a more thorough investigation on acclimation responses in each of the life table demographic parameters for P. canaliculata, and pose the question of whether natural selection or some genetic changes may have facilitated adaptation in invasive locations.
武夷山国家公园是中国正式设立的第一批国家公园之一, 其所处的武夷山脉在动物地理区划上是东洋区南亚亚区华南小区、东洋区东亚亚区华东小区的分界线。为查明武夷山国家公园及其周边的鱼类区系和多样性现状, 本研究在梳理历史研究资料的基础上, 对调查区域内的崇阳溪、麻阳溪、九曲溪、北溪和铅山河5条河流进行了实地调查, 从物种多样性和功能多样性两个层面对武夷山国家公园及其周边地区鱼类多样性水平进行了分析。结合历史数据, 武夷山国家公园及其周边地区分布的土著鱼类为113种, 隶属于5目17科61属, 其中以鲤形目鱼类为主, 共82种, 占物种总数的72.6%, 其次为鲈形目, 共16种, 占总数的14.2%。受威胁鱼类3种, 包括2种国家II级野生水生保护动物, 即胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)和花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)。武夷山国家公园的第一优势种为拟腹吸鳅(Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus), 与其周边地区以点纹银鮈(Squalidus wolterstorffi)为第一优势种不同。多样性分析结果显示武夷山国家公园的鱼类物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于周边区域。通过比较调查区域内5条河流的鱼类多样性, 麻阳溪鱼类多样性显著高于其他河流, 铅山河的多样性显著低于其他河流。位于国家公园内的九曲溪鱼类多样性比周边地区的崇阳溪要低。鱼类功能多样性结果显示, 武夷山国家公园的功能丰富度指数显著低于周边地区, 功能离散度和功能均匀度均高于周边地区; 在河流方面, 北溪的功能丰富度显著高于其他河流, 崇阳溪的功能均匀度较高, 九曲溪的功能离散度显著高于其他河流。综合鱼类多样性分析结果, 武夷山国家公园鱼类多样性低主要是自然生境异质性低和人为活动共同作用形成, 而周边地区的河流受到捕捞、水利设施、水质污染等因素的影响。这些干扰改变了鱼类的群落结构, 使得鱼类多样性降低。因此应该加强对该区域的鱼类多样性保护工作, 未来还应进一步开展针对公园内鱼类多样性的调查工作。  相似文献   
Trees at their upper range limits are highly sensitive to climate change, and thus alpine treelines worldwide have changed their recruitment patterns in response to climate warming. However, previous studies focused only on daily mean temperature, neglecting the asymmetric influences of daytime and nighttime warming on recruitments in alpine treelines. Here, based on the compiled dataset of tree recruitment series from 172 alpine treelines across the Northern Hemisphere, we quantified and compared the different effects of daytime and nighttime warming on treeline recruitment using four indices of temperature sensitivity, and assessed the responses of treeline recruitment to warming-induced drought stress. Our analyses demonstrated that even in different environmental regions, both daytime and nighttime warming could significantly promote treeline recruitment, and however, treeline recruitment was much more sensitive to nighttime warming than to daytime warming, which could be attributable to the presence of drought stress. The increasing drought stress primarily driven by daytime warming rather than by nighttime warming would likely constrain the responses of treeline recruitment to daytime warming. Our findings provided compelling evidence that nighttime warming rather than daytime warming could play a primary role in promoting the recruitment in alpine treelines, which was related to the daytime warming-induced drought stress. Thus, daytime and nighttime warming should be considered separately to improve future projections of global change impacts across alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   
食品中桔霉素控制方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桔霉素(Citrinin,CIT)是由青霉、曲霉和红曲霉属产生的一种具有肾毒性的真菌毒素。许多食品和饲料中均含有桔霉素,污染范围十分庞大。桔霉素可与其他真菌毒素发生协同作用,如展青霉素(Patulin,PAT)、赭曲霉毒素(Ochratoxin,OTA)等,从而增强其毒性作用,对人及动物健康造成更大的危害。现阶段常用的控制手段主要有物理、化学和生物方法,均取得了一定的成就。本文简单介绍了桔霉素的毒性及污染状况,对桔霉素控制方法的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
三峡库区森林植物多样性分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
三峡库区森林资源丰富 ,根据对库区典型样地的调查 ,认为目前三峡库区共有 41个森林群落类型 ,其丰富度、多样性、均匀度指数在群落梯度上呈规律性波动 .其中针叶林中 ,物种丰富度指数在群落梯度上的总体趋势表现为灌木层 >草木层 >乔木层 ;在常绿阔叶林中 ,该趋势为灌木层 >乔木层 >草本层 ;在落叶阔叶林中 ,典型的栎类林 ,其丰富度指数的趋势为灌木层 >草本层和乔木层 ,而在草本层与乔木层间是波动的 ;多样性指数的趋势为乔木层 <灌木层和草本层 ,而在灌木层与草本层间是波动的 ;在其他群落类型中 ,各指数也是波动的 ;另外 ,各指数在海拔梯度上未表现出明显的规律性 ;一方面与库区自然环境差异较大 ,群落的发育状况不同有关 ,另外 ,长期以来库区内强烈的人为干扰活动也是不可忽视的一个因素 .  相似文献   
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