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淋巴细胞经刺激后分泌一种多肽类物质,这种细胞因子被称为淋巴抑瘤素。在体外培养中发现不同来源的肿瘤细胞对淋巴抑瘤素的敏感性是不同的,表现为三种类型:强反应株,此类细胞对其抑瘤效应反应强烈,抑制率达90%以上;弱反应株,此类细胞的抑制率在70%左右;另一类为负反应株,此类细胞对淋巴抑瘤素不但不表现出抑瘤效应,反而出现助长肿瘤细胞生长的效应。由于体外测定中有上述现象,所以建议在体内应用这类细胞因子时,应像抗菌素测抗菌谱一样测定其抗瘤谱,以利于对症用药。 相似文献
植物防御反应中活性氧的产生和作用 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
活性氧在植物抗病性中起着重要的作用。本文将对其在防御反应中的产生和作用进行简要的论述。 相似文献
植物耐干旱胁迫的生物学机理及其基因工程研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文介绍了干旱胁迫对植物的伤害,植物耐早性的生物学机理以及通过基因工程改良作物耐旱性的研究进展。 相似文献
逆转录病毒载体介导胸苷磷酸化酶在胰腺癌细胞表达 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
人胸腺嘧啶核苷磷酸化酶(TP)在一些肿瘤组织中活性增高,但其功能目前了解尚少。构建了表达TP的重组逆转录病毒载体,直接导入人胰腺癌PC-2细胞,mPCR扩增、Southern及Northern印迹和原位杂交证实转染细胞有外源TP的整合及表达,酶活性检测发现含外源TP细胞TP活性比PC-2细胞的内源性TP活性高TP活性高40-70倍,生长曲线和^3H-TdR参入率检测未发现含外源TP细胞生物学行为的 相似文献
桂西北典型喀斯特区生态服务价值的环境响应及其空间尺度特征 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Study on ecosystem service values (ESVs) is the bridge of understanding ecosystem and economic decision-making. To investigate the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales is an urgent work in the process of ecological restoration and sustainable development in southwest China. Based on the previous research results, the remote images, and weather data of 31 years (1975-2005), the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales in a typical karst area of northwest Guangxi, China were evaluated with the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in this paper. The results showed that ESVs had obvious variations with changes in elevation, rocky types and soil types, and had corresponding characteristics of spatial scales. The ESVs in middle and low elevation areas were higher, but they decreased due to human activities such as deforestation. The ESVs in peak-cluster depression areas were lower, and they would increase as influenced by policies such as returning farmland to forestland. The ESVs were influenced by rocky types, showing lower values but an increasing trend in the typical karst regions while higher values but a decreasing trend in non-karst regions. The average ESVs in the west part of the study region, which is not only the main nature reserve for rare wildlife species in Guangxi, but also one of the best preserved natural vegetation regions in China, were more than 15,000 RMB Yuan ha-1,. Comparatively, the ESVs were less than 10,000 Yuan ha-1 in the middle part of the region attributed to low vegetation coverage, serious peak-cluster depression and karst rocky desertification. After about 20 years, that is from 1985 to 2005, the ecosystem conditions had been improved and the ESVs had increased in the middle and eastern part of this study region. On the contrary, in most western part, which was dominated by subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, they had been worsened, and the balance values of ESVs were negative. As for the relationships of ESVs with rocky types and soil types, lime soil and red soil were the two main soil types that contributed to ESVs (The total contribution was above 60%, and it is 63.77%,64.37%,64.56%,64.91% respectively in the four years of 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005.). The variance contribution of intrinsic mode function (IMF) and trend (R) showed that there were obvious special sales for ESVs in this study area, and the main spatial scales were about 2.7 km, 5.5 km, and 11.6 km. The variance contribution ratio was 12.29%, 11.26%, 11.49% respectively, and the trend (R) was high (17.74%). In conclusion, this study indicated that ecosystem conditions in the typical karst area were improved owing to the application of rocky desertification control policies, such as ecological migration and returning farmland to forestland. Besides, the main spatial scales of ESVs in the study area were the interactions of terrain, physiognomy, land use / land cover and human activities. 相似文献
基于i-Tree模型的城市森林经济效益评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
城市森林的生态服务功能对改善城市环境质量具有重要作用,如何量化这些生态服务功能是使城市森林发挥最大效益的一个重要前提.随着科学的发展,对城市森林经济效益评估的量化方法已由传统的CTLA法、Burnley法、碳税法、造林成本法等发展到模型测算法.本文介绍的i-Tree模型是由美国林务局(USDA Forest Service)于2006年开发的城市森林效益评估软件,具有许多其他模型如CITY green模型等不可替代的优势,在国际城市森林研究中已得到了广泛的应用,但国内尚未推广.本文主要阐述和评价了模型中UFORE和STRATUM两个主要模块的研究及应用进展,通过作者在国内的应用实践,讨论了该模型在中国的应用前景及存在的主要问题,为城市森林管理提供科学依据. 相似文献
目的:探讨关节镜辅助下使用双侧自体腘绳肌腱一期修复膝关节前后交叉韧带损伤的方法和临床疗效。方法:内窥镜微创双侧自体腘绳肌腱修复膝关节内韧带,术后用IKDC分级、影像学IKDC分级、Lysholm功能评分和KT2000TM测量进行关节机能打分。结果:11例患者获得3-5年随访,平均随访3.8年。术前Lysholm功能评分平均(46.8±5.7)分,终末随访时平均(81.3±10.5)分,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。术后关节稳定性测量,在20磅时、30磅和最大拉力时健膝和患膝分别是:6.1±0.3和6.8±0.8;6.3±0.5和7.7±1.3;7.5±0.6和9.6±2.4,统计学上差异无显著性(P>0.05)。主观IKDC分级:A级4例,B级6例,C级1例;影像学IKDC分级:A级8例,B级2例,C级1例。结论:关节镜辅助下使用双侧自体腘绳肌腱一期修复膝关节前后交叉韧带损伤是重建膝关节稳定性的良好有效方法。 相似文献
贵州大方喀斯特区领春木群落特征研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用植物群落学研究方法,对典型喀斯特区大方福建柏自然保护区内领春木(Euptelea pleiospermum)群落进行了研究。结果表明:群落植物种类丰富,科属组成极为分散,区系成分复杂。科级地理成分热带性质较强(45.28%),属级地理成分以温带性质为主(39.44%)。群落外貌以中、小型叶面积、单叶、落叶草质、革质、非全缘的高位芽植物组成为特征。垂直结构复杂,成层现象明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和地被层,并有一定层间植物伴生。乔木层、灌木层、草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数分别为2.5561、2.6954、1.9145。 相似文献
取食转Bt基因水稻对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫中肠的组织病理学效应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用透射电镜观察了稻纵卷叶螟 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée)幼虫取食转Bt基因水稻后中肠的组织病理变化。结果表明:稻纵卷叶螟幼虫取食转cry1Ab基因水稻后,中肠上皮细胞的线粒体先发生形态变化,随连续取食时间的延长线粒体出现凝聚、内嵴稀疏、空泡化等,在后期还呈凝聚态随突起脱落或沿杯腔边沿单一排列。内质网的变化也很明显,病变过程中伴随着粗糙内质网的肿胀、核糖体脱落,粗糙内质网增多等现象。细胞核的变化较小,在处理后期出现细胞核拉长、核仁聚集等变化。组织病变程度不一,有的细胞在病变早期就出现了空泡化。 相似文献