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S-Palmitoylation is rapidly emerging as an important post-translational mechanism to regulate ion channels. We have previously demonstrated that large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels are palmitoylated within an alternatively spliced (STREX) insert. However, these studies also revealed that additional site(s) for palmitoylation must exist outside of the STREX insert, although the identity or the functional significance of these palmitoylated cysteine residues are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that BK channels are palmitoylated at a cluster of evolutionary conserved cysteine residues (Cys-53, Cys-54, and Cys-56) within the intracellular linker between the S0 and S1 transmembrane domains. Mutation of Cys-53, Cys-54, and Cys-56 completely abolished palmitoylation of BK channels lacking the STREX insert (ZERO variant). Palmitoylation allows the S0-S1 linker to associate with the plasma membrane but has no effect on single channel conductance or the calcium/voltage sensitivity. Rather, S0-S1 linker palmitoylation is a critical determinant of cell surface expression of BK channels, as steady state surface expression levels are reduced by ∼55% in the C53:54:56A mutant. STREX variant channels that could not be palmitoylated in the S0-S1 linker also displayed significantly reduced cell surface expression even though STREX insert palmitoylation was unaffected. Thus our work reveals the functional independence of two distinct palmitoylation-dependent membrane interaction domains within the same channel protein and demonstrates the critical role of S0-S1 linker palmitoylation in the control of BK channel cell surface expression.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid method with high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry is described for the quantitation of the kinase inhibitor sorafenib and its active metabolite sorafenib N-oxide in human plasma. A protein precipitation extraction procedure was applied to 50 μL of plasma. Chromatographic separation of the two analytes, and the internal standard [2H313C]-sorafenib, was achieved on a C18 analytical column and isocratic flow at 0.3 mL/min for 4 min. Mean within-run and between-run precision for all analytes were <6.9% and accuracy was <5.3%. Calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 50–10,000 ng/mL for sorafenib and 10–2500 ng/mL for sorafenib N-oxide. This method allows a specific, sensitive, and reliable determination of the kinase inhibitor sorafenib and its active metabolite sorafenib N-oxide in human plasma in a single analytical run.  相似文献   
Adult neural stem cells hold great promise for repair because of their unique location within the central nervous system, their potential to proliferate and to differentiate into all major neural lineages, and their ability to incorporate functionally into the existing neuronal circuitry. However, recruitment of these cells for repair is hampered by the lack of knowledge about the signals that control the generation of a functional neuron from adult neural stem cells. Here, we discuss recent findings on the regulatory mechanisms that underlie neurogenesis from neural stem cells in the adult hippocampus and the implications of these findings for future stem-cell-based repair strategies.  相似文献   
Proper deployment of Nanos protein at the posterior of the Drosophila embryo, where it directs posterior development, requires a combination of RNA localization and translational controls. These controls ensure that only the posteriorly-localized nanos mRNA is translated, whereas unlocalized nanos mRNA is translationally repressed. Here we describe cloning of the gene encoding Smaug, an RNA-binding protein that interacts with the sequences, SREs, in the nanos mRNA that mediate translational repression. Using an in vitro translation assay, we demonstrate that SRE-dependent repression occurs in extracts from early stage embryos. Immunodepletion of Smaug from the extracts eliminates repression, consistent with the notion that Smaug is involved. Smaug is a novel gene and the existence of potential mammalian Smaug homologs raises the possibility that Smaug represents a new class of conserved translational repressor.  相似文献   
