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A monoclonal antibody was developed to the extracellular domain of the rat P2X4 receptor. The antibody was highly selective among all rat P2X receptor subunits, and recognised only the oligomeric, non-denatured form of the P2X4 receptor. Immunohistochemistry showed an extensive pattern of distribution throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, the epithelia of ducted glands and airways, smooth muscle of bladder, gastrointestinal tract, uterus, and arteries, uterine endometrium and fat cells. The protein was identified by Western blotting in membrane extracts of these tissues, and the ectodomain antibody immunoprecipitated a protein that was recognised with a P2X4 receptor C terminus antibody. The findings indicate that the P2X4 receptor subunit has a very extensive distribution among mammalian tissues, and this suggests possible new functional roles.The work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (R.S., R.A.N.) and the British Heart Foundation (G.B.)  相似文献   
The distribution and colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase) was investigated in the adrenal gland of developing, adult and aging rats with the use of immunohistochemical and histochemical techniques. Nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons within the adrenal gland were found from the 20th day of gestation onwards. During early development the neurons were found as small clusters of smaller-size cells compared to those observed in the adult gland. Their number reached that of adult level by the 4th day after birth, and in the glands from aging rats a 28.6% increase was observed. Whilst no immunofluorescence was seen in chromaffin cells during early development, some cells from glands of aging rats showed nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactivity with varying intensity. The immunoreactive neurons from postnatal rat adrenals were also positive for NADPH-diaphorase, whilst those in prenatal rats were negative or lightly stained. Nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerve fibres were present in all adrenal glands examined from the 16th day of gestation onwards. A considerable degree of variation in the distribution of immunoreactive fibres both in medulla and outer region of cortex at the different age groups was observed and described. Most, but not all, nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerve fibres also showed NADPH-diaphorase staining.  相似文献   
Summary Electron microscopic studies were made of the regeneration of minced smooth muscle of the vas deferens of the guinea-pig 3 days to 15 weeks after operation. At 3–5 days the mince contained degenerating smooth muscle cells and dedifferentiating cells showing characteristics of embryonic smooth muscle cells: numerous free ribosomes, well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus with few peripherally placed myofilaments associated with dense bodies. During the first two weeks of regeneration, scattered cells surrounded by debris and collagen were separated by a large extra-cellular space. After three weeks, extracellular space was reduced to near normal values. Regenerating cells had a shorter length than normal cells, but during later stages of regeneration they showed an increase in diameter. Muscle effector bundles began to form after 2 to 3 weeks. Initially there were large gaps between the muscle cells, but at later stages of bundle formation, the extracellular space between the muscle cells was much reduced. From 3 weeks, arterioles appeared between the smooth muscle bundles in the regenerating areas. Regeneration of individual smooth muscle cells was complete by 15 weeks after the operation.This work was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council  相似文献   
Summary FITC-labelled antibodies to purified chicken gizzard smooth muscle tropomyosin were prepared and used to stain muscle and non-muscle cells in culture.Skeletal muscle myoblasts stained both diffusely throughout the cytoplasm and in fine filamentous structures. Once myotubes developed the staining was localized exclusively in the I-band region of the myofibrils. Similarly, cardiac muscle cells stained in the I-band alone.Primary and subcultured smooth muscle cells, irrespective of their state of differentiation, stained exclusively in long, straight fibrils. The staining of the fibrils was interrupted with stained regions 1–2 m long and unstained spacings 0.5 m.Interrupted fibrils were also observed in fibroblasts and endothelial cells, however their staining reaction was very weak (almost indistinguishable from that with pre-immune serum) and they were few in number.3T3 cells demonstrated moderate staining in interrupted fibrils. Sheaths of very fine fibrils staining with a similar intensity were also found throughout the cytoplasm. Interruptions in these fine fibrils were often aligned to give the whole cell a striated appearance. Sheaths of fibrils were not found in the other cell types studiedJ.C-C. holds a John Halliday Travelling Fellowship with the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New Zealand; G.R.C. holds and Overseas research Fellowship with the National Heart Foundation of Australia; U.G.-S. and G.B. are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft and the Wellcome Trust (London) respectively. We wish to thank Janet D. McConnell and Christine Mahlmeister for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   
