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Cytokinins and gibberellins are able to strongly influence the development of “leaf” primordia in the cactus Opuntia polyacantha. Under the influence of cytokinin, the primordia produced by cultured axillary bud apical meristems develop as normal, photosynthetic leaves, being composed of regular epidermal cells, guard cells, mesophyll and mucilage cells as well as vascular tissue. Under the influence of gibberellic acid (GA), the primordia develop as cactus spines, composed of thick-walled epidermal and fiber cells. Guard cells, vascular tissue and parenchyma do not occur. Thus GA is able to redirect leaf morphogenesis in O. polyacantha far more completely than has been reported for other plants. The mitotic activity of the primordia that will develop into spines is significantly higher (at the 5 % level) than the mitotic activity of the primordia that will develop into leaves. This is interpreted to indicate that the primordia are either leaf primordia or spine primordia from a very early age, and possibly are never uncommitted or undetermined primordia, as has been suggested for fern leaf primordia.  相似文献   
This research tested hypotheses that the presence of water storage tissues immediately adjacent to vessels would protect vessels from cavitation and would result in evolution of broader vessels that occur in fewer, smaller clusters relative to vessels surrounded by a matrix of fibers. We examined 21 species that have dimorphic wood, that is, at one stage in their life they produce a wood with a fibrous matrix surrounding the vessels and at another stage they produce wood with abundant paratracheal parenchyma or wide-band tracheids. In only one species were vessels in the water storage matrix broader than those in the fibrous matrix of the same plant. In most specimens, fibrous wood had smaller clusters of vessels than water storage wood, and a greater percentage of vessels in fibrous wood were solitary. Presence of abundant paratracheal water storage tissue was not correlated with a reduced number or size of rays. Axial masses in fibrous wood were not consistently narrower than those of water storage wood, consequently their vessels were not consistently closer to water stored in rays. Wood strength may be more important than conduction safety in determining vessel cluster size and widths of rays and axial masses.  相似文献   
Sixteen genera of cacti were discovered to have polymorphic wood, that is, the plants produce one type of wood while young but a different type when older. The polymorphisms are: fibrous wood (with vessels and scanty paratracheal parenchyma) followed by parenchymatous wood (with vessels but few or no fibers) (Hylocereus venezuelensis, Dendrocereus nudiflorus, Borzicactus humboldtii, Haageocereus australis, Morawetzia sericata, Stephanocereus leucostele, Trichocereus schickendantzii); WBT wood (with wide-band tracheids, vessels, and apotracheal parenchyma but few or no fibers) followed by fibrous wood (Buiningia aurea, Oreocereus celsianus, Vatricania guentheri); WBT wood followed by parenchymatous wood (Echinopsis tubiflora, Gymnocalycium marsoneri, G. oenanthemum, Notocactus warasii, Parodia maassii); trimorphic wood in which WBT wood is followed by fibrous wood, which is followed by parenchymatous wood (Melocactus intortus, Arrojadoa braunii). The different phases within each plant may differ in vessel cluster size, percentage of the vessels that are solitary, diameter of vessels, and lignification of ray cells. Several of these genera are not closely related to the others, so wood polymorphism may have arisen several times.  相似文献   
Composite bundles are not simply a type of vascular bundles, but an integrated host/parasite interface. We investigated their structure in tubers of Langsdorffia and Balanophora. Composite bundles in both genera have similar components: 1) a central mass of host vascular tissues among which are located large parasite transfer cells; 2) a sheath of parasite parenchyma surrounding the central host vascular tissues; 3) specialized conducting tissues in the sheath; and 4) apical meristems composed of both host and parasite meristematic cells. Sheath parenchyma is recognizable from parasite tuber matrix by having thinner cell walls, and, especially in Langsdorffia, by the presence of collapsed matrix cells between the bundle sheath and tuber matrix. Sheath-conducting tissues consist of densely cytoplasmic transfer cells and small sieve tube members; in Langsdorffia, tracheary elements are also present. These sheath bundles connect with vascular bundles of the tuber matrix. Direct host/parasite contact only occurs by means of parasite transfer cells in the composite bundles. There is no xylem-xylem contact at the host/parasite interface. Abundance of parasite transfer cells suggests that they play an important role in nutrient absorption and translocation.  相似文献   
Surface areas, differential curvatures, volumes, and dimensions of cell-like units were described for various geometric shapes approaching the morphology of shoot apical meristems (SAM) in vascular plants. Geometric relationships are given in both graphic and dynamic simulations of shape. If the surface of the SAM is described by the revolution of a parabolic, hyperbolic, or circular function, then the greatest change in the surface areas or volumes of equally spaced transverse sections will occur in those regions showing the greatest differential in surface curvature. Subdivision of the SAM volume into cell-like units leads to quantitative expressions of changes in “cell” length to width and width to depth (aspect) ratios. Dependent upon the geometry of the SAM, differential expressions of aspect ratios may lead to a zonate pattern within the SAM corresponding to a central-mother-cell zone (CMC), a peripheral zone (PZ), and a pith-rib meristem (PRM). The boundary between the PRM and PZ, as seen in median longitudinal section, is a geometric consequence of the deployment of cells with aspect ratios best suited to occupy the entire SAM volume. The number of cell-like lineages, L, in the SAM may be expressed by the aspect ratio of cells in longitudinal section, nx-y, such that for the PRM and PZ, L = k1nx-y-5.38 and L = k2nx-y3.18, respectively. Cellular patterns seen in the “corpus” of the SAM may not, therefore, be the a priori result of physiologically distinct populations of cells. Computer simulations are discussed within the data set derived from a study of the SAM of cacti.  相似文献   