The Chinese hamster cell lines E36 and CHOK1 dramatically differ in susceptibility to amphotropic murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) and gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV); E36 cells are highly susceptible to both viruses, CHOK1 cells are not. We have previously shown that GALV can infect E36 cells by using both its own receptor, HaPit1, and the A-MuLV receptor, HaPit2. Given that the two cell lines are from the same species, the loss of function of both of these receptors in CHOK1 cells is surprising. Other studies have shown that CHOK1 cells secrete proteins that block A-MuLV entry into CHOK1 as well as E36, suggesting the two A-MuLV receptors are functionally identical. However, CHOK1 conditioned medium does not block GALV entry into E36, indicating the secreted inhibitors do not block HaPit1. HaPit1 and ChoPit1 therefore differ as receptors for GALV; ChoPit1 is either inactivated by secreted factors or intrinsically nonfunctional. To determine why GALV cannot infect CHOK1, we cloned and sequenced ChoPit1 and ChoPit2. ChoPit2 is almost identical to HaPit2, which explains why CHOK1 conditioned medium blocks A-MuLV entry via both receptors. Although ChoPit1 and HaPit1 are 91% identical, a notable difference is at position 550 in the fourth extracellular region, shown by several studies to be crucial for GALV infection. Pit1 and HaPit1 have aspartate at 550, whereas ChoPit1 has threonine at this position. We assessed the significance of this difference for GALV infection by replacing the aspartate 550 in Pit1 with threonine. This single substitution rendered Pit1 nonfunctional for GALV and suggests that threonine at 550 inactivates ChoPit1 as a GALV receptor. Whether native ChoPit1 functions for GALV was determined by interference assays using Lec8, a glycosylation-deficient derivative of CHOK1 that is susceptible to both viruses and that has the same receptors as CHOK1. Unlike with E36, GALV and A-MuLV exhibited reciprocal interference when infecting Lec8, suggesting that they use the same receptor. We conclude both viruses can use ChoPit2 in the absence of the inhibitors secreted by CHOK1 and ChoPit1 is nonfunctional.  相似文献   
The genome sequence of the genetically tractable, mesophilic, hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanococcus maripaludis contains 1,722 protein-coding genes in a single circular chromosome of 1,661,137 bp. Of the protein-coding genes (open reading frames [ORFs]), 44% were assigned a function, 48% were conserved but had unknown or uncertain functions, and 7.5% (129 ORFs) were unique to M. maripaludis. Of the unique ORFs, 27 were confirmed to encode proteins by the mass spectrometric identification of unique peptides. Genes for most known functions and pathways were identified. For example, a full complement of hydrogenases and methanogenesis enzymes was identified, including eight selenocysteine-containing proteins, with each being paralogous to a cysteine-containing counterpart. At least 59 proteins were predicted to contain iron-sulfur centers, including ferredoxins, polyferredoxins, and subunits of enzymes with various redox functions. Unusual features included the absence of a Cdc6 homolog, implying a variation in replication initiation, and the presence of a bacterial-like RNase HI as well as an RNase HII typical of the Archaea. The presence of alanine dehydrogenase and alanine racemase, which are uniquely present among the Archaea, explained the ability of the organism to use L- and D-alanine as nitrogen sources. Features that contrasted with the related organism Methanocaldococcus jannaschii included the absence of inteins, even though close homologs of most intein-containing proteins were encoded. Although two-thirds of the ORFs had their highest Blastp hits in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, lateral gene transfer or gene loss has apparently resulted in genes, which are often clustered, with top Blastp hits in more distantly related groups.  相似文献   
Methyl santalbate (methyl trans-11-octadecen-9-ynoate) from Sandal wood seed oil, Santalbum alum) was epoxidized to methyl trans-11,12-epoxy-octadec-9-ynoate (1). Treatment of compound 1 with tetrabutylammonium dihydrogentrifluoride, and boron trifluoride etherate gave the corresponding anti- (2a) (57%) and syn- (2b) (35%) fluorohydrin derivatives, respectively. These reactions were regio- and stereoselective in nature. The structures of the anti- and syn- isomers were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy. Ring opening of the epoxy system of compound 1 with lithium chloride gave the anti-chlorohydrin derivative (3) (89%). Oxidation of either compound 2a or 2b gave the same fluoro-keto acetylenic fatty ester (4) (75%), and compound 3 on chromic acid oxidation yielded the corresponding chloro-keto acetylene (5) (73%). Isomerization of compounds 4 and 5 with potassium carbonate in dichloromethane furnished the requisite fluoro-allenic (6) (63%, methyl 11-fluoro-12-oxo-9,10-octadecadienoate) and chloro-allenic (7) (80%, methyl 11-chloro-12-oxo-9,10-octadecadienoate) C(18) fatty esters. All products were confirmed by a combination of spectrometric and spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   
