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Controversies surrounding the efficacy of surgical sealants against alveolar air leaks (AAL) in lung surgery abound in the literature. We sought to test the sealing efficacy of a novel synthetic sealant, TissuePatch? in an in vitro lung model. The lower lobe of freshly excised swine lung (n?=?10) was intubated and ventilated. A superficial parenchymal defect (40?×?25 mm) was created, followed by AAL assessment. After sealant application, AAL was assessed again until burst failure occurred. The length of defect was recorded to evaluate the elasticity of the sealant. Superficial parenchymal defects resulted in AAL increasing disproportionally with ascending maximal inspiratory pressure (Pmax). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed strong correlation between AAL and Pmax, compliance, resistance. After sealant application, AAL was sealed in all ten tests at an inspired tidal volume (TVi) of 400 ml, in nine tests at TVi?=?500 ml, in seven at TVi?=?600 ml and in five at TVi?=?700 ml. The mean burst pressure was 42?±?9 mBar. Adhesive and cohesive sealant failures were found in six and three tests respectively. The length of defect before sealant failure was 8.9?±?4.9% larger than that at TVi?=?400 ml, demonstrating an adequate elasticity of this sealant film. TissuePatch? may be a reliable sealant for alternative or adjunctive treatment for repair of superficial parenchymal defects in lung surgery. The clinical benefits of this sealant should be confirmed by prospective, randomised controlled clinical trials. Die Wirksamkeit von chirurgischen Klebstoffen zur Prävention von alveolo-pleuralem Luftleck (APL) ist trotz zunehmenden klinischen Anwendungen in Lungenchirurgie immer noch kontrovers diskutiert. Wir evaluierten die Abdichtungswirksamkeit von einem neuartigen synthetischen Kleber, TissuePatch? mittels eines in vitro Lungenmodels. Der Unterlappen von frisch entnommenen Schweinlungen (n?=?10) wurde intubiert und beatmet. Eine pleurale Läsion (40?×?25 mm) wurde erstellt und APL mit steigendem inspiratorischem Tidalvolumen (TVi) untersucht. Nach Applikation von TissuePatch? wurde APL auf die gleiche Weise gemessen bis zur Auftritt von Kleberbruch. Zur Untersuchung der Elastizität des Klebers wurde die Länge der pleuralen Läsion gemessen. Pleurale Läsion führte bei aufsteigendem maximalem inspiratorischem Druck (Pmax) zu überproportionalem Anstieg von APL. Multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse ergab eine starke Korrelation zwischen APL und Pmax, Lungencompliance sowie Widerstand. Nach der Applikation von Klebstoff wurde APL bei TVi?=?400 ml in allen zehn Testen versiegelt, bei TVi?=?500 ml in neun Testen, bei TVi?=?600 ml in sieben und bei TVi?=?700 ml in fünf Testen. Der mittlere Pmax, der zu Kleberbruch führte, betrug 42?±?9 mBar. Bei den Versuchen wurden adhäsiver und kohäsiver Kleberbruch in jeweils sechs und drei Testen gefunden. Die Länge der pleuralen Läsion vor dem Kleberbruch war 8,9?±?4,9% größer als die bei TVi?=?400 ml. Unsere Versuche zeigten eine zuverlässige Versiegelung von TissuePatch? unter mechanischer Ventilation. Die klinische Nützlichkeit vom Kleber als unterstützende Maßnahme zur Prävention von alveolo-pleuralem Luftleck in Lungenchirurgie sollte durch prospektive, randomisierte kontrollierte klinische Studien bestätigt werden.  相似文献   
Myelin basic protein serves as a convenient substrate for detection of a 44 kDa protein-serine/threonine kinase (p44mpk) that is activated near the time of germinal vesicle breakdown in maturing echinoderm and amphibian oocytes. In vitro phosphorylation by purified p44mpk from sea star oocytes was primarily on threonine residues on a single tryptic peptide of bovine brain myelin basic protein. Amino acid composition analysis of the isolated posphopeptide revealed that it was rich in proline residues. Automated solid-phase sequencing by Edman degradation identified the major site as Thr-97 in the sequence NIVTPRTPPPSQGK, which corresponds to residues 91-104 in bovine brain myelin basic protein. Thr-94 was also phosphorylated by p44mpk to a very minor extent.  相似文献   
The paleopolyploid character of genomes of the economically important genus Brassica and closely related species (tribe Brassiceae) is still fairly controversial. Here, we report on the comparative painting analysis of block F of the crucifer Ancestral Karyotype (AK; n = 8), consisting of 24 conserved genomic blocks, in 10 species traditionally treated as members of the tribe Brassiceae. Three homeologous copies of block F were identified per haploid chromosome complement in Brassiceae species with 2n = 14, 18, 20, 32, and 36. In high-polyploid (n >or= 30) species Crambe maritima (2n = 60), Crambe cordifolia (2n = 120), and Vella pseudocytisus (2n = 68), six, 12, and six copies of the analyzed block have been revealed, respectively. Homeologous regions resembled the ancestral structure of block F within the AK or were altered by inversions and/or translocations. In two species of the subtribe Zillineae, two of the three homeologous regions were combined via a reciprocal translocation onto one chromosome. Altogether, these findings provide compelling evidence of an ancient hexaploidization event and corresponding whole-genome triplication shared by the tribe Brassiceae. No direct relationship between chromosome number and genome size variation (1.2-2.5 pg/2C) has been found in Brassiceae species with 2n = 14 to 36. Only two homeologous copies of block F suggest a whole-genome duplication but not the triplication event in Orychophragmus violaceus (2n = 24), and confirm a phylogenetic position of this species outside the tribe Brassiceae. Chromosome duplication detected in Orychophragmus as well as chromosome rearrangements shared by Zillineae species demonstrate the usefulness of comparative cytogenetics for elucidation of phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   
