Field surveys and laboratory studies were used to determine the role of substrata in habitat selection by young-of-the year winter flounder. A synoptic field survey of winter flounder and sediments in the Navesink River-Sandy Hook Bay estuarine system in New Jersey demonstrated that winter flounder distribution was related to sediment grain size. Analysis using a generalized additive model indicated that the probability of capturing 10-49 mm SL winter flounder was high on sediments with a mean grain diameter of =0.5 mm, while fish 50-95 mm were least likely to be collected on fine sediments and most commonly on sediments with a grain-size near 1.0 mm. In the laboratory, sediment preferences and the burying ability of winter flounder (15-69 mm SL) were tested by exposing fish in 10-mm size groups to a choice of azoic sediments of different sediment grain sizes. Smaller individuals (<40 mm SL) preferred fine-grained sediments while larger individuals (>/=40 mm SL) preferred coarse-grained sediments. Burying ability increased with size and all flounders avoided sediments that prevented burial. Subsequent laboratory experiments revealed that the presence of live prey (Mya arenaria) can over-ride sediment choice by winter flounder (50-68 mm SL) indicating the complexity of interrelated factors in habitat choice. 相似文献
A haplotype approach to genomic prediction using high density data in dairy cattle as an alternative to single-marker methods is presented. With the assumption that haplotypes are in stronger linkage disequilibrium (LD) with quantitative trait loci (QTL) than single markers, this study focuses on the use of haplotype blocks (haploblocks) as explanatory variables for genomic prediction. Haploblocks were built based on the LD between markers, which allowed variable reduction. The haploblocks were then used to predict three economically important traits (milk protein, fertility and mastitis) in the Nordic Holstein population.
The haploblock approach improved prediction accuracy compared with the commonly used individual single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) approach. Furthermore, using an average LD threshold to define the haploblocks (LD≥0.45 between any two markers) increased the prediction accuracies for all three traits, although the improvement was most significant for milk protein (up to 3.1 % improvement in prediction accuracy, compared with the individual SNP approach). Hotelling’s t-tests were performed, confirming the improvement in prediction accuracy for milk protein. Because the phenotypic values were in the form of de-regressed proofs, the improved accuracy for milk protein may be due to higher reliability of the data for this trait compared with the reliability of the mastitis and fertility data. Comparisons between best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) and Bayesian mixture models also indicated that the Bayesian model produced the most accurate predictions in every scenario for the milk protein trait, and in some scenarios for fertility.
The haploblock approach to genomic prediction is a promising method for genomic selection in animal breeding. Building haploblocks based on LD reduced the number of variables without the loss of information. This method may play an important role in the future genomic prediction involving while genome sequences. 相似文献
A survey has been made of the properties of corn mitochondria in swelling and contraction. The mitochondria swell spontaneously in KCl but not in sucrose. Aged mitochondria will swell rapidly in sucrose if treated with citrate or EDTA. Swelling does not impair oxidative phosphorylation if bovine serum albumin is present.
Contraction can be maintained or initiated with ATP + Mg or an oxidizable substrate, contraction being more rapid with the substrate. Magnesium is not required for substrate powered contraction. Contraction powered by ATP is accompanied by the release of phosphate. Oligomycin inhibits both ATP-powered contraction and the release of phosphate. However, it does not affect substrate-powered contraction. Substrate powered contraction is inhibited by electron-transport inhibitors. The uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, accelerates swelling and inhibits both ATP-and substrate-powered contraction. However, the concentrations required are well in excess of those required to produce uncoupling and to accelerate adenosine triphosphatase; the concentrations required inhibit respiration in a phosphorylating medium.
Phosphate is a very effective inhibitor of succinate-powered contraction. Neither oligomycin nor Mg affects the phosphate inhibition. Phosphate is less inhibitory with the ATP-powered contraction.
The results are discussed in terms of a hypothesis that contraction is associated with a nonphosphorylated high energy intermediate of oxidative phosphorylation.
