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Predation can promote divergence between prey populations and contribute to ecological speciation. In theory, predators can also constrain prey population divergence. In coastal British Columbia, Canada, Gasterosteus aculeatus (three‐spined stickleback) species pairs only occur in lakes with a single species of predatory fish: Oncorhynchus clarkii (the cutthroat trout). Similar lakes containing additional predatory fish species (Cottus asper, prickly sculpins; Oncorhynchus mykiss, rainbow trout) contain only single species of morphologically intermediate stickleback, suggesting that these predators prevent the coexistence of stickleback species pairs. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to investigate how prickly sculpins might constrain divergence, by quantifying their impact on survival and natural selection on antipredator (armour) traits in F2 stickleback from a cross between ecologically divergent populations. We tested three hypotheses: (1) sculpin predation on sticklebacks reduces survival in a way that could result in their exclusion from certain niches; (2) sculpins compete with stickleback; (3) sculpins respond to prey vulnerabilities in similar ways to cutthroat trout, tending to constrain rather than to enhance divergence. We found that sculpins significantly reduce stickleback survival, that their presence per se does not reduce growth in stickleback, and that predation did not result in selection on any of the armour traits measured, or on gill raker length, which is an important trophic trait. These results tend to refute hypotheses (2) and (3), while supporting hypothesis (1). © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 877–885.  相似文献   
The growth, morphology and carbon allocation patterns of F1progeny white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants selected foreither low (‘LBF’) or high (‘HBF’) frequencyof stolon branching were compared in two controlled-environmentexperiments. Selections from within both a small-leaved (‘GrasslandsTahora’) and a large-leaved (‘Grasslands Kopu’)clover cultivar were compared, and plants were grown under arelatively lenient defoliation treatment (expt 1) or under threelevels of defoliation seventy (expt 2). Carbon allocation patternswere measured by 14CO2 pulse-chase labelling using fully unfoldedleaves on the main (parent) stolon. LBF and HBF displayed consistent differences in the selectedcharacter though, within cultivars, the difference between selectionswas most pronounced for Kopu. The selections developed fundamentallydifferent branching structures resulting from differences inbranching frequency, with total branch weight per plant averaging122 mg for LBF and 399 mg for HBF (mean of both experiments).More C moved from parent stolon leaves to branches in HBF thanin LBF (mean 22.6% vs. 15.1% respectively of the 14C exportedfrom source leaves). More C also moved to stolon tissue in HBF,but, counterbalancing this and the difference in allocationto branches, less moved to developing leaves and roots on theparent stolon itself compared to LBF. However, the total weightof developing leaves and roots per parent stolon was generallygreater in HBF than in LBF, probably reflecting greater C importby these sinks from the higher number of branches present perplant in the former selection. HBF plants were consistentlylarger at harvest than LBF plants. There were no defoliationtreatment x selection interactions in C allocation patternsin expt 2. The implications of the results for plant performancein grazed pastures are discussed. Branching, carbon translocation, defoliation, growth, morphology, Trifolium repens, white clover  相似文献   
When identical milk samples are presented, only 30% of participants respond with a “no preference” rating. Stability of the “no preference” rating was studied under a variety of conditions, having consumer panelists rate both identical and different pairs of milk samples with varying fat content. The proportion of participants choosing the “no preference” option, when the samples in the pair were identical, was largely consistent despite manipulation of pretest conditions and changes in test questions and answer formats. However, when the milk preference test was preceded by a same/different test, and those responding “same” were assumed to have no preference, the percent of “no preference” was two to three times larger for identical test samples (60–69%). Thus by branching the question, the “false preference” choice for identical milks was lowered. Among those responding “different” to identical milks, the false‐alarm rate increased to 91%, suggesting that perception of (spurious or momentary) differences is driving at least part of the preference choice.  相似文献   
Kladothrips rugosus Froggatt has previously been considered a single polyphagous species that, in Australia, induces galls on several species of Acacia , with the gall structure varying both within and between hosts. On Acacia papyrocarpa , two types of gall are induced by this species, one with the surface ridged but the other with the surface smooth. Using sequence data from cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO I ) and elongation factor-1 alpha gene fragments, we show that the thrips inducing these two gall-types are genetically distinct and comprise separate lineages. Uncorrected ' p ' distances calculated from CO I gene fragments were 0.000 and 0.006 within lineages and 0.074 and 0.078 between lineages. The between-lineage distances are comparable with distances between morphologically distinct species of other Acacia gall-thrips. Re-examination of adult thrips from the two gall types revealed consistent differences in body colour, as well as in body sculpture. Together with observations on gall founding behaviour, these data indicate that the thrips populations in the two gall types on A. papyrocarpa are reproductively isolated and should be considered as separate species. The form from smooth galls on A. papyrocarpa is therefore described as Kladothrips nicolsoni sp. nov. , although the form from ridged galls can be considered only as ' K. rugosus agg.'. These inconsistencies in the taxonomic status of the various units within the K. rugosus species complex are discussed, although most of them cannot be distinguished morphologically at present.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 555–563.  相似文献   
