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Drops produced by bursting bubbles provide a mechanism for the water-to-air transfer and concentration of matter. Bacteria can adsorb to air bubbles rising through bacterial suspensions and enrich the drops formed by the bubbles upon breaking, creating atmospheric biosols which function in dispersal. This bacterial enrichment can be quantified as an enrichment factor (EF), calculated as the ratio of the concentration of bacteria in the drop to that of the bulk bacterial suspension. Bubbles were produced in suspensions of pigmented (prodigiosin-producing) and nonpigmented cultures of Serratia marcescens. EFs for pigmented cultures were greater than EFs for nonpigmented cells. Pigmented cells appeared hydrophobic based on their partitioning in two-phase systems of polyethylene glycol 6000 and dextran T500. The surface hydrophobicity of pigmented cells may result from the hydrophobic nature of prodigiosin and could account for the greater ability of these bacteria to adsorb to air bubbles and enrich airborne droplets. Enhancement of the aerosolization of S. marcescens may be a selective function of the bacterial secondary metabolite prodigiosin.  相似文献   
A 60-fold increase in ethylene content was observed in stem cuttings of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat.) held in aero-hydroponics under anoxic conditions during the 8 to 12 days necessary for adventitious root formation. Ethylene, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, and 10-(malonylamino) cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid contents were highest in the immersed portion of the cuttings, but there was substantial ethylene produced by the anoxic, misted portions of the cutting above the liquid. Application of ethylene (10 microliters per liter) to chrysanthemum cuttings stimulated root development in cuttings held in high dissolved oxygen concentrations (8.0 milligrams per liter). Since the application of ethylene did not inhibit rooting in cuttings held at low dissolved oxygen concentrations (2.0 milligrams per liter), the inhibition of rooting under low oxygen concentrations is not mediated by the observed increase in endogenous ethylene content.  相似文献   
Many cell lines respond to mitogenic stimuli (serum, growth factors) with rapid phosphorylation of the ribosomal protein S6 at several serine sites. We have tried to identify the protein kinase(s) mediating this effect of growth stimuli. Examining post-DEAE chromatography fractions of S49 kin- cell extracts, we could detect a highly active effector-independent S6 kinase with specificity for serine residues. The study was extended to the presumably homologous human enzyme, using HeLa S3 cells as model system. Activity yields increased up to sevenfold when exhausted HeLa cells were supplied with fresh medium plus serum. The enzyme uses ATP, not GTP, as cosubstrate, 40-S or 80-S (reassociated from subunits) ribosomal particles being substrate. The optimal K+ concentration, measured at 3 mM Mg2+, is 35 mM. Under optimized assay conditions S6 phosphorylation proceeded faster in vitro than it appeared to do in vivo. The apparent Mr of the enzyme, as estimated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100, is 56,000 (determination in the presence of 200 mM KCl in 25 mM phosphate buffer). Tighter binding to DEAE-Sephacel and higher specificity for S6 distinguishes this enzyme from the following S6-phosphorylating protein kinases: protein kinase C, protease-activated kinase II, histone-4 phosphotransferase and an enzyme with the properties of casein kinase I. In published summaries of observations shown here and in a follow-up study with chick embryo fibroblasts, the enzyme(s) has been referred to as mitogen-responsive S6 kinase(s) [Martini, O. H. W. and Lawen, A. (1985) in Hormones and cell regulation (Dumont, J. E., Hamprecht, B. and Nunez, J., eds) vol. 9, pp. 411-412, Elsevier Company, North-Holland, Amsterdam; Lawen, A. and Martini, O. H. W. (1985) FEBS Lett. 185, 272-276].  相似文献   
Insulin treatment of HeLa S3 cells activates an S6-phosphorylating protein kinase. Although this enzyme has chromatographic properties resembling those of described proteolytic fragments of other protein kinases, namely protein kinase C, protease-activated kinase II and histone-4 protein kinase, and although insulin has been proposed by others to cause S6 phosphorylation via proteolytic protein kinase activation, the insulin-induced increase in S6-kinase activity described here is probably not due to proteolysis. Rather, the activity indicates the existence, in HeLa cells, of an interconvertible S6 kinase, since the insulin-induced activity increase was rapidly reversed under hyperthermic stress, and since this effect of hyperthermia was itself reversible. The S6-kinase activities from serum- and from insulin-stimulated HeLa cells resemble each other closely and are likely to represent the same enzyme. The enzyme may therefore mediate both signals delivered by mitogens and the insulin signal. Analysed at an in vitro transfer of 1 mol phosphate/mol S6, this S6 kinase activity does not phosphorylate the (principal) S6 site recognized by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   
Tannic acid induces aggregation and formation of multilamellar vesicles when added to preparations of small unilamellar vesicles, specifically those containing phosphatidylcholine. Aggregation and clustering of vesicles was demonstrated by cryo-electron microscopy of thin films and by freeze-fracture technique. Turbidity measurements revealed an approximately one-to-one molar ratio between tannic acid and phosphatidylcholine necessary for a fast and massive aggregation of the small unilamellar vesicles. When tannic acid-induced aggregates were dehydrated and embedded for conventional thin-section electron microscopy, multilamellar vesicles were retrieved in thin sections. It is concluded from morphological studies, as well as previous tracer studies, that tannic acid, at least to a great extent, prevents the extraction of phosphatidylcholine. Multilamellar vesicles were also observed in tannic acid-treated vesicles prepared from total lipid extracts from either rabbit or rat hearts. Substantially more multilamellar vesicles were retrieved in the rabbit vesicle preparation. This difference can probably be explained by the difference in the proportion of the plasmalogen phosphatidylcholine, and possibly the content of sphingomyelin, in lipid extracts of rabbit and rat hearts. It is concluded that the dual effect (reduced extraction and aggregation) of tannic acid on phosphatidylcholines should be taken into consideration when tannic acid is used in tissue preparation.  相似文献   
