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In this study, we aimed at generating 3-dimensional (3D) decellularized bovine spinal cord extracellular matrix-based scaffolds (3D-dCBS) for neural tissue engineering applications. Within this scope, bovine spinal cord tissue pieces were homogenized in 0.1 M NaOH and this viscous mixture was molded to attain 3D bioscaffolds. After resultant bioscaffolds were chemically crosslinked, the decellularization process was conducted with detergent, buffer, and enzyme solutions. Nuclear remnants in the native tissue and 3D-dCBS were determined with DNA content analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis. Afterward, 3D-dCBS were biochemically characterized in depth via glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content, hydroxyproline (HYP) assay, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Cellular survival of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hAMSCs) on the 3D-dCBS for 3rd, 7th, and 10th days was assessed via MTT assay. Scaffold and cell/scaffold constructs were also evaluated with scanning electron microscopy and histochemical studies. DNA contents for native and 3D-dCBS were respectively found to be 520.76 ± 18.11 and 28.80 ± 0.20 ng/mg dry weight (n = 3), indicating a successful decellularization process. GAG content, HYP assay, and SDS-PAGE results proved that the extracellular matrix was substantially preserved during the decellularization process. In conclusion, it is believed that the novel decellularization method may allow fabricating 3D bioscaffolds with desired geometry from soft nervous system tissues.  相似文献   
In this study, photophysics and photodynamical properties of Pyronin Y (PyY) in different liquid media were investigated. Interactions of PyY, which is a positively charged pigment compound pertaining to the xanthene derivatives with surfactants possessing distinct charges, were determined by using the molecular absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. It was observed that band intensities of absorption and fluorescence spectra belonging to PyY increase in proportion to the water when compared to three micelle systems, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and Triton X‐100 (TX‐100). This suggests that interactions in micelle systems are different from those in deionized water, and solvation and surface interactions modify. It is determined that the strongest interaction occurs between PyY dye and SDS, anionic surfactant, and this interaction arises from the electrostatic forces. Calculated photophysical parameters indicated that the microenvironment of PyY in SDS micelle is different to that of other systems. In temperature studies, it was reported that increasing the temperature of the samples increased non‐radiative transitions. Steady‐state fluorescence anisotropy values were calculated by using fluorescence intensities of PyY compound in pre‐micellar, micellar and post‐micellar systems. Once the PyY fluorescence probe is added to the surfactant containing solutions below the critical micelle concentrations, the measured anisotropy values were found to be low because the probe remains in the deionized water phase. When the surfactant concentration of the medium becomes closer to the critical micelle concentrations, the steady‐state anisotropy value prominently increases. This is because of the restrictions on the rotational diffusion of the probe in micellar solution. It is observed that positively charged PyY shows a higher affinity to the negatively charged SDS compared with the positively charged CTAB and neutral TX‐100 surfactants. This can be explained by Coulombic interactions.  相似文献   
The tongues of ten seagulls and six common buzzards were examined. In both species, papillae linguales caudales were shaped like a letter “V” between the corpus linguae and the radix linguae. From these papillae, the length of the laterally placed papillae was greater compared with others in both species. Two or three secondary papillae were detected on these papillae in the seagull. In scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations, in the seagull, the apex linguae was composed of multilayered desquamated cells, while in the buzzard, scalelike simple projections on the surface of desquamated cells were observed. In the buzzard, glandula (gll). linguales, and gll. mandibulares caudales were seen, while in the seagull, gll. cricoarytenoideae and gll. mandibulares caudales were present. In the seagull, apex linguae were bifurcated, and there were desquamating multilayered cells, particularly at the apex linguae. The number and location of salivary gland orifices are specific to this species. The common buzzard had similarities to many characteristics of the long‐legged buzzard. An absence of long and curly threadlike projections at the two lateral sides of the corpus linguae and an excessive number of salivary gland orifices at the corpus linguae were the main differences from the long‐legged buzzard.  相似文献   
