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Cargo sorting and the subsequent membrane carrier formation require a properly organized endosomal actin network. To better understand the actin dynamics during endocytic recycling, we performed a genetic screen in C. elegans and identified RTKN-1/Rhotekin as a requisite to sustain endosome-associated actin integrity. Loss of RTKN-1 led to a prominent decrease in actin structures and basolateral recycling defects. Furthermore, we showed that the presence of RTKN-1 thwarts the actin disassembly competence of UNC-60A/cofilin. Consistently, in RTKN-1–deficient cells, UNC-60A knockdown replenished actin structures and alleviated the recycling defects. Notably, an intramolecular interaction within RTKN-1 could mediate the formation of oligomers. Overexpression of an RTKN-1 mutant form that lacks self-binding capacity failed to restore actin structures and recycling flow in rtkn-1 mutants. Finally, we demonstrated that SDPN-1/Syndapin acts to direct the recycling endosomal dwelling of RTKN-1 and promotes actin integrity there. Taken together, these findings consolidated the role of SDPN-1 in organizing the endosomal actin network architecture and introduced RTKN-1 as a novel regulatory protein involved in this process.  相似文献   
We aimed to explore the population dynamics of snail in 3 sites of the White Nile in Sudan. More specifically, we aimed to investigate the annual patterns of snail populations that act as intermediate hosts of schistosomes and monthly snail infection rates and ecological characteristics presumably related to snail populations. We collected snails for 1 year monthly at 3 different shore sites in the vicinity of El Shajara along the White Nile river in Khartoum State, Sudan. In addition, we measured air and water temperatures, water turbidities, vegetation coverages, and water depths and current speeds. Most of the collected snails were Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinus truncatus. The population densities of snails and their infection rates varied across survey sites. The collected snails liberated S. mansoni and S. haematobium cercariae as well as Amphistome and Echinostome cercariae. Infected snails were found during March–June. The ecological characteristics found to be associated with the absence of snails population were: high turbidity, deep water, low vegetation coverage (near absence of vegetation), high water temperature, and high current speed. To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of the snail population and ecological characteristics in the main basin of the White Nile river.  相似文献   
刘志荣  覃营  刘晟源  刘演 《西北植物学报》2021,41(11):1971-1974
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)鹿角兰属(Pomatocalpa)一新记录种——纹瓣鹿角兰[P. tonkinense (Gagnep.) Seidenf.],凭证标本保存于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。纹瓣鹿角兰的花序疏生多数花,萼片、花瓣均具2条紫色条纹,中萼片及花瓣远长于侧萼片,与中国原记录的2种鹿角属植物容易区分。该研究提供了新记录种的形态描述、中国鹿角兰属植物图版及分种检索表。  相似文献   
2009年A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感病毒在墨西哥暴发,之后在全世界流行。为了解海南省2016-2018年A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感病毒流行态势,分析血凝素(HA)与神经氨酸酶(NA)基因遗传进化特征与变异情况,本研究从中国流感监测信息系统获取海南省2016-2018年流感病毒病原学监测数据,选取5家流感监测网络实验室分离鉴定的37株A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感毒株进行HA与NA基因测序,利用MEGA 10.1.8构建HA与NA基因种系进化树,并分析其氨基酸变异情况。结果显示,2016-2018年共出现3次A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感病毒活动高峰。2017年10月份以后的分离株(4/8)与2018年大部分分离株(21/22)独立于疫苗株A/Michigan/45/2015聚为一个小支,发生20余处HA与NA氨基酸位点变异。与疫苗株A/California/7/2009(2010-2016)相比,2016-2018年流感病毒分离株在HA基因抗原决定簇上发生7处氨基酸变异并有一个潜在糖基化位点,未发现HA基因受体结合位点变异与NA基因耐药性变异。本研究提示,2016-2018年,A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感病毒逐步发生规律性进化,氨基酸变异频率有增加趋势,今后应持续加强流感病毒病原学监测,密切追踪A(H1N1)pdm09亚型流感病毒基因变异情况,为科学防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   
张莹  方圆  文志  林康  李文丽  周畅  柳燕  王林定 《病毒学报》2021,37(3):591-595
卡波氏肉瘤相关疱疹病毒是一种新发现的γ疱疹病毒(Kaposi'ssarcoma-associated herpesvirus,KSHV).在中国新疆,KSHV感染率比较高,KSHV在免疫缺陷患者和静脉吸毒者中感染率也比在普通人群中高.为了进一步研究KSHV在安徽北部地区恶性肿瘤人群中的感染率和高风险因素,初步探讨KSHV与肿瘤的发生之间相关性,研究KSHV的高发人群特点,本研究选用KSHV病毒重组蛋白ORF65、ORF 73和K8.1为抗原,利用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)对500份恶性肿瘤患者血清样本及200份健康体检人群血清样本进行KSHV抗体检测,分析KSHV的感染率及危险因素.结果显示500例肿瘤患者KSHV阳性总数170例,总阳性率为34%,200份健康人群KSHV阳性总数22例,总阳性率为11%,肿瘤人群KSHV阳性率明显高于健康人群(P<0.001).其中肺癌、肝癌、结肠癌、宫颈癌、乳腺癌样本KSHV阳性率分别为36.4%,34.1%,41.7%,28.6%,30.3%,此5组肿瘤组KSHV阳性率也分别高于健康人群,都具有统计学意义(P<0.001).但5组肿瘤样本之间KS-HV阳性率无明显差异(P>0.05),且各组肿瘤样本分别与性别、乙肝五项、丙肝之间无统计学意义(P>0.05).本研究结果提示安徽北部地区恶性肿瘤患者KSHV抗体阳性率显著高于中国普通人群总体KSHV抗体阳性率,证明KSHV在恶性肿瘤人群中呈现较高比例的分布.  相似文献   
阐明中国(未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区,下同)2018-2019年流行性腮腺炎(流腮)流行特征和病毒基因特征。对2018-2019年中国流腮流行病学和病毒学监测数据进行描述流行病学和分子流行病学分析。2018-2019年中国流腮年报告发病率分别为18.65/10万和21.48/10万,15岁以下儿童和青少年是我国流腮的高发人群,分别占总病例数的85.30%和82.56%。流腮的流行具有明显的季节性特征。全国各省、自治区、直辖市份均有流腮病例报告,西部和中部地区发病率高于东部地区。2018-2019年共获得160条腮腺炎病毒(Mumps virus,MuV)SH基因序列,其中150条(93.75%)序列鉴定为F基因型MuV,在我国11个省份检测到;10条(6.25%)序列为G基因型MuV,2019年在广东、湖北和新疆3个省份检测到。和我国既往流行MuV代表株相比,2018-2019年流行的F基因型MuV代表株序列在基因亲缘性关系树上相对集中。现阶段我国流腮的流行病学特征未发生明显改变,仍呈现病毒自然流行模式;F基因型作为优势流行基因型,在我国大部分地区持续流行,但毒株的遗传多态性有所降低,这可能和我国实施1剂次腮腺炎疫苗常规免疫策略有关。G基因型MuV主要在我国局部地区流行,但流行范围在逐渐扩大。建议进一步加强两剂次腮腺炎疫苗接种工作,降低我国腮腺炎易感人群。同时持续性开展MuV流行学和病毒学监测工作,为鉴别病毒的来源,确定病毒传播途径和评估腮腺炎疫苗免疫策略奠定重要的基础。  相似文献   
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