It is well known that cardiac sympathetic afferent reflexes contribute to increases in sympathetic outflow and that sympathetic activity can antagonize arterial baroreflex function. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that in normal rats, chemical and electrical stimulation of cardiac sympathetic afferents results in a decrease in the arterial baroreflex function by increasing sympathetic nerve activity. Under alpha-chloralose (40 mg/kg) and urethane (800 mg/kg i.p.) anesthesia, renal sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate were recorded. The arterial baroreceptor reflex was evaluated by infusion of nitroglycerin (25 microg i.v.) and phenylephrine (10 microg i.v.). Left ventricular epicardial application of capsaicin (0.4 microg in 2 microl) blunted arterial baroreflex function by 46% (maximum slope 3.5 +/- 0.3 to 1.9 +/- 0.2%/mmHg, P < 0.01). When the central end of the left cardiac sympathetic nerve was electrically stimulated (7 V, 1 ms, 20 Hz), the sensitivity of the arterial baroreflex was similarly decreased by 42% (maximum slope 3.2 +/- 0.3 to 1.9 +/- 0.4%/mmHg; P < 0.05). Pretreatment with intracerebroventricular injection of losartan (500 nmol in 1 microl of artificial cerebrospinal fluid) completely prevented the impairment of arterial baroreflex function induced by electrical stimulation of the central end of the left cardiac sympathetic nerve (maximum slope 3.6 +/- 0.4 to 3.1 +/- 0.5%/mmHg). These results suggest that the both chemical and electrical stimulation of the cardiac sympathetic afferents reduces arterial baroreflex sensitivity and the impairment of arterial baroreflex function induced by cardiac sympathetic afferent stimulation is mediated by central angiotensin type 1 receptors.  相似文献   
Two lipid transfer proteins are active in human plasma, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), and phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP). Mice by nature do not express CETP. Additional inactivation of the PLTP gene resulted in reduced secretion of VLDL and subsequently in decreased susceptibility to diet-induced atherosclerosis. The aim of this study is to assess possible effects of differences in PLTP expression on VLDL secretion in mice that are proficient in CETP and PLTP. We compared human CETP transgenic (huCETPtg) mice with mice expressing both human lipid transfer proteins (huCETPtg/huPLTPtg). Plasma cholesterol in huCETPtg mice was 1.5-fold higher compared with huCETPtg/huPLTPtg mice (P < 0.001). This difference was mostly due to a lower HDL level in the huCETPtg/huPLTPtg mice, which subsequently could lead to the somewhat decreased CETP activity and concentration that was found in huCETPtg/huPLTPtg mice (P < 0.05). PLTP activity was 2.8-fold increased in these animals (P < 0.001). The human PLTP concentration was 5 microg/ml. Moderate overexpression of PLTP resulted in a 1.5-fold higher VLDL secretion compared with huCETPtg mice (P < 0.05). The composition of nascent VLDL was similar in both strains. These results indicate that elevated PLTP activity in huCETPtg mice results in an increase in VLDL secretion. In addition, PLTP overexpression decreases plasma HDL cholesterol as well as CETP.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were fed diets containing 100% fish oil (FO; capelin oil) or 100% vegetable oil (VO) from start of feeding until the fish reached the size of 2·5 kg. Samples were taken during the period of the parr-smolt transformation (October 2002 to February 2003). The VO diet consisted of a blend of 55% rapeseed oil, 30% palm oil and 15% linseed oil to maintain the sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids between the two diets, although with differences in the individual chain length of fatty acids. Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the gills, total β-oxidation capacity in muscles and liver and total lipid, glycogen and dry matter content in the muscles were measured during the parr-smolt transformation and after seawater transfer. Na+/K+-ATPase activity in gills increased prior to seawater transfer, showing an adaptation for seawater survival. Major changes in the lipid and glycogen content in the fillet and in β-oxidation capacity were found in the tissues measured. β-oxidation capacity increased significantly in liver and decreased in red muscle, prior to seawater transfer, giving liver an important role in energy production during this period. Results also indicated that feeding Atlantic salmon a diet where 100% of FO was replaced with VO did not have any negative effects on lipid metabolism during parr-smolt transformation.  相似文献   
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