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Reproductive success is associated with age in many taxa, increasing in early life followed by reproductive senescence. In socially monogamous but genetically polygamous species, this generates the interesting possibility of differential trajectories of within‐pair and extra‐pair siring success with age in males. We investigate these relationships simultaneously using within‐individual analyses with 13 years of data from an insular house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population. As expected, we found that both within‐ and extra‐pair paternity success increased with age, followed by a senescence‐like decline. However, the age trajectories of within‐ and extra‐pair paternity successes differed significantly, with the extra‐pair paternity success increasing faster, although not significantly, in early life, and showing a delayed decline by 1.5 years on average later in life compared to within‐pair paternity success. These different trajectories indicate that the two alternative mating tactics should have age‐dependent pay‐offs. Males may partition their reproductive effort between within‐ and extra‐pair matings depending on their current age to reap the maximal combined benefit from both strategies. The interplay between these mating strategies and age‐specific mortality may explain the variation in rates of extra‐pair paternity observed within and between species.  相似文献   
本文通过建立图象分析方法对免疫组织化学反应结果进行定量,检测观察H-ras在口腔颊粘膜上皮在正常(N)、慢性炎症(IF)、癌旁上皮(EAC)和鳞癌(SCC)的变化过程中的表达并进行分析。结果显示H-ras在SCC组中,以中等分化的SCC无论是H-ras表达的量还是细胞阳性率都较高。此外,组织学观察显示,H-ras在处于分化末期但尚未角化的正常上皮细胞中有较高的表达。本文结果显示了H-ras的过表达与上皮细胞的会化程度密切相关。本研究还显示,所采用的阳性区域透光值、平均总透光值及阳性反应区域与阴性反应区域比值可靠并有相关性。这进一步说明了用免疫组化定量方法检测H-ras癌基因表达的精确和可靠性。  相似文献   
Modifications in rabbit sperm plasma membranes during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were investigated by used of three lectins: concanavalin A (Con A); Ricinus communis I (RCA(I)); and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). During sperm passage from caput to cauda epididymis, agglutination by WGA drastically decreased, and agglutination by RCA(I) slightly decreased, although agglutination by Con A remained approximately unchanged. After ejaculation, spermatozoa were agglutinated to a similar degree or slightly less by Con A, WGA, and RCA(I), compared to cauda epididymal spermatozoa. Ultrastructural examination of sperm lectin-binding sites with ferritin- lectin conjugates revealed differences in the densities of lectin receptors in various sperm regions, and changes in the same regions during epididymal passage and after ejaculation. Ferritin-RCA(I) showed abrupt changes in lectin site densities between acrosomal and postacrosomal regions of sperm heads. The relative amounts of ferritin-RCA(I) bound to heads of caput epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa. Tail regions were labeled by ferritin RCA(I) almost equally on caput and cauda epididymal spermatozoa, but the middle-piece region of ejaculated spermatozoa was slightly more densely labeled than the principal-piece region, and these two regions on ejaculated spermatozoa were labeled less than on caput and cuada epididymal spermatozoa. Ferritin-WGA densely labeled the acrosomal region of caput epididymal spermatozoa, although labeling of cauda epidiymal spermatozoa was relatively sparse except in the apical area of the acrosomal region. Ejaculated spermatozoa bound only a few molecules of ferritin-WGA, even at the highest conjugate concentrations used. Caput epididymal, but not cauda epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa, bound ferritin-WGA in the tail regions. Dramatic differences in labeling densities during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were not found with ferritin-Con A.  相似文献   
There is still great interest in controlling bacterial endospores. The use of chemical disinfectants and, notably, oxidizing agents to sterilize medical devices is increasing. With this in mind, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and peracetic acid (PAA) have been used in combination, but until now there has been no explanation for the observed increase in sporicidal activity. This study provides information on the mechanism of synergistic interaction of PAA and H2O2 against bacterial spores. We performed investigations of the efficacies of different combinations, including pretreatments with the two oxidizers, against wild-type spores and a range of spore mutants deficient in the spore coat or small acid-soluble spore proteins. The concentrations of the two biocides were also measured in the reaction vessels, enabling the assessment of any shift from H2O2 to PAA formation. This study confirmed the synergistic activity of the combination of H2O2 and PAA. However, we observed that the sporicidal activity of the combination is largely due to PAA and not H2O2. Furthermore, we observed that the synergistic combination was based on H2O2 compromising the spore coat, which was the main spore resistance factor, likely allowing better penetration of PAA and resulting in the increased sporicidal activity.