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In many ecological scenarios, the success of an individual plant is defined by the behavioural decisions that it makes when confronted with the risks of competition with other plants, and biomass losses to insect herbivores. These decisions involve expression of shade avoidance responses and induced chemical defences. Because these responses are costly, they frequently engender resource allocation dilemmas. In this review, I discuss the mechanisms that trigger adaptive responses to competitors and herbivores, highlighting the role of phytochromes as central organizers of the overall resource allocation strategy of plants. Phytochromes sense the reduction in the red to far-red (R : FR) ratio of sunlight caused by the proximity of other plants. Shade-intolerant plants respond to low R : FR ratios with shade avoidance behaviours and reduced investment in defence. Pfr depletion leads to increased stability of growth-promoting phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs), and results in the production of auxins and gibberellins, degradation of DELLA proteins, which are repressors of PIFs, and reduced sensitivity to jasmonates. Thus, phytochrome appears to fulfil its organizational role by regulating the relative strength of the signalling circuits controlled by growth-related and defence-related hormones. I point out cases of signalling redundancy and discuss the significance of recent work on hormone signalling for our understanding of the mechanisms that control adaptive plant behaviour.  相似文献   
A checklist of Commelinaceae of Equatorial Guinea, comprising 46 taxa in 12 genera, is presented. The best represented genus is Palisota, with 11 species. Bibliographical references for Commelinaceae from Equatorial Guinea have been gathered and checked. Eleven species of Commelinaceae are recorded for the first time in the country. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 106–122.  相似文献   
Rapid warming of the Mediterranean Sea threatens marine biodiversity, particularly key ecosystems already stressed by other impacts such as Posidonia oceanica meadows. A 6‐year monitoring of seawater temperature and annual P. oceanica shoot demography at Cabrera Archipelago National Park (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean) allowed us to determine if warming influenced shoot mortality and recruitment rates of seagrasses growing in relative pristine environments. The average annual maximum temperature for 2002–2006 was 1 °C above temperatures recorded in 1988–1999 (26.6 °C), two heat waves impacted the region (with seawater warming up to 28.83 °C in 2003 and to 28.54 °C in 2006) and the cumulative temperature anomaly, above the 1988–1999 mean annual maximum temperature, during the growing season (i.e. degree‐days) ranged between 0 °C in 2002 and 70 °C in 2003. Median annual P. oceanica shoot mortality rates varied from 0.067 year?1 in 2002 to 0.123 year?1 in 2003, and exceeded recruitment rates in all stations and years except in shallow stations for year 2004. Interannual fluctuations in shoot recruitment were independent of seawater warming (P>0.05). P. oceanica meadows experienced a decline throughout the study period at an average rate of ?0.050±0.020 year?1. Interannual variability in P. oceanica shoot mortality was coupled (R2>0.40) to seawater warming variability and increasing water depth: shoot mortality rates increased by 0.022 year?1 (i.e. an additional 2% year?1) for each additional degree of annual maximum temperature and by 0.001 year?1 (i.e. 0.1% year?1) for each accumulated degree water temperature remained above 26.6 °C during the growing season. These results demonstrate that P. oceanica meadows are highly vulnerable to warming, which can induce steep declines in shoot abundance as well indicating that climate change poses a significant threat to this important habitat.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of a system of reserves may be compromised under climate change as species' habitat shifts to nonreserved areas, a problem that may be compounded when well‐studied vertebrate species are used as conservation umbrellas for other taxa. The Northwest Forest Plan was among the first efforts to integrate conservation of wide‐ranging focal species and localized endemics into regional conservation planning. We evaluated how effectively the plan's focal species, the Northern Spotted Owl, acts as an umbrella for localized species under current and projected future climates and how the regional system of reserves can be made more resilient to climate change. We used the program maxent to develop distribution models integrating climate data with vegetation variables for the owl and 130 localized species. We used the program zonation to identify a system of areas that efficiently captures habitat for both the owl and localized species and prioritizes refugial areas of climatic and topographic heterogeneity where current and future habitat for dispersal‐limited species is in proximity. We projected future species' distributions based on an ensemble of contrasting climate models, and incorporating uncertainty between alternate climate projections into the prioritization process. Reserve solutions based on the owl overlap areas of high localized‐species richness but poorly capture core areas of localized species' distribution. Congruence between priority areas across taxa increases when refugial areas are prioritized. Although core‐area selection strategies can potentially increase the conservation value and resilience of regional reserve systems, they accentuate contrasts in priority areas between species and over time and should be combined with a broadened taxonomic scope and increased attention to potential effects of climate change. Our results suggest that systems of fixed reserves designed for resilience can increase the likelihood of retaining the biological diversity of forest ecosystems under climate change.  相似文献   
Zooplankton dynamics in Lake Mendota: short-term versus long-term changes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 A study of zooplankton dynamics was carried out in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, for the years 1976–80. The data were compared with those of E. A. Birge, obtained in the years 1894–96.
