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The enzyme nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NaMN AT; EC is essential for the synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and is a potential target for antibiotics. It catalyzes the transfer of an AMP moiety from ATP to nicotinic acid mononucleotide to form nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide. In order to provide missing structural information on the substrate complexes of NaMN AT and to assist structure-based design of specific inhibitors for antibacterial discovery, we have determined the crystal structure of NaMN AT from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in three distinct states, i.e. the NaMN-bound form at 1.7A resolution and ATP-bound form at 2.0A as well as its apo-form at 2.0A. They represent crucial structural information necessary for better understanding of the substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism. The substrate-unbound and substrate-complexed structures are all in the fully open conformation and there is little conformational change upon binding each of the substrates. Our structures indicate that a conformational change is necessary to bring the two substrates closer together for initiating the catalysis. We suggest that such a conformational change likely occurs only after both substrates are simultaneously bound in the active site.  相似文献   
NAD kinase phosphorylates NAD+ to form NADP+ and is strictly specific to NAD+, whereas NADH kinase phosphorylates both NAD+ and NADH, thereby showing relaxed substrate specificity. Based on their primary and tertiary structures, the difference in the substrate specificities between NAD and NADH kinases was proposed to be caused by one aligned residue: Gly or polar amino acid (Gln or Thr) in five NADH kinases and a charged amino acid (Arg) in two NAD kinases. The substitution of Arg with Gly in the two NAD kinases relaxed the substrate specificity (i.e. converted the NAD kinases to NADH kinases). The substitution of Arg in one NAD kinase with polar amino acids also relaxed the substrate specificity, whereas substitution with charged and hydrophobic amino acids did not show a similar result. In contrast, the substitution of Gly with Arg in one NADH kinase failed to convert it to NAD kinase. These results suggest that a charged or hydrophobic amino acid residue in the position of interest is crucial for strict specificity of NAD kinases to NAD+, whereas Gly or polar amino acid residue is not the sole determinant for the relaxed substrate specificity of NADH kinases. The significance of the conservation of the residue at the position in 207 NAD kinase homologues is also discussed.  相似文献   
Xanthan lyase, a member of polysaccharide lyase family 8, is a key enzyme for complete depolymerization of a bacterial heteropolysaccharide, xanthan, in Bacillus sp. GL1. The enzyme acts exolytically on the side chains of the polysaccharide. The x-ray crystallographic structure of xanthan lyase was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. The crystal structures of xanthan lyase and its complex with the product (pyruvylated mannose) were refined at 2.3 and 2.4 A resolution with final R-factors of 17.5 and 16.9%, respectively. The refined structure of the product-free enzyme comprises 752 amino acid residues, 248 water molecules, and one calcium ion. The enzyme consists of N-terminal alpha-helical and C-terminal beta-sheet domains, which constitute incomplete alpha(5)/alpha(5)-barrel and anti-parallel beta-sheet structures, respectively. A deep cleft is located in the N-terminal alpha-helical domain facing the interface between the two domains. Although the overall structure of the enzyme is basically the same as that of the family 8 lyases for hyaluronate and chondroitin AC, significant differences were observed in the loop structure over the cleft. The crystal structure of the xanthan lyase complexed with pyruvylated mannose indicates that the sugar-binding site is located in the deep cleft, where aromatic and positively charged amino acid residues are involved in the binding. The Arg(313) and Tyr(315) residues in the loop from the N-terminal domain and the Arg(612) residue in the loop from the C-terminal domain directly bind to the pyruvate moiety of the product through the formation of hydrogen bonds, thus determining the substrate specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Short‐chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) is distributed in many organisms, from bacteria to humans, and has significant roles in metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and other biomolecules. An important intermediate in acidic polysaccharide metabolism is 2‐keto‐3‐deoxy‐d ‐gluconate (KDG). Recently, two short and