Structure-function relationships in highly modified shoots of cactaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cacti are extremely diverse structurally and ecologically, and so modified as to be intimidating to many biologists. Yet all have the same organization as most dicots, none differs fundamentally from Arabidopsis or other model plants. This review explains cactus shoot structure, discusses relationships between structure, ecology, development and evolution, and indicates areas where research on cacti is necessary to test general theories of morphogenesis. SCOPE: Cactus leaves are diverse; all cacti have foliage leaves; many intermediate stages in evolutionary reduction of leaves are still present; floral shoots often have large, complex leaves whereas vegetative shoots have microscopic leaves. Spines are modified bud scales, some secrete sugar as extra-floral nectaries. Many cacti have juvenile/adult phases in which the flowering adult phase (a cephalium) differs greatly from the juvenile; in some, one side of a shoot becomes adult, all other sides continue to grow as the juvenile phase. Flowers are inverted: the exterior of a cactus 'flower' is a hollow vegetative shoot with internodes, nodes, leaves and spines, whereas floral organs occur inside, with petals physically above stamens. Many cacti have cortical bundles vascularizing the cortex, however broad it evolves to be, thus keeping surface tissues alive. Great width results in great weight of weak parenchymatous shoots, correlated with reduced branching. Reduced numbers of shoot apices is compensated by great increases in number of meristematic cells within individual SAMs. Ribs and tubercles allow shoots to swell without tearing during wet seasons. Shoot epidermis and cortex cells live and function for decades then convert to cork cambium. Many modifications permit water storage within cactus wood itself, adjacent to vessels.  相似文献   
All vessel elements in the parasitic dicot Ombrophytum subterraneum (Balanophoraceae) have irregular, knobby ingrowths on their secondary walls. The ingrowths have a mean spacing of about 4 μm and can be longer than 6.4 μm, thus causing considerable occlusion of all but the widest vessel elements. The adaptive value is unknown.  相似文献   
Electron microscopy was used to investigate early development of latex ducts in Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae). Numerous vesicles (secondary vacuoles) form from invaginations of the plasmalemma near sites of wall thinning, from endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and from vesiculate grana of degenerate plastids. Dictyosomes, though they occur in young duct cells, do not seem to be responsible for the formation of vesicles. Cytoplasmic vesicles may contain fibrillar, globular, or crystalline materials, or may be devoid of any type of particulate matter. They may be responsible for storage of numerous laticiferous components. Lysosomal materials could be stored in some vesicles and contribute to the degradation of the protoplast. Some nuclei contain condensed chromatin and are subject to deformation and collapse. Mitochondria and lipid bodies are common in young duct cells but ER is rare. When ducts form in young tissues, plastids in the lumen do not produce starch grains or extensive membranous networks. The plastids eventually degenerate to become a part of latex. If ducts form in older, established tissues having mature plastids, the plastids undergo extreme modification.  相似文献   
The development and structure of the laticifers in several species of the section Subhydrochylus of the genus Mammillaria (Cactaceae) were examined. These laticifers were found to be similar to those of the section Mammillaria in that both types develop from the complete lysis of several rows of parenchyma cells, and both types consist of long, branching, tubular lumens which are lined by epithelia. The laticifers of the section Subhydrochylus differ from those of the section Mammillaria in that those of the former are more irregular in shape, lumen development, and epithelium form. Also, the Subhydrochylus laticifers occur only as a single ring in the outermost cortex and tubercle bases, whereas those of section Mammillaria can be found in pith, medullary rays, cortex and throughout the tubercles. Because the structure of the laticifers in the section Mammillaria is much more regular and orderly, it is postulated that they are the derived type and that the laticifers of the section Subhydrochylus more closely resemble the ancestral condition. Two species, M. elegans and M. tegelbergiana, were found to be intermediate in nature, having characteristics of both types of laticifer systems. Solista pectinata was found to have laticifers similar to those in section Subhydrochylus.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Shoot apical meristems (SAMs) in most seed plants are quite uniform in size and zonation, and molecular genetic studies of Arabidopsis and other model plants are revealing details of SAM morphogenesis. Some cacti have SAMs much larger than those of A. thaliana and other seed plants. This study examined how SAM size affects leaf primordium (LP) size, phyllotaxy and shoot diameter. METHODS: Apices from 183 species of cacti were fixed, microtomed and studied by light microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Cactus SAM diameter varies from 93 to 2565 microm, the latter being 36 times wider than SAMs of A. thaliana and having a volume 45 thousand times larger. Phyllotaxy ranges from distichous to having 56 rows of leaves and is not restricted to Fibonacci numbers. Leaf primordium diameter ranges from 44 to 402 microm, each encompassing many more cells than do LP of other plants. Species with high phyllotaxy have smaller LP, although the correlation is weak. There is almost no correlation between SAM diameter and LP size, but SAM diameter is strongly correlated with shoot diameter, with shoots being about 189.5 times wider than SAMs. CONCLUSIONS: Presumably, genes such as SHOOT-MERISTEMLESS, WUSCHEL and CLAVATA must control much larger volumes of SAM tissue in cacti than they do in A. thaliana, and genes such as PERIANTHIA might establish much more extensive fields of inhibition around LP. These giant SAMs should make it possible to more accurately map gene expression patterns relative to SAM zonation and LP sites.  相似文献   
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