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Understanding the regulation of red blood cell production has been greatly enhanced by the cloning and expression of the gene for human erythropoietin (Epo) and its receptor. The availability of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) for administration to patients has ushered in a new era in molecular medicine. Intravenous or subcutaneous administration of rhEpo can reliably cure the anemia of chronic renal failure and may be effective in the treatment of anemias secondary to chronic inflammation, malignancy, and marrow suppression from chemotherapy. In addition, rhEpo therapy will probably play a prominent role in transfusion medicine, both in preparing patients for auto-transfusions as well as in minimizing red cell transfusion requirements in the post-operative period.  相似文献   
Transport behaviors of unidentified flagellated protozoa (flagellates) and flagellate-sized carboxylated microspheres in sandy, organically contaminated aquifer sediments were investigated in a small-scale (1 to 4-m travel distance) natural-gradient tracer test on Cape Cod and in flow-through columns packed with sieved (0.5-to 1.0-mm grain size) aquifer sediments. The minute (average in situ cell size, 2 to 3 (mu)m) flagellates, which are relatively abundant in the Cape Cod aquifer, were isolated from core samples, grown in a grass extract medium, labeled with hydroethidine (a vital eukaryotic stain), and coinjected into aquifer sediments along with bromide, a conservative tracer. The 2-(mu)m flagellates appeared to be near the optimal size for transport, judging from flowthrough column experiments involving a polydispersed (0.7 to 6.2 (mu)m in diameter) suspension of carboxylated microspheres. However, immobilization within the aquifer sediments accounted for a log unit reduction over the first meter of travel compared with a log unit reduction over the first 10 m of travel for indigenous, free-living groundwater bacteria in earlier tests. High rates of flagellate immobilization in the presence of aquifer sediments also was observed in the laboratory. However, immobilization rates for the laboratory-grown flagellates (initially 4 to 5 (mu)m) injected into the aquifer were not constant and decreased noticeably with increasing time and distance of travel. The decrease in propensity for grain surfaces was accompanied by a decrease in cell size, as the flagellates presumably readapted to aquifer conditions. Retardation and apparent dispersion were generally at least twofold greater than those observed earlier for indigenous groundwater bacteria but were much closer to those observed for highly surface active carboxylated latex microspheres. Field and laboratory results suggest that 2-(mu)m carboxylated microspheres may be useful as analogs in investigating several abiotic aspects of flagellate transport behavior in groundwater.  相似文献   
Phenylalanine uptake in Chlorella fusca was measured, using the membrane filter technique. The cells were synchronized, and harvested at specific points of the life cycle. Experiments with autospores showed that the uptake followed saturation kinetics, with a Km= 5 μM. Vmax, was 0.1 nmol/min × 107 cells. The optimum temperature for the uptake was 40°C, and the activation energy was 1700 J/mol. The uptake showed a high specificity towards l -phenylalanine; presence of the unlabelled stereoisomer did not inhibit the uptake. Uptake of l -phenylalanine was inhibited in the presence of other analogues or other amino acids, but only if they were present in concentrations considerably higher than that of L-phenylalanine. Variations in the ratio of Na4+ to K+ in the external solution during uptake experiments did not have any influence upon the uptake rate of l -phenylalanine. The cells were able to take up the amino acid against a concentration gradient. At pool maximum the ratio between internal and external amino acid concentration was 1000/1. 2,4-Dinitro-phenol inhibited the uptake completely. Exchange between internal and external l -phenylalanine could not be demonstrated. The Km value did not change during the life cycle of the cells. The uptake rate reached a maximum at the end of the light period, and fell to a minimum just before sporulation started. It is concluded that Chlorella fusca cells have a highly specific, active uptake system for l -phenylalanine. The system is constitutive, independent on the K or Na concentration, and the mechanism of uptake does not change during the life cycle of the cells.  相似文献   
A new use is described for the CO2 laser--that of deepithelialization. Deepithelialization is a technique used in a myriad of plastic surgical procedures. This paper introduces the use of the laser for deepithelialization and illustrates its advantages in 44 consecutive patients undergoing reduction mammaplasty. Advantages are the precise removal of the upper dermis and epidermis--a true deepithelialization--with preservation of the lower dermis and pilosebaceous units. Associated decreased blood loss and more rapid operating time without an increase in complications makes this an attractive adjunctive technique with a wide variety of applications. No adverse effects or contraindications to the use of the CO2 laser for deepithelializing have been found.  相似文献   