long loops in Sphingomonas KDG‐producing SDR enzymes (NADPH‐dependent A1‐R and NADH‐dependent A1‐R′) involved in alginate metabolism were shown to be crucial for NADPH or NADH coenzyme specificity. Two SDR family enzymes—KduD from Pectobacterium carotovorum (PcaKduD) and DhuD from Streptococcus pyogenes (SpyDhuD)—prefer NADH as coenzyme, although only PcaKduD can utilize both NADPH and NADH. Both enzymes reduce 2,5‐diketo‐3‐deoxy‐d ‐gluconate to produce KDG. Tertiary and quaternary structures of SpyDhuD and PcaKduD and its complex with NADH were determined at high resolution (approximately 1.6 Å) by X‐ray crystallography. Both PcaKduD and SpyDhuD consist of a three‐layered structure, α/β/α, with a coenzyme‐binding site in the Rossmann fold; similar to enzymes A1‐R and A1‐R′, both arrange the two short and long loops close to the coenzyme‐binding site. The primary structures of the two loops in PcaKduD and SpyDhuD were similar to those in A1‐R′ but not A1‐R. Charge neutrality and moderate space at the binding site of the nucleoside ribose 2′ coenzyme region were determined to be structurally crucial for dual‐coenzyme specificity in PcaKduD by structural comparison of the NADH‐ and NADPH‐specific SDR enzymes. The corresponding site in SpyDhuD was negatively charged and spatially shallow. This is the first reported study on structural determinants in SDR family KduD related to dual‐coenzyme specificity. Proteins 2016; 84:934–947. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The medaka fish α-amylase was expressed and purified. The expression systems were constructed using methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, and the recombinant proteins were secreted into the culture medium. Purified recombinant α-amylase exhibited starch hydrolysis activity. The optimal pH, denaturation temperature, and KM and Vmax values were determined; chloride ions were essential for enzyme activity. The purified protein was also crystallized and examined by X-ray crystallography. The structure has the (α/β)8 barrel fold, as do other known α-amylases, and the overall structure is very similar to the structure of vertebrate (human and pig) α-amylases. A novel expression plasmid was developed. Using this plasmid, high-throughput construction of an expression system by homologous recombination in P. pastoris cells, previously reported for membrane proteins, was successfully applied to the secretory protein.  相似文献   
Bacterial flagellins are generally self-assembled into extracellular flagella for cell motility. However, the flagellin homologue p5 is found on the cell surface of Sphingomonas sp. A1 (strain A1) and binds tightly to the alginate polysaccharide. To assimilate alginate, strain A1 forms a mouthlike pit on the cell surface and concentrates the polymer in the pit. p5 is a candidate receptor that recognizes extracellular alginate and controls pit formation. To improve our understanding of the structure and function of p5, we determined the crystal structure of truncated p5 (p5DeltaN53C45) at 2.0 A resolution. This, to our knowledge, is the first structure of flagellin_IN motif-containing flagellin. p5DeltaN53C45 consists of two domains: an alpha-domain rich in alpha-helices that forms the N- and C-terminal regions and a beta-domain rich in beta-strands that constitutes the central region. The alpha-domain is structurally similar to the D1 domain of Salmonella typhimurium flagellin, while the beta-domain is structurally similar to the finger domain of the bacteriophage T4 baseplate protein that is important for intermolecular interactions between baseplate and a long or short tail fiber. Results from the deletion mutant analysis suggest that residues 20-40 and 353-363 are responsible for alginate binding. Truncated N- and C-terminal regions are thought to constitute alpha-helices extending from the alpha-domain. On the basis of the size and surface charge, the cleft in extended alpha-helices is proposed as an alginate binding site of p5. Structural similarity in the beta-domain suggests that the beta-domain is involved in the proper localization and/or orientation of p5 on the cell surface.  相似文献   