Human polyomavirus JC (JCV) can encode the three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3, downstream of the agnoprotein in the late region. JCV virions are identified in the nucleus of infected cells. In this study, we have elucidated unique features of JCV capsid formation by using a eukaryotic expression system. Structures of JCV polycistronic late RNAs (M1 to M4 and possibly M5 and M6) generated by alternative splicing were determined. VP1 would be synthesized from M2 RNA, and VP2 and VP3 would be synthesized from M1 RNA. The presence of the open reading frame of the agnoprotein or the leader sequence (nucleotides 275 to 409) can decrease the expression level of VP1. VP1 was efficiently transported to the nucleus in the presence of VP2 and VP3 but distributed both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus in their absence. Mutation analysis indicated that inefficiency in nuclear transport of VP1 is due to the unique structure in the N-terminal sequence, KRKGERK. Within the nucleus, VP1 was localized discretely and identified as speckles in the presence of VP2 and VP3 but distributed diffusely in their absence. These results suggest that VP1 was efficiently transported to the nucleus and localized in the discrete subnuclear regions, possibly with VP2 and VP3. By electron microscopy, recombinant virus particles were identified in the nucleus, and their intranuclear distribution was consistent with distribution of speckles. This system provides a useful model with which to understand JCV capsid formation and the structures and functions of the JCV capsid proteins. 相似文献
A fluorescence-labeled wheat germ agglutinin staining technique (R. K. Sizemore et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:2245-2247, 1990) was modified and found to be effective for staining gram-positive, acidophilic mining bacteria. Bacteria identified by others as being gram positive through 16S rRNA sequence analyses, yet clustering near the divergence of that group, stained weakly. Gram-negative bacteria did not stain. Background staining of environmental samples was negligible, and pyrite and soil particles in the samples did not interfere with the staining procedure. 相似文献
The western Mexican endemic Citreoline Trogon (Trogon citreolus) builds its nest cavities in arboreal termitaria. We studied the reuse of these holes by other organisms after the trogons abandoned them in the tropical dry forest of western Mexico. Of the 24 cavities examined, 19 were occupied (5 by mammals and 14 by arthropods). We found two western Mexico endemic mammals (Marmosa canescens and Xenomys nelsoni) using these spaces. Our results suggest that the T. citreolus provides a critical role in creating necessary cavities for many organisms in tropical dry forests. 相似文献
Although tropical wet forests are generally more diverse than dry forests for many faunal groups, few studies have compared bat diversity among dry forests. I compared ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between two tropical dry forests with different precipitation regimes. Parque National Palo Verde in northwestern Costa Rica represents one of the wettest tropical dry forests (rainfall 1.5 m/yr), whereas the Chamela‐Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve on the Pacific coast of central Mexico represents one of the driest (750 mm/yr). Mist net sampling was conducted at the two study sites to compare changes in ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between regions and seasons. Palo Verde was more diverse than Chamela and phyllostomid species showed low similarity between sites (Classic Jaccard = 0.263). The distinct phyllostomid communities observed at these two dry forest sites demonstrates that variants of tropical dry forest can be sufficiently different in structure and composition to affect phyllostomid communities. At both dry forest sites, abundance of the two most common foraging guilds (frugivores and nectarivores) differed between seasons, with greatest numbers of individuals captured coinciding with highest chiropterophilic resource abundance. 相似文献
Although more than 39 primate species have been described as nectar feeders, no studies have documented the negative affect this behavior may have on the reproductive success of the plants they consume. Here we report, for the first time, massive flower destruction of the tropical tree Symphonia globulifera by the frugivorous spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi, and document the detrimental effect this behavior has on fruit set. Foraging behavior was collected from one troop of A. geoffroyi during 460 contact hours from June 1999 to May 2000 in the tropical humid forest at the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta Rio Claro (8°39′N, 83°44′E) in the Osa Peninsula in Southwestern Costa Rica. Detailed phenological data were collected from ten S. globulifera trees that the monkeys fed upon and ten trees that were outside of their home range, but in the Refugio. From July to September 1999 S. globulifera was the most important species consumed, representing from 86 to 100 percent of the total feeding time each month. Monkey foraging on S. globulifera flowers was destructive, detaching the flowers completely from the branches in 80 percent of the foraging bouts, and leaving flowers without petals and with damaged reproductive parts in 20 percent of the bouts. None of the ten trees where the monkeys were foraging set fruit, but seven of ten trees outside of their home range set fruit in November and December 1999. These results suggest that some primates may play an important role in floral herbivory in tropical forests and the subsequent reduction in reproductive success. Future studies should focus on evaluating the long‐term effect this foraging behavior may have on the population structure of this species and evaluate the effect of primate floral herbivory on the reproductive success of other plant species. 相似文献
Managed grasslands have the potential to store carbon (C) and partially mitigate climate change. However, it remains difficult to predict potential C storage under a given soil or management practice. To study C storage dynamics due to long-term (1952–2009) phosphorus (P) fertilizer and irrigation treatments in New Zealand grasslands, we measured radiocarbon (14C) in archived soil along with observed changes in C stocks to constrain a compartmental soil model. Productivity increases from P application and irrigation in these trials resulted in very similar C accumulation rates between 1959 and 2009. The ?14C changes over the same time period were similar in plots that were both irrigated and fertilized, and only differed in a non-irrigated fertilized plot. Model results indicated that decomposition rates of fast cycling C (0.1 to 0.2 year?1) increased to nearly offset increases in inputs. With increasing P fertilization, decomposition rates also increased in the slow pool (0.005 to 0.008 year?1). Our findings show sustained, significant (i.e. greater than 4 per mille) increases in C stocks regardless of treatment or inputs. As the majority of fresh inputs remain in the soil for less than 10 years, these long term increases reflect dynamics of the slow pool. Additionally, frequent irrigation was associated with reduced stocks and increased decomposition of fresh plant material. Rates of C gain and decay highlight trade-offs between productivity, nutrient availability, and soil C sequestration as a climate change mitigation strategy.