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The effects of altering extracellular Ca(2+) levels on the electrical and adaptive properties of toad rods have been examined. The retina was continually superfused in control (1.6 mM Ca(2+)) or test ringer’s solutions, and rod electrical activity was recorded intracellularly. Low-calcium ringer’s (10(-9)M Ca(2+)) superfused for up to 6 min caused a substantial depolarization of the resting membrane potential, an increase in light-evoked response amplitudes, and a change in the waveform of the light-evoked responses. High Ca(2+) ringer’s (3.2 mM) hyperpolarized the cell membrane and decreased response amplitudes. However, under conditions of either low or high Ca(2+) superfusion for up to 6 min, in both dark-adapted and partially light-adapted states, receptor sensitivity was virtually unaffected; i.e., the V-log I curve for the receptor potential was always located on the intensity scale at a position predicted by the prevailing light level, not by Ca(2+) concentration. Thus, we speculate that cytosol Ca(2+) concentration is capable of regulating membrane potential levels and light-evoked response amplitudes, but not the major component of rod sensitivity. Low Ca(2+) ringer’s also shortened the period of receptor response saturation after a bright but nonbleaching light flash, hence accelerating the onset of both membrane potential and sensitivity recovery during dark adaptation.

Exposure of the retina to low Ca(2+) (10(-9)M) ringer’s for long periods (7-15 min) caused dark-adapted rods to lose responsiveness. Response amplitudes gradually decreased, and the rods became desensitized. These severe conditions of low Ca(2+) caused changes in the dark-adapted rod that mimic those observed in rods during light adaptation. We suggest that loss of receptor sensitivity during prolonged exposure to low Ca(2+) ringer’s results from a decrease of intracellular (intradisk) stores of Ca(2+); i.e., less Ca(2+) is thereby released per quantum catch.

Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase is present in several types of bacteria and undergoes degradation of environmental pollutants through an important key biochemical pathways. Specifically, this enzyme cleaves aromatic rings of several environmental pollutants such as toluene, xylene, naphthalene and biphenyl derivatives. Hence, the importance of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase and its role in the degradation of environmental pollutants made us to predict the three-dimensional structure of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase from Burkholderia cepacia. The 10ns molecular dynamics simulation was carried out to check the stability of the modeled Catechol 2, 3- dioxygenase. The results show that the model was energetically stable, and it attains their equilibrium within 2000 ps of production MD run. The docking of various petroleum hydrocarbons into the Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase reveals that the benzene, O-xylene, Toluene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, Carbazol, Pyrene, Dibenzothiophene, Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Biphenyl makes strong hydrogen bond and Van der waals interaction with the active site residues of H150, L152, W198, H206, H220, H252, I254, T255, Y261, E271, L276 and F309. Free energy of binding and estimated inhibition constant of these compounds demonstrates that they are energetically stable in their binding cavity. Chrysene shows positive energy of binding in the active site atom of Fe. Except Pyrene all the substrates made close contact with Fe atom by the distance ranges from 1.67 to 2.43 Å. In addition to that, the above mentioned substrate except pyrene all other made π-π stacking interaction with H252 by the distance ranges from 3.40 to 3.90 Å. All these docking results reveal that, except Chrysene all other substrate has good free energy of binding to hold enough in the active site and makes strong VdW interaction with Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase. These results suggest that, the enzyme is capable of catalyzing the above-mentioned substrate.  相似文献   
The endogenous Cl- conductance of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells was studied 20-35 h after plating out of either uninfected cells or cells infected by a baculovirus vector carrying the cloned beta-galactosidase gene (beta-Gal cells). With the cation Tris+ in the pipette and Na+ in the bath, the reversal potential of whole-cell currents was governed by the prevailing Cl- equilibrium potential and could be fitted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation with similar permeabilities for uninfected and beta-Gal cells. In the frequency range 0.12 < f < 300 Hz, the power density spectrum of whole-cell Cl- currents could be fitted by three Lorentzians. Independent of membrane potential, >50% of the total variance of whole-cell current fluctuations was accounted for by the low frequency Lorentzian (fc = 0.40 +/- 0.03 Hz, n = 6). Single-Cl- channels showed complex gating kinetics with long lasting (seconds) openings interrupted by similar long closures. In the open state, channels exhibited fast burst-like closures. Since the patches normally contained more than a single channel, it was not possible to measure open and closed dwell-time distributions for comparing single-Cl- channel activity with the kinetic features of whole-cell currents. However, the power density spectrum of Cl- currents of cell-attached and excised outside-out patches contained both high and low frequency Lorentzian components, with the corner frequency of the slow component (fc = 0.40 +/- 0.02 Hz, n = 4) similar to that of whole-cell current fluctuations. Chloride channels exhibited multiple conductance states with similar Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz-type rectification. Single-channel permeabilities covered the range from approximately 0.6.10(-14) cm5/s to approximately 6.10(-14) cm3/s, corresponding to a limiting conductance (gamma 150/150) of approximately 3.5 pS and approximately 35 pS, respectively. All states reversed near the same membrane potential, and they exhibited similar halide ion selectivity, P1 > PCl approximately PBr. Accordingly, Cl- current amplitudes larger than current flow through the smallest channel unit resolved seem to result from simultaneous open/shut events of two or more channel units.  相似文献   
开展对亚成体的研究,可以更加全面了解一个物种,进而更有效地开展保护工作。甘肃盐池湾国家级自然保护区是黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)成体的重要繁殖地和亚成体的重要栖息地之一。为研究甘肃盐池湾黑颈鹤亚成体生境选择,于2020年7月初至8月中旬在盐池湾党河湿地展开调查,并依据Johnson对生境选择空间尺度的划分,对亚成体活动区内各类型生境和觅食微生境的生境选择进行了研究。通过遥感影像解译和卫星跟踪分别获得各栖息地类型面积以及黑颈鹤的活动位点,利用核密度分析法估计活动区面积并利用Manly研究中的设计Ⅲ来研究活动区内各类型生境选择;通过选取利用样方和对照样方,使用χ2检验、独立样本t检验和Mann-Whitney U检验,对比检验样方数据,进行微生境选择的研究。结果表明,活动区内各类型生境中亚成体选择河流,拒绝戈壁和沼泽化草甸,对沼泽既不选择也不拒绝,而成体选择湖泊,没有利用河流,同时拒绝戈壁、山脉、沼泽化草甸和盐化草甸,对沼泽既不选择也不拒绝;觅食微生境选择中,亚成体选择平均植被盖度为57.07% ± 4.53%,基质类型为泥炭,基质硬度为中,主要植被黑褐苔草(Carex atrofusca)的微生境栖息,相比成体,亚成体选择的生境基质更硬,距道路距离更近,距房屋、河流、山脉和湖泊距离更远。亚成体的栖息地选择主要受到生境质量、生境资源有限性以及成体选择等因素的影响。在这些因素的影响下,亚成体与成体产生了生态位分离,并在栖息地选择上出现了分化。这种分化对亚成体的生存和成体的繁殖都有益,可以避免种内无效的冲突和竞争,有利于亚成体和成体的适合度增加。保护黑颈鹤的栖息环境需同时考虑到亚成体的选择和生存。  相似文献   
藏药七十味珍珠丸(ratanasampil,RNSP)可改善大脑氧化应激水平,改善大脑功能,有安神和促进学习记忆的功效,然而RNSP是否可改善阿尔茨海默症(AD)小鼠的学习记忆功能,尚缺乏系统研究。本研究采用APP/PS 1转基因小鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为实验组和对照组。对实验组进行为期12周的RNSP灌胃给药,对照组进行12周的蒸馏水灌胃,采用Morris水迷宫与开场实验评价小鼠学习记忆能力,比较小鼠体重与相关器官质量,并比较器官质量指数,通过分子生物学检测指标评价小鼠脑内老年斑数量,Aβ生成量及BACE1表达水平。本研究证实,与对照组相比,给药组小鼠定位航行潜伏期明显缩短(22.60±13.26 vs. 46.44±8.41, P<0.01, day 5),穿越平台次数明显增加(1.29±0.37 vs. 0.54±0.29, P<0.01),探洞次数明显增加(32.11±9.85 vs. 20.89±8.78, P<0.05),表明RNSP提高了APP/PS 1小鼠的学习记忆能力和空间探索能力。与对照组相比,给药组小鼠大脑重量及脑质量指数均增高(0.4135±0.0102 vs. 0.3833±0.0254, P<0.05;2.04±0.08 vs. 1.84±0.15, P<0.05),脑内老年斑数量减少(18.70±7.88 vs. 38.83±6.15, P<0.05),Aβ1- 42水平及BACE1表达均显著降低(0.19±0.08 vs. 0.41±0.12, P<0.05; 0.136±0.04 vs. 0.206±0.02, P<0.05),表明RNSP延缓了APP/PS 1小鼠的脑萎缩进程,降低脑内老年斑的形成,下调脑内Aβ1-42水平和BACE1裂解酶的蛋白质表达量。本研究提示,RNSP可改善APP/PS 1小鼠的学习记忆能力,其机制可能和RNSP抑制脑萎缩,降低BACE1蛋白表达以及减少脑内Aβ沉积有关。  相似文献   
