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We introduce a procedure for determining shear forces at the balance between attachment and detachment of bacteria under flow. This procedure can be applied to derive adhesion forces in weak-adherence systems, such as polymer brush coatings, which are currently at the center of attention for their control of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation.  相似文献   
Summary. For the growth of the male reproductive cells of plants, the pollen, the presence of sufficient sucrose or monosaccharides is of vital importance. From Petunia hybrida a pollen-specific putative monosaccharide transporter designated PMT1 (for petunia monosaccharide transporter) has been identified previously. The present work provides an in-depth analysis and characterisation of PMT1 in the context of pollen development with the GUS reporter gene and an insertion mutant. The promoter of the pollen-specific putative PMT1 gene has been isolated by inverse PCR and sequenced. Analysis of plants transformed with the promoter-GUS fusion confirmed the specificity of this gene, belonging to the late pollen-specific expressed genes. GUS activity was detected even after 24 h of in vitro pollen germination, at the pollen tube tip. To elucidate the importance of PMT1 for gametophyte development and fertilisation, we isolated a mutant plant containing a transposon insertion in the PMT1 gene by the dTph1 transposon-tagging PCR-based assay. The PMT1 mutant contained a dTph1 insertion in position 1474 bp of the transcribing part of the gene, before the last two transmembrane-spanning domains. Analysis of the progeny of the heterozygous mutant after selfing revealed no alterations in pollen viability and fertility. Mature pollen grains of a plant homozygous for the transposon insertion were able to germinate in vitro in a medium containing sucrose, glucose, or fructose, which indicates that PMT1 is not essential for pollen survival. Several explanations for these results are discussed in the present work. Correspondence and reprints (present address): Department of Plant Biology, University of Granada. Fuentenueva s/n, 18001 Granada, Spain. Present address: Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  相似文献   
We have identified a novel petunia MADS box gene, PETUNIA FLOWERING GENE (PFG), which is involved in the transition from vegetative to reproductive development. PFG is expressed in the entire plant except stamens, roots and seedlings. Highest expression levels of PFG are found in vegetative and inflorescence meristems. Inhibition of PFG expression in transgenic plants, using a cosuppression strategy, resulted in a unique nonflowering phenotype. Homozygous pfg cosuppression plants are blocked in the formation of inflorescences and maintain vegetative growth. In these mutants, the expression of both PFG and the MADS box gene FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN26 (FBP26), the putative petunia homolog of SQUAMOSA from Antirrhinum, are down-regulated. In hemizygous pfg cosuppression plants initially a few flowers are formed, after which the meristem reverts to the vegetative phase. This reverted phenotype suggests that PFG, besides being required for floral transition, is also required to maintain the reproductive identity after this transition. The position of PFG in the hierarchy of genes controlling floral meristem development was investigated using a double mutant of the floral meristem identity mutant aberrant leaf and flower (alf) and the pfg cosuppression mutant. This analysis revealed that the pfg cosuppression phenotype is epistatic to the alf mutant phenotype, indicating that PFG acts early in the transition to flowering. These results suggest that the petunia MADS box gene, PFG, functions as an inflorescence meristem identity gene required for the transition of the vegetative shoot apex to the reproductive phase and the maintenance of reproductive identity.  相似文献   
Morphogenic conversion of Candida from a yeast to hyphal morphology plays a pivotal role in the pathogenicity of Candida species. Both Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis, in combination with a variety of different bacterial strains and species, appear in biofilms on silicone-rubber voice prostheses used in laryngectomized patients. Here we study biofilm formation on silicone-rubber by C. albicans or C. tropicalis in combination with different commensal bacterial strains and lactobacillus strains. In addition, hyphal formation in C. albicans and C. tropicalis, as stimulated by Rothia dentocariosa and lactobacilli was evaluated, as clinical studies outlined that these bacterial strains have opposite results on the clinical life-time of silicone-rubber voice prostheses. Biofilms were grown during eight days in a silicone-rubber tube, while passing the biofilms through episodes of nutritional feast and famine. Biofilms consisting of combinations of C. albicans and a bacterial strain comprised significantly less viable organisms than combinations comprising C. tropicalis. High percentages of Candida were found in biofilms grown in combination with lactobacilli. Interestingly, L. casei, with demonstrated favorable effects on the clinical life-time of voice prostheses, reduced the percentage hyphal formation in Candida biofilms as compared with Candida biofilms grown in absence of bacteria or grown in combination with R. dentocariosa, a bacterial strain whose presence is associated with short clinical life-times of voice prostheses.  相似文献   
