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The influenza A virus is an important infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and was responsible for 3 pandemics in the 20th century. As the replication of the influenza virus is based on its host's machinery, codon usage of its viral genes might be subject to host selection pressures, especially after interspecies transmission. A better understanding of viral evolution and host adaptive responses might help control this disease.  相似文献   
In many species, sperm velocity affects variation in the outcome of male competitive fertilization success. In fishes, ovarian fluid (OF) released with the eggs can increase male sperm velocity and potentially facilitate cryptic female choice for males of specific phenotypes and/or genotypes. Therefore, to investigate the effect of OF on fertilization success, we measured sperm velocity and conducted in vitro competitive fertilizations with paired Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) males representing two alternative reproductive tactics, jacks (small sneaker males) and hooknoses (large guarding males), in the presence of river water alone and OF mixed with river water. To determine the effect of genetic differences on fertilization success, we genotyped fish at neutral (microsatellites) and functional [major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II ß1] markers. We found that when sperm were competed in river water, jacks sired significantly more offspring than hooknoses; however, in OF, there was no difference in paternity between the tactics. Sperm velocity was significantly correlated with paternity success in river water, but not in ovarian fluid. Paternity success in OF, but not in river water alone, was correlated with genetic relatedness between male and female, where males that were less related to the female attained greater paternity. We found no relationship between MHC II ß1 divergence between mates and paternity success in water or OF. Our results indicate that OF can influence the outcome of sperm competition in Chinook salmon, where OF provides both male tactics with fertilization opportunities, which may in part explain what maintains both tactics in nature.  相似文献   
Peripheral blood-derived multipotent adult progenitor cells (PBD-MAPCs) are a novel population of stem cells, isolated from venous blood of green fluorescent protein transgenic swine, which proliferate as multicellular non-adherent spheroids. Using a simple differentiation protocol, a large proportion of these cells developed one of five distinct neural cell phenotypes, indicating that these primordial cells have high neurogenic potential. Cells exhibiting neural morphologies developed within 48 h of exposure to differentiation conditions, increased in percentage over 2 weeks, and stably maintained the neural phenotype for three additional weeks in the absence of neurogenic signaling molecules. Cells exhibited dynamic neural-like behaviors including extension and retraction of processes with growth cone-like structures rich in filamentous actin, cell migration following a leading process, and various cell-cell interactions. Differentiated cells expressed neural markers, NeuN, β-tubulin III and synaptic proteins, and progenitor cells expressed the stem cell markers nestin and NANOG. Neurally differentiated PBD-MAPCs exhibited voltage-dependent inward and outward currents and expressed voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels, suggestive of neural-like membrane properties. PBD-MAPCs expressed early neural markers and developed neural phenotypes when provided with an extracellular matrix of laminin without the addition of cytokines or growth factors, suggesting that these multipotent cells may be primed for neural differentiation. PBD-MAPCs provide a model for understanding the mechanisms of neural differentiation from non-neural sources of adult stem cells. A similar population of cells, from humans or xenogeneic sources, may offer the potential of an accessible, renewable and non-tumorigenic source of stem cells for treating neural disorders.  相似文献   


It is known that anticitrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA)–positive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a preclinical phase. Whether this phase is also present in ACPA-negative RA is unknown. To determine this, we studied ACPA-negative arthralgia patients who were considered prone to progress to RA for local subclinical inflammation observed on hand and foot magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.


We studied a total of 64 ACPA-negative patients without clinically detectable arthritis and with arthralgia of the small joints within the previous 1 year. Because of the character of the patients’ symptoms, the rheumatologists considered these patients to be prone to progress to RA. For comparisons, we evaluated 19 healthy, symptom-free controls and 20 ACPA-negative RA patients, who were identified according to the 1987 American Rheumatism Association criteria. All participants underwent MRI of unilateral wrist, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints. Synovitis and bone marrow oedema (BME) were scored according to the OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis magnetic resonance imaging scoring system, and the scores were summed to yield the ‘MRI inflammation score’. Scores were compared between groups. Among the ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, MRI inflammation scores were related to C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and the tenderness of scanned joints.


MRI inflammation scores increased progressively among the groups of controls and ACPA-negative arthralgia and RA patients (median scores = 0, 1 and 10, respectively; P < 0.001). The MRI inflammation scores of ACPA-negative arthralgia patients were significantly higher than those of controls (P = 0.018). In particular, the synovitis scores were higher in ACPA-negative arthralgia patients (P = 0.046). Among the ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, inflammation was observed predominantly in the wrist (53%). The synovitis scores were associated with CRP levels (P = 0.007) and joint tenderness (P = 0.026). Despite the limited follow-up duration, five patients developed clinically detectable arthritis. These five patients had higher scores for MRI inflammation (P = 0.001), synovitis (P = 0.002) and BME (P = 0.003) compared to the other patients.


Subclinical synovitis was observed in the small joints of ACPA-negative arthralgia patients, and especially in patients whose conditions progressed to clinically detectable arthritis. This finding suggests the presence of a preclinical phase in ACPA-negative RA. Further longitudinal studies of these lesions and patients are required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   


Progression of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is partly heritably; 45 to 58% of the variance in joint destruction is estimated to be explained by genetic factors. The binding of RANKL (Receptor Activator for Nuclear Factor κ B Ligand) to RANK results in the activation of TRAF6 (tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor associated factor-6), and osteoclast formation ultimately leading to enhanced bone resorption. This bone resorption is inhibited by osteoprotegerin (OPG) which prevents RANKL-RANK interactions. The OPG/RANK/RANKL/TRAF6 pathway plays an important role in bone remodeling. Therefore, we investigated whether genetic variants in OPG, RANK, RANKL and TRAF6 are associated with the rate of joint destruction in RA.


