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The Holarctic erigonid genus Zornella has been surveyed. Four spedes are recognized in this genus, two Palaearctic: Z. aultrigera (L. Koch, 11879) & Z. orientalis sp. nov., and two Nearcfic: Z. arrnata (Banks, 1906) & Z. ayptodon Chamherlin, 1920. It is demouslrated that neither nearcfic species is agnspedtic with Z. atltrigera as was thought by Holm and other authors. Z. sp. nov. is describcd from northeastern Siberia. All of the species are illustrated and their distributions mapped.  相似文献   
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a ubiquitous and abundant protein that participates in cellular energy production. GAPDH normally exists in a soluble form; however, following necrosis, GAPDH and numerous other intracellular proteins convert into an insoluble disulfide-cross-linked state via the process of “nucleocytoplasmic coagulation.” Here, free radical-induced aggregation of GAPDH was studied as an in vitro model of nucleocytoplasmic coagulation. Despite the fact that disulfide cross-linking is a prominent feature of GAPDH aggregation, our data show that it is not a primary rate-determining step. To identify the true instigating event of GAPDH misfolding, we mapped the post-translational modifications that arise during its aggregation. Solvent accessibility and energy calculations of the mapped modifications within the context of the high resolution native GAPDH structure suggested that oxidation of methionine 46 may instigate aggregation. We confirmed this by mutating methionine 46 to leucine, which rendered GAPDH highly resistant to free radical-induced aggregation. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that oxidation of methionine 46 triggers a local increase in the conformational plasticity of GAPDH that likely promotes further oxidation and eventual aggregation. Hence, methionine 46 represents a “linchpin” whereby its oxidation is a primary event permissive for the subsequent misfolding, aggregation, and disulfide cross-linking of GAPDH. A critical role for linchpin residues in nucleocytoplasmic coagulation and other forms of free radical-induced protein misfolding should now be investigated. Furthermore, because disulfide-cross-linked aggregates of GAPDH arise in many disorders and because methionine 46 is irrelevant to native GAPDH function, mutation of methionine 46 in models of disease should allow the unequivocal assessment of whether GAPDH aggregation influences disease progression.  相似文献   
Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) is an essential enzyme involved in the lysine biosynthesis pathway. DHDPS from E. coli is a homotetramer consisting of a 'dimer of dimers', with the catalytic residues found at the tight-dimer interface. Crystallographic and biophysical evidence suggest that the dimers associate to stabilise the active site configuration, and mutation of a central dimer-dimer interface residue destabilises the tetramer, thus increasing the flexibility and reducing catalytic efficiency and substrate specificity. This has led to the hypothesis that the tetramer evolved to optimise the dynamics within the tight-dimer. In order to gain insights into DHDPS flexibility and its relationship to quaternary structure and function, we performed comparative Molecular Dynamics simulation studies of native tetrameric and dimeric forms of DHDPS from E. coli and also the native dimeric form from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These reveal a striking contrast between the dynamics of tetrameric and dimeric forms. Whereas the E. coli DHDPS tetramer is relatively rigid, both the E. coli and MRSA DHDPS dimers display high flexibility, resulting in monomer reorientation within the dimer and increased flexibility at the tight-dimer interface. The mutant E. coli DHDPS dimer exhibits disorder within its active site with deformation of critical catalytic residues and removal of key hydrogen bonds that render it inactive, whereas the similarly flexible MRSA DHDPS dimer maintains its catalytic geometry and is thus fully functional. Our data support the hypothesis that in both bacterial species optimal activity is achieved by fine tuning protein dynamics in different ways: E. coli DHDPS buttresses together two dimers, whereas MRSA dampens the motion using an extended tight-dimer interface.  相似文献   


Oxygen free radicals induce lipid peroxidation (LPO) that damages and breaks polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes. LPO-derived aldehydes and hydroxyalkenals react with DNA leading to the formation of etheno(ε)-bases including 1,N 6-ethenoadenine (εA) and 3,N 4-ethenocytosine (εC). The εA and εC residues are highly mutagenic in mammalian cells and eliminated in the base excision repair (BER) pathway and/or by AlkB family proteins in the direct damage reversal process. BER initiated by DNA glycosylases is thought to be the major pathway for the removal of non-bulky endogenous base damage. Alternatively, in the nucleotide incision repair (NIR) pathway, the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases can directly incise DNA duplex 5′ to a damaged base in a DNA glycosylase-independent manner.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we have characterized the substrate specificity of human major AP endonuclease 1, APE1, towards εA, εC, thymine glycol (Tg) and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8oxoG) residues when present in duplex DNA. APE1 cleaves oligonucleotide duplexes containing εA, εC and Tg, but not those containing 8oxoG. Activity depends strongly on sequence context. The apparent kinetic parameters of the reactions suggest that APE1 has a high affinity for DNA containing ε-bases but cleaves DNA duplexes at an extremely slow rate. Consistent with this observation, oligonucleotide duplexes containing an ε-base strongly inhibit AP site nicking activity of APE1 with IC50 values in the range of 5–10 nM. MALDI-TOF MS analysis of the reaction products demonstrated that APE1-catalyzed cleavage of εA•T and εC•G duplexes generates, as expected, DNA fragments containing 5′-terminal ε-base residue.