Glycosaminoglycans in mammalian extracellular matrices are degraded to their constituents, unsaturated uronic (glucuronic/iduronic) acids and amino sugars, through successive reactions of bacterial polysaccharide lyase and unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase. Genes coding for glycosaminoglycan-acting lyase, unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase, and the phosphotransferase system are assembled into a cluster in the genome of pathogenic bacteria, such as streptococci and clostridia. Here, we studied the streptococcal metabolic pathway of unsaturated uronic acids and the structure/function relationship of its relevant isomerase and dehydrogenase. Two proteins (gbs1892 and gbs1891) of Streptococcus agalactiae strain NEM316 were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. 4-Deoxy-l-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate (Dhu) nonenzymatically generated from unsaturated uronic acids was converted to 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-gluconate via 3-deoxy-d-glycero-2,5-hexodiulosonate through successive reactions of gbs1892 isomerase (DhuI) and gbs1891 NADH-dependent reductase/dehydrogenase (DhuD). DhuI and DhuD enzymatically corresponded to 4-deoxy-l-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase (KduI) and 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-gluconate dehydrogenase (KduD), respectively, involved in pectin metabolism, although no or low sequence identity was observed between DhuI and KduI or between DhuD and KduD, respectively. Genes for DhuI and DhuD were found to be included in the streptococcal genetic cluster, whereas KduI and KduD are encoded in clostridia. Tertiary and quaternary structures of DhuI and DhuD were determined by x-ray crystallography. Distinct from KduI β-barrels, DhuI adopts an α/β/α-barrel structure as a basic scaffold similar to that of ribose 5-phosphate isomerase. The structure of DhuD is unable to accommodate the substrate/cofactor, suggesting that conformational changes are essential to trigger enzyme catalysis. This is the first report on the bacterial metabolism of glycosaminoglycan-derived unsaturated uronic acids by isomerase and dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Three subfamilies of metallopeptidase family M16 enzymes—M16A, M16B, and M16C—are widely distributed among eukaryotes and prokaryotes. SPH2681, a periplasmic M16B protein found in Sphingomonas sp. strain A1, contains an HXXEH motif essential for Zn2+ binding and catalytic activity. SPH2682 is another member of M16B, which lacks the metal-binding motif but conserves an active-site R/Y pair commonly found in the C-terminal half of M16 enzymes. Two genes coding for SPH2681 and SPH2682 assemble into a single operon in the bacterial genome. This study determined SPH2681 to be constitutively expressed in strain A1 cells grown on different carbon sources, suggesting a more general cellular function. SPH2681 and SPH2681/SPH2682 were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. SPH2681 was found to associate with SPH2682, forming a heterosubunit enzyme with peptidase activity, while SPH2681 alone exhibited no enzymatic activity. X-ray crystallography of the SPH2681/SPH2682 complex revealed two conformations (open and closed heterodimeric forms) within the same crystal. Compared with the closed form, the open form contains two subunits rotated away from each other by approximately 8°, increasing the distance between the zinc ion and active-site residues by up to 8 Å. In addition, many hydrogen bonds are formed or broken on change between the conformations of the heterodimers, suggesting that subunit dynamics is a prerequisite for catalysis. To our knowledge, this is the first report on both conformational forms of the same M16 peptidase, providing a unique insight into the general proteolytic mechanism of M16 proteases.  相似文献   
A gram-negative Sphingomonas sp. A1 directly incorporates alginate polysaccharide into the cytoplasm via the cell-surface pit and ABC transporter. A cell-surface alginate-binding protein, Algp7, functions as a concentrator of the polysaccharide in the pit. Based on the primary structure and genetic organization in the bacterial genome, Algp7 was found to be homologous to an M75 peptidase motif-containing EfeO, a component of a ferrous ion transporter. Despite the presence of an M75 peptidase motif with high similarity, the Algp7 protein purified from recombinant Escherichia coli cells was inert on insulin B chain and N-benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-p-nitroanilide, both of which are substrates for a typical M75 peptidase, imelysin, from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The X-ray crystallographic structure of Algp7 was determined at 2.10 Å resolution by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction. Although a metal-binding motif, HxxE, conserved in zinc ion-dependent M75 peptidases is also found in Algp7, the crystal structure of Algp7 contains no metal even at the motif. The protein consists of two structurally similar up-and-down helical bundles as the basic scaffold. A deep cleft between the bundles is sufficiently large to accommodate macromolecules such as alginate polysaccharide. This is the first structural report on a bacterial cell-surface alginate-binding protein with an M75 peptidase motif.  相似文献   
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