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Summary We used an antiserum against salmon stanniocalcin in an immunohistochemical, immunocytochemical, and Western blot analysis of bowfin (Amia calva) corpuscles of stannius. The bowfin is one of two extant holostean species with ancient ancestral links to modern-day bony fishes. The corpuscles of Stannius (white corpuscles) of the bowfin were scattered throughout much of the kidney among the adrenocortical homolog (yellow corpuscles) but could be distinguished from the adrenocortical homolog by their positive staining with both the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and a salmon stanniocalcin antiserum. Immunoreactivity was confined to cytoplamic granules and was absent when the antiserum was blocked with salmon stanniocalcin or with a crude extract of bowfin corpuscles of Stannius. When bowfin corpuscle-of-Stannius extracts were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis and Western blot analysis, two closely spaced bands were evident (43–45 kDa). Staining of both bands was abolished by pre-absorption of the antiserum with salmon stanniocalcin. In comparison to salmon stanniocalcin, the reputed bowfin hormone migrated faster in gels, suggesting a smaller apparent size. The purification of bowfin stanniocalcin should yield important new information regarding the evolution of this unique calcium-regulating hormone.  相似文献   
Chromosome 21 has often been used as a model system for the development of genome mapping and cloning strategies in humans. In this report methods for systematic chromosome walking, cloning, and mapping are exemplified in the construction of a 1.5-Mb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig encompassing and extending 400 kb beyond each of the genetic loci D21S13 and D21S16. Isolation of insert-terminal sequences from YACs in this contig provides a set of closely spaced physical markers. These have been used to generate a long-range genomic restriction map.  相似文献   
This investigation was undertaken to determine whether a Starling resistor or venous waterfall effect exists between the sagittal sinus and the cerebral veins such that increases in sagittal sinus pressure (Pss) do not abolish cerebral venous outflow and to examine two possible contributions of extracranial venous valves in regulating outflow. Anesthetized dogs were subjected to positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) before and after intracranial pressure (Pic) was elevated by inflation of an epidural balloon. PEEP raised Pss equally in all animals, but Pic and cerebral venous pressure (Pcv) increased less in the presence of intracranial hypertension. When Pss was low, passage of a catheter in the cerebral vein in and out of the sagittal sinus demonstrated an abrupt drop in pressure as the sinus was entered. When Pss was raised and lowered independently of superior vena caval pressure (Psvc) the changes in Pic and Pcv were less when Pss was decreased than when it was increased. Sustained increases and decreases in Psvc caused increases and decreases in Pcv, Pic, Pss, and external jugular venous pressure (Pejv) regardless of whether external jugular venous valves were present or absent. We conclude that a Starling resistor between the sagittal sinus and the cerebral veins regulates cerebral venous outflow when Pss is increased by PEEP and other maneuvers that raise Psvc. The waterfall maintains Pcv and Pic at normal levels when Psvc and Pss are reduced. Extracranial venous valves are not essential to this mechanism.  相似文献   
Anterior pituitary glands were removed from 27 intact cycling rhesus monkeys sacrificed in the early (Day 2), mid (Days 6--9) and late (Days 11--12) follicular phase, and in the early and late luteal phase (3--5 and 10--15 days after the midcycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge). Assignment of cycle stage was confirmed by the pattern of circulating steroid and gonadotropin levels seen in the blood samples taken daily throughout the cycle. The anterior pituitary glands were weighed, stored at -30 degrees C and assayed for LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) content by specific radioimmunoassays. Serum estradiol levels and pituitary LH and FSH contents rose simultaneously during the follicular phase. After the preovulatory gonadotropin surge, pituitary LH content was low and invariant. Pituitary FSH content reached a nadir in the early luteal phase and tended to rise in the late luteal phase. Multiple correlation analyses revealed that there is a positive correlation between rising levels of estradiol in the circulation and pituitary LH (p = 0.003) and FSH (p = 0.017) content, and that there is a significant negative correlation between circulating progesterone levels and pituitary FSH content (p = 0.002). Pituitary LH content is less strongly related to circulating progesterone levels. There was no significant difference in the wet weights of the anterior pituitary glands during the five phases of the menstrual cycle studied.  相似文献   
