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Yeung ML  Bennasser Y  LE SY  Jeang KT 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):935-946
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) are small RNAs of 18-25 nucleotides (nt) in length that play important roles in regulating gene expression. They are incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) and serve as guides for silencing their corresponding target mRNAs based on complementary base-pairing. The promise of gene silencing has led many researchers to consider siRNA as an anti-viral tool. However, in long-term settings, many viruses appear to escape from this therapeutical strategy. An example of this may be seen in the case of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) which is able to evade RNA silencing by either mutating the siRNA-targeted sequence or by encoding for a partial suppressor of RNAi (RNA interference). On the other hand, because miRNA targeting does not require absolute complementarity of base-pairing, mutational escape by viruses from miRNA-specified silencing may be more difficult to achieve. In this review, we discuss stratagems used by various viruses to avoid the cells' antiviral si/mi-RNA defenses and notions of how viruses might control and regulate host cell genes by encoding viral miRNAs (vmiRNAs).  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the physiological responses and energy cost between two ascending patterns, the single-step (SS) and the double-step (DS), in climbing a public staircase. In the SS pattern, a person climbs one step at a time whilst in the double-step (DS) pattern, the individual traverses two steps in a single stride. Advocates of each stepping pattern claimed that their type of ascent is physically more taxing and expends more calories. Thirty subjects (10 males and 20 females) climbed a typical 11-storey flat (each step height of 0.15 m, a total of 180 steps and a vertical displacement of 27.0 m). The subjects climbed using either the SS pattern at a tempo of 100 steps x min(-1) or the DS pattern at 50 steps x min(-1). The prescribed stepping frequencies ensured that an equal amount of total work was performed between the SS and DS patterns. The climbing patterns were performed in random order. Physiological measures during the last 30 s of the climbs were used in the comparative analysis. The results showed that ventilation, oxygen uptake and heart rate values were significantly higher (all p < 0.01) in the SS as compared to the DS pattern. However, the caloric expenditure during the SS pattern was calculated to be only marginally higher than the DS pattern. In conclusion, ascending with the SS pattern led to significantly higher physiological responses compared to the DS pattern. The higher calorie expended with the SS compared to the DS pattern was deemed to be of little practical significance.  相似文献   
We have recently described a population of self-Ag-specific murine CD8(+) T cells with a memory phenotype that use receptors of both the adaptive and innate immune systems in the detection of transformed and infected cells. In this study we show that upon activation with IL-2 with or without Ag, between 10 and 20% of the activated self-specific CD8(+) T cells express the low affinity FcR for IgG. By contrast, all IL-2-activated NK cells express high levels of this FcR. The FcR comprises the FcgammaRIIIalpha and FcRgamma subunits. However, the FcRgamma subunit also associates with the CD3 complex, and this association probably contributes to the low expression of FcR in activated cells. Although the FcR is expressed at a low level on activated self-specific CD8(+) T cells, it functions very efficiently as a cytolytic receptor in ADCC. FcR-dependent killing occurred in the absence of TCR stimulation, but could be augmented by concurrent stimulation of the TCR. In addition to mediating ADCC, engagement of the FcR on self-specific CD8(+) T cells results in the production of both IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. This is the first report of an activating FcR on self-specific murine CD8(+)alphabeta TCR(+) T cells and establishes the importance of innate immune system receptors in the function of these self-specific CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   
Eight new indole alkaloids, alpneumines A–H (18) were isolated from the Malaysian Alstonia pneumatophora (Apocynaceae) and their structures were determined by MS and 2D NMR spectroscopic methods. Alpneumines E and G (5 and 7), vincamine, and apovincamine showed anti-melanogenesis in B16 mouse melanoma cells.  相似文献   
Self-specific CD8 T cells, which are selected by high-affinity interactions with self-Ags, develop into a lineage distinct from conventional CD8 T cells. We have previously shown that these self-specific cells acquire phenotypic and functional similarities to cells of the innate immune system including the expression of functional receptors associated with NK cells. In this study, we show that these self-specific cells have the ability to produce large amounts of IFN-gamma in response to infection with Listeria monocytogenes in a bystander fashion. The rapid production of IFN-gamma is associated with a dramatic reduction in the number of viable bacteria at the peak of infection. Self-specific CD8 T cells provide only marginal innate protection in the absence of self-Ag; however, the presence of self-Ag dramatically increases their protective ability. Exposure to self-Ag is necessary for the maintenance of the memory phenotype and responsiveness to inflammatory cytokines such as IL-15. Significantly, self-specific CD8 T cells are also more efficient in the production of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, thus providing more cytokine-dependent protection against bacterial infection when compared with NK cells. These findings illustrate that self-reactive CD8 T cells can play an important innate function in the early defense against bacterial infection.  相似文献   
