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Ciliates exhibit nuclear dimorphism, i.e. they have a germline micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus. Macronuclei are differentiated from mitotic sisters of micronuclei. The macronuclei of "higher ciliates" are polyploid and divide acentromerically ("amitotically"); they differentiate once per life cycle. By contrast, Karyorelict (KR) ciliate macronuclei are nearly diploid and cannot divide; they must differentiate at every cell cycle. Diverse lines of evidence are presented to support the hypothesis that ancestral ciliate macronuclei were incapable of division (as in living karyorelict ciliates) and that higher ciliates gained, perhaps independently more than once, the ability to divide the macronucleus. Selective pressures that could have driven the evolution and macronuclear division and two plausible step-wise pathways for the evolution of macronuclear division are proposed. These hypotheses are relevant to our understanding of amitosis mechanisms, evolution of nuclear dimorphism, and phylogenetic classification of ciliates.  相似文献   
The development of insecticide resistance in pest insects is an increasing problem for agriculture, forestry and public health. Aphids are ubiquitous herbivorous insects, with approximately 4700 known species, of which less than 5% exploit the agricultural environment successfully. Of these, the peach‐potato aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer is recognized as one of the most important pests worldwide because it has acquired resistance to many insecticides. Although resistance to insecticides provides important benefits for pests in agricultural fields that are treated with insecticides, it may be associated with fitness (or other) costs in environments that are insecticide free. In the present study, the fitness and energy costs that might be experienced by M. persicae in an insecticide‐free environment when carrying at least one insecticide resistance mutation (IRM), or by having an increased production of esterases, are evaluated. The study investigates whether genotypes that have an IRM also have enhanced esterase production, whether there is any metabolic cost associated with insecticide resistance, and whether there are any fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance and metabolic expenditure. The intrinsic rate of increase, standard metabolic rate (i.e. a measure of maintenance costs) and constitutive esterase activity are determined for 30 different multilocus genotypes carrying (or not carrying) at least one of the two most frequent insecticide resistance mutations (MACE and kdr/super‐kdr) that occur in Chile. The results show that genotypes carrying at least one IRM have higher levels of total esterase activity than genotypes without an IRM, that there is no evidence of an energy cost associated with total esterase activity or IRM, and no evidence for a reproductive fitness cost associated with total esterase activity, IRM or metabolic rate. The results agree with previous studies showing linkage disequilibrium between insecticide resistance mechanisms, although they contrast with those of studies that report fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae.  相似文献   
Epyrini (Epyrinae) are the largest and morphologically most diverse group within Bethylidae. Evans' conception of Epyrini induces misclassification of several taxa and their diagnostic features, such as median lobe of clypeus projected, and fovea in lateroposterior angle of propodeal disc, are insufficient to place species in the tribe. No previous comprehensive cladistic study has recovered Epyrini as a clade, and no synapomorphies are reported for the tribe, suggesting that the group is artificial. We infer a phylogeny based on 391 informative morphological characters for 42 terminal taxa (31 ingroup, 11 outgroup). Monophyly of Epyrini is supported by a petiole with fused root and body as an autapomorphy. Anisepyris Kieffer, Laelius Ashmead, Holepyris Kieffer, Formosiepyris Terayama, Disepyris Kieffer, Bakeriella Kieffer and Trachepyris Kieffer were retrieved as monophyletic. Epyris Westwood and Chlorepyris Kieffer are paraphyletic. The addition of new characters was essential to define Epyrini, and the ventral region of the mesosoma, petiole and male genitalia may help to better understand genera and species limits. All resulting trees indicate that Epyrinae are polyphyletic. Tribes Epyrini and Sclerodermini are revalidated to subfamily status.  相似文献   
Abstract: Neogene palaeoshore sediments are abundantly represented along the Mediterranean coast of Iberia. An outcrop north of the Sierra Tejeda, named La Resinera, exposes concentrations of pebbles and boulders of marble, comprising an upper Miocene marine beach deposit. The high diversity of bioerosion trace fossils present in these boulders includes structures produced by polychaete annelids, demosponges, echinoids and endolithic bivalves, which indicate a shallow shoreface environment. The ichnotaxa represented are Maeandropolydora sulcans, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Entobia geometrica, Entobia ovula, Circolites kotoncensis, Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites ornatus and Gastrochaenolites turbinatus. The borings are Tortonian (late Miocene) in age. Also present, and particularly abundant, are large sponge borings that have a single chamber from which radiating canals emerge. This trace fossil is designated as Entobia resinensis isp. nov.  相似文献   