X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism (XDP) is a recessive disorder characterized by generalized dystonia with some patients exhibiting parkinsonism. The disease gene, DYT3, is located between DXS453 (DXS993) and DXS559, and strongest linkage disequilibrium is found distal to DXS7117 and proximal to DXS559. We have isolated and analyzed four novel polymorphic markers between DXS7117 and DXS559 and, by haplotype analysis, have narrowed the candidate interval to <350 kb. A sequence-ready contig of 700 kb has been constructed spanning DXS7117 to DXS559 and is composed of 35 PACs, BACs, and cosmids. Nine genes and novel ESTs have been mapped into this contig, and mutations in the coding regions and intron-exon borders of two genes have been excluded as the cause of XDP. Several of the other genes and ESTs located within the contig code for proteins implicated in normal brain development and function and are candidates for DYT3.  相似文献   
The inhomogeneity of alginate gel beads prepared by an external diffusion method has been characterised using spatially resolved nuclear magnetic resonance or “magnetic resonance imaging” (MRI) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The beads exhibited various degrees of inhomogeneity although reducing the length of exposure to the gelling bath and the presence of non-gelling ions decreased gel inhomogeneity. In order to gain information regarding the gastro-intestinal functionality of these beads for in vivo applications, they were exposed to simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. The increased polymer concentration at the edge of the beads was shown to persist throughout our gastro-intestinal model despite the centre of the bead becoming progressively more porous in nature. The porosity of the alginate gels has been quantified by image analysis of transmission electron micrographs and shown to depend on both location within the bead and gastro-intestinal conditions. We suggest that such changes in porosity of these alginate beads during simulated gastro-intestinal conditions may make these an attractive option for controlled delivery applications in vivo.  相似文献   
Curcumin, a natural polyphenolic and yellow pigment obtained from the spice turmeric, has strong antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Due to these properties, curcumin has been used as a remedy for the prevention and treatment of skin aging and disorders such as psoriasis, infection, acne, skin inflammation, and skin cancer. Curcumin has protective effects against skin damage caused by chronic ultraviolet B radiation. One of the challenges in maximizing the therapeutic potential of curcumin is its low bioavailability, limited aqueous solubility, and chemical instability. In this regard, the present review is focused on recent studies concerning the use of curcumin for the treatment of skin diseases, as well as offering new and efficient strategies to optimize its pharmacokinetic profile and increase its bioavailability.  相似文献   
Larval interactions of dipteran species, blow flies in particular, were observed and documented daily over time and location on five black bear carcasses in Gainesville, FL, USA, from June 2002 – September 2004. Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) or Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) larvae were collected first, after which Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) oviposited on the carcasses in multiple locations (i.e., neck, anus, and exposed flesh) not inhabited already by the other blow fly larvae. Within the first week of decomposition, C. rufifacies larvae grew to ≥12 mm, filling the carcasses with thousands of larvae and replacing the other calliphorid larvae either through successful food source competition or by predation. As a result, C. macellaria and C. megacephala were not collected past their third instar feeding stage. The blow fly species, C. megacephala, C. macellaria, Lucilia caeruleiviridis (Macquart), Phormia regina (Meigen), Lucilia sericata (Meigen), and C. rufifacies, completed two developmental cycles in the 88.5-kg carcass. This phenomenon might serve to complicate or prevent the calculation of an accurate postmortem interval.  相似文献   
We have investigated the basis and implications of pneumoconstriction by measuring disposition and quantities of alpha-smooth muscle actin in rat and guinea pig lungs and modeling its effects on lung recoil and compliance. A robust marker of contractility, alpha-smooth muscle actin appears in smooth muscle or myofibroblast-like cells in pleura, airways, blood vessels, and alveolar ductal tissues. In each site, we measured its transected area by immunofluorescent staining and frequency-modulated scanning confocal microscopy. We incorporated these data in a model of the parenchyma consisting of an extensive elastic network with embedded contractile structures. We conclude that contraction at any one of these sites alone can decrease parenchymal compliance by 20-30% during tidal breathing. This is due mostly to the stiffness of activated contractile elements undergoing passive cycling; constant muscle tension would have little effect. The magnitude of the effect corresponds with known responses of the lung to hypocapnia, consistent with a homeostatic function in which gas exchange is defended by redistributing ventilation away from overventilated units.  相似文献   
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