Cytidine deaminase (CDA) is a zinc-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the deamination of cytidine or deoxycytidine to form uridine or deoxyuridine. Here we present the crystal structure of mouse CDA (MmCDA), complexed with either tetrahydrouridine (THU), 3-deazauridine (DAU), or cytidine. In the MmCDA-DAU complex, it clearly demonstrates that cytidine is distinguished from uridine by its 4-NH(2) group that acts as a hydrogen bond donor. In the MmCDA-cytidine complex, cytidine, unexpectedly, binds as the substrate instead of the deaminated product in three of the four subunits, and in the remaining subunit it binds as the product uridine. Furthermore, the charge-neutralizing Arg68 of MmCDA has also exhibited two alternate conformations, I and II. In conformation I, the only conformation observed in the other structurally known homotetrameric CDAs, Arg68 hydrogen bonds Cys65 and Cys102 to modulate part of their negative charges. However, in conformation II the side chain of Arg68 rotates about 130 degrees around the Cgamma-Cdelta bond and abolishes these hydrogen bonds. The lack of hydrogen bonding may indirectly weaken the zinc-product interaction by increased electron donation from cysteine to the zinc ion, suggesting a novel product-expelling mechanism. On the basis of known structures, structural analysis further reveals two subclasses of homotetrameric CDAs that can be identified according to the position of the charge-neutralizing arginine residue. Implications for CDA-RNA interaction have also been considered.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is the causative agent of typhoid fever, which causes nearly 21.7 million illnesses and 217,000 deaths globally. Herein, we describe the whole-genome sequence of the Salmonella Typhi strain ST0208, isolated from a sporadic case of typhoid fever in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The whole-genome sequence and comparative genomics allow an in-depth understanding of the genetic diversity, and its link to pathogenicity and evolutionary dynamics, of this highly clonal pathogen that is endemic to Malaysia.  相似文献   
Many of the developing countries of the Southeast Asian region are significantly affected by endemic typhoid fever, possibly as a result of marginal living standards. It is an important public health problem in countries such as Papua New Guinea, which is geographically close to some of the foci of endemicity in Asia. The severity of the disease varies in different regions, and this may be attributable to genetic diversity among the native strains. Genome sequence data on strains from different countries are needed to clearly understand their genetic makeup and virulence potential. We describe the genomes of two Salmonella Typhi isolates from patients with fatal and nonfatal cases of typhoid fever in Papua New Guinea. We discuss in brief the underlying sequencing methodology, assembly, genome statistics, and important features of the two draft genomes, which form an essential step in our functional molecular infection epidemiology program centering on typhoid fever. The comparative genomics of these and other isolates would enable us to identify genetic rearrangements and mechanisms responsible for endemicity and the differential severity of pathogenic salmonellae in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere.  相似文献   
Protein turnover through cullin-3 is tightly regulated by posttranslational modifications, the COP9 signalosome, and BTB/POZ-domain proteins that link cullin-3 to specific substrates for ubiquitylation. In this paper, we report how potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 6 (KCTD6) represents a novel substrate adaptor for cullin-3, effectively regulating protein levels of the muscle small ankyrin-1 isoform 5 (sAnk1.5). Binding of sAnk1.5 to KCTD6, and its subsequent turnover is regulated through posttranslational modification by nedd8, ubiquitin, and acetylation of C-terminal lysine residues. The presence of the sAnk1.5 binding partner obscurin, and mutation of lysine residues increased sAnk1.5 protein levels, as did knockdown of KCTD6 in cardiomyocytes. Obscurin knockout muscle displayed reduced sAnk1.5 levels and mislocalization of the sAnk1.5/KCTD6 complex. Scaffolding functions of obscurin may therefore prevent activation of the cullin-mediated protein degradation machinery and ubiquitylation of sAnk1.5 through sequestration of sAnk1.5/KCTD6 at the sarcomeric M-band, away from the Z-disk-associated cullin-3. The interaction of KCTD6 with ankyrin-1 may have implications beyond muscle for hereditary spherocytosis, as KCTD6 is also present in erythrocytes, and erythrocyte ankyrin isoforms contain its mapped minimal binding site.  相似文献   
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