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Branch junctions are mechanically particularly interesting areas of trees, because they have to withstand a combination of static and dynamic loads, from the stem as well as from the branch. In the present work, the local adaptation of material properties at branch junctions was assessed by mapping microfibril angle and tissue density. Images of the density distribution were obtained by computer tomography (CT). Wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) was used to determine the microfibril angle distribution with high-resolution around the junctions. The stem tissue around the junctions showed increased density and microfibril angle, which points towards an optimisation for fracture toughness. The tissue at the branch bases showed low density combined with high MFA, which provides deformability and flexibility and might act as protection of the stem against load transmission from the branch.  相似文献   
We describe here a computational morphology-based approach to the investigation of possible causes of chromatin alterations in sperm. A comprehensive set of state-of-the-art and geometric measures are computationally extracted from toluidine blue stained images and analyzed to infer the possible processes leading to normal and abnormal chromatin formation while seeking a possible taxonomy of chromatin alterations and their influence on sperm head morphology. Using this methodology, we have identified higher chromatin fragility at some specific points of the sperm head. Despite the lack of correlation between morphologies of sperm head and chromatin structure, four main morphological types of chromatin alterations in bull spermatozoa have been identified and their possible causes discussed.  相似文献   
A growth ring of an adult Norway spruce (Picea abies [L] Karst.) was analyzed to a high resolution at the single cell level with respect to structural and mechanical changes during the growth period. For this purpose structural characterization was performed by means of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and wide angle X-ray diffraction for investigating the geometry of cells, their cell wall fractions and cellulose microfibril angles (MFA). The mechanical properties were determined in microtensile tests on individual tracheids which had been taken from sequentially cut tangential slices. The results revealed pronounced differences in tensile stiffness between earlywood and latewood cells but only minor differences in tensile stiffness between the cell walls of both tissue types. These comparatively small changes in cell wall stiffness across the growth ring were caused by slight changes in MFA. The findings suggest that trees mainly vary cell size to optimize water transport and mechanical stability during the growth period and that modification of the cell wall organisation plays a minor role.  相似文献   
We reconstructed the evolutionary history of Codia , a plant genus endemic to the New Caledonia biodiversity hotspot in the southwest Pacific, using three single-copy nuclear genes. It seems likely that more than half of Codia species have a hybrid origin, but in the absence of cytological information, it is not known whether polyploids occur. Adaptation to ultramafic soils is possibly a plesiomorphic character for the entire genus. We found that species of hybrid origin can have some morphological characters absent in putative parental species, that is, they exhibit transgressive phenotypes. There is evidence of considerable range alteration post-origin in several species because some likely parental species of hybrid taxa no longer co-occur and are confined to putative rainforest refugia; in some cases, hybrid species do not now co-occur with either of their parental species. These results have implications for the design of conservation strategies, for example, prioritization of parental species for ex-situ conservation and preservation of the contact zones between soil types where hybridization is more likely to occur (i.e. conserving the possibility for the process to continue rather than trying to conserve taxa).  相似文献   
We present a novel and straightforward method for estimating recent migration rates between discrete populations using multilocus genotype data. The approach builds upon a two-step sampling design, where individual genotypes are sampled before and after dispersal. We develop a model that estimates all pairwise backwards migration rates ( mij , the probability that an individual sampled in population i is a migrant from population j ) between a set of populations. The method is validated with simulated data and compared with the methods of BayesAss and Structure. First, we use data for an island model and then we consider more realistic data simulations for a metapopulation of the greater white-toothed shrew ( Crocidura russula ). We show that the precision and bias of estimates primarily depend upon the proportion of individuals sampled in each population. Weak sampling designs may particularly affect the quality of the coverage provided by 95% highest posterior density intervals. We further show that it is relatively insensitive to the number of loci sampled and the overall strength of genetic structure. The method can easily be extended and makes fewer assumptions about the underlying demographic and genetic processes than currently available methods. It allows backwards migration rates to be estimated across a wide range of realistic conditions.  相似文献   
The invasive ant species Wasmannia auropunctata displays both ecologically dominant and non‐dominant populations within its native range. Three factors could theoretically explain the ecological dominance of some native populations of W. auropunctata: (i) its clonal reproductive system, through demographic and/or adaptive advantages; (ii) its unicolonial social organization, through lower intraspecific and efficient interspecific competition; (iii) the human disturbance of its native range, through the modification of biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. We used microsatellite markers and behavioural tests to uncover the reproductive modes and social organization of dominant and non‐dominant native populations in natural and human‐modified habitats. Microsatellite and mtDNA data indicated that dominant and non‐dominant native populations (supercolonies as determined by aggression tests) of W. auropunctata did not belong to different evolutionary units. We found that the reproductive system and the social organization are neither necessary nor sufficient to explain W. auropunctata ecological dominance. Dominance rather seems to be set off by unknown ecological factors altered by human activities, as all dominant populations were recorded in human‐modified habitats. The clonal reproductive system found in some populations of W. auropunctata may however indirectly contribute to its ecological dominance by allowing the species to expand its environmental niche, through the fixation over time of specific combinations of divergent male and female genotypes. Unicoloniality may rather promote the range expansion of already dominant populations than actually trigger ecological dominance. The W. auropunctata model illustrates the strong impact of human disturbance on species’ ecological features and the adaptive potential of clonal reproductive systems.  相似文献   
Monocrotaline (MCT) is a hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid that is derived from plants; exposure may occur by consumption of contaminated grains, herbal teas and medicines. MCT can cause liver damage. We investigated the antioxidant effects of selenium (Se) and vitamin E against the toxic effects of MCT. Female Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups: a control group, an MCT group, an MCT + Se group, and an MCT + vitamin E group. Liver tissues were harvested, fixed, processed to paraffin and sections were cut. Anti-von Willebrand factor (vWF) immunohistochemistry, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), and hematoxylin and eosin staining were performed. Serum and liver tissue glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels were measured. Histopathological and TUNEL data showed significantly increased liver damage in the MCT group compared to controls. Histopathological and TUNEL staining indicated significant improvements in the MCT + vitamin E and MCT + Se groups compared to the MCT group. MCT significantly reduced the serum GSH level and GPx activity, and liver GPx activity. Biochemical data indicated a significant improvement in serum GSH level in the MCT + vitamin E group compared to the MCT group. We suggest that vitamin E and Se afford limited protection against MCT hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   
The mechanism of active stress generation in tension wood is still not fully understood. To characterize the functional interdependency between the G-layer and the secondary cell wall, nanostructural characterization and mechanical tests were performed on native tension wood tissues of poplar (Populus nigra x Populus deltoids) and on tissues in which the G-layer was removed by an enzymatic treatment. In addition to the well-known axial orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the G-layer, it was shown that the microfibril angle of the S2-layer was very large (about 36 degrees). The removal of the G-layer resulted in an axial extension and a tangential contraction of the tissues. The tensile stress-strain curves of native tension wood slices showed a jagged appearance after yield that could not be seen in the enzyme-treated samples. The behaviour of the native tissue was modelled by assuming that cells deform elastically up to a critical strain at which the G-layer slips, causing a drop in stress. The results suggest that tensile stresses in poplar are generated in the living plant by a lateral swelling of the G-layer which forces the surrounding secondary cell wall to contract in the axial direction.  相似文献   
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