We studied axillary meristem formation of the lateral suppressor (ls) mutant of tomato after elevating the endogenous cytokinin levels through introduction of the isopentenyltransferase (ipt) gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Growth and development of several transformants were examined during in vitro culture. Transformants exhibited phenotypes varying in severity and were divided into four classes. A number of the ipt transformants had a normal phenotype, as non-transformed plants. Others showed a mild to severe ‘cytokinin-like’ phenotype. Transformants with a mild phenotype exhibited reduced internode length and reduced root development. Transformants with a severe phenotype showed even shorter internodes, loss of apical dominance, reduction of leaf size, production of callus at the basis of the shoots and absence of root development or development of green non-branching roots. The severity of the phenotype correlated well with the level of ipt gene expression, as measured by northern analysis. Transformants with a severe phenotype also exhibited increased levels of zeatin riboside, but zeatin levels were not elevated. The increase in endogenous zeatin riboside levels in the ls mutant did not restore axillary meristem formation, but sometimes bulbous structures were formed in the initially ‘empty’ leaf axils. Several adventitious meristems and shoots developed from below the surface of these structures. It is concluded that a reduced level of cytokinins in the ls mutant shoots is not responsible for the absence of axillary meristem formation.  相似文献   
Recent work on biosurfactant release by thermophilic dairy streptococci is reviewed. There is a suggestion thatStreptococcus thermophilus isolates may release biosurfactants that stimulate detachment of already-adhering cells and leave an anti-adhesive coating on a substratum. A previously published rapid screening method is described for the identification of biosurfactant-releasing microorganisms, and growth medium supplements to enhance biosurfactant release by thermophilic dairy streptococci are reported. New experimental work described includes the isolation and purification of biosurfactants from dairy isolates by thin layer chromatography. Many compounds isolated were extremely surface-active and reduced the water surface tension to values around 30 mJ m–2 at a concentration of 10 mg ml–1. Most importantly, the thin layer chromatograms of various isolates resembled each other, and an adsorbed purified compound from one isolate retarded the deposition to glass of another isolate by a factor of two. Provided our findings implicate that these biosurfactants could also be adsorbed to heat exchanger plates in pasteurizers and thereby retard colonization by thermophilic streptococci, these compounds may have major economic implications. Further work is required, however.  相似文献   
An experimental technique is described to determine contact angles on bacterial layers deposited on cellulose triacetate filters. Measurements with water, water-n-propanol mixtures, and alpha-bromonaphthalene were employed to calculate surface free energies of various oral bacteria. Differences of 30 to 40 erg cm-2 were obtained for four different bacterial species isolated from the human oral cavity, if the concept of dispersion and polar surface free energies is applied. The free energies obtained were used to calculate interfacial free energies of adhesion of these bacteria from saliva onto tooth surfaces. Bacterial adhesion is energetically unfavorable, if the enamel surface free energy is less than 50 erg cm-2.  相似文献   
The surfaces of nine clinical isolates of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, and Peptostreptococcus micros and that of laboratory strain P. gingivalis W83 were studied by using contact angle measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, microelectrophoresis of whole cells, and transmission electron microscopy of whole and sectioned cells. P. intermedia strains were hydrophilic, as judged from their small water contact angles, and had highly negative zeta potentials, consistent with the presence of a prominent ruthenium red (RR)-staining layer and fibrillar appendages which are probably partly carbohydrate. The two clinical isolates of P. gingivalis were also hydrophilic and highly negatively charged despite the presence of prominent fibrils, which usually yield less negative zeta potentials. This finding suggests that the RR-staining layer dominates the suspension characteristics of P. gingivalis and P. intermedia strains. P. gingivalis W83 had no demonstrable fibrils and a morphologically distinct RR-staining layer, and it was more hydrophobic than the two clinical isolates of P. gingivalis. P. micros isolates were hydrophobic and much less negatively charged than the other species. The A. actinomycetemcomitans strains displayed long, prominent fibrils and a very thin RR-staining layer, which resulted in high hydrophobicity but distinctly different zeta potentials for the two. Physicochemical data on microbial cell surfaces usually have clear and predictable relationships with each other. For the strains in this study that did not follow these relationships, their aberrant behavior could be explained as due to a masking effect caused by specific surface architecture. We conclude that this combined analysis provides a detailed image of subgingival bacterial surface architecture.  相似文献   
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