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A male dwarf blue sheep was collected 60 km south of Batang east to the Jinsha Jiang river, and a male Subei blue sheep (Greater form) was collected from Gansu, China, representing two geographically separated blue sheep forms. Chromosome preparations were prepared from fibroblast cultures. The dwarf blue sheep has a 2n = 54 and a karyotype with three biarmed formations that resulted from acrocentric chromosome fusions (based on the 2n = 60 Capra autosomal equivalents) 14p/5q, 27p/1q, and 29p/2q from the largest to the smallest biarmed chromosome, respectively. The 14p/5q fusion is metacentric, whereas the 27p/1q and 29p/2q are submetacentric. The Subei blue sheep had a 2n = 56, with only the 27p/1q and 29p/2q biarmed chromosome fusions. The remainder of the chromosomes in both blue sheep are acrocentric; the X is the largest acrocentric chromosome and the Y is a minute biarmed chromosome. Our observation is one evidence showing that chromosome evolution within blue sheep has followed a series of centric fusions resulting in the reduction of chromosome number, which is typical of all extant genera within the tribe Caprini.  相似文献   
Dailly YP  Bunch P  Clark DP 《Microbios》2000,103(406):179-196
The adhE gene, encoding the fermentative alcohol dehydrogenase, from Salmonella typhimurium (Genbank accession number U68173) was cloned and sequenced. The Salmonella AdhE protein has 619/878 (70%) amino acid residues identical to the AdhE protein of Escherichia coli. Salmonella AdhE was synthesized only anaerobically. It was present in higher amounts when cells were grown on reduced substrates such as sorbitol, instead of glucose. Growth on glucuronate, which generated no net nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide reduced (NADH) during metabolism, showed the lowest AdhE levels. Analysis of fermentation products by in vivo nuclear magenetic resonance showed that the proportion of ethanol was highest with sorbitol, intermediate with glucose and negligible with glucuronate. The Salmonella enzyme had a lower Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for alcohol substrates than AdhE of E. coli although both enzymes displayed a similar Km for nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Although AdhE of E. coli was inactive with alcohols longer than four carbons, the Salmonella enzyme was still active with alcohols up to eight carbons.  相似文献   
The identification of genes influencing fitness is central to our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation and how it shapes phenotypic variation in wild populations. Here, we used whole‐genome resequencing of wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to >50‐fold coverage to identify 2.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genomic regions bearing signatures of directional selection (i.e. selective sweeps). A comparison of SNP diversity between the X chromosome and the autosomes indicated that bighorn males had a dramatically reduced long‐term effective population size compared to females. This probably reflects a long history of intense sexual selection mediated by male–male competition for mates. Selective sweep scans based on heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity revealed evidence for a selective sweep shared across multiple populations at RXFP2, a gene that strongly affects horn size in domestic ungulates. The massive horns carried by bighorn rams appear to have evolved in part via strong positive selection at RXFP2. We identified evidence for selection within individual populations at genes affecting early body growth and cellular response to hypoxia; however, these must be interpreted more cautiously as genetic drift is strong within local populations and may have caused false positives. These results represent a rare example of strong genomic signatures of selection identified at genes with known function in wild populations of a nonmodel species. Our results also showcase the value of reference genome assemblies from agricultural or model species for studies of the genomic basis of adaptation in closely related wild taxa.  相似文献   
Reed WA  Suh TK  Bunch TD  White KL 《Theriogenology》1996,45(2):439-449
Co-culture with various cell types can enhance development of bovine embryos, especially through the transition from maternal to embryonic mRNA utilization, a stage of growth refractory to most in vitro methods. Bovine oviductal epithelial (BOE) cells have been particularly successful for culturing embryos through the refractory stage; however, Buffalo rat liver (BRL) cells are a readily available, long-lived, easy-to-care-for alternative. This study compared the embryotrophic activity of BOE to BRL cells with particular emphasis on the transition stage of growth. A total of 7158 immature bovine oocytes, matured and fertilized in vitro, were divided into 4 different culture treatments: Treatment 1: BRL conditioned medium for 72 h then BRL co-culture; Treatment 2: BRL co-culture; Treatment 3: BOE co-culture for 72 h in 5% oxygen then BRL co-culture; and Treatment 4: BOE co-culture for 72 h in 5% oxygen followed by BOE co-culture in air. Those same treatments were used to evaluate embryotrophic differences of early (4 to 5) versus late (14 to 15) passage BRL cells maintained in M-199 medium with 10% serum. Two bulls were also evaluated to determine if there exists a bull-by-culture system interaction. Treatment 3 resulted in the best development after 9 d; 9.1% of selected immature oocytes developed to expanded blastocyst. Early passage BRL cells were significantly more embryotrophic than later passage cells; this was most pronounced for Treatment 2. There was a treatment-by-bull interaction, which should be considered when comparing results among similar studies.  相似文献   
The secretory glycoproteins synthesized by hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of media from cells that were grown in the presence of [(3)H]fucose. These cells synthesize and secrete a complex set of fucose-containing glycoproteins. These secretory glycoproteins are distinct from those glycoproteins present in the plasma membrane of HTC cells. Incubation of HTC cells with dexamethasone has a pronounced effect on the quality and quantity (denoted here as the program) of secretory protein synthesis, as assayed by the short-term incorporation of labeled mannose, fucose, or methionine. The synthesis of two mannose- and fucose- containing glycoprotein series, one of 50,000 mol wt and a more heterogeneous series with mol wt of 35,000-50,000, is increased to a high level by the hormone; conversely, the synthesis of other secretory proteins, particularly one with mol wt of 70,000, is decreased or stopped completely. The synthesis of some major secretory proteins is not affected by the hormone. Dexamethasone has less of an effect on the composition of either total cell membrane glycoprotein or plasma membrane glycoprotein. But there is a decrease in the synthesis of a major membrane glycoprotein series with mol wt of 140,000. These effects of dexamethasone are relatively specific to HTC cells. Neither Reuber H-35 cells nor primary cultures of rat hepatocytes show the same response to the steroid. Two variant HTC cell lines, which were selected for their resistance to dexamethasone inhibition of extracellular plasminogen activator activity, respond only partially to the steroid-induced regulation of the secretory and membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   
A kinetic method based on alkaline phosphatase has been developed to measure free trace levels of vanadium(IV) and (V). The method involves measuring the rate of the alkaline phosphatase-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate with (Vi) and without (Vo) a competitive inhibitor in the assay. Michaelis-Menten kinetics for a competitive inhibitor was used to express the relationship between Vo/Vi and the inhibitor concentration. Measuring both Vo and Vi thus yields a Vo/Vi ratio that allows calculation of the competitive inhibitor concentration. Determination of free vanadium in complex fluids can be accomplished by comparing the ratio of rates of p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis with and without a sequestering agent to the ratios of rates measured on addition of a known vanadium concentration. Free vanadium(V) can conveniently be measured from 10(-7) to 10(-5) M and free vanadium(IV) can be measured at 10(-8) M and above. The error limits on the vanadium determinations range from +/- 3 to +/- 12% of the concentration under investigation depending on the conditions under which the assay was conducted.  相似文献   
Ticks and tick-borne diseases have a detrimental impact on livestock production causing estimated losses of around $200 million per year in Australia alone. Host resistance to ticks is heritable, within-breed heritability estimates being around 0.35, and with large differences between breeds. Previously a QTL for tick burden was detected on BTA14 at ~72 Mb distal to the centromere, near the gene receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 (RIPK2). To identify polymorphisms in this region, we sequenced all exons of the RIPK2 gene, identifying 46 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Using SNP from RIPK2 as well as SNP from the bovine genome sequence, we genotyped two samples, one of 1,122 taurine dairy cattle and one of 761 zebu and zebu composite beef cattle. We confirmed that SNP and haplotypes from this region, including from RIPK2, were associated with tick burden in both dairy and beef cattle. To determine whether RIPK2 influences response to tick salivary gland extract (SGE), an immunisation experiment with tick SGE in a RIPK2 knockout (RIPK2 −/−) mouse strain was conducted. There was a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in IgG production in the RIPK2 −/− mouse in response to the SGE compared to its background strain C57BL/6 as well as the outbred CD1 mouse strain. In addition, antibodies generated by RIPK2 −/− mice recognised a different set of antigens within SGE when compared to parental-derived antibodies. In summary, the SNP association with tick burden at BTA14 was confirmed and quantitative and qualitative differences in antibody production were observed between RIPK2 −/− and wild-type mice.  相似文献   