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation is increasingly problematic in both terrestrial and aquatic systems. Fragmentation reduces the size of habitat patches, so examining the effect of patch size on community structure can provide insight into the potential effects of fragmentation. In this study, we examined the effect of habitat size on the density of Spartina alterniflora shoots in tidal saltwater marshes, as well as on the two predominant macrofaunal species, the marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata and fiddler crabs Uca spp. We estimated the density of shoots in three different marsh habitats, (1) large island marshes, (2) small island marshes, and (3) large fringing marshes, in Indian Field Creek, York River, Chesapeake Bay. We manipulated shoot density in each of the marsh types to distinguish between the effects of marsh grass density and marsh type on crab and Littoraria densities in the system. We found significant differences in grass density among the three marsh types as well as significant species-specific effects of grass density, marsh type, and distance from edge on faunal abundance. Decreasing the shoot density resulted in a decrease in Littoraria density in the large marshes. Littoraria density increased with distance from edge in the small marshes and in the first 5 m of the fringing marshes, then decreased with distance from edge after 5 m in the fringing marshes. Shoot density had a negative effect on crabs in both the large and small marshes. These results suggest that fragmentation would have a negative effect on the community structure by lowering the densities of both the flora and fauna.  相似文献   
Wood betony, Orobanchaceae (Pedicularis canadensis) and bastard toadflax, Santalaceae (Comandra umbellata) are two root‐hemiparasitic plant species found in tallgrass prairie communities. Natural resource managers are interested in utilizing these species as “pseudograzers” in grasslands to reduce competitively dominant grasses and thereby increase ecological diversity and quality in prairie restorations and urban plantings. We performed an observational field study at 5 tallgrass prairie sites to investigate the association of hemiparasite abundance with metrics of phylogenetic and ecological diversity, as well as floristic quality. Although no reduction in C4 grasses was detected, there was a significant association between hemiparasite abundance and increased floristic quality at all 5 sites. Hemiparasite abundance and species richness were positively correlated at one restoration site. In a greenhouse mesocosm experiment, we investigated response to parasitism by P. canadensis in 6 species representing different plant functional groups of the tallgrass prairie. The annual legume partridge pea, Fabaceae (Chamaecrista fasciculata) had the greatest significant dry biomass reduction among 6 host species, but the C4 grass big bluestem, Poaceae (Andropogon gerardii) had significantly greater aboveground biomass when grown with the hemiparasite. Overall, host species biomass as a total community was significantly reduced in mesocosms, consistent with other investigations that demonstrate influence on community structure by hemiparasitic plant species. Although hemiparasites were not acting as pseudograzers, they have the potential to influence community structure in grassland restorations and remnants.  相似文献   
Effective small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated therapeutics require the siRNA to be delivered into the cellular RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Quantitative information of this essential delivery step is currently inferred from the efficacy of gene silencing and siRNA uptake in the tissue. Here we report an approach to directly quantify siRNA in the RISC in rodents and monkey. This is achieved by specific immunoprecipitation of the RISC from tissue lysates and quantification of small RNAs in the immunoprecipitates by stem-loop PCR. The method, expected to be independent of delivery vehicle and target, is label-free, and the throughput is acceptable for preclinical animal studies. We characterized a lipid-formulated siRNA by integrating these approaches and obtained a quantitative perspective on siRNA tissue accumulation, RISC loading, and gene silencing. The described methodologies have utility for the study of silencing mechanism, the development of siRNA therapeutics, and clinical trial design.  相似文献   
Integration is essential for retroviral replication and gene therapy using retroviral vectors. Human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), integrase specifically recognizes the terminal sequences of each long terminal repeat (LTR) and cleaves the 3'-end terminal dinucleotide 5'-GT. The exposed 3'-hydroxyl is then positioned for nucleophilic attack and subsequent strand transfer into another DNA duplex (target or chromosomal DNA). We report that both the terminal cytosine at the protruding 5'-end of the long terminal repeats (5'-C) and the integrase residue Gln-148 are critical for strand transfer. Proximity of the 5'-C and Gln-148 was demonstrated by disulfide cross-linking. Cross-linking is inhibited by the inhibitor 5CITEP 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-propenone. We propose that strand transfer requires a conformational change of the integrase-viral (donor) DNA complex with formation of an H-bond between the N-3 of the 5'-C and the amine group of Gln-148. These findings have implications for the molecular mechanisms coupling 3'-processing and strand transfer as well as for the molecular pharmacology of integrase inhibitors.  相似文献   
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