Members of a new genus and species of harpacticoid copepod crustacean appeared in samples from semi-terrestrial (moist arboreal mosses, wet soil) and aquatic (bromeliad tanks, Sphagnum moss, rock pools, stream) habitats in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The new taxon, for which we propose the name Pindamoraria boraceiae sp. nov. , is distinguished by a unique combination of characters, in particular the segmentation and setation pattern of legs 1–4 in both sexes, the structure of leg 5 in the female, and the strongly modified claw of the maxilliped in the male. It most resembles the canthocamptid genera Moraria , Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis . Both previous records of species of Moraria from South America refer to members of Antarctobiotus , which is not considered a member of the Moraria group: Moraria (Kuehneltiella) neotropica Löffler has previously been transferred to Antarctobiotus ; and we propose herein the transfer of Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt to Antarctobiotus as well. In the New World, the genus Moraria extends only as far south as Honduras; and Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis are Old World genera. The new species from Brazil is therefore the only member of the Moraria group known from South America.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139, 81–92.  相似文献   
To facilitate studies of rDNA molecular genetics in Tetrahymena thermophila , we attempted the detection of polymorphisms in the nontranscribed spacers (NTSs) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), starting with minute amounts of DNA. The targeted polymorphic regions are 85% adenine-thymine (AT). We found conditions of efficient and specific in vitro amplification of targeted segments in the replication domain of the 5'NTS and in the subtelomeric segment of the 3'NTS. The identity of the amplified segments was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and DNA sequence analysis. Digestion of the template DNA at restriction sites upstream and downstream of the targeted region increased the efficiency of amplification, presumably because the targeted segments are in a palindromic molecule. Starting from total cell DNA corresponding to as little as 0.03 picogram (equivalent to the DNA content of 0.003 cells or about 30 rDNA molecules), we observed the amplified band after agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The yield indicated more than 10-billion-fold amplification. Amplification of the subtelomeric fragment yielded homogeneous product of minimum possible length even though the telomeric-specific primer can bind, at least initially, at a multiplicity of GGGGTT repeats. Amplified 5'NTS product also was detected in an ethidium-bromide-stained gel when PCR was started with a single cell.  相似文献   
The allocation and cycling of carbon (C) within forests is an important component of the biospheric C cycle, but is particularly understudied within tropical forests. We synthesise reported and unpublished results from three lowland rainforest sites in Amazonia (in the regions of Manaus, Tapajós and Caxiuanã), all major sites of the Large‐Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Programme (LBA). We attempt a comprehensive synthesis of the C stocks, nutrient status and, particularly, the allocation and internal C dynamics of all three sites. The calculated net primary productivities (NPP) are 10.1±1.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Manaus), 14.4±1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Tapajós) and 10.0±1.2 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Caxiuanã). All errors bars report standard errors. Soil and leaf nutrient analyses indicate that Tapajós has significantly more plant‐available phosphorus and calcium. Autotrophic respiration at all three sites (14.9–21.4 Mg C ha yr−1) is more challenging to measure, with the largest component and greatest source of uncertainty being leaf dark respiration. Comparison of measured soil respiration with that predicted from C cycling measurements provides an independent constraint. It shows general good agreement at all three sites, with perhaps some evidence for measured soil respiration being less than expected. Twenty to thirty percent of fixed C is allocated belowground. Comparison of gross primary productivity (GPP), derived from ecosystem flux measurements with that derived from component studies (NPP plus autotrophic respiration) provides an additional crosscheck. The two approaches are in good agreement, giving increased confidence in both approaches to estimating GPP. The ecosystem carbon‐use efficiency (CUEs), the ratio of NPP to GPP, is similar at Manaus (0.34±0.10) and Caxiuanã (0.32±0.07), but may be higher at Tapajós (0.49±0.16), although the difference is not significant. Old growth or infertile tropical forests may have low CUE compared with recently disturbed and/or fertile forests.  相似文献   
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