  • 2 The zooplankton annual cycles and sizes of standing crop were similar in both studies. There was more year-to-year variation within each study than there was between the two studies separated by over 80 years.
  • 3 The data are discussed in relation to the prediction of long-term change in lakes. The value of a historical data set for long-term ecological studies is emphasized.
SYNOPSIS. Blastocrithidia triatomae n. sp. found in the digestive tract of T. infestans in Argentina is described. Cysts attached to the flagellum, a conspicuous characteristic of the new species, are described and shown in photomicrographs. Since T. infestans may harbor both T. cruzi and B. triatomae, or either one independently, it is essential that they be distinguished in xenodiagnosis.  相似文献   
Three southern Spanish populations of Helleborusfoetidus L. (Ranunculaceae) were sampled for nectar content in the absence of nectarivorous flower visitors. Nectar volume was measured in individual nectaries of flowers at the same stage in the anthesis cycle. Total nectar content per flower was extremely variable between plants within populations and between flowers within plants, but much less so between populations. Average sugar content per flower was roughly similar in the three populations sampled. High variances in nectar abundance occurred also among nectaries within the same flower. Heterogeneity in pollinator rewards thus occurs simultaneously at several spatial scales, namely between nectaries, between flowers and between plants. This implies a strong component of uncertainty to foraging pollinators, which may therefore tend to avoid Helleborus flowers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new species of myxosporean from the gill filaments of the freshwater teleost fish, Acestrorhynchus falcatus collected in the Amazon river is described from light and transmission electron microscope observations. The mature spores (total length 32.3 [30.7–35.1] μ) and all developmental stages were found in the same sporogonic plasmodium. The ellipsoidal spore body consists of 2 unequal shell valves adhering together along the suture lines. Each valve, tapering as a caudal projection, forms a long tail (length 20.5 [18.0–21.7] μm). The tail was surrounded by a homogeneous sheath on its length. The polar capsules measuring 3.1 × 1.2 μm contain 3–4 coils of the polar filament. All surfaces of the immature and mature spores were surrounded by a closely adherent homogenous structural sheath, mainly thicker around the tails. The taxonomic affinities of this parasite to other species are discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Heterovesicula cowani , n. g., n. sp., is a dimorphic microsporidium described from the adipose tissue of the Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex Haldeman. Proliferation of the microsporidium is by karyokinesis of uninucleate and binucleate cells to form binucleate and tetranucleate cells, respectively. These cells will undergo binary fission (merogony). Ultimately, the meronts undergo karyokinesis without subsequent cytokinesis producing spherical multinucleate plasmodia that are transitional to 2 types of sporogony. Transitional to disporoblastic sporogony, a fragile interfacial envelope delaminates from the plasmodium with morphogenesis to a monfiliform plasmodium consisting of fusiform binucleate diplokaryotic sporonts. These undergo karyokinesis to form tetranucleate diplokaryotic sporonts that undergo cytokinesis during disintegration of the plasmodium into isolated binucleate sporonts. Transitional to octosporoblastic sporogony, multinucleate plasmodia disintegrate into short monofiliform plasmodia of diplokaryotic sporonts which then segregate while undergoing gradual nuclear dissociation (haplosis by nuclear dissociation). These undergo two sequences of karyokinesis and subsequent multiple fission to form eight uninucleate (haploid) sporoblasts in a fusiform arrangement within a persistent envelope. Binucleate spores are ovocylindrical, about 5.4 × 1.7 μm (fresh), with an isofilar polar filament singly coiled about 11 turns. Uninucleate spores are ovoid to slightly pyriform, 4.0 × 1.7 μm (fresh), with an isofilar filament singly coiled about 9 turns. A new family, Heterovesculidae, is proposed for the new genus.  相似文献   
Fidelity to previous wintering areas (i.e. site fidelity) has important ecological and evolutionary implications. However, since the percentage of recaptures of ringed birds at the same wintering area in subsequent years does not allow the estimation of the proportion of birds alive that exhibit site fidelity, previous studies on different passerine species have failed to show the true extent of this site fidelity. Here we use a recent approach, based on the comparison of survival rate estimates from capture-recapture data at single field stations with recovery data from a much larger area. The idea is to determine the proportion of birds still alive that return to the area. The study was carried out on the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla , comparing the capture-recapture data of two field stations (Pilas [SW] and Tiana [NE]) situated 1000 km apart in Spain with the complete winter recovery data of the Spanish Ringing Office. Totals of 1936 and 3976 Blackcaps were ringed at Pilas (1981–1986) and Tiana (1975–1986), respectively, and the numbers of recaptures in subsequent winters were 94 and 34. The pooled annual survival rate estimation based on the two sites is 0.40 (s.e. = 0.05). The annual survival rate estimated from the Spanish ringing recovery data was 0.48 (s.e. = 0.08), which is not significantly different. We can conclude, therefore, that migrant Blackcaps in Spain, if alive, tend to return year after year to the previous wintering site.  相似文献   
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