Evolution of sturgeons and paddlefishes (order Acipenseriformes) is inherently connected with polyploidization events which resulted in differentiation of ploidy levels and chromosome numbers of present acipenseriform species. Moreover, allopolyploidization as well as autopolyploidization seems to be an ongoing process in these fishes and individuals with abnormal ploidy levels were occasionally observed within sturgeon populations. Here, we reported occurrence of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) male with abnormal ploidy level for this species, accessed its ploidy level and chromosome number and investigate its potential sterility or fertility in comparison with normal individuals of sterlet (A. ruthenus), Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii) and Siberian sturgeon (A. baerii).


Acipenser ruthenus possessed 120 chromosomes, exhibiting recent diploidy (2n), A. gueldenstaedtii and A. baerii had ~245 chromosomes representing recent tetraploidy (4n), and A. baerii male with abnormal ploidy level had?~?368 chromosomes, indicating recent hexaploidy (6n). Genealogy assessed from the mtDNA control region did not reveal genome markers of other sturgeon species and this individual was supposed to originate from spontaneous 1.5 fold increment in number of chromosome sets with respect to the number most frequently found in nature for this species. Following hormone stimulation, the spontaneous hexaploid male produced normal sperm with ability for fertilization. Fertilization of A. baerii and A. gueldenstaedtii ova from normal 4n level females with sperm of the hexaploid male produced viable, non-malformed pentaploid (5n) progeny with a ploidy level intermediate to those of the parents.


This study firstly described occurrence of hexaploid individual of A. baerii and confirmed its autopolyploid origin. In addition to that, the first detailed evidence about fertility of spontaneous hexaploid sturgeon was provided. If 1.5 fold increment in number of chromosome sets occurring in diploids, resulted triploids possess odd number of chromosome sets causing their sterility or subfertility due to interference of gametogenesis. In contrast, 1.5 fold increment in number of chromosome sets in naturally tetraploid A. baerii resulted in even number of chromosome sets and therefore in fertility of the hexaploid specimen under study.  相似文献   
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