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In the theoretical part of the present work the input-output relation for a multi-input system is developed into a functional power series. This is formally equivalent to a decomposition of the system into a sum of all possible combinations of 1-, 2-, 3-... input subsystems. The average response of the system to a uniformly moving patern is known to be a Fourier series with respect to spatial frequency. The coefficients of the series are linear combinations of the weights by which different subsystems contribute to the total reaction. If a system can be shown to have essential nonlinearities of no higher than second order it is possible to calculate, from a Fourier analysis of the average movement response, the weight by which the nonlinear interaction between any two input elements contributes to the total reaction. This interaction is termed elementary movement detector. By the analysis presented here the arrangement of the elementary movement detectors may be determined for a two-dimensional array of input elements and the strength of their contributions to the total movement reaction may be calculated. Special experimental methods have been developed which allow one to apply this analysis to the visual system of the fruitfly Drosophila. The preliminary data presented show that the direction sensitive optomotor response of Drosophila can be attributed predominantly to the contributions from two elementary movement detectors which interconnect neighbouring visual elements. The detectors are oriented in the hexagonal array of the compound eye at +30° and at-30° with respect to the horizontal line of symmetry. A weak contribution from a detector between neighbouring elements along the horizontal line of symmetry is suggested by the present data. In the course of the analysis the contrast transfer properties of the compound eye are characterized.  相似文献   
Optomotor control of course and altitude in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, requires dense networks of elementary movement detectors (EMD's) which cover most if not all of the visual field. The predominant types of EMD's in these networks represent interactions between neighbouring visual elements along the three main directions of the hexagonal array in the compound eye. — Course control in the walking fly is achieved mainly by pairs of equivalent EMD's which occupy 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions with respect to the right eye (Buchner, 1976). Comparison of the turning response and the torque response in the present account confirms the particular properties of this network, and proves the presumed bidirectional sensitivity of its EMD's for the course control responses of legs and wings in the corresponding modes of locomotion. — Altitude control during flight is achieved by a less homogeneous network of EMD's which modifies lift and thrust simultaneously by the appropriate control of the wing beat amplitudes. The predominant types of EMD's in the lateral eye regions occupy 12 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions with respect to the right eye (Buchner et al., 1978). The present evaluation of the optomotor responses of thrust and wing beat confirms the preferred orientation of these EMD's and discloses a pecularity of their internal structure. The movement detectors of this network lack the bidirectional sensitivity of the EMD's in the course control system. At least the fronto-lateral network of the altitude control system seems to consist mainly of pairs of equivalent unidirectional EMD's. The detectors in 12 o'clock position increase wing beat in response to movement of the visual surroundings from inferior to superior. The opposite effect is produced by the detectors in 2 o'clock position which respond to movement from anterior-superior to posterior-inferior. These properties qualify unidirectional EMD's as the functional units of the optomotor control system in the fruitfly. Pairs of unidirectional antagonists would be sufficient to establish the bidirectional sensitivity found in the movement detectors of the course control system.  相似文献   
Summary Nervous activity may be localized in anatomical sections of brain tissue by the autoradiographic deoxyglucose technique. The method provides sufficient structural preservation and spatial resolution for detailed functional investigation of complex but small-sized nervous systems when the original technique is modified as follows: (i) use of 3H instead of 14C as radioactive label, (ii) application of labeled deoxyglucose in concentrations close to physiological glucose levels rather than in trace amounts, (iii) stimulation for 4–9 h after deoxyglucose application instead of 20–45 min, (iv) subsequent preparation avoiding aqueous phases at all stages from fixation to autoradiography, and (v) plastic embedding of the tissue such that serial semithin sections of good structural preservation may be routinely cut. Brief aqueous fixation and dehydration at room temperature as has been described for vertebrates apparently cannot preserve stimulus-induced distribution of radioactive label in the brain of the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Aspects of the results that illustrate the potential and some limitations of the present technique are discussed.  相似文献   
Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential micronutrient for plants, serving as a cofactor for enzymes involved in nitrate assimilation, sulfite detoxification, abscisic acid biosynthesis, and purine degradation. Here we show that natural variation in shoot Mo content across 92 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions is controlled by variation in a mitochondrially localized transporter (Molybdenum Transporter 1 - MOT1) that belongs to the sulfate transporter superfamily. A deletion in the MOT1 promoter is strongly associated with low shoot Mo, occurring in seven of the accessions with the lowest shoot content of Mo. Consistent with the low Mo phenotype, MOT1 expression in low Mo accessions is reduced. Reciprocal grafting experiments demonstrate that the roots of Ler-0 are responsible for the low Mo accumulation in shoot, and GUS localization demonstrates that MOT1 is expressed strongly in the roots. MOT1 contains an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and expression of MOT1 tagged with GFP in protoplasts and transgenic plants, establishing the mitochondrial localization of this protein. Furthermore, expression of MOT1 specifically enhances Mo accumulation in yeast by 5-fold, consistent with MOT1 functioning as a molybdate transporter. This work provides the first molecular insight into the processes that regulate Mo accumulation in plants and shows that novel loci can be detected by association mapping.  相似文献   
The bacterial rhizosphere communities of three host plants of the pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae, field-grown strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.), oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), were analyzed. We aimed to determine the degree to which the rhizosphere effect is plant dependent and whether this effect would be increased by growing the same crops in two consecutive years. Rhizosphere or soil samples were taken five times over the vegetation periods. To allow a cultivation-independent analysis, total community DNA was extracted from the microbial pellet recovered from root or soil samples. 16S rDNA fragments amplified by PCR from soil or rhizosphere bacterium DNA were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The DGGE fingerprints showed plant-dependent shifts in the relative abundance of bacterial populations in the rhizosphere which became more pronounced in the second year. DGGE patterns of oilseed rape and potato rhizosphere communities were more similar to each other than to the strawberry patterns. In both years seasonal shifts in the abundance and composition of the bacterial rhizosphere populations were observed. Independent of the plant species, the patterns of the first sampling times for both years were characterized by the absence of some of the bands which became dominant at the following sampling times. Bacillus megaterium and Arthrobacter sp. were found as predominant populations in bulk soils. Sequencing of dominant bands excised from the rhizosphere patterns revealed that 6 out of 10 bands resembled gram-positive bacteria. Nocardia populations were identified as strawberry-specific bands.  相似文献   
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