1,418 patients with 4,885 X-rays of hands and feet derived from four independent data-sets were studied. In each data-set the relative increase of the progression rate per year in the presence of a genotype was assessed. First, explorative analyses were performed on 600 RA-patients from Leiden. 109 SNPs, tagging OPG, RANK, RANKL and TRAF6, were tested. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated in phase-1 were genotyped in data-sets from Groningen (Netherlands), Sheffield (United Kingdom) and Lund (Switzerland). Data were summarized in an inverse weighted variance meta-analysis. Bonferonni correction for multiple testing was applied.


We found that 33 SNPs were significantly associated with the rate of joint destruction in phase-1. In phase-2, six SNPs in OPG and four SNPs in RANK were associated with progression of joint destruction with P-value <0.05. In the meta-analyses of all four data-sets, RA-patients with the minor allele of OPG-rs1485305 expressed higher rates of joint destruction compared to patients without these risk variants (P = 2.35x10−4). This variant was also significant after Bonferroni correction.


These results indicate that a genetic variant in OPG is associated with a more severe rate of joint destruction in RA.  相似文献   
It is important to understand parental effects on early life history of fish as manifested, for example, in individual fitness of offspring. Immediately after fertilization, parental contributions (both genetic and non‐genetic) to embryos will affect larval ontogeny, physiology, morphology and survival. In marine fish, rates of natural mortality are highest during early life and are negatively correlated with rates of growth and body size. In these early life stages (eggs, larvae, young juveniles) subtle differences in mortality can cause large differences in recruitment and year‐class success. Therefore, it is particularly critical to understand factors that contribute to variability in mortality during early life. This study focuses on evaluating the potential influence of paternity on rates of mortality and development in eggs and larvae of Northwest Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. To accomplish this 12 males and two females were crossed using a full‐factorial breeding design. Paternity had a strong influence on fertilization success, hatching success, cumulative embryonic mortality, larval standard length, eye diameter, yolk‐sac area, and cumulative larval mortality. Female 1 showed an overall ‘weaker’ performance of offspring than Female 2, indicating that deviances can stem from differences in female quality. Nevertheless, paternal contributions to embryonic and larval development were still evident despite differences in female quality, showing that sire effects on offspring are undeniable and can serve as important sources of variation during early life stages in fishes. Overall, these findings have implications for furthering the understanding of recruitment variability and can be used to optimize reproductive output for the aquaculture industry. In addition, the data suggests that the choice of mate during spawning can play a large role in offspring fitness.  相似文献   
Aim:  To compare caecal microbiota from mdr1a –/– and wild type (FVB) mice to identify differences in the bacterial community that could influence the intestinal inflammation.
Methods and Results:  Caecal microbiota of mdr1a –/– and FVB mice were evaluated at 12 and 25 weeks of age using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and quantitative real-time PCR. DGGE fingerprints of FVB and mdr1a –/– mice (with no intestinal inflammation) at 12 weeks revealed differences in the presence of DNA fragments identified as Bacteroides fragilis , B. thetaiotaomicron , B. vulgatus and an uncultured alphaproteobacterium. Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter sp. were only identified in DGGE profiles of mdr1a –/– mice at 25 weeks (with severe intestinal inflammation), which also had a lower number of total bacteria in the caecum compared with FVB mice at same age.
Conclusions:  Differences found in the caecal microbiota of FVB and mdr1a –/– mice (12 weeks) suggest that the lack of Abcb1 transporters in intestinal cells due to the disruption of the mdr1a gene might lead to changes in the caecal microbiota. The altered microbiota along with the genetic defect could contribute to the development of intestinal inflammation in mdr1a –/– mice.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Differences in caecal microbiota of mdr1a –/– and FVB mice (12 weeks) suggest genotype specific colonization. The results provide evidence that Abcb1 transporters may regulate host interactions with commensal bacteria. Future work is needed to identify the mechanisms involved in this possible cross-talk between the host intestinal cells and microbiota.  相似文献   
In his 1875 monograph on insectivorous plants, Darwin described the feeding reactions of Drosera flypaper traps and predicted that their secretions contained a “ferment” similar to mammalian pepsin, an aspartic protease. Here we report a high‐quality draft genome sequence for the cape sundew, Drosera capensis, the first genome of a carnivorous plant from order Caryophyllales, which also includes the Venus flytrap (Dionaea) and the tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes). This species was selected in part for its hardiness and ease of cultivation, making it an excellent model organism for further investigations of plant carnivory. Analysis of predicted protein sequences yields genes encoding proteases homologous to those found in other plants, some of which display sequence and structural features that suggest novel functionalities. Because the sequence similarity to proteins of known structure is in most cases too low for traditional homology modeling, 3D structures of representative proteases are predicted using comparative modeling with all‐atom refinement. Although the overall folds and active residues for these proteins are conserved, we find structural and sequence differences consistent with a diversity of substrate recognition patterns. Finally, we predict differences in substrate specificities using in silico experiments, providing targets for structure/function studies of novel enzymes with biological and technological significance. Proteins 2016; 84:1517–1533. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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