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Human high-density lipoprotein class-3 (HDL3) was incubated with freshly isolated blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) at 37 and 4 degrees C. At both temperatures the release of proteolytic activity (PA) causing the specific hydrolysis of apo-A-II was dependent on the concentration of HDL3 in the medium. At 37 degrees C, the efflux of PA was linear and no saturation was reached up to an HDL3 protein concentration in the medium of 800 micrograms/ml. In turn, at 4 degrees C, maximal PA release was reached at a concentration below 600 micrograms/ml of HDL3 protein/ml in the medium. Canine HDL, which contains apo-A-I, but not apo-A-II, was as effective as human HDL3 in promoting the release of PA from PMN. This property was also exhibited by egg lecithin/cholesterol vesicles containing apo-A-I. At 4 degrees C, there was no strict correlation between efflux of PA affected by HDL3 and specific binding of 125I-apo-A-I (HDL3). In competitive binding experiments, a 50-fold excess of unlabeled HDL3 prevented more than 90% of the binding of 125I-apo-A-I (HDL3) to PMN, whereas an excess of unlabeled low-density lipoprotein exhibited no effect. When human HDL3 was incubated with PMN at 4 or 37 degrees C and then subjected to ultracentrifugation at d 1.21 g/ml, most of the PA that was initially associated with this lipoprotein was recovered in the bottom of the tube. By gel filtration, both PA and HDL3 were in the same peak in a low ionic strength buffer, but were dissociated from each other by a high-salt solution (d 1.21 g/ml). We conclude that both naturally occurring HDLs and apo-A-I-stabilized lipid vesicles favor the release from PMN of an enzymatic activity which cleaves human apo-A-II. This release appears to be dependent both on the interaction of the cells with the lipoprotein ligand and on the lipoprotein surface area acting as the acceptor for the enzyme, probably through electrostatic forces.  相似文献   
The effect of food deprivation on ova transport, hormonal profiles and metabolic changes was studied in 20 crossbred multiparous sows during their second oestrus after weaning. To determine the time of ovulation, transrectal ultrasonographic examination was performed. The sows were divided into 2 groups, one control group (C-group), which was fed according to Swedish standards, and one experimental group (E-group). The E-group sows were deprived of food from the first morning meal after ovulation until slaughter. Blood samples were collected every second hour from about 12 h before expected ovulation in the second oestrus after weaning until slaughter and were analysed for progesterone, prostaglandin F-metabolite, insulin, glucose, free fatty acids and triglycerides. All sows were slaughtered approximately 48 h after ovulation and the genital tract was recovered. The isthmic part of the oviduct was divided into 3 equally long segments and flushed separately with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Uterine horns were also flushed with PBS. A significantly greater number of ova were found in the first and second part of the isthmus in the E-group (p = 0.05) while in the C-group most of the ova were found in the third part of the isthmus or the uterus (p = 0.01). The level of prostaglandin F-metabolite was significantly higher in the E-group compared with the C-group. The concentration of progesterone increased in both groups after ovulation but there were no significant differences between the groups. The other blood parameters showed that the food-deprived sows were in a catabolic state. The 48 h period of fasting results, directly or indirectly in an delayed ova transport, which may be due to a delayed relaxation in the smooth circular muscle layer of the isthmus.  相似文献   
The tryptophan decyclizing enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) was induced in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) treated with human recombinant interferon-β (IFN-β) or interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Treated cells exhibited dose-dependent increases in IDO when assayed 48 hr after treatment. Cells exposed to IFN-γ were observed to exhibit consistently higher peak levels of IDO when compared with cells incubated in the presence of IFN-β. When IFN-β-treated cells were incubated in the presence of specified amounts of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or liposome-encapsulated muramyl tripeptide (MTP), peak IDO activity increased such that enzyme activity was comparable to maximal activity observed with IFN-γ-treated cells. LPS and MTP also upregulated IFN-γ-mediated IDO activity when suboptimal amounts of IFN-γ were used. When macrophages were costimulated with various concentrations of human recombinant interleukin 1α (IL-1α), along with either maximum-stimulating amounts of IFN-β or suboptimal amounts of IFN-γ, IDO activity was upregulated in a manner similar to results obtained using the microbial products as stimuli. While neither IL-1α or IL-1β was detected in culture supernatants from macrophages treated with either LPS or MTP (alone or in combination with IFN), IL-1α was detected in cell lysates of macrophages treated with these upregulators. Although neutralizing antibody to IL-1α abolished the upregulatory effect of exogenous IL-1α, it had no effect on upregulation by LPS or MTP. This suggests that although LPS and MTP may induce production of cell-associated IL-1α, upregulation of IDO activity by these agents is independent of IL-1α production and may be mediated through distinct pathways.  相似文献   