The fact that ε-bases and Tg in duplex DNA are recognized and cleaved by APE1 in vitro, suggests that NIR may act as a backup pathway to BER to remove a large variety of genotoxic base lesions in human cells.  相似文献   
Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) catalyzes the rate limiting step in lysine biosynthesis in bacteria and plants. The structure of DHDPS has been determined from several bacterial species and shown in most cases to form a homotetramer or dimer of dimers. However, only one plant DHDPS structure has been determined to date from the wild tobacco species, Nicotiana sylvestris (Blickling et al. (1997) J. Mol. Biol. 274, 608-621). Whilst N. sylvestris DHDPS also forms a homotetramer, the plant enzyme adopts a 'back-to-back' dimer of dimers compared to the 'head-to-head' architecture observed for bacterial DHDPS tetramers. This raises the question of whether the alternative quaternary architecture observed for N. sylvestris DHDPS is common to all plant DHDPS enzymes. Here, we describe the structure of DHDPS from the grapevine plant, Vitis vinifera, and show using analytical ultracentrifugation, small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray crystallography that V. vinifera DHDPS forms a 'back-to-back' homotetramer, consistent with N. sylvestris DHDPS. This study is the first to demonstrate using both crystal and solution state measurements that DHDPS from the grapevine plant adopts an alternative tetrameric architecture to the bacterial form, which is important for optimizing protein dynamics as suggested by molecular dynamics simulations reported in this study.  相似文献   


Canonical serine protease inhibitors commonly bind to their targets through a rigid loop stabilised by an internal hydrogen bond network and disulfide bond(s). The smallest of these is sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI-1), a potent and broad-range protease inhibitor. Recently, we re-engineered the contact β-sheet of SFTI-1 to produce a selective inhibitor of kallikrein-related peptidase 4 (KLK4), a protease associated with prostate cancer progression. However, modifications in the binding loop to achieve specificity may compromise structural rigidity and prevent re-engineered inhibitors from reaching optimal binding affinity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, the effect of amino acid substitutions on the internal hydrogen bonding network of SFTI were investigated using an in silico screen of inhibitor variants in complex with KLK4 or trypsin. Substitutions favouring internal hydrogen bond formation directly correlated with increased potency of inhibition in vitro. This produced a second generation inhibitor (SFTI-FCQR Asn14) which displayed both a 125-fold increased capacity to inhibit KLK4 (K i = 0.0386±0.0060 nM) and enhanced selectivity over off-target serine proteases. Further, SFTI-FCQR Asn14 was stable in cell culture and bioavailable in mice when administered by intraperitoneal perfusion.


These findings highlight the importance of conserving structural rigidity of the binding loop in addition to optimising protease/inhibitor contacts when re-engineering canonical serine protease inhibitors.  相似文献   
The extent of hydrophobic exposure upon bis-ANS binding to the functional apical domain fragment of GroEL, or minichaperone (residues 191-345), was investigated and compared with that of the GroEL tetradecamer. Although a total of seven molecules of bis-ANS bind cooperatively to this minichaperone, most of the hydrophobic sites were induced following initial binding of one to two molecules of probe. From the equilibrium and kinetics studies at low bis-ANS concentrations, it is evident that the native apical domain is converted to an intermediate conformation with increased hydrophobic surfaces. This intermediate binds additional bis-ANS molecules. Tyrosine fluorescence detected denaturation demonstrated that bis-ANS can destabilize the apical domain. The results from (i) bis-ANS titrations, (ii) urea denaturation studies in the presence and absence of bis-ANS, and (iii) intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence studies of the apical domain are consistent with a model in which bis-ANS binds tightly to the intermediate state, relatively weakly to the native state, and little to the denatured state. The results suggest that the conformational changes seen in apical domain fragments are not seen in the intact GroEL oligomer due to restrictions imposed by connections of the apical domain to the intermediate domain and suppression of movement due to quaternary structure.  相似文献   
The chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation and the action of uncouplers was examined by characterizing a clone, UH5, of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO TK-) cells resistant to 5-chloro-3-tert-butyl-2'-chloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide (S-13), a potent uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. About 9-times and 4-times more S-13 was required to effect growth and respiration respectively of UH5 cells compared to the parental CHO TK- cells. UH5 cells were cross-resistant to the uncouplers SF-6847 (3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-benzylidenemalononitrile), carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol but not to oligomycin, venturicidin or Tevenel. Size, chromosome number and DNA content indicated that the UH5 cell line was probably pseudotetraploid compared to the parental pseudodiploid CHO TK- cells. Hybrid and cybrid cells formed from crosses of UH5 cells and cytoplasts, respectively, with an uncoupler-sensitive cell line were sensitive to S-13 indicating that resistance is probably nuclear-determined. UH5 cell mitochondria had increased cytochrome oxidase and decreased H+-ATPase activities. A fivefold resistance of oxidative phosphorylation to uncouplers was found at the mitochondrial level with respiration driven by either succinate or ascorbate/N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. In contrast, no difference in sensitivity was found to valinomycin between mitochondria from UH5 and CHO TK- cells. The oligomycin-sensitive H+-ATPase activity of UH5 and CHO TK- cell mitochondria was equally stimulated by the uncoupler S-13. Uncoupler-resistant mitochondria would not be expected on the basis of the chemiosmotic theory, and the relation of the results to other modes of coupling is considered.  相似文献   
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