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Aim:  To compare caecal microbiota from mdr1a –/– and wild type (FVB) mice to identify differences in the bacterial community that could influence the intestinal inflammation.
Methods and Results:  Caecal microbiota of mdr1a –/– and FVB mice were evaluated at 12 and 25 weeks of age using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and quantitative real-time PCR. DGGE fingerprints of FVB and mdr1a –/– mice (with no intestinal inflammation) at 12 weeks revealed differences in the presence of DNA fragments identified as Bacteroides fragilis , B. thetaiotaomicron , B. vulgatus and an uncultured alphaproteobacterium. Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter sp. were only identified in DGGE profiles of mdr1a –/– mice at 25 weeks (with severe intestinal inflammation), which also had a lower number of total bacteria in the caecum compared with FVB mice at same age.
Conclusions:  Differences found in the caecal microbiota of FVB and mdr1a –/– mice (12 weeks) suggest that the lack of Abcb1 transporters in intestinal cells due to the disruption of the mdr1a gene might lead to changes in the caecal microbiota. The altered microbiota along with the genetic defect could contribute to the development of intestinal inflammation in mdr1a –/– mice.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Differences in caecal microbiota of mdr1a –/– and FVB mice (12 weeks) suggest genotype specific colonization. The results provide evidence that Abcb1 transporters may regulate host interactions with commensal bacteria. Future work is needed to identify the mechanisms involved in this possible cross-talk between the host intestinal cells and microbiota.  相似文献   
While there is currently intense effort to examine the 13C signal of CO2 evolved in the dark, less is known on the isotope composition of day‐respired CO2. This lack of knowledge stems from technical difficulties to measure the pure respiratory isotopic signal: day respiration is mixed up with photorespiration, and there is no obvious way to separate photosynthetic fractionation (pure ci/ca effect) from respiratory effect (production of CO2 with a different δ13C value from that of net‐fixed CO2) at the ecosystem level. Here, we took advantage of new simple equations, and applied them to sunflower canopies grown under low and high [CO2]. We show that whole mesocosm‐respired CO2 is slightly 13C depleted in the light at the mesocosm level (by 0.2–0.8‰), while it is slightly 13C enriched in darkness (by 1.5–3.2‰). The turnover of the respiratory carbon pool after labelling appears similar in the light and in the dark, and accordingly, a hierarchical clustering analysis shows a close correlation between the 13C abundance in day‐ and night‐evolved CO2. We conclude that the carbon source for respiration is similar in the dark and in the light, but the metabolic pathways associated with CO2 production may change, thereby explaining the different 12C/13C respiratory fractionations in the light and in the dark.  相似文献   
We have previously described a developmentally regulated mRNA in maize that accumulates in mature embryos and is involved in a variety of stress responses in the plant. The sequence of the encoded 16 kDa protein (MA16) predicts that it is an RNA-binding protein, since it possesses a ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence-type RNA-binding domain (CS-RBD). To assess the predicted RNA binding property of the protein and as a starting point to characterize its function we have used ribohomopolymer-binding assays. Here we show that the MA16-encoded protein binds preferentially to uridine- and guanosine-rich RNAs. In light of these results a likely role for this protein in RNA metabolism during late embryogenesis and in the stress response is discussed.  相似文献   
In his 1875 monograph on insectivorous plants, Darwin described the feeding reactions of Drosera flypaper traps and predicted that their secretions contained a “ferment” similar to mammalian pepsin, an aspartic protease. Here we report a high‐quality draft genome sequence for the cape sundew, Drosera capensis, the first genome of a carnivorous plant from order Caryophyllales, which also includes the Venus flytrap (Dionaea) and the tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes). This species was selected in part for its hardiness and ease of cultivation, making it an excellent model organism for further investigations of plant carnivory. Analysis of predicted protein sequences yields genes encoding proteases homologous to those found in other plants, some of which display sequence and structural features that suggest novel functionalities. Because the sequence similarity to proteins of known structure is in most cases too low for traditional homology modeling, 3D structures of representative proteases are predicted using comparative modeling with all‐atom refinement. Although the overall folds and active residues for these proteins are conserved, we find structural and sequence differences consistent with a diversity of substrate recognition patterns. Finally, we predict differences in substrate specificities using in silico experiments, providing targets for structure/function studies of novel enzymes with biological and technological significance. Proteins 2016; 84:1517–1533. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The influence of column configuration on the separation of hen egg-white proteins using Whatman DE52 and QA52 anion-exchange cellulose has been investigated. Using a 100 ml volume axial flow column (6.6 cm x 4.4 cm i.d.) we achieved flow rates of up to 25 ml/min i.e. 15 bed volumes/h after which higher flow was restricted due to pressure constraints within the system. Under radial flow conditions using a 100 ml column flow rates of up to 150 ml/min i.e. 90 bed volumes/h were achieved using DE52 and QA52. While chromatographic resolution was superior under axial flow at the lower flow rates excellent resolution was maintained at up to 150 ml/min using the radial flow column. This is a consequence of the fast kinetics of adsorption/desorption exhibited by DE52 and QA52. The data indicate that it is the column configuration and not the cellulose matrix which influences flow performance.  相似文献   
Soil microbial communities are critical in determining the performance and density of species in plant communities. However, their role in regulating the success of restorations is much less clear. This study assessed the ability of soil microbial communities to regulate the growth and performance of two potentially dominant grasses and two common forbs in tallgrass prairie restorations. Specifically, we examined the effects of soil microbial communities along a restoration chronosequence from agricultural fields to remnant prairies using experimentally inoculated soils. The two grass species, Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans, grew best with the agricultural inoculates and experienced a decline in performance in later stages of the chronosequence, indicating that the microbial community shifted from being beneficial to grasses in the early stages to inhibiting grasses in the later stages of restoration. Growth of the forb, Silphium terebinthinaceum, varied little with inoculation or position along the restoration chronosequence. Growth of Baptisia leucantha, a legume, appeared limited by nodule formation in agricultural soils, peaked in young restoration soils along with nodule formation, but decreased in older soils as the microbial community became more antagonistic. Overall, negative feedbacks tended to be less important early in restoration, but appeared important in remnant and older restored prairies. Our results provide evidence that it may be advantageous for management practices to take negative soil feedbacks into consideration when trying to recreate the diversity of tallgrass prairies.  相似文献   


Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) not treated with primary or rescue percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are at risk for recurrent ischemia, especially when viability in the infarct-area is present. Therefore, an invasive strategy with PCI of the infarct-related coronary artery in patients with viability would reduce the occurrence of a composite end point of death, reinfarction, or unstable angina (UA).


Patients admitted with an (sub)acute myocardial infarction, who were not treated by primary or rescue PCI, and who were stable during the first 48 hours after the acute event, were screened for the study. Eventually, we randomly assigned 216 patients with viability (demonstrated with low-dose dobutamine echocardiography) to an invasive or a conservative strategy. In the invasive strategy stenting of the infarct-related coronary artery was intended with abciximab as adjunct treatment. Seventy-five (75) patients without viability served as registry group. The primary endpoint was the composite of death from any cause, recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina at one year. As secondary endpoint the need for (repeat) revascularization procedures and anginal status were recorded.


The primary combined endpoint of death, recurrent MI and unstable angina was 7.5% (8/106) in the invasive group and 17.3% (19/110) in the conservative group (Hazard ratio 0.42; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.18-0.96; p = 0.032). During follow up revascularization-procedures were performed in 6.6% (7/106) in the invasive group and 31.8% (35/110) in the conservative group (Hazard ratio 0.18; 95% CI 0.13-0.43; p < 0.0001). A low rate of recurrent ischemia was found in the non-viable group (5.4%) in comparison to the viable-conservative group (14.5%). (Hazard-ratio 0.35; 95% CI 0.17-1.00; p = 0.051).


We demonstrated that after acute MI (treated with thrombolysis or without reperfusion therapy) patients with viability in the infarct-area benefit from a strategy of early in-hospital stenting of the infarct-related coronary artery. This treatment results in a long-term uneventful clinical course. The study confirmed the low risk of recurrent ischemia in patients without viability.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00149591.  相似文献   
Recent studies have provided an unprecedented view of the microbial communities colonizing captive mice; yet the host and environmental factors that shape the rodent gut microbiota in their natural habitat remain largely unexplored. Here, we present results from a 2-year 16 S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing-based survey of wild wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in two nearby woodlands. Similar to other mammals, wild mice were colonized by 10 bacterial phyla and dominated by the Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria. Within the Firmicutes, the Lactobacillus genus was most abundant. Putative bacterial pathogens were widespread and often abundant members of the wild mouse gut microbiota. Among a suite of extrinsic (environmental) and intrinsic (host-related) factors examined, seasonal changes dominated in driving qualitative and quantitative differences in the gut microbiota. In both years examined, we observed a strong seasonal shift in gut microbial community structure, potentially due to the transition from an insect- to a seed-based diet. This involved decreased levels of Lactobacillus, and increased levels of Alistipes (Bacteroidetes phylum) and Helicobacter. We also detected more subtle but statistically significant associations between the gut microbiota and biogeography, sex, reproductive status and co-colonization with enteric nematodes. These results suggest that environmental factors have a major role in shaping temporal variations in microbial community structure within natural populations.  相似文献   
Broodstock selection programs are currently underway for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). To complement and further these selection programs we need to develop sperm cryopreservation procedures. This will allow genomic DNA from males from selected individuals or stocks to be frozen and conserved in perpetuity. In our study we used a full factorial ANOVA design to examine the effects of diluent (Mounib’s sucrose-based diluent, Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution, Mounib’s sucrose-based diluent + hen’s egg yolk, and Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution + hen’s egg yolk), cryoprotectant (propylene glycol, dimethyl sulphoxide, and glycerol), and freezing rate (−2.5, −5.0, −7.5, and −10.0 °C/min) on motility of cod frozen-thawed sperm. Sperm velocity and morphometric analyses of sperm heads and flagella were also assessed. We found that sperm motility-recovery index was strongly influenced by the presence of higher-order interactions of the factors we tested. The best cryoprotection used diluents that contained hen’s egg yolk. Generally, extenders containing propylene glycol yielded higher post-thaw sperm motilities than those with dimethyl sulphoxide or glycerol. In comparison to sperm from other frozen-thawed extenders, sperm from extenders supplemented with propylene glycol had significantly higher curvilinear velocity. Cryopreservation showed no impact on sperm head morphology parameters, however, considerable damage to frozen-thawed sperm flagella was observed. We believe that our experimental/statistical approach and our results add significantly new information to the study of semen biology/cryobiology in fishes. Our findings are also highly relevant to the development of cod mariculture and for aiding in conservation efforts of this very important marine species.  相似文献   
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