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陈一心 《昆虫学报》1986,(2):211-213
本文记述夜蛾科3新种,分别采自四川峨眉山和湖北神农架。新种的正模标本保存子中国科学院动物研究所,副模标本保存于湖北省农业科学院植物保护研究所。 1.大斑明夜蛾Sphragifera magniplag新种 翅展38毫米。胸部背面及颈板白色,布有零星黑点,下胸与足淡褐色,足腿节与胫节杂有黑色;腹部褐色,腹面杂有黑色;前翅白色,翅基部及中区布有黑褐色点,一红棕色斜  相似文献   
陈一心 《昆虫学报》1986,(3):312-313
本文记述图夜蛾属一新种。新种的模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 隐图夜蛾Eugraphe obsoleta新种(图1) 翅展29毫米。头部淡褐色,下唇须第1、2节外侧大部褐黑色,第3节淡黄色,头顶褐色,雄蛾触角双栉形,栉齿短,有纤毛,颈板与翅基片淡褐色,胸部背面黑褐色,足暗灰褐色;腹部暗褐色,节间赭黄色;前翅淡赭黄色,中室色较暗,各横线不明显,环纹大,近圆形,  相似文献   
SINGLE-CELL pacemaker activity is interesting because of its function in temporal organization and information processing in the nervous system. Many invertebrate neurones are regularly and autonomously active1,2. Although the pacemaker rhythm probably originates within the recorded neurone, it is not clear whether it originates in the axonal tree or in the cell soma. Alving3 approached this question by studying pacemaker activity in the soma of Aplysia nerve cells, after ligaturing the axonal stem with fine sutures. The study described here presents evidence that nerve cell somata which are completely dissociated from all surrounding tissue and with or without axons, are able to maintain regular autorhythmic activity for periods of more than 24 h. The method of complete isolation of cells represents some progress over Alving's method because it is easier to accomplish, has a larger yield of viable neurones and allows longer recording periods.  相似文献   
本文记述跳(虫甲)亚科(Alticinae,Chrysomelidae)的新属Omeisphaera,系以新种O.anticata为模式种,产于四川峨眉山。模式标本保存在中国科学院北京动物研究所。 峨眉球跳(虫甲)Omeisphaera新属 本新属与Sphaeroderma Stephen及Argopus Fischer两属最接近,外形更酷似Argopus属的种类,但唇基正常(图3),不若该属种类之向前叉开而分为两叶。它的主要区别特征在于后胸腹板的前部,即介于中足基节之间的部分显著隆起,向前突出,与前胸腹板相遇,遮盖了中胸腹板(图4);前突的端末钝圆,不具边框。在Sphaeroderma、Argopus等属,后胸腹板前部并不隆起,端末具边框,与中胸腹板嵌合,处于同一水平。  相似文献   
Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Narcissus Leaf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbohydrate contents of both the photosynthetic and the storageorgans of Narcissus tazetta L. were determined at four stagesin their development under both ‘natural’ growingconditions and under conditions of varying light intensities. Starch was abundantly stored in all the storage organs, particularlyin the bases of the photosynthetic organs under high light intensityand also at the second dormant stage. However, its level remainedrelatively stable in the green part of the foliage leaf andthe scape at different stages and appeared not to be affectedby light except at very high intensity. It was found in boththe bundle sheaths and guard cells. Sucrose, which is the first sugar of photosynthesis, was continuouslyexported from the green parts of the blade and the scape totheir bases where it was also stored. In the dark the sucroselevel became low in the green blade and the green scape butit rose with increase of light intensity. The hexose level was very low at the dormant stage in all organsexamined but rose as they matured and exceeded that of sucrosein the green organs except in high light intensity. Hexose isformed presumably as a result of sucrose hydrolysis and is constantlylost, presumably through respiration. At senescence sugar disappeared almost completely from all theorgans, while nearly 10 per cent of residual dry weight of starchremained in the dead tissues. The interrelationship betweenthe carbohydrates and their movement in the leaf is discussed.  相似文献   
分类学的若干基本概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈世骧 《昆虫学报》1961,(4):321-338
近几年来,我国科学家们在恙虫方面的研究工作巳经取得了显著的成就。然而,这对于拥有辽阔疆土的我国来说,实在只不过是一个开始。我们在这方面的工作也做得很少,虽然从1953年开始收集标本,由于各种条件所限制,未能及时整理,以致大量标本散失或霉烂,十分可惜。本文内容,仅仅是将我站恙虫病调研工作组1957年在本省各地所采集的材料中的三种恙虫蚴加以描述,该三种恙虫蚴均系文献上未曾记载过的种类。  相似文献   
水稻不育花药中H_2O_2的积累与膜脂过氧化的加剧   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻7017、二九矮细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系花药的POD,CAT和SOD活性研究的结果表明,单核早期时不育及可育花药的酶活性差异不明显,单核晚期、二核及三核期的不育花药显著低于可育花药。在不育花药中缺少两条Cu-Zn SOD同工酶带,而且O_2~ 产生效率为可育的4.1~5.5倍,并有H_2O_2和MDA的积累。不育花药中H_2O_2的积累和膜脂过氧化的加剧可能与花粉败育有关。  相似文献   
香蕉低温酶促褐变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
7℃低温导致香蕉果皮变褐,褐变程度可用提取液的OD_(450)值表示。随低温处理时间的延长,OD_(450)增大;还原性物质抗坏血酸、谷胱甘肽含量迅速下降;多酚氧化酶底物多巴胺先有增加,接着降低。 低温下,多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较常温低,PPO和POD的游离态酶活性增高。此外,H_2O_2处理加速果皮变褐,刺激PPO及POD活性;棓酸丙酯处理起相反的效应。故认为香蕉低温褐变是低温损伤、酶促褐变引起的一个复杂过程。  相似文献   
本文介绍了Barnett等1985年编制并由剑桥大学发行的计算机软件《酵母鉴定程序》,以及如何使用该程序在IBM PC DOS操作系统上进行酵母菌的分类鉴定。我们使用该程序对从云南鸡足山和紫金山两地森林土壤中分离到的82株酵母菌进行了分类鉴定,其中:鉴定到种的有47株,占总株数的57.3%;鉴定到属但未能直接定到种的有21株,占总株数的25.6%;暂未定名的有14株,占总株数的17.1%。  相似文献   
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