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Production of transgenic founder goats involves introducing and stably integrating an engineered piece of DNA into the genome of the animal. At LFB USA, the ultimate use of these transgenic goats is for the production of recombinant human protein therapeutics in the milk of these dairy animals. The transgene or construct typically links a milk protein specific promoter sequence, the coding sequence for the gene of interest, and the necessary downstream regulatory sequences thereby directing expression of the recombinant protein in the milk during the lactation period. Over the time period indicated (1995–2012), pronuclear microinjection was used in a number of programs to insert transgenes into 18,120, 1- or 2- cell stage fertilized embryos. These embryos were transferred into 4180 synchronized recipient females with 1934 (47%) recipients becoming pregnant, 2594 offspring generated, and a 109 (4.2%) of those offspring determined to be transgenic. Even with new and improving genome editing tools now available, pronuclear microinjection is still the predominant and proven technology used in this commercial setting supporting regulatory filings and market authorizations when producing founder transgenic animals with large transgenes (> 10 kb) such as those necessary for directing monoclonal antibody production in milk.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To provide updated, evidence-based recommendations concerning the effects of weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight on the prevention and control of hypertension in otherwise healthy adults (except pregnant women). OPTIONS: The main options are to attain and maintain a healthy body weight (body mass index [BMI] 20-25 kg/m2) or not to do so. For those at risk for hypertension, weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight may prevent the condition. For those who have hypertension, weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight may reduce or obviate the need for antihypertensive medications. OUTCOMES: The health outcome considered was change in blood pressure. Because of insufficient evidence, no economic outcomes were considered. EVIDENCE: A MEDLINE search was conducted for the years 1992-1996 with the terms hypertension and obesity in combination and antihypertensive therapy and obesity in combination. Other relevant evidence was obtained from the reference lists of the articles identified, from the personal files of the authors and through contacts with experts. The articles were reviewed, classified according to study design and graded according to level of evidence. VALUES: A high value was placed on the avoidance of cardiovascular morbidity and premature death caused by untreated hypertension. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS: Weight loss and the maintenance of healthy body weight reduces the blood pressure of both hypertensive and normotensive people. The indirect benefits of a health body weight are well known. The negative effects of weight loss are primarily the frustrations associated with attaining and maintaining a healthy weight. The costs associated with weight loss programs were not measured in the studies reviewed. RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) It is recommended that health care professionals determine weight (in kilograms), height (in metres) and BMI for all adults. (2) To reduce blood pressure in the population at large, it is recommended that Canadians attain and maintain a healthy BMI (20-25). (3) All overweight hypertensive patients (BMI greater than 25) should be advised to reduce their weight. VALIDATION: These recommendations are similar to those of the World Hypertension League, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on Primary Prevention of Hypertension, the Canadian Hypertension Society and the Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control. They have not been clinically tested. SPONSORS: The Canadian Hypertension Society, the Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control, the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control at Health Canada, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the cytotoxic effects of fumonisin B1 (FB1) on both immortalised and immortalised and subsequently transfected normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells of human origin using four bioassays. While the MTT, Neutral Red and hexosaminidase colorimetric assays showed little difference between the toxic effects on the two related cell lines, the clonogenic assay, measuring cell survival and proliferation, indicated that FB1 had a more toxic effect on the nontransfected cells. This kind ofin vitro approach using cells which retain many characteristics of normal cell growth and differentiation can go some way to developing evaluation models for food safety in the case of mycotoxin contamination without resorting totally to whole animal testing. Nevertheless, one or two cytotoxicity tests may be inadequate for a complete appraisal of toxic potential: rather, as wide a range of methodologies as feasible should be employed initially before meaningful conclusions may be drawn.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) hydrophobic protein (HPS) is an abundant seed constituent and a potentially hazardous allergen that causes asthma in persons allergic to soybean dust. By analyzing surface extracts of soybean seeds with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and amino-terminal microsequencing, we determined that large amounts of HPS are deposited on the seed surface. The quantity of HPS present varies among soybean cultivars and is more prevalent on dull-seeded phenotypes. We have also isolated cDNA clones encoding HPS and determined that the preprotein is translated with a membrane-spanning signal sequence and a short hydrophilic domain. Southern analysis indicated that multiple copies of the HPS gene are present in the soybean genome, and that the HPS gene structure is polymorphic among cultivars that differ in seed coat luster. The pattern of HPS gene expression, determined by in situ hybridization and RNA analysis, shows that HPS is synthesized in the endocarp of the inner ovary wall and is deposited on the seed surface during development. This study demonstrates that a seed dust allergen is associated with the seed luster phenotype in soybean and that compositional properties of the seed surface may be altered by manipulating gene expression in the ovary wall.  相似文献   
The structures of the dorsal and ventral lobes of the prostate of 4 groups of Syrian hamsters were studied by a stereological approach. Groups studied were young hamsters (kept in long-day photoperiods for 4 weeks) in their first breeding season, older hamsters (kept in short-day photoperiods for 24 weeks so that their prostates had regressed and regrown) in their second breeding season, and two groups of older hamsters in an extended first breeding season (either because they were kept in long days for 24 weeks or because they were pinealectomized before being put into short-day photoperiods for 24 weeks). There were very few differences between groups, but generally dorsal prostates of older hamsters in their second breeding season closely resembled those of young hamsters in their first breeding season. More differences were noted between either of these two groups and older hamsters in an extended first breeding season than between these two groups. The differences noted generally involved increases in the amount of smooth muscle in the walls of secretory tubules in the dorsal prostates of hamsters in an extended first breeding season. This may be associated with the fact that these glands had not regressed and regrown. Ventral prostates were very similar in all 4 groups, which may reflect the fact that they normally regress very little in short days.  相似文献   