A simple multidimensional liquid chromatography system utilizing an isocratic pump and a HPLC system is described for the comprehensive proteomic analysis of complex peptide digest mixtures by coupled LC–LC–MS–MS techniques. A binary ion-exchange separation was achieved through the use of a strong cation-exchange column followed by a reversed-phase column for data-dependent LC–MS–MS analysis of the unbound analytes, and following salt elution (and concomitant column reequilibration), the bound analytes. Off-line validation of the platform showed near quantitative recovery of fractionated peptides and essentially complete ion-exchange partitioning. In comparative analyses of a highly complex peptide digest mixture a >40% increase in the number of peptide and protein identifications was achieved using this multidimensional platform compared to an unfractionated control.  相似文献   
In the nervous system, the representation of signals is based predominantly on the rate and timing of neuronal discharges. In most everyday tasks, the brain has to carry out a variety of mathematical operations on the discharge patterns. Recent findings show that even single neurons are capable of performing basic arithmetic on the sequences of spikes. However, the interaction of the two spike trains, and thus the resulting arithmetic operation may be influenced by the stochastic properties of the interacting spike trains. If we represent the individual discharges as events of a random point process, then an arithmetical operation is given by the interaction of two point processes. Employing a probabilistic model based on detection of coincidence of random events and complementary computer simulations, we show that the point process statistics control the arithmetical operation being performed and, particularly, that it is possible to switch from subtraction to division solely by changing the distribution of the inter-event intervals of the processes. Consequences of the model for evaluation of binaural information in the auditory brainstem are demonstrated. The results accentuate the importance of the stochastic properties of neuronal discharge patterns for information processing in the brain; further studies related to neuronal arithmetic should therefore consider the statistics of the interacting spike trains.  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Plant evolution is well known to be frequently associated withremarkable changes in genome size and composition; however,the knowledge of long-term evolutionary dynamics of these processesstill remains very limited. Here a study is made of the finedynamics of quantitative genome evolution in Festuca (fescue),the largest genus in Poaceae (grasses). Methods: Using flow cytometry (PI, DAPI), measurements were made of DNAcontent (2C-value), monoploid genome size (Cx-value), averagechromosome size (C/n-value) and cytosine + guanine (GC) contentof 101 Festuca taxa and 14 of their close relatives. The resultswere compared with the existing phylogeny based on ITS and trnL-Fsequences. Key Results: The divergence of the fescue lineage from related Poeae waspredated by about a 2-fold monoploid genome and chromosome sizeenlargement, and apparent GC content enrichment. The backwardreduction of these parameters, running parallel in both mainevolutionary lineages of fine-leaved and broad-leaved fescues,appears to diverge among the existing species groups. The mostdramatic reductions are associated with the most recently andrapidly evolving groups which, in combination with recent intraspecificgenome size variability, indicate that the reduction processis probably ongoing and evolutionarily young. This dynamicsmay be a consequence of GC-rich retrotransposon proliferationand removal. Polyploids derived from parents with a large genomesize and high GC content (mostly allopolyploids) had smallerCx- and C/n-values and only slightly deviated from parentalGC content, whereas polyploids derived from parents with smallgenome and low GC content (mostly autopolyploids) generallyhad a markedly increased GC content and slightly higher Cx-and C/n-values. Conclusions: The present study indicates the high potential of general quantitativecharacters of the genome for understanding the long-term processesof genome evolution, testing evolutionary hypotheses and theirusefulness for large-scale genomic projects. Taken together,the results suggest that there is an evolutionary advantagefor small genomes in Festuca.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Genome size is known to affect various plant traits such as stomatal size, seed mass, and flower or shoot phenology. However, these associations are not well understood for species with very large genomes, which are laregly represented by geophytic plants. No detailed associations are known between DNA base composition and genome size or species ecology.


Genome sizes and GC contents were measured in 219 geophytes together with tentative morpho-anatomical and ecological traits.

Key Results

Increased genome size was associated with earliness of flowering and tendency to grow in humid conditions, and there was a positive correlation between an increase in stomatal size in species with extremely large genomes. Seed mass of geophytes was closely related to their ecology, but not to genomic parameters. Genomic DNA GC content showed a unimodal relationship with genome size but no relationship with species ecology.


Evolution of genome size in geophytes is closely related to their ecology and phenology and is also associated with remarkable changes in DNA base composition. Although geophytism together with producing larger cells appears to be an advantageous strategy for fast development of an organism in seasonal habitats, the drought sensitivity of large stomata may restrict the occurrence of geophytes with very large genomes to regions not subject to water stress.  相似文献   
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