The predominantly Holarctic bee genus Osmia Panzer is species‐rich and behaviourally diverse. A robust phylogeny of this genus is important for understanding the evolution of the immense variety of morphological and behavioural traits exhibited by this group. We infer a phylogeny of Osmia using DNA sequence data obtained from three nuclear genes (elongation factor 1‐α, LWrhodopsin and CAD) and the mitochondrial gene COI. Our taxon sampling places special attention on North American members of the subgenus Melanosmia Schmiedeknecht; we discuss the novel placement of a number of species traditionally assigned to O. (Melanosmia) and examine the relative support for alternative classifications of this species‐rich subgenus. We use this new phylogeny to guide a reassessment of morphological and behavioural characters within Osmia. Our results provide support for the recognition of Osmia (Hapsidosmia), subgen.n ., a monotypic subgenus containing Osmia iridis Cockerell & Titus. We synonymize Osmia (Mystacosmia) Snelling under O. (Melanosmia), syn.n . We synonymize Osmia (Acanthosmioides) Ashmead under O. (Melanosmia), syn.n ., propose ‘odontogaster species group’ as a replacement for the subgeneric name Acanthosmioides, and refine the morphological characters that serve to diagnose the species group. We additionally propose ‘nigrifrons species group’ for a clade within O. (Melanosmia) containing most species formerly placed in Osmia (Centrosmia) Robertson. We demonstrate more cohesive patterns of nest substrate use in the nigrifrons and odontogaster species groups than was previously believed to occur, reconsider character polarity of aspects of the female mandible, and show that a large number of morphological characters have evolved convergently within the genus. In order to facilitate discussion of relevant taxa, we propose the following 15 new synonymies: O. bakeri Sandhouse under O. melanopleura Cockerell; O. crenulaticornis Michener under O. pinorum Cockerell; O. claremontensis Michener under O. sedula Sandhouse; O. cockerelli Sandhouse under O. dakotensis Michener; O. francisconis White under O. enixa Sandhouse; O. hurdi White under O. austromaritima Michener; O. sladeni Sandhouse under O. nifoata Cockerell; O. titusi Cockerell under O. phenax Cockerell; O. subtrevoris Cockerell, O. physariae Cockerell, and O. erecta Michener under O. giliarum Cockerell; and O. universitatis Cockerell, O. integrella Cockerell, O. amala Cockerell, and O. metitia Cockerell under O. nigrifrons Cresson, syn.n . We remove O. wyomingensis Michener from synonymy with O. nifoata Cockerell, stat.n ., and O. pinorum Cockerell from synonymy with O. physariae Cockerell, stat.n . This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A3E7D63B‐5C4C‐4ACF‐BF33‐48E5C5DD1B0D .  相似文献   
Caterpillars and spider mites are herbivores with different feeding mechanisms. Spider mites feed on the cell content via stylets, while caterpillars, as chewing herbivores, remove larger amounts of photosynthetically active tissue. We investigated local and systemic effects of short-term caterpillar and spider mite herbivory on cotton in terms of primary metabolism and growth processes. After short-term caterpillar feeding, leaf growth and water content were decreased in damaged leaves. The glutamate/glutamine ratio increased and other free amino acids were also affected. In contrast, mild spider mite infestation did not affect leaf growth or amino acid composition, but led to an increase in total nitrogen and sucrose concentrations. Both herbivores induced locally increased dark respiration, suggesting an increased mobilization of storage compounds potentially available for synthesis of defensive substances, but did not affect assimilation and transpiration. Systemically induced leaves were not significantly affected by the treatments performed in this study. The results show that cotton plants do not compensate the loss of photosynthetic tissue with higher photosynthetic efficiency of the remaining tissue. However, early plant responses to different herbivores leave their signature in primary metabolism, affecting leaf growth. Changes in amino acid concentrations, total nitrogen and sucrose content may affect subsequent herbivore performance.  相似文献   

Key message

Nitrogen levels can modulate the effectiveness of clubroot resistance in an isolate- and host-specific manner. While the same QTL were detected under high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered.


Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most damaging diseases of oilseed rape and is known to be affected by nitrogen fertilization. However, the genetic factors involved in clubroot resistance have not been characterized under nitrogen-limiting conditions. This study aimed to assess the variability of clubroot resistance under different nitrogen levels and to characterize the impact of nitrogen supply on genetic resistance factors. Linkage analyses and a genome-wide association study were conducted to detect QTL for clubroot resistance and evaluate their sensitivity to nitrogen. The clubroot response of a set of 92 diverse oilseed rape accessions and 108 lines derived from a cross between ‘Darmor-bzh’ (resistant) and ‘Yudal’ (susceptible) was studied in the greenhouse under high- and low-nitrogen conditions, following inoculation with the P. brassicae isolates eH and K92-16. Resistance to each isolate was controlled by a major QTL and a few small-effects QTL. While the same QTL were detected under both high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered. Clubroot resistance to isolate eH, but not K92-16, was greater under a low-N supply versus a high-N supply. New sources of resistance were found among the oilseed rape accessions under both low and high-N conditions. The results are discussed relative to the literature and from a crop improvement perspective.
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