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Abstract. 1. It has been proposed that herbivore populations are lower in diverse than in simple plant habitats because of greater abundance and/or higher efficiency of natural enemies in mixed plant stands. However, higher enemy colonization is expected in monorather than multispecific vegetation if the response of specialist natural enemies to habitat diversification is similar to that of monophagous herbivores.
2. We used release-recapture experiments to determine how the presence of maize (non-host plant) influences the movement of the parasitoid Pediobius foveolatus in the absence of hosts. We then assessed how vegetation diversity affects wasp reproduction (parasitism) and subsequent density in the presence of its hosts, Mexican bean beetle larvae.
3. Fewer female wasps immigrated into and more emigrated out of a bean-tall maize intercrop than bean monocultures. Bean plant density and the presence of maize per se did not significantly affect parasitoid immigration. Instead, maize height was the primary factor contributing to lower female immigration into the bean-tall maize plots. However, tall maize plants did not impede the wasps' within-habitat movement.
4. When wasps were released outside the plots, higher parasitism was recorded in monocultures, irrespective of host density. In contrast, when wasps were released within the plots, significantly higher parasitism rates were found in the bean-tall maize habitat.
5. Results suggest that female wasps accumulate in the bean-tall maize habitat in response to resources other than hosts and, ultimately, wasp density may be determined primarily by differential emigration rather than by immigration rates.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The ciliate was cultured in natural lake water on Oscillatoria curviceps. Encystment was induced by lack of food. The resting cyst has 2 membranes—a faceted, lamellate ectocyst and a thin endocyst. The kinetosomal rows and the cytopharynx are retained in the cyst, and the position of the cytopharynx with respect to the rows remains unchanged. Thus, the usual polarity of the organism is preserved. Distilled water and plant infusions were relatively ineffective excystment-inducing agents, but a 0.1% (w/v) aqueous solution of peptone, pre-inoculated with wild bacteria, was highly effective. At 21 C it induced the excystment of 97% of the cysts within 2-3.5 hr. During excystment, the contractile vacuole enlarges, thereby producing pressure which ruptures the membranes. The ectocyst tears first—always at the posterior end of the cyst—the endocyst somewhat later. Emergence is largely by cytoplasmic streaming through a relatively small slit in the ectocyst, and the posterior end of the ciliate always emerges first.  相似文献   
Hard compact calluses were initiated from the cotyledons of germinating cotton seedlings (Gossypium barbadense L.) by use of a strong reducing agent (dithiothreitol) and a higher than normal concentration of an auxin, naphthalene-acetic acid. Dithiothreitol was superior to other compounds such as ascorbic acid and polyvinyl-pyrrolidone in preventing a toxic brown coloration of the initiated callus. After eight to ten subculturings, some of the hard callus tissues (c. 2 to 3%) proliferated into larger and faster growing cells.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. Hippuris vulgaris was found growing down to a depth of 6 m in two clear-water lakes. Mean summer water temperatures of the epilimnia were 15–18°C. Midsummer photosynthetically available radiation, (PAR 400–700 nm) at 6 m was 100 μeinsteins m−2s−1. In the laboratory, shoots of H. vulgaris continued to elongate at temperatures of 15 and 20°C and at pressures of 1.0, 1.8 and 2.3 atm. (corresponding to 0 m, 8.0 m and 13.3 m depths of water, respectively) providing PAR was kept above 100 °E m−2s−1. Leaf primordia were initiated further from the apex in shoots grown under a pressure of 2.3 atm., but the site of initiation is not critical for the subsequent growth of leaves in H. vulgaris . Lacunae in shoots grown under a pressure of 2.3 atm. were also larger than those in control shoots, implying that pressure does not constrict air spaces. Root growth is not inhibited by a pressure of 2.3 atm. Field measurements and laboratory experiments indicate that in warm water, PAR is the environmental factor most likely to control the depth limits of H. vulgaris in the field.  相似文献   
The efflux of Cl at the plasma membrane of Chara wasstudied in relation to two treatments known to affect the flux:that of removal of external Cl and of light. It is shownthat although removal of external Cl results in a rapidreduction in Cl efflux (consistent with a direct effectof external Cl on the transport system) the magnitudeof this reduction in the dark is greater than the measured darkinflux. Therefore, in the dark at least, it is proposed that1:1 exchange diffusion cannot account for the trans-stimulationof efflux by external Cl. Light induces an inhibition of efflux and a concomitant stimulationof Cl influx at 20 °C, but at 10 °C the responsesto light of the two fluxes can be separated temporally. It istherefore suggested that the fluxes are not reciprocally dependenton the same factor which mediates in the light response. Furtherconsiderations show that it is unlikely that the cytoplasmicCl concentration mediates in the light response of eitherflux, but that changes in cytoplasmic pH may do so.  相似文献   
Response of vernalization to low temperature (2C) was studiedin a winter-annual form of Lolium temulentum L., using imbibedseeds, excised mature and immature embryos, shoot apical meristemsand callus tissue. Excised embryos, as early as 5 days afteranthesis, and excised shoot apices could be vernalized as effectivelyas imbibed seeds. Cold treatment of developing embryos withinthe ear, however, appeared to have no vernalizing effect. Plantsderived from callus by somatic embryogenesis showed varyingdegrees of vernalization response. The vernalization response in L. temulentum, as in winter annualcereals, appears to be located in the shoot apical meristemand the vernalized condition can be transmitted to new axillarymeristems formed from it. Lolium temulentum L. darnel, vernalization, embryo culture, apical meristem culture, callus culture  相似文献   
Timothy was grown in controlled environments with day/night temperatures of 18.5/10° C. and 29.5/21° C, with and without extra nitrogen. High temperatures hastened all stages of development after inflorescence initiation. Anthesis occurred after 48 days when N was added and after 52 days without N. Anthesis did not occur until after 68 days at the lower temperatures, with or without N. Largest yields of leaves, stems and stubble were produced at all growth stages at the lower temperatures with N. This treatment gave the highest crop growth rate, which increased almost linearly with time. The lower temperatures with N gave many more and longer stems and more inflorescences than any other treatment. With N and high temperatures, there was no increase in crop growth rate after inflorescence emergence. Temperature had little effect on growth when no N was provided. With no added N, crop growth rate was retarded and increased very little after inflorescence initiation. Herbage produced at high temperatures had the lower percentages of water-soluble carbohydrates and digestible dry matter, but had the higher percentages of most minerals. N increased the percentage content of most minerals. Weights of stubble and of water-soluble carbohydrates in the stubble, and the numbers of stem bases and tillers, were larger at the lower temperatures, and were usually larger with added N in both temperature regimes. Nitrogen decreased the percentage content of carbohydrates in the stubble. Large haplocorms were produced at the low temperatures, but none developed at the high temperatures, indicating less carbohydrate storage. The results partly explain the vigorous growth of timothy in the cool, temperate regions of Europe and North America, and the small dry matter production, lower nutritional value of the herbage, and lack of persistence in the warm southern regions where rainfall is adequate.  相似文献   
Inheritance of insensitivity to tobacco rattle virus in potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sensitivity of 20 genotypes from each of 13 progenies of parental potato clones was assessed using recently developed glasshouse testing procedures. Significant heritable differences between the progenies with respect to their degree of sensitivity to TRV were observed. Significant general and specific combining abilities were also demonstrated. The results are discussed in relation to modes of inheritance of this trait. The results indicate that though a major gene for TRV insensitivity may be operating this does not explain all the observed variation and it is suggested that there is also a system inherited in a polygenic manner that can confer good levels of insensitivity to TRV.  相似文献   
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