Recently, circulating miRNAs have been reported as promising biomarkers for various pathologic conditions including cancer. Certain microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown early diagnostic potential for many types of cancer. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of certain serum/plasma miRNAs as novel non-invasive biomarkers for early diagnosis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). For this reason, the expression levels of 24 miRNA (let-7c, miR-92a-3p, 423-5p, 150-5p, 223-3p, 125b-5p, 342-3p, miR-206, 122-5p, 375, 223-5p, 10a-5p, 23b-5p, 99a-5p, 23a-5p, 10a-3p, 122-3p, 125b-1-3p, 23b-3p, 125b-2-3p, 23a-3p, 92a-1-5p, 92a-2-5p, 99a-3p) were analyzed in plasma of patients with chronic hepatitis B, HBV-positive cirrhosis and HBV-positive HCC and compared with control group samples. Totally 94 plasma samples; 28 control and 66 patient plasma (24 CHB, 22 HBV-positive cirrhosis, 20 HBV-positive HCC) and were included in this study. The expression levels of 24 miRNAs were detected for all control and patient group plasma samples by qRT-PCR using BioMark? 96.96 Dynamic Array (Fluidigm Corporation) system. The expression levels of miR-125b-5p were detected 2.85 fold, 2.46 fold and 1.89 fold (p = 0.01513, p = 0.0009440, p = 0.0001446) up regulated in CHB, HBV-positive cirrhosis and HBV-positive HCC, respectively when compared versus control group individually by Mann–Whitney U test. The expression levels of miR-223-3p were detected 5.55 fold, 13.88 fold and 12.65 fold (p = 0.01513, p = 0.0009440, p = 0.0001446) down regulated in same comparisons. When all groups were compared versus control group by one-way ANOVA test, the expression levels of miR-223-3p were also found statistically significant (p < 0.05). Although not statistically significant, miR-125b-5p tended to be upregulated. (p = 0.07192). These results significantly imply that miR-125b-5p and miR223-3p could be used as novel non-invasive biomarkers of HBV-positive HCC in very early, even at CHB stage of liver disease.  相似文献   
It is now recognized that the denatured state ensemble (DSE) of proteins can contain significant amounts of structure, particularly under native conditions. Well-studied examples include small units of hydrogen bonded secondary structure, particularly helices or turns as well as hydrophobic clusters. Other types of interactions are less well characterized and it has often been assumed that electrostatic interactions play at most a minor role in the DSE. However, recent studies have shown that both favorable and unfavorable electrostatic interactions can be formed in the DSE. These can include surprisingly specific non-native interactions that can even persist in the transition state for protein folding. DSE electrostatic interactions can be energetically significant and their modulation either by mutation or by varying solution conditions can have a major impact upon protein stability. pH dependent stability studies have shown that electrostatic interactions can contribute up to 4 kcal mol-1 to the stability of the DSE.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of kaolin (M-99-099) applications on the total phenolic and antioxidant contents of tea leaves (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) harvested in three different periods were investigated. For this purpose, four different strategies including standard fertilizer application (T), 3% kaolin+standard fertilizer application (Ka1), 6% kaolin+standard fertilizer application (Ka2), and control (C) (nothing applied) were used to compare the effects of these strategies on total phenolic content, FRAP values, and DPPH radical scavenging capacities of tea leaves. It has been proven that the kaolin applications, Ka1 and Ka2, increase the phenolic content and antioxidant contents of tea samples. While the kaolin applications have higher values at 1st harvest than those of T and C, they have the lowest values at 3rd harvest.  相似文献   
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalant diseases of adults. Agents with alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity have been useful as oral hypoglycemic drugs for the control of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2; noninsulin-dependent, diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Investigation of some medicinal herbs: Urtica dioica, Taraxacum officinale, Viscum album, and Myrtus communis with alpha-glucosidase inhibitor activity was conducted to identify a prophylactic effect for diabetes in vitro. All plants showed differing potent alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. However, Myrtus communis strongly inhibited the enzyme (IC50 = 38 microg/mL). The inhibitory effect of these plants and some common antidiabetic drugs against the enzyme source (baker's yeast, rabbit liver, and small intestine) were also searched. Approximately all inhibitors used in this study showed quite different inhibitory activities, according to alpha-glucosidase origins. Furthermore, subsequent separation of the active material from Myrtus communis by HPLC showed that only one fraction acted as an a-glucosidase inhibitor.  相似文献   
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