Grains stimulated to germinate by removal of the outer pericarpshow three types of embryo growth according to their physiologicalage. The first type gives rise only to callus tissue, the secondpredominantly to growth of the coleoptile, which fails to penetratethe testa, and the third, to normal germinative growth. Thesecond type of growth (coleoptile only) corresponds to a conditionreferred to as ‘non-visible’ sprouting, occasionallyfound in prematurely sprouted grains in the field. The phasesof germination capacity are related to total grain moistureand not to the chronological age of the grain, i.e. days post-anthesis.The effects of drying upon grain germinability are also discussedand it is shown that drying can cause both qualitative and quantitativechanges in germination capacity. Key words: Wheat embryo, Germination capacity, Germinability  相似文献   
Abstract Ecotoxicology provides a basis for making decisions on the likely impact of a chemical or effluent on the aquatic environment. It encompasses laboratory ecotoxicity tests of various types to explore relationships between exposure and effect under controlled laboratory conditions, through to studies of the effects of chemicals or effluents under a variety of ecological conditions in complex field ecosystems. This paper will focus on the value of laboratory ecotoxicity tests as a tool in assessing water quality. Laboratory tests are valuable (i) in deriving and assessing water quality criteria, (ii) for screening and ranking chemicals and predicting their hazard and risk, (iii) for establishing dilution levels of chemicals or effluents prior to discharge into water bodies, (iv) in determining cause-effect relationships in post-impact studies, and (v) for establishing and validating field bioindicators. Both the advantages and deficiencies of using ecotoxicological testing for these purposes are illustrated from research with pesticides, metals and sediments. Use of a combination of both laboratory- and field-based ecotoxicology studies is important to gain a full understanding of the effects of chemicals at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A method of assessing the sporicidal efficiency of a UHT milk sterilizing plant operating on water is described. Water heavily contaminated with spores of a strain of Bacillus subtilis was filtered, after treatment in the plant, through membrane filters and the surviving spores estimated by incubation of the membranes in nutrient agar. With this plant a temperature of c . 135° caused a 99·99999% kill of B. subtilis spores. Confirmation of the lethal effects of temperatures above 135° was obtained by passing treated water into 10 gal churns containing sterile concentrated nutrient broth and incubating the churns.  相似文献   
The assimilation of carbon (C) by, and distribution of 14C from,leaves at each end of an unbroken sequence of ten mature leaveson the main stolon of clonal plants of white clover (Trifoliumrepens L.) were measured to identify intra-plant factors determiningthe direction of C movement from leaves. Leaves at two intermediatepositions were also measured. Localized movement of 14C to sinks at the same node as, or atthe one to two nodes immediately behind, the fed leaf accountedfor 40–50% of the total 14C exported by all measured leaves.A further 50–60% of exported 14C was therefore availablefor more-distant sinks, and the direction of translocation ofthis C was determined by the relative total strength or demand(number x size x rate of activity or growth) of sinks forwardof, or behind, the leaf in question. Thus 85% of the 14C exportedfrom the youngest measured leaf moved toward the base of thestolon, while about 60% of the 14C exported from the oldestleaf moved acropetally. Defoliating plants to leave just one mature leaf on the mainstolon (at any one of the same four positions studied in undefoliatedplants), and no leaves on branches, resulted in: (1) increasednet photosynthetic rate in all residual leaves: (2) increased%export of fixed C from one of the four leaves; (3) increasedexport to the main stolon apex from all except the eldest leaf;(4) increased export to branches from three of the four leaves;and (5) decreased export to stolon tissue and roots from allleaves, within 3 d of defoliation. These responses would seemto ensure the fastest possible replacement of lost leaf areaand, thus, restoration of homeostatic growth. The observed patternsof C assimilation and distribution in both undefoliated anddefoliated white clover plants are consistent with the generalrules of source-sink theory; the distance between sources andcompeting sinks, and relative sink strength, emerge as the mostimportant intra-plant factors governing C movement. These resultsemphasize the need to consider plant morphology, and the modularnature of plant growth, when interpreting patterns of resourceallocation in clonal plants, or plant responses to stressessuch as partial defoliation. Trifolium repens L, white clover, photosynthesis, assimilate translocation, defoliation  相似文献   
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