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小麦×玉米杂交后代的蛋白质及酯酶同工酶分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以8 个普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种为母本,2 个栽培玉米(Zea m ays L.)品种为父本杂交所获得的F2 代在形态上出现了明显变异。对其籽粒进行蛋白质电泳分析,得到了如下主要结果:杂交后代的蛋白质谱带较母本有了很大的变异,主要集中在高分子量麦谷蛋白(HMW-Glu)区域。杂交后代的蛋白质谱带由5 种类型构成:1.母本型,占全部测试籽粒的22.6% ;2.附加型,占14.3% ;3.互补型,占15.5% ;4.杂种型,占30.9% ;5.缺失型,占16.7% 。对“矮杆早”ד紫粘”的F2 代籽粒进行酯酶同工酶电泳分析发现,变异主要发生在EST-1 区。由此看来,小麦×玉米的杂合子中玉米染色体在被排除前后,可以诱发小麦染色体组发生遗传变异  相似文献   
大绒鼠的分带核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用G带、C带和银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)等技术,对大绒鼠(Eothe nomys miletus miletus)的核型进行观察分析。结果表明:2n=56,常染色体和性染色体皆为单臂染色体。X染色体的长度接近于No.1染色体,Y染色体的长度相当于14号染色体。G分带可鉴别每对染色体的特征,C-带核型中全部着丝点C带均显示不同程度的阳性。Y染色体整条呈阳性。Ag-NORs有5对,分别分布于1、2、6、14和27号染色体的着丝粒附近。通过核型分析,对大绒鼠的分类地位进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
PreparationofMeioticKarytypeofMouseOocyteLiChaojunYanLeipingZhangXiranChenYifeng(BiologyDepartmentofNanjingNormalUniversity,Nanjing210097)哺乳动物的卵母细胞的减数分裂过程中存在两次自发的停滞现象,第一次是在第一次减数分裂前期的双线期,这一静止期持续很长时间,一直到动物性成熟后卵母细胞进入发有周刎,在保住腺激素的作用下,卵母细胞的第一次减数分裂才重新启动.完成第一次减数分裂后.又停滞在第二次减数分裂的中期,在椅子或化学因素刺激的作用下,完成第二次减数分裂[4].因此,对哺乳动物的卵母细胞在一…  相似文献   
贝氏隐孢子虫在珍珠鸡体内发育的扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史美清  林辉环 《动物学报》1996,42(2):113-118
采用扫描电镜观察了贝氏隐孢子虫在珍珠鸡体内的发育。大量球形虫体镶嵌于气管和法氏囊微绒毛丛中。气管纤毛消失,微绒毛生发生融合。法氏囊粘膜表面可观察到宿主细胞突起,在突起的表面有数个虫体寄生。滋养体呈球状,平均大小为1.7μm。裂殖体拥有4个或8个香蕉状裂殖子。成熟大配子体大小为 4.2 × 3.3μm,在其侧面可观察到锯齿状突起。偶尔能观察到卵囊,其表 面有一明显裂缝。虫体逸出后所留下的带虫空泡似弹坑状,根据其结构可将其分为两类,其中一类为裂殖子或小配子的形成场所,另一类为卵囊的形成场所。  相似文献   
In the search for candidate genes for the tuberous sclerosis (TSC1) disease locus on chromosome 9q34, we have isolated an overlapping series of 22 plasmid and phage cDNA clones covering nearly 7 kb and with an open reading frame of 5070 bp encoding a protein of 1690 amino acids. The putative protein product is a member of the kinesin superfamily and is homologous to the mouse KIF1A and theCaenorhabditas elegansunc-104 genes. Both KIF1A and unc-104 function in the anterograde axonal transport of synaptic vesicles. The human homolog is therefore termed H-ATSV (axonal transporter of synaptic vesicles, HGMW-approved nomenclature ATSV) Screening of DNA from 107 tuberous sclerosis patients and 80 unaffected individuals with H-ATSV cDNA probes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis/Southern blotting following digestion by rare-cutting methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes showed variant banding patterns in three patients with tuberous sclerosis. However, further analysis indicated that these variant fragments represent a rare polymorphism probably associated with methylation of clustered restriction sites. There is no evidence to support H-ATSV as a candidate gene for TSC1.  相似文献   
The distribution of neurons containing NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity and nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity (NOS-LI) in the canine pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters was studied. Cells within the myenteric and submucosal ganglia were positive for NADPH-d. These cells generally had the morphology of Dogiel type-I enteric neurons, however, there was some diversity in the morphology of NADPH-d-positive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the pylorus. Intramuscular ganglia were observed in both sphincters, and NADPH-d was found in a sub-population of neurons within these ganglia. Dual staining with an antiserum raised against nitric oxide synthase (NOS) demonstrated that almost all cells with NOS-LI were also NADPH-d positive. Varicose fibers within ganglia and within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers also possed NOS-LI and NADPH-d activity. Dual staining with anti-VIP antibodies showed that some of the NADPH-d-positive cells in the myenteric and submucosal ganglia also contained VIP-LI, but all VIP-LI-positive cells did not express NADPH-d activity. These data are consistent with recent physiological studies suggesting that nitric oxide serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters. The data also suggest that VIP is expressed in a sub-population of NADPH-d-positive neurons and may therefore act as a co-transmitter in enteric inhibitory neurotransmission to these specialized muscular regions.  相似文献   
东方次睾吸虫电镜研究(吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东方次睾吸虫雌性生殖器官(卵巢、输卵管、卵黄-输卵管、卵模、梅氏腺和子宫)透射电镜 观察。卵巢内有不同成熟期的生殖细胞,成熟初级卵母细胞有几个靠近核的核仁样小聚体和许多沿 质膜的皮质颗粒。首次发现并描述卵巢和输卵管接合处(卵巢壶腹)的超微结构。输卵管上皮为纤 毛状。梅氏腺仅一种类型膜状小体细胞,经有微管支持的细小管道穿过卵模将膜状小体排入卵模腔 内。在卵黄-输卵管和卵模中有精子,卵模和子宫中有受精卵、虫卵(扫描电镜):大小 26. 05× 11.46-13.55μm,卵盖直径6.26-6. 89μp,卵壳表面布满膜状隆起。文中对卵巢和梅氏腺的超微 结构特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
江新能  吕仕洪  李纯  黄立铨   《广西植物》1994,14(3):255-259
本文报道对油梨果实的生长及内含物的变化的观察结果.果实生长发育过程中,以6—7份生长最快,干物质及脂肪含量由低到高变化,以11月份增加最快,蛋白质含量由高到低递诚.11月份后含量相对稳定,总糖和维生素C含量随果实的发育程度而下降。  相似文献   
本文对室内长期饲养的小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella L.)敏感品系和田间采集的抗性种群体内的艾氏剂平氧化酶及细胞色素P-450进行了比较研究。结果证明,艾氏剂环氧化酶在感性和抗性小菜蛾间存在着量及质的差异。抗性种群的艾氏剂环氧化酶的Vmax和Km值分别为感性品系的5.4%和6.5倍。抗性种群的细胞色素P-450的含量是感性品系的1.1—1.3倍。艾氏剂环氧化酶在量上及质上的差异及细胞色素P-450含量的提高是导致小菜蛾抗药性发生与发展的重要机制之一。而且质的差异较之量的差异可能起着更为重要的作用.  相似文献   
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