An increasing number of studies demonstrate that plant and animal phenologies such as the timing of bird migration have been advancing over the globe, likely as a result of climate change. Even closely related species differ in their phenological responses, and the sources of this variation are poorly established. We used a large, standardized dataset of first arrival dates (FAD) of migratory birds to test the effects of phylogenetic relationships and various life-history and ecological traits on the degree to which different species adapt to climate change by earlier migration in spring. Using the phylogenetic comparative method, we found that the advancement of FAD was greater in species with more generalized diet, shorter migration distance, more broods per year, and less extensive prebreeding molt. In turn, we found little evidence that FAD trends were influenced by competition for mating (polygamy or extra-pair paternity) and breeding opportunities (cavity nests). Our findings were robust to several potentially confounding effects. These evolutionary correlations, coupled with the low levels of phylogenetic dependence we found, indicate that avian migration phenology adapts to climate change as a species-specific response. Our results suggest that the degree of this response is fundamentally shaped by constraints and selection pressures of the species' life history, and less so by the intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   
This study investigated the rate of human papillomavirus (HPV) persistence,associated risk factors, and predictors of cytological alteration outcomes in acohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women over an 18-monthperiod. HPV was typed through L1 gene sequencing in cervical smearscollected during gestation and at 12 months after delivery. Outcomes were defined asnonpersistence (clearance of the HPV in the 2nd sample), re-infection (detection ofdifferent types of HPV in the 2 samples), and type-specific HPV persistence (the sameHPV type found in both samples). An unfavourable cytological outcome was consideredwhen the second exam showed progression to squamous intraepithelial lesion or highsquamous intraepithelial lesion. Ninety patients were studied. HPV DNA persistenceoccurred in 50% of the cases composed of type-specific persistence (30%) orre-infection (20%). A low CD4+T-cell count at entry was a risk factor fortype-specific, re-infection, or HPV DNA persistence. The odds ratio (OR) was almostthree times higher in the type-specific group when compared with the re-infectiongroup (OR = 2.8; 95% confidence interval: 0.43-22.79). Our findings show thatbonafide (type-specific) HPV persistence is a stronger predictor for the developmentof cytological abnormalities, highlighting the need for HPV typing as opposed to HPVDNA testing in the clinical setting.  相似文献   
Syringolides are glycolipid elicitors produced by Gram-negative bacteria expressing Pseudomonas syringae avirulence gene D. The syringolides mediate gene-for-gene complementarity, inducing the hypersensitive response only in soybean plants carrying the Rpg4 disease resistance gene. A site(s) for 125I-syringolide 1 was detected in the soluble protein fraction from soybean leaves, but no evidence for ligand-specific binding to the microsomal fraction was obtained. The Kd value for syringolide 1 binding with the soluble fraction was 8.7 nM, and binding was greatly reduced by prior protease treatment or heating. A native gel assay was also used to demonstrate ligand-specific binding of labeled syringolide 1 with a soluble protein(s). Competition studies with 125I-syringolide 1 and several structural derivatives demonstrated a direct correlation between binding affinity to the soluble fraction and elicitor activity. However, differential competition binding studies disclosed no differences in syringolide binding to soluble fractions from Rpg4/Rpg4 or rpg4/rpg4 soybean leaves. Thus, the observed binding site fulfills several criteria expected of an intracellular receptor for the syringolides, but it is most likely not encoded by the Rpg4 gene. Instead, the Rpg4 gene product may function subsequent to elicitor binding, possibly in intracellular signal transduction.  相似文献   
Three species of the genus Paravortex were studied. Spermiogenesis involves progressive lengthening of the spermatid. No centriole nor axoneme were found. Thc mature spermatozoon is threadlike, 30μm long and aflagellate. It contains a nucleus, two longitudinal parallel mitochondria, numerous dense bodies limited by a membrane, a row of cortical microtubules and granules. The spatial arrangement of the microtubules wah deduced from a statistical analysis of their number in transverse section. The microtubules are continuous along the length of the spermatozoon and are arranged along a long cone. The granules, not limited by a membrane, are about 25 nm in diameter. They are arranged in a semicircle and represent a new structure for sperm of Platyhclminthes. A statistical comparison demonstrated that two species may be distinguished by the number of their cortical sperm microtubules. This is the tirst ultrastructural study of an aflagellate spermatozoon in the Rhabdocoela. A rickettsia was found in P. cardii .  相似文献   
The normal ventral and dorsal prostatic lobes of the young adult Syrian hamster were examined at the light and electron microscopic levels. Each lobe is composed of branched tubular secretory units separated from each other by loose interacinar connective tissue and draining into the urethra. The lumen of each acinus is lined by a simple epithelium composed of columnar secretory cells with occasional small basal cells. The epithelial layer, with the thin underlying lamina propria, forms a mucosa that is often highly folded. The whole acinus is bounded by a thick muscular stroma. In each of the ventral lobes, there are three main ducts, each one formed of tubular branched tributary secretory units. The walls of the secretory acini are moderately folded. Microvilli dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory epithelial cells. The Golgi complex is very extensive and shows dilated cisternae and secretory vesicles and vacuoles of various sizes. Membrane-bounded secretory granules populate the Golgi and apical areas and are released into the acinar lumen by exocytosis. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, except in the region of the Golgi apparatus. In each of the dorsal lobes, there are several main tubular ducts that open into the urethra. Both proximal (ductal) and distal portions of the glandular tree are secretory in nature. Microvilli and cytoplasmic bulges and blebs dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory cells. The cells are also characterized by highly dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The secretory cells show heterogeneity in the degree of dilation and distribution of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and this heterogeneity may reflect location in the glandular tree.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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