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A statistical analysis of the nucleotide sequence variability in 14 published hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes was carried out using parametric and nonparametric methods. A parametric statistical model revealed that the different regions of the genome differed significantly in their variability. The conclusion was supported by a nonparametric kernel-density model of the HBV genome. Genes S, C, and P, region X, the precore region, and the pre-S2/pre-S1 regions were ranked in order of increasing variability. In many instances, conserved regions of the genome identified with sequences of known function in HBV biology. However, other characterized regions (such as pre-S) showed much variability despite the involvement of their encoded peptides in specific functions. Point mutations that may result in the formation of stop codons and amino acid changes may affect the clinical picture of HBV infection and may be reflected in atypical serological patterns.   相似文献   
Cell suspension cultures are useful for a wide range of biochemical and physiological studies, yet their production can be technically demanding and often unreliable. Here we describe a protocol for producing Arabidopsis cell suspension cultures that is reliable and easy to use.  相似文献   

Meiotic reinitiation has been studied in Locusta migratoria and Palaemon serratus in relation to the titre of free ecdysteroids present in the maturing oocyte. In both species meiotic reinitiation is characterized by two meiotic arrests, in prophase I and in metaphase I, and the first meiotic resumption which leads to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) is correlated with increasing titres of ecdysteroids in the oocyte. Meiotic reinitiation has been successfully triggered in the oocytes of both species by incubation with physiological doses of ecdysteroids.  相似文献   
Marine Biotechnology - Effects of CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of the melanocortin-4 receptor (mc4r) gene in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were investigated. Three sgRNAs targeting the channel...  相似文献   
The long (4.6-kb) A+T region of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNAhas been cloned and sequenced. The A+T region is organized in two largearrays of tandemly repeated DNA sequence elements, with nonrepetitiveintervening and flanking sequences comprising only 22% of its length. Thefirst repeat array consists of five repeats of 338-373 bp. The secondconsists of four intact 464-bp repeats and a fifth partial repeat of 137bp. Three DNA sequence elements are found to be highly conserved in D.melanogaster and in several Drosophila species with short A+T regions.These include a 300-bp DNA sequence element that overlaps the DNAreplication origin and two thymidylate stretches identified on opposite DNAstrands. We conclude that the length heterogeneity observed in the A+Tregulatory region in mitochondrial DNAs from the genus Drosophila resultsfrom the expansion (and contraction) of the number of repeated DNA sequenceelements. We also propose that the 300-bp conserved DNA sequence element,in conjunction with another primary sequence determinant, perhaps theadjacent thymidylate stretch, functions in the regulation of mitochondrialDNA replication.  相似文献   
Changing concepts in plant hormone action   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary A plant hormone is not, in the classic animal sense, a chemical synthesized in one organ, transported to a second organ to exert a chemical action to control a physiological event. Any phytohormone can be synthesized everywhere and can influence different growth and development processes at different places. The concept of physiological activity under hormonal control cannot be dissociated from changes in concentrations at the site of action, from spatial differences and changes in the tissue's sensitivity to the compound, from its transport and its metabolism, from balances and interactions with the other phytohormones, or in their metabolic relationships, and in their signaling pathways as well. Secondary messengers are also involved. Hormonal involvement in physiological processes can appear through several distinct manifestations (as environmental sensors, homeostatic regulators and spatio-temporal synchronizers, resource allocators, biotime adjusters, etc.), dependent on or integrated with the primary biochemical pathways. The time has also passed for the hypothesized ‘specific’ developmental hormones, rhizocaline, canlocaline, and florigen: root, stem, and flower formation result from a sequential control of specific events at the right places through a coordinated control by electrical signals, the known phytohormones and nonspecific molecules of primary and secondary metabolism, and involve both cytoplasmic and apoplastic compartments. These contemporary views are examined in this review.  相似文献   
In this study, we characterize the shear and extensional rheology of dilute to semidilute solutions of cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIAc). In steady shear flow, the semidilute solutions exhibit shear thinning, and the high-frequency complex modulus measured in small amplitude oscillatory shear flow exhibits the characteristic scaling expected for solutions of semiflexible chains. Flow curves of the steady shear viscosity plotted against shear rate closely follow the frequency dependence of the complex viscosity acquired using oscillatory shear, thus satisfying the empirical Cox-Merz rule. We use capillary thinning rheometry (CaBER) to characterize the relaxation times and apparent extensional viscosities of the semidilute cellulose solutions in a uniaxial extensional flow that mimics the dynamics encountered in the spin-line during fiber spinning processes. The apparent extensional viscosity and characteristic relaxation times of the semidilute cellulose/EMIAc solutions increase dramatically as the solutions enter the entangled concentration regime at which fiber spinning becomes viable.  相似文献   
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