The freeze-fracture appearance of the nexus was compared in the smooth muscle of guinea pig sphincter pupillac, portal vein, pulmonary artery, taenia coli, uretzr, and vas diferens, mouse vas deferens, chicken gizzard and anterior mesenteric artery, and toad stomach. Nexuses are particularly numerous in the guinea pig sphincter pupillae; they are usually oval and their average area is 0.15 mum2, although some as large as 0.6 mum2 were seen. Small aggregations of particles were observed which would not be recognizable as nexuses in thin section. What constitutes the minimum size of a nexus is discussed. It is estimated that the number of nexuses per cell in this preparation is of the order of tens rather than hundreds. All nexuses examined had 6-9-nm particles in the PF face, with corresponding 3-4-nm pits on the EF face forming a polygonal tending towards a hexagonal lattice. The nexuses are arranged in rows parallel to the main axis of the cell, usually alternating with longitudinal rows of plasmalemmal vesicles. Many nexuses in the guinea pig sphincter pupillae, chicken gizzard, and toad stomach show a close relationship with sarcoplasmic reticulum. The possibility that this may have some role in current flow across this specialized junction is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The ontogenesis of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells and the adrenergic nerve plexus is described in stretch preparations of the rabbit portal vein. On the 25 to 26th days of gestation there was a predominance of SIF cells (8 to 30 m in diameter), but a few nerve fibres in bundles were also present. Each portal vein preparation contained 6 to 9 groups of cells. The distribution and number of SIF cells and nerve bundles remained constant until the 31st day of gestation at which stage the number of SIF cells had decreased, while the density of the nerve plexus had increased approximately 4-fold. The adult portal vein exhibited a dense adrenergic plexus, but SIF cells were absent from nine out of ten preparations.  相似文献   
Microglial activation is associated with the pathogenesis and progression of conditions such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinsons’ disease, prion disease, multiple sclerosis, and ischemic and traumatic brain injury. The molecular mechanism of microglial activation is largely unknown. The expression of the purinergic, P2X7 receptor (P2X7R), is known to be enhanced in many brain pathologies where presence of activated microglia is a concurrent feature. This review focuses on the links between P2X7R expression and microglial activation and proliferation. The P2X7R is identified as a key player in the process of microgliosis, where by driving microglial activation, it can potentially lead to a deleterious cycle of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
Inhibitory effects of various purinergic compounds on the Mg(2+)-dependent enzymatic hydrolysis of [(3)H]ATP in rat liver plasma membranes were evaluated. Rat liver enzyme ecto-ATPase has a broad nucleotide-hydrolyzing activity, displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics with K(m) for ATP of 368+/-56 microM and is not sensitive to classical inhibitors of the ion-exchange and intracellular ATPases. P2-antagonists and diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap(4)A) progressively and non-competitively inhibited ecto-ATPase activity with the following rank order of inhibitory potency: suramin (pIC(50), 4.570)>Reactive blue 2 (4.297)&z.Gt;Ap(4)A (3. 268)>pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonic acid (PPADS) (2. 930). Slowly hydrolyzable P2 agonists ATPgammaS, ADPbetaS, alpha, beta-methylene ATP and beta,gamma-methylene ATP as well as the diadenosine polyphosphates Ap(3)A and Ap(5)A did not exert any inhibitory effects on the enzyme activity at concentration ranges of 10(-4)-10(-3) M. Thin-layer chromatography analysis of the formation of [(3)H]ATP metabolites indicated the presence of other enzyme activities on liver surface (ecto-ADPase and 5'-nucleotidase), participating in concert with ecto-ATPase in the nucleotide hydrolysis through the stepwise reactions ATP-->ADP-->AMP-->adenosine. A similar pattern of sequential [(3)H]ATP dephosphorylation still occurs in the presence of ecto-ATPase inhibitors suramin, Ap(4)A and PPADS, but the appearance of the ultimate reaction product, adenosine, was significantly delayed. In contrast, hydrolysis of [(3)H]ATP in the presence of Reactive blue 2 only followed the pattern ATP-->ADP, with formation of the subsequent metabolites AMP and adenosine being virtually eliminated. These data suggest that although nucleotide-binding sites of ecto-ATPase are distinct from those of P2 receptors, some purinergic agonists and antagonists can potentiate cellular responses to extracellular ATP through non-specific inhibition of the ensuing pathways of purine catabolism.  相似文献   
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