Increases in portion size lead to increases in energy intake, yet the mechanisms behind this "portion size effect" are unclear. This study tested possible mechanisms of the portion size effect, i.e., bite size and visual cues. A 2 × 2 repeated measures, within-subject design was used to test the effects of portion size (410 g vs. 820 g of a pasta dish) and visual cues (blindfolded vs. visible) on energy intake in 30 individuals (15 men, 15 women). At each meal participants were exposed to one of four experimental conditions (small portion/visible; small portion/blindfold; large portion/visible; large portion/blindfold). Participant characteristics, food intake, number of bites, meal duration, palatability measures and hunger and fullness were assessed. In response to a doubling of the portion presented, entrée energy intake increased 26% (220 kcal; P < 0.001) and mean bite size increased 2.4 g/bite (P < 0.05). Overweight (OW) individuals consumed 40% (334 kcal) more of the entrée in response to the large portion condition (P < 0.05), while lean individuals' intakes did not differ (P < 0.56). A 12% (122 kcal) decrease in entrée intake was observed in the blindfolded condition (P < 0.01), but no portion by visual cue interaction was found; indicating that blindfolding did not significantly attenuate the portion size effect. These data suggest that the portion size effect is not impacted by removing the visual cue of food and that this effect occurs via changes in bite size in adults.  相似文献   
Two extracellular matrix cell surface proteins which bind the proteoglycan-like aggregation factor from the marine sponge Microciona prolifera (MAF) and which may function as physiological receptors for MAF were identified and characterized for the first time. By probing nitrocellulose blots of nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate gels containing whole sponge cell protein with iodinated MAF, a 210- and a 68-kDa protein, which have native molecular masses of approximately 200-400 and 70 kDa, were identified. MAF binding to blots is species-specific. It is also sensitive to reduction and is completely abolished by pretreatment of live cells with proteases, as was cellular aggregation, indicating that the 210- and 68-kDa proteins may be located on the cell surface. The additional observations that the 68 kDa is an endoglycosidase F-sensitive glycoprotein and that antisera against whole sponge cells or membranes can immunoprecipitate the 210 kDa when prebound to intact cells are consistent with a cell surface location. Both proteins can be isolated from sponge cell membranes and from the sponge skeleton (insoluble extracellular matrix), but the 210-kDa MAF-binding protein can also be found in the soluble extracellular matrix (buffer washes of cells and skeleton) as well. A third MAF-binding protein of molecular mass 95 kDa was also found in the sponge extracellular matrix but rarely on cells. Both of the cell-associated 210- and 68-kDa proteins are nonintegral membrane proteins, based on Triton X-114 phase separation, flotation of liposomes containing sponge membrane lysates, and their extraction from membranes by buffer washes. Both proteins bind MAF affinity resins, indicating that they each exhibit a moderate affinity for MAF under native conditions. They can also be separated from each other and from the bulk of the protein in an octylpolyoxyethylene extract of membranes by fast protein liquid chromatography Mono Q anion exchange chromatography, as assessed by native dot blot and denaturing Western blot assays. Although neither protein bound to heparin, gelatin, hexosamine, or uronic acid-Sepharose resins, their affinity for an invertebrate proteoglycan, their roles in sponge cell adhesion, and their peripheral membrane protein natures suggest that they may represent early invertebrate analogs of cell-associated vertebrate extracellular matrix adhesion proteins, such as fibronectin or vitronectin, or else an entirely novel set of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   
Experience using two CT-guided stereotactic biopsy methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
15 patients had intracranial CT-guided stereotactic biopsies. Biopsies were performed either with a Riechert-Mundinger stereotactic frame modified for use in the CT or by using the CT scan to establish the relationship of the intracranial lesion to identifiable bony landmarks, and subsequently performing the biopsy in a standard stereotactic frame. Both systems provided safe and accurate methods for obtaining intracranial tissue.  相似文献   
The reaction of Fe(II) . bleomycin with O2 to yield Fe(III) . bleomycin has been resolved into two kinetic events by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The first event is first order with respect to both bleomycin and O2 and may be regarded as a second order reaction (k = 6.1 x 10(3) M-1s-1 at 2 degrees C). The first product has no EPR spectrum. The optical spectrum resembles those of Fe(II) . bleomycin complexes with CO, NO, and ethyl isocyanide. We propose that the first product is an Fe(II) . bleomycin . O2 complex. The second kinetic event is first order with respect to the first accumulated product (k = 0.11 s-1 at 2 degrees C) and independent of oxygen concentration. The product of this reaction is indistinguishable from Fe(III) . bleomycin by optical and EPR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
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