There are only two reports in the literature demonstrating the presence of Campylobacter spp. in marine mammals. One report describes the isolation of a new species, Campylobacter insulaenigrae sp. nov., from three harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Scotland, and the other describes the isolation of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter lari, and an unknown Campylobacter species from northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) in California. In this study, 72 presumptive C. lari and unknown Campylobacter species strains were characterized using standard phenotypic methods, 16S rRNA PCR, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Phenotypic characterization of these isolates showed them to be variable in their ability to grow either at 42°C or on agar containing 1% glycine and in their sensitivity to nalidixic acid and cephalothin. Based on both 16S rRNA PCR and MLST, all but 1 of the 72 isolates were C. insulaenigrae, with one isolate being similar to but distinct from both Campylobacter upsaliensis and Campylobacter helveticus. Phylogenetic analysis identified two C. insulaenigrae clades: the primary clade, containing exclusively California strains, and a secondary clade, containing some California strains and all of the original Scottish strains. This study demonstrates the inability of phenotypic characterization to correctly identify all Campylobacter species and emphasizes the importance of molecular characterization via 16S rRNA sequence analysis or MLST for the identification of Campylobacter isolates from marine mammals.  相似文献   
Transects that traverse substantial climate gradients are important tools for climate change research and allow questions on the extent to which phenotypic variation associates with climate, the link between climate and species distributions, and variation in sensitivity to climate change among biomes to be addressed. However, the potential limitations of individual transect studies have recently been highlighted. Here, we argue that replicating and networking transects, along with the introduction of experimental treatments, addresses these concerns. Transect networks provide cost‐effective and robust insights into ecological and evolutionary adaptation and improve forecasting of ecosystem change. We draw on the experience and research facilitated by the Australian Transect Network to demonstrate our case, with examples, to clarify how population‐ and community‐level studies can be integrated with observations from multiple transects, manipulative experiments, genomics, and ecological modeling to gain novel insights into how species and systems respond to climate change. This integration can provide a spatiotemporal understanding of past and future climate‐induced changes, which will inform effective management actions for promoting biodiversity resilience.  相似文献   
The bioerosive potential of the intertidal chiton Acanthopleura gemmata on One Tree Reef was determined by quantification of CaCO3 in daily faecal pellet production of individuals transplanted into mesocosms after nocturnal-feeding forays. Mean bioerosive potential was estimated at 0.16 kg CaCO3 chiton−1 yr−1. Bioerosion rates were estimated for populations on two distinct chiton habitats, reef margin (0.013 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1) and beachrock platform (0.25 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1). Chiton density on the platform was orders of magnitude greater than on the reef margin. The surface-lowering rate (0.16 mm m−2 yr) due to bioerosion by the beachrock population is a substantial contribution to the total surface-lowering rate of 2 mm m−2 yr−1 previously reported for One Tree Reef across all erosive agents. At high densities, the contribution of A. gemmata to coral reef bioerosion budgets may be comparable to other important bioeroders such as echinoids and fish.  相似文献   
The Tat system transports folded proteins across bacterial plasma and plant thylakoid membranes. To date, three key Tat subunits have been identified and mechanistic studies indicate the presence of two types of complex: a TatBC-containing substrate-binding unit and a separate TatA complex. Here, we used blue-native gel electrophoresis and affinity purification to study the nature of these complexes in Escherichia coli. Analysis of solubilized membrane shows that the bulk of TatB and essentially all of the TatC is found in a single 370kDa TatABC complex. TatABC was purified to homogeneity using an affinity tag on TatC and this complex runs apparently as an identical band. We conclude that this is the primary core complex, predicted to contain six or seven copies of TatBC together with a similar number of TatA subunits. However, the data indicate the presence of an additional form of Tat complex containing TatA and TatB, but not TatC; we speculate that this may be an assembly or disassembly intermediate of the translocator. The vast majority of TatA is found in separate complexes that migrate in blue-native gels as a striking ladder of bands with sizes ranging from under 100 kDa to over 500 kDa. Further analysis shows that the bands differ by an average of 34 kDa, indicating that TatA complexes are built largely, but possibly not exclusively, from modules of three or four TatA molecules. The range and nature of these complexes are similar in a TatC mutant that is totally inactive, indicating that the ladder of bands does not stem from ongoing translocation activity, and we show that purified TatA can self-assemble in vitro to form similar complexes. This spectrum of TatA complexes may provide the flexibility required to generate a translocon capable of transporting substrates of varying sizes across the plasma membrane in a folded state.  相似文献   
Complete sequence of a type-I microfibrillar wool keratin gene   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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