Abstract. We investigated the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Prenolepis genus‐group, a clade of ants we define within the subfamily Formicinae comprising the genera Euprenolepis, Nylanderia, gen. rev. , Paraparatrechina, gen. rev. & stat. nov. , Paratrechina, Prenolepis and Pseudolasius. We inferred a phylogeny of the Prenolepis genus‐group using DNA sequence data from five genes (CAD, EF1αF1, EF1αF2, wingless and COI) sampled from 50 taxa. Based on the results of this phylogeny the taxonomy of the Prenolepis genus‐group was re‐examined. Paratrechina (broad sense) species segregated into three distinct, robust clades. Paratrechina longicornis represents a distinct lineage, a result consistent with morphological evidence; because this is the type species for the genus, Paratrechina is redefined as a monotypic genus. Two formerly synonymized subgenera, Nylanderia and Paraparatrechina, are raised to generic status in order to provide names for the other two clades. The majority of taxa formerly placed in Paratrechina, 133 species and subspecies, are transferred to Nylanderia, and 28 species and subspecies are transferred to Paraparatrechina. In addition, two species are transferred from Pseudolasius to Paraparatrechina and one species of Pseudolasius is transferred to Nylanderia. A morphological diagnosis for the worker caste of all six genera is provided, with a discussion of the morphological characters used to define each genus. Two genera, Prenolepis and Pseudolasius, were not recovered as monophyletic by the molecular data, and the implications of this result are discussed. A worker‐based key to the genera of the Prenolepis genus‐group is provided.  相似文献   
State and national standards call for teaching evolution concepts as early as kindergarten, which provides motivation to continue developing science instruction and curriculum for young learners. The importance of addressing students’ folk theories regarding science justifies teaching evolution early in K-12 education. In this project, we developed, implemented, and researched standards-based lessons to teach elements of evolution (speciation and adaption) to kindergarteners and second graders. Our lessons attended to the students’ prior knowledge, and utilized inquiry and modeling to teach and assess their ability to recognize patterns of similarity and differences among organisms. Using their products and comments as evidence, it was apparent the students were able to communicate recognition of patterns and effectively apply their knowledge in near transfer activities, indicating they achieved our learning objectives. This provides support for teaching evolution concepts in the early grades and evidence of the ability for young children to effectively engage in supported inquiry and modeling for learning science.  相似文献   
The kinetics of assembly have been monitored spectrophotometrically for normal and variant human oxyhemoglobins in 0.1 M Tris, 0.1 M NaCl, 1 mM Na2EDTA, pH 7.4, at 21.5 degrees C. Oxyhemoglobin versus oxy chain static difference spectra were performed and revealed subtle but significant absorption changes in both the visible and Soret regions. Kinetic experiments were performed by rapidly mixing equivalent (in heme) concentrations of alpha and beta A chains and following the change in absorbance at 583 nm with time. Over a protein concentration range of 10-100 microM in heme prior to mixing, these time courses were homogeneous and followed first-order kinetics, yielding a value of 0.069 s-1 for the apparent rate constant of dissociation of oxygenated beta A chain tetramers. Under these conditions, the overall assembly of oxyhemoglobins S (beta 6Glu----Val) and N-Baltimore (beta 95Lys----Glu) were also governed by the rates of dissociation of their respective oxygenated beta S and beta N-Baltimore chain tetramers with the apparent first-order rate constants of 0.044 and 0.15 s-1, respectively. In the Soret region, the alpha, beta monomer combination reaction could be observed if the protein concentration (heme basis) was lowered and if protein nonequivalency (beta chain exceeded alpha chain concentration) mixing experiments were performed. A kinetic oxyhemoglobin A, oxy-alpha, oxy-beta A monomer difference spectrum could be generated, and simple second-order kinetics were observed (415 nm) yielding rate constants of 2.3, 3.3, and 4.8 X 10(5) M-1 s-1 for the assembly of oxyhemoglobins S, A, and N-Baltimore, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first kinetic study to reveal significant differences between the rate of association of alpha and beta monomers of hemoglobin A and those of two distinctly charged hemoglobin variants.  相似文献   

The influence of supplemental food on Rattus exulans populations was investigated by comparing results on a long established live trapping grid (control) with an experimental grid where a constant amount of wheat was provided each month. Parameters such as time of sexual maturity, length of breeding season, growth rates, body weights, and population cycles were compared and all appeared affected by additional food. The large seasonal fluctuations in natural food still exerted an important influence